[64-bit] Libraries Are Not Visible?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a Dell XPS L702X running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, within the explorer window there is a link on the left for Libraries but when you click on it there are no libraries displayed, the window is empty. The Libraries do exist as you can see them in the 'Include in library' dropdown.Ive looked around and i have seen that this is an issue for 64 bit but i have no idea of how to get them to appear.

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Homegroups Visible, Unable To Open Libraries?

Apr 23, 2012

got Windows 7, and we both are now running it. I was eager to check out the homegroup function of Windows 7. Now, we are both visible to each other in the home group, but neither of us can open the others libraries. When I try to open her library, absolutely nothing happens.

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Open XP Icon Libraries Which Have Libraries Within Them?

Jun 2, 2012

I am new to Windows 7, and have the rest of my computers running XP.I have a number of icon libraries in a folder c:icons which contain contain icon libries within them. eg C:iconsanimals.ico contains further folders cats.ico, dogs.icoI have not been able to get Windows 7 to open these, although XP did. I would like to keep my Windows 7 desktop looking similar to my XP desktops.

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Using Libraries

Apr 1, 2010

In this tutorial, you'll learn about a powerful new feature of Windows 7, namely libraries. Libraries let you view files on your computer from a content centric rather than location centric perspective. When sifting through vast amounts of files, libraries can be very useful. You'll see what we mean when you watch the video.

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Support On Libraries

Oct 31, 2009

is there a way to change the icon for a additionally created library(im speaking about libraries like video,documents,music,pictures)

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All Libraries Are Missing

Jun 28, 2011

Something went wrong with my computer, and all of my Libraries (including MyDocuments, Pictures, etc.) are gone. I received several error messages (which I cannot recall) while doing a Virus Scan, and when I restarted my computer they were gone, and most of my program folders were empty.When I go to the Libraries tab, there is simply nothing there, and all of my files are missing.I did a system restore to a month ago, when everything was fine (and it brought back all of my programs), and they are still gone.I was able to access some of them via the Recent Documents in my Microsoft Word Starter, but not all of them.

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Move 'Libraries' From C To D?

Jun 14, 2012

My hard drive is partitioned with my C: having 679 GB and my D: having 698 GB. I'd like for files (word, mp3, jpg etc.) to be in D: and to keep program files in C:. So how do I move the 'Libraries' directory from C: to D:? Can it be remapped or do I need to copy/paste everything over and make a new Library in D?

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Where Do The Libraries Reside?

Dec 8, 2009

I have two idential laptop hard drives, C and E, and one ESATA backup, F. On Saturdays, I copy C to E, and on Sunday, I copy E to F.

That way I have three idential SATA hard drives and can boot to any of them.

[this is my own backup method]

I have just placed a file in C Libraries, then opened Explorer to E and then to F. All three drives show that new file in the Library at the top of the menu.

I would have thought the Libraries remain with the drive. No? Where do they reside?

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Windows 7 Libraries Over SSH?

May 9, 2012

Running Windows 7 Home Premium. I set up an SSH server and I can SFTP to it. The SFTP client automatically connects to my user directory. I have my music on drive D: so I added that to the My Music library. However, when I SFTP to my machine, the My Music directory shows as empty. I can change to drive D: and get to the music, but it would be nice to just click the My Music directory to see my music.How can I show included libraries remotely with SSH on Windows 7?

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Can't See All Libraries/folders Between Computers

Dec 2, 2009

I have 3 desktops with W7 and I successfully set up the homegroup with all three turned on and running. On each computer, I selected all the boxes to share all libraries. However, when I go to the Libraries window and look under Network, I see each computer, BUT, I am finding that only some of the libraries show up, not all. I shut down and restart the computers as I use them. Nothing changes on restarts.

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Rename Libraries And Favorites?

Jul 12, 2012

I somehow managed to rename the libraries as well as the 'Favorites' about half a year ago.I don't recall how, but remember that it took a lot of trial and error. It worked perfectly and consistently in the start menu and the window manager. Now, with the latest update (13 important) it all got changed back, and keeps so despite my effort to regain my version.How can I rename those again, or what was the update that reset MS defaults and how to kill it?

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How To Turn Off Windows Libraries Bar

Dec 13, 2012

How to get rid of this bar it just showed up one day it?

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Cannot Right-click Files In Libraries

Nov 2, 2010

I cannot right-click any file inside the Libraries folders or its subfolders. I can right-click the preview pane, the folders and the empty space inside the Libraries. But, I cannot right-click the files listed in it. I can also right-click files on desktop adn right-click the files in their actual location.

This is not my PC but my colleague's. So, I'm not very clear what happen before. According to her, she used to be able to right-click, but, later cannot. I've check another Windows 7 (same hardware, same OS) in the office and I can right-click the Libraries files.

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Windows 7 Libraries / Documents

Dec 21, 2010

In Libraries/Documents for example, it points to 2 REAL Folders My Documents and Public Documents, but when you click on Libraries/Documents you see files for both places and if you click on any of the files, there is no path info to let you know "At a Glance" where the file is really located. Now looking through Windows 7 Inside Out Book, they have screen shots of files in the Libraries/Documents folder with the "Full Path" under the filename in what appears to be "Content View."

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Windows 7 Libraries Not Showing Up

Sep 21, 2011

The Libraries folder exists, but there is nothing in there. No Documents, no music--nothing. Right clicking and choosing "restore default libraries" has no effect--not even an error message.I've seen this topic pop up in many different forums, and the recommended fix is always to right click and select "Restore Default Libraries." As mentioned, this has no effect on my machine.

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Removing References To Libraries?

Nov 13, 2011

I was wondering if it was possible to remove the libraries drop down in Explorer, as it is just a waste of space for me. Network too infact. I only use Favorites and Computer. Also, I would like to change the buttons in the start menu(Documents,Pictures, Music, Videos) to point at the folders themselves, instead of the libraries, is this possible? If so, how would I do that?

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Difference Between Libraries And Folders?

Apr 9, 2012

Are folders within the four standard libraries also called libraries oder are they only called folders. When it says that I can create new libaries do they have to be on the same highest level as the four standard libraries or can there be sublibraries?

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File Types In Libraries?

Oct 20, 2012

Window 7 Libraries seem to work by including certain folders rather than file types despite the fact that the default library names are by type (eg Videos)On my hard disc I have a folder called My Pictures. Several of the folders in that Folder contain video clips. If I click on 'Pictures' in Libraries, it brings up those videos as well as the pictures. But when I select 'Videos' in Libraries it brings up a blank page.If I create for example a holiday folder (eg Rome 2012) containing photos, videos scanned maps and word documents, is there any way that I can click on a corresponding library category and only show that type of document in the Rome folder without having to do a sub search. If I want to view all items, I can go to the folder called Rome.

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Windows 7 Libraries Are Slow

Jul 15, 2010

I like using Win 7 libraries, but these libraries are kind of slow. I don't know why but if I open a folder directly from the explorer, the files in that folder appears faster in the window than if I open the library including that folder. For example, if I open E:music, the files in the folder instantly appear in the window. But if I open Win 7 music library, the files in E:music doesn't appear in the window for about 10 seconds, as if it's looking for what files are in that folder, and then they appear. Is there a problem or is it the way the libraries are?

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Add A Network Drive To 'Libraries?'

Feb 21, 2012

recently moved a 1 Tb drive off my main computer and set it up as USB external drive on my Linksys E4200 router.I would like to add a folder on this drive to my 'pictures' library in Win 7. Messages tell me I cannot because it is not indexed. Context menu on the drive/folder dose not give option to index nor does the Windows Search allow me to add the networked drive as a location to be searched.
Is there a workaround that can make the off-line drive searchable from my Win 7 machine?

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Libraries Icons - Change

Jan 27, 2009

How to Change a Library Icon in Windows 7 ?

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Libraries - Restore Default

Oct 5, 2009

How to Restore the Default Libraries in Windows 7 ?

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No OS Visible In Boot Tab?

Apr 8, 2012

I was recently trying to enable the "No GUI boot" option in the Boot tab of the System Configuration simply because I was tired of waiting for that stupid logo to load before getting into my computer. I figured this was easy enough. Well, I went into the Boot tab and I was unable to click any of the options. I soon realized that this was because I had no OS visible in little white sub-window. I thought this was pretty shocking, it's supposed to say "Windows 7(C:Windows) : Current OS; Default OS" for me since I'm running Win 7 (64 if it matters). I've looked into the issue quite a bit, but almost everyone with this problem seems to have a much more serious problem of not even being able to boot at all. This same research has led me to think that it's something with my bootloader. I've tried running EasyBCD, but it tells me "There are a total of 0 entries listed in the bootloader". If, from inside EasyBCD, I try to go to Tools->Edit Legacy Entries it tells me:"Boot.ini is located on the hidden boot partition and cannot be loaded for user editing by EasyBCD. Please either assign a drive letter to the hidden boot partition or use the Windows XP dual-boot auto-configuration feature instead." I've also tried a second method, which was to boot from my Windows 7 install disc and get to the command prompt and type in (in order): "bootrec /FixMbr", "bootrec /FixBoot", "bootrec /RebuildBcd". The first two commands were successful, and although the last command returned successful, it tells me "Total identified Windows installations: 0".

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Folders To Windows 7 Libraries Are Not Indexed

Dec 14, 2012

I think i have found a way to add none indexed folders but not 100% sure it will work for everyone or im just doing it the long way around, will post my solution if people say to but its a little long winded

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Libraries Folder Opening On Start-up?

Oct 11, 2012

This issue was solved in this thread:[URL]...However, I am completely clueless as to how. I found the relevant file but double-clicking it merely opened my libraries folder (again).Step by step, what do I do?

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Libraries Appears Empty But Files Are There?

Mar 22, 2010

In the Windows Explorer, if I click on "Libraries" nothing shows up - it appears empty. However, if I search for a file I know to be in Libraries, I can find it via the search window. If I look at its location in the search, it certainly looks like the file is in the right location... I can even right-click on the file and" go to the location". When I do so, the window opens and is still empty. The location is, for example, LibrariesDocumentsMy Documents.

If I navigate up one level to "Documents" by clicking on it in the address bar, this too is empty, even though clearly there was "My Documents" there just a second ago.

I think the problem happened when I tried to view hidden files in the Libraries folder.

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[LIBRARIES] Relocate Library Folders From C:/?

Mar 14, 2011

I am setting up a new system and this is my first foray into the Win 7 world. So far, I really like it. My questions revolve around the location and size of Library folders. My root drive is an Intel SSD of 160 GB. My plan is to load program files only onto the C: drive and have all data and seldom used by useful programs on the 1 TB D: harddrive. My questions are, 1. Is there a way to change the default location of the Library folders to a drive other than C:? 2. Can the Library folders, or additional Library folders be located on the D drive? 3. If I have to leave the Library folders on the C: drive, I am concerned about the size. When I do a properties check on the folders listed under libraries, is the size given the size of the Library folder on C:, or the size of the folder actually holding the files?

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Windows 7 Has Stopped Searching In Libraries

Sep 18, 2012

when i try to search for something in a library folder, windows explorer does nothing.If I go to the actual folder search works fine.

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Change The 'Libraries' Folder Icon?

Jul 27, 2012

I use LibraryIconChanger for my libraries (videos, documents, music, and so on), but I can't change the 'Libraries' folder with it. The libraries folder is the one you right click to add a new library, just to avoid any confusion (though I'm sure you got that). I can't use Folderico on it because for some reason it won't allow it.

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Windows 7 Search, Libraries Not Showing Up?

Aug 5, 2010

I just got windows 7 and am loving it, its like getting a new computer. One aspect I really loved was the speed of the search function.However I must have changed something as when I search now none of the results from the Documents Library are showing up, even when you click See more results>Libraries, and even when you navigate to the folder and type in the top right hand search box. The Pictures Library results are showing up but only when you click See more results.I just noticed the same thing with the Downloads folder, where I have a folder named Black Lagoon and I type in Black in the top right hand search box and the only results I get are where the word Black is mentioned in some pdfs.

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Restore Default Libraries Not Working?

May 29, 2011

I own a Gateway Desktop PC which runs Windows 7 Home Premium x64bit.I had to restore it to it's default factory settings a few days ago as it was playing up severely and a system restore did not work etc...I was downloading some Windows Updates and after the updates installed and I restarted my PC, when I logged back in and clicked the Windows Explorer tab down the bottom... the folders in Libraries were gone (Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos) and the "Restore Default Libraries" does not work.I did an internet search to try and find a solution and came across a thread on here somewhere where Brink was speaking to people about it and there were a few tutorials... I tried them but nothing seemed to work for me...

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