Windows 7 Search, Libraries Not Showing Up?

Aug 5, 2010

I just got windows 7 and am loving it, its like getting a new computer. One aspect I really loved was the speed of the search function.However I must have changed something as when I search now none of the results from the Documents Library are showing up, even when you click See more results>Libraries, and even when you navigate to the folder and type in the top right hand search box. The Pictures Library results are showing up but only when you click See more results.I just noticed the same thing with the Downloads folder, where I have a folder named Black Lagoon and I type in Black in the top right hand search box and the only results I get are where the word Black is mentioned in some pdfs.

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Windows 7 Libraries Not Showing Up

Sep 21, 2011

The Libraries folder exists, but there is nothing in there. No Documents, no music--nothing. Right clicking and choosing "restore default libraries" has no effect--not even an error message.I've seen this topic pop up in many different forums, and the recommended fix is always to right click and select "Restore Default Libraries." As mentioned, this has no effect on my machine.

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Windows 7 Search Results Showing Hidden Items Also

Aug 4, 2010

I use the windows 7 ultimate version. When i search for files on my pc using the windows explorer search, the search results show all the files even hidden files from hidden folders. How can I setup the search settings so it will not show me the hidden files from hidden folders in it's search results?

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How To Prevent Showing Of Search Results From Drive/folder

Feb 20, 2012

I want to keep the Windows 7 start menu search feature. But I want to prevent files in certain drives/folders from showing in search results.

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Open XP Icon Libraries Which Have Libraries Within Them?

Jun 2, 2012

I am new to Windows 7, and have the rest of my computers running XP.I have a number of icon libraries in a folder c:icons which contain contain icon libries within them. eg C:iconsanimals.ico contains further folders cats.ico, dogs.icoI have not been able to get Windows 7 to open these, although XP did. I would like to keep my Windows 7 desktop looking similar to my XP desktops.

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Start Menu - Add Libraries To Search In Start Menu

Oct 1, 2009

How to Pin Libraries to Search and See More Results in Start Menu ?

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"Search" Not Showing All Results?

Jul 30, 2010

I regularly clean out my log files by going to Windows Explorer, selecting "computer" and typing "logs" into the search bar. The results have always shown quite a long list of logs.Lately it does not find very many logs at all such as "Internet logs,"WindowsUpdate logs" etc. I cannot understand why it has suddenly stopped displaying these logs.

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Windows 7 Search Files And Folders Vs Outlook 2007 Search?

Mar 24, 2011

some specifics and pinpoint the differences (or maybe a good website) that would pinpoint the differences between the Windows 7 search and the outlook 2007 search? I know the outlook search searches through email but are there other difference I am overlooking between the two?

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Replacing Windows 7 Desktop Search With The Old Search Companion?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there any way to replace the Desktop Search with the 'Ole Dog ( Search Companion) You can not find all the related files with Desktop search like you could with Search Companion.

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Search Torrent Files With Windows 7 Search?

Dec 19, 2011

how i can search for torrent files with windows 7 search function?when i look for my downloaded files (downloaded via µtorrent),then i can i only find my downloaded files,but no torrent files(the torrent file still exists in my µtorrent program,so i am sure i still have the torrent file).

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Outlook 2007 Task Search Versus Windows7 Computer Wide Search

Nov 10, 2009

Outlook 2007 Task search versus Windows7 computer wide search.

I enter the same keyword (one of the words contained within the title of a completed task) in the Outlook Task search box as I do the Windows 7 orb 'search programs and files.' The Windows 7 search returns the correct search result (along with a lot other results having the same keyword) practically immediately whereas Outlook is still searching...and searching.

If I have index options set to include the C: drive and Outlook, what's going on with Outlook?

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No Results When Using Search Programs And Files Box Or Explorer Search Box

Feb 18, 2012

I began having an issue with my laptops ATI Radeon graphics driver not working properly. It is fixed now, but the other issues I was having at the same time was not being able to view indexed files through the "search programs and files" and "windows explorer search" box. The screen goes blank or does not produce any results. Also, one of my downloaded software disk programs will not open--error. This particular program, Logos Bible software, index its files quite often. Even when I am not using the program. I also cannot change my desktop background to any picture except solid colors. I think my laptop has a corrupted file somewhere, or it is infected with malware.

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Windows 7 Libraries Over SSH?

May 9, 2012

Running Windows 7 Home Premium. I set up an SSH server and I can SFTP to it. The SFTP client automatically connects to my user directory. I have my music on drive D: so I added that to the My Music library. However, when I SFTP to my machine, the My Music directory shows as empty. I can change to drive D: and get to the music, but it would be nice to just click the My Music directory to see my music.How can I show included libraries remotely with SSH on Windows 7?

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"windows Cannot Find 'search:query=XXX'" Error Message Windows Search

Nov 25, 2010

"windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error I have been experiencing lately.

The problem is similar to the one I described previously (here: Windows could not start the Windows Search service on Local Computer)

...namely, I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, and have experienced the same error message ( windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX', where XXX is my search query) when attempting to initiate a search via the Windows start menu search box. Unfortunately, my previously proposed solution (of removing a network search location from Windows Search Index list) does not resolve it.....and so finally I resorted to using Samhrutha's proposed solution of modifying the registry to reset Windows Search back to default (which DID work...but ended up removing all the search index customizations I had made).

However, when I then modify the search indexing options to include indexing of my C: drive, I get the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message.

If I then uncheck the C: drive box in the search in the search indexing options, the error message does not I then went thru a tedious process of trying to identify which folders on my C drive were causing the issue, and from what I am able to tell, the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message seems to always occur when the indexing options include at least one folder WHICH IS OWNED by TRUSTED INSTALLER (e.g., program files folder, program files (x86), c:, etc.). This wasn't a problem previously, so my guess is that MS Update recently (e.g., w/in the last few months) changed some security setting which now prevents Windows Search from being able to index/access folders owned by TRUSTED INSTALLER, resulting in the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message.

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How To Turn Off Windows Libraries Bar

Dec 13, 2012

How to get rid of this bar it just showed up one day it?

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Windows 7 Libraries / Documents

Dec 21, 2010

In Libraries/Documents for example, it points to 2 REAL Folders My Documents and Public Documents, but when you click on Libraries/Documents you see files for both places and if you click on any of the files, there is no path info to let you know "At a Glance" where the file is really located. Now looking through Windows 7 Inside Out Book, they have screen shots of files in the Libraries/Documents folder with the "Full Path" under the filename in what appears to be "Content View."

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Windows 7 Libraries Are Slow

Jul 15, 2010

I like using Win 7 libraries, but these libraries are kind of slow. I don't know why but if I open a folder directly from the explorer, the files in that folder appears faster in the window than if I open the library including that folder. For example, if I open E:music, the files in the folder instantly appear in the window. But if I open Win 7 music library, the files in E:music doesn't appear in the window for about 10 seconds, as if it's looking for what files are in that folder, and then they appear. Is there a problem or is it the way the libraries are?

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Folders To Windows 7 Libraries Are Not Indexed

Dec 14, 2012

I think i have found a way to add none indexed folders but not 100% sure it will work for everyone or im just doing it the long way around, will post my solution if people say to but its a little long winded

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Windows 7 Has Stopped Searching In Libraries

Sep 18, 2012

when i try to search for something in a library folder, windows explorer does nothing.If I go to the actual folder search works fine.

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How To Unlink WMP Library From Windows Libraries

May 16, 2010

After messing up with Windows Media Player 12 and the Windows Libraries I finally found the way to unlink Windows Libraries from Windows Media Player Library.As you remember it has been commented to disable the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service but I realized that isn't enough to stop the issue since WMP kept reading through the Windows Libraries and indexing them on its own library inside the player.At first I just put in read only mode the media player database file but that was giving me a few problems since sometimes I closed the player but it won't close, the wmplayer.exe process would remain in the task manager so I had to put it back without the read only attribute.Anyhow, checking the security tab on the folders My Pictures, My Videos and My Music, I noticed that between the authorized users to access those folders was one called WMPNetworkSvc. Yes, the very familiar Windows Media Player Networking Sharing Service.And it remained there even with the service disabled.So the solution is simple. after disabling the Windows Media Player Networking Sharing Service, go to %USERPROFILE% (copy and paste it just like I put it here, it will take you straight to the user folder of the account you're logged in), and right click on the folders My Pictures, My Music and My Videos and on the security tab click on edit and then click on WMPNetworkSvc and then click on remove and apply the changes. After that run Windows Media Player and to test it delete from the library the files already indexed on Music, Pictures or Videos (only delete from library, you don't want to permanently delete your files of course), and you will see that Media Player won't try to add them again to the library.

Edit 16/04/2011: forgot to mention, disable the WMPNetworkSvc on the security tab on the public movies, music and pictures folder too.

Edit 03/07/2011: Found another part where the WMPNetworkSvc process gets permission to access and it is on this folder: C:UsersyourusernameAppDataLocalMicrosoftMedia Player (where username you change it by your windows username). If you right click on the media player folder and then click on properties to go to the security tab, you will find that the WMPNetworkSvc appears listed there with permissions to access. You can remove it from there and apply the changes and after that no files will be added to the library anymore.With this you use the library manually by adding the folders on your own by going to the media player library and right clicking on the music, pictures or videos and then on manage and there you add the folders you want to have on the library and the media player will search for media files on them.

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Does Search Bar Lacking In Search Filters

May 4, 2012

Not only does my search bar lacking in search filters (cannot search for videos only etc) but I could never get print screen to work. With XP I never had any of the above problems. How can MS downgrade their OS to such an extent??

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Windows 7 Rights And Permissions For Music Libraries

Dec 30, 2011

I have two partitions on my harddrive, one for the OS files and programs(labelled C), and the other for media and audio files(labelled F). Since I have multiple users, I made a folder for each user on the F drive to store the audio files. How can I make it so only each user can modify/add/delete their own files in their own folder on the F drive, but still be able to play files from another user? I tried giving each owner of the folder Full Control and the other users "read only or execute" but the other users are still able to add, write, and modify files.

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Windows 7 Move User Profiles Or Use Libraries?

Aug 13, 2010

I have just upgraded from Vista where we had two user account profiles on the D partition, as I recall, Vista prompted me to set it up this way initially. I got used to using this method, as my single hdd is divided into two partitions, C for the OS and D for Data. I did a new clean install of Windows 7 into a C partition which is I think 100GB is size, and there is a D partition which is empty and is around 400GB.I have been reading how to move the user profiles to the D drive but it seems too confusing (at least more confusing than in Vista). So I thought about maybe using the library feature if that is what MS has intended it to be used for.But it looks like the C drive would still continue to be used for user data. IF that is so, what I am supposed to fill the D drive with, or how am I to fill itI would like to begin migrating my iTunes back from my external hdd, and want to be sure to put it in the right place, but with at least 45GB of media there alone, the C drive will quickly fill up.

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Folder Mount Points & Windows Libraries

Dec 22, 2010

I haven't reached my limit yet, but I'm down to a few unused drive letters, so I've been looking for a way to reorganize. I tried mounting my media drives in NTFS folders, which works OK, but is quite sub-optimal as you can't index them and thus cannot use them in the Libraries. You also can't run chkdsk on them at all.

Does anyone see any other options here? If I mount all of my media drives to letters, I run out of alphabet... if I mount them in folders I can't use index, libraries, or chkdsk. I'm not too excited about switching back and forth for disk maintenance even if I could just give up on Libraries...

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Availability Of 'Libraries' In Windows 7 Home Premium

Jul 6, 2010

I just brought home my new Tosh PC with Win7HomePremium. I've done nothing to it whatsoever but Libraries does not work. If I right click on LIBRARIES and click new, the box is greyed out with (empty) in it. If I click, say a photo folder, click include in library, select pictures library, absolutely nothing happens. Double clicking ANY library does absolutely nothing. I can slect a photo folder, click Include in Libray, create new library; behold, I get a new library with the name od the folder selected BUT, you guessed it, clicking it does absolutely nothing.Now I've read the thread and seen a particular post by BRINK; I've done no 7 - remove and restore library, as suggested, to no avail. Now, I'm not dying to get my hands on Libraries but what bugs me most is why I do not have it with a new delivery and why it seems so complex to get it to work or not get it to work? I really believed Windows 7 was MS's really complete OS.

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Windows Homegroup Libraries Are Blue & Unclickable

May 20, 2012

So I tried to set up a homegroup between my main computer and my laptop. After some glitches, I finally get them on the same group and then this happens:

I am TS-PC trying to access SLaptop-HP. As you can see, the icons are blue and when I click them, absolutely nothing happens.

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Windows 7 Explorer (Libraries) Open On Every Computer Startup?

May 18, 2011

I have a HP Pavilion dv7 Entertainment Laptop. Lately, when I start up my computer, Windows Explorer (Libraries) open automatically. I can close it out with no problem but find it annoying to see it on EVERY startup. I don't know if something happened during a HP or Windows update or if possibly picked up some spyware or malware somewhere. I ran scans with Avast anti-virus, Spybot S&D, and Malwarebytes with nothing serious showing up...just cookies.Everything seems to run properly with no problems but this showing up on startups/reboots, opens on safe mode also. I checked to see if anything in startup folder...Nothing. I checked msconfig settings...can't find anything unusual.[CODE]

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Windows 7 Explorer Slow When Viewing From Libraries Or Favorites?

Oct 28, 2009

As the title states Explorer is bogged down when the folders have a large number of items in them (over 500). I have searched multiple places and this topic is brought up regularly but too few solutions. The only bit of information I have is that when I view the same folder from the Computer link (in the Navigation pane) it does not slow down when I open the folder. It instantly populates the window with the folder contents.I think this is because the libraries and Favorites are virtual folders??? I don't know why this would cause Windows Explorer to freeze up for 10 seconds to display the folder contents but it is incredibly frustrating. Moving files between folders can be time consuming and has forced me to completely abandon the Libraries & Favorites.

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Renaming Folder Only In Libraries View (Windows 7 Feature)

Dec 9, 2010

I finally got around to recognizing the use of the Libraries feature in Windows 7, and can't believe I didn't realize it earlier. Anyways, my question is, I have 2 folders in a Library with the same name (but point to different locations), basically they contain the same files but one resides in My Dropbox and one resides on my local HD. When I rename a folder in Libraries (to distinguish btwn the 2), it also renames that folder in the actual folder location. I was wondering if I could ONLY rename the folders in the Libraries view, without having it reflect on the actual folder name. Also, I was wondering if any of you have used the Libraries feature as an Application Launcher (ie. creating different Libraries for Programs, Games, etc.), and would like to know how that works/worked out.

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Windows 7 Explorer Crashes When Attempting To Create New Libraries?

Nov 12, 2011

Every time I try to create a new library or even right click on library Explorer stops working and restarts.

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Windows Media Player 12 Updates The Libraries Every-time When Open It

Feb 18, 2012

My windows media player 12 updates the libraries every time I open it, its anoying. As I remember with previous versions my libraries would update the first time player would open, then I could add particular folders I needed and it would add them, and then it would add only the stuff that was missing. Basically with older versions when i opened the player all my files were already there, with wmp 12 every time i open it my libraries are EMPTY and i have to wait for it to upload all of my music, videos, pics etc which takes a couple of minutes. I tried messing with the options but no luck. Why does it renew libraries every time i open it and how can i fix this?

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