No OS Visible In Boot Tab?

Apr 8, 2012

I was recently trying to enable the "No GUI boot" option in the Boot tab of the System Configuration simply because I was tired of waiting for that stupid logo to load before getting into my computer. I figured this was easy enough. Well, I went into the Boot tab and I was unable to click any of the options. I soon realized that this was because I had no OS visible in little white sub-window. I thought this was pretty shocking, it's supposed to say "Windows 7(C:Windows) : Current OS; Default OS" for me since I'm running Win 7 (64 if it matters). I've looked into the issue quite a bit, but almost everyone with this problem seems to have a much more serious problem of not even being able to boot at all. This same research has led me to think that it's something with my bootloader. I've tried running EasyBCD, but it tells me "There are a total of 0 entries listed in the bootloader". If, from inside EasyBCD, I try to go to Tools->Edit Legacy Entries it tells me:"Boot.ini is located on the hidden boot partition and cannot be loaded for user editing by EasyBCD. Please either assign a drive letter to the hidden boot partition or use the Windows XP dual-boot auto-configuration feature instead." I've also tried a second method, which was to boot from my Windows 7 install disc and get to the command prompt and type in (in order): "bootrec /FixMbr", "bootrec /FixBoot", "bootrec /RebuildBcd". The first two commands were successful, and although the last command returned successful, it tells me "Total identified Windows installations: 0".

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[64-bit] Libraries Are Not Visible?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a Dell XPS L702X running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, within the explorer window there is a link on the left for Libraries but when you click on it there are no libraries displayed, the window is empty. The Libraries do exist as you can see them in the 'Include in library' dropdown.Ive looked around and i have seen that this is an issue for 64 bit but i have no idea of how to get them to appear.

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Bluetooth Headphones Not Visible

Jan 14, 2013

I guess I should start by saying I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x86.I got a pair of LG HBS700 Bluetooth Headphones for Christmas and couldn't wait to pair them up to my Windows 7 Home Theater PC so I could watch movies after my wife has gone to bed w/o disturbing her.My first problem was I had no bluetooth adapter for the HTPC so I went and purchased a Targus Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth Adapter.Thought I had it all squared away. I installed the latest drivers for the Bluetooth Adapter I had purchased and was on my merry way.Went to the control panel, choose to add a bluetooth device after putting the headset in pairing mode and much to my dismay, Windows 7 can't seem to find the headset... I know the head set works because I'm able to pair it with my cell phone.

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WLAN Networks Not Visible?

Apr 23, 2012

Using windows 7 64bit home premium, have tried two different adapters- A-link WNU(M) USB adapter- ASUS PCE-N15 PCI-e adapterBoth of them seem so install correctly, no errors during install. Device manager shows them working correctly, but......there are no networks visible to connect.At the same time my laptop (win7 64bit business premium or something) sees and can connect to networks. Have tried both of those adapters in XP in same computer, and there they work correctly, and show plenty of networks. 2 of mine, and many more from neighbours. Phone also can networks really exist. I have installed latest drivers from manufacturers sitesif I try manually setup connect to wireless network, get error..."an unexpected error occurs"Trouble shooting wireless network gives:"There might be a problem with the driver for the wireless..."But when I try to resolve the issue:"The wireless network adapter is experiencing problems"Also updating driver "windows style" says that driver is up to date.And it does exactly the same with 2 wireless adapters......dont think I need to try 3rd. Atleast ASUS PCE-N15 shold be win7 64bit compatible

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Icons Half Visible?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm having a problem with my Desktop icons. All standard Windows 7 icons are completely visible, but after I install any software, new icons are only half visible.

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Files Not Visible In Explorer

Oct 30, 2010

I have a program for which I need to save project data within its Program Files location in order for it to be displayed in the program.I can drag-drop files into that folder, load the program and see the files where they should be ...but then when I go to that folder through Windows Explorer, it appears empty.

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Folders Visible To Other User?

Jul 9, 2011

My son has an account on my one PC for gaming I noticed recently that by going through C:/user/etc I can access his private folders while signed into my account. He can access my folders through his account. I was under the impression that this shouldn't be possible. Did I miss a setting somewhere? Can this be disabled to ensure privacy?

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Files And Programs Not Visible?

Oct 24, 2012

i have just created a second user on my laptop for my partner as im sick of having to re do my iTunes library every time she wants her iPod updating (we like different music).Google chrome is not visible neither are any of my music/pics or films that are on my main user profile. I have tried doing a google search to find a solution but can not make head nor tails of it

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How To Get Value Into FLAC Metadata So It Is Visible In WMP

Dec 10, 2011

In the Library view of Windows Media Player, there are column headings such as 'Album', 'Title', 'Length', etc.. If you right click on that bar, select Choose Columns.. then scroll down in that widget and select 'Subgenre' ...

Now you have an extra column in the Library view with this name.

Question : What (3rd party probably) tag editor for FLAC audio files do you recommend that would allow me to edit my FLAC files such that I could populate this specific field?

I tried it in Foobar2000 on my Vista laptop and it was so easy. I tried on my Win 7 laptop and it doesn't work at all. When I'm done using Foobar, I open WMP and open the FLAC file in there, but the Subgenre column remains empty (unlike on my Vista laptop).

If you already use the popular ones such as mp3tag, etc.. I would love to know if this works for you on Win 7 and the steps I need to take using the editor tool in the app. to get it to work.

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Get Modified Lable To Become Visible?

Nov 20, 2012

When I rip a CD and then rename a track (adding a date for example), when playing back that track with Windows Media Player or my MP3 player the display reverts back to the original (unmodified) name.Can anyone tell me why please and what can I do to get the modified lable to become visible ?

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One File Not Visible Over Network

Feb 1, 2011

I have a "server" (actually just another workstation with a big disk) running Vista. I access files on it over the network from my notebook running Windows 7. I have a directory on the server where I can see, open and edit all but one file - that one file seems invisible from the notebook. The permissions of the files in this directory seem identical. If I make a copy of the invisible file on the server, the copy is visible, but the original is not. If I rename the original file to something else, then rename the copy to the name of the original, then the file that's invisible is the one with the original name, not the original file. This suggests that its the name that's the problem, not some other property of the file. If I try to rename the copy that I can see to the original name using the notebook, I get a message: "This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network". This is very odd, because I am connected to the network (evidence the fact that when I create a copy on the sever, it's visible from the notebook). If I make sure that I'm not trying to rename the file to a name that already exists on the server (even though I can't see it from the notebook) it makes no difference - I still get the error message.

By the way, the troublesome file is named OrganGEMA.h.svn-base - I have files elsewhere on the server that are called the exact same thing and they don't cause this problem - it's just this one file in this one directory.

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Cannot Connect To Visible Wireless

Jun 18, 2011

I have an Acer TravelMate 5740G (all other system specs are fine so i'm only posting the networking relevant stuff) and it does not connect to wireless networks - Acer Nplify 802.11bgn from a broadcom 802.11n wireless adapter apparently has the best driver (as advised by MS device manager)this pc has been able to connect to a grand total of 2 wireless networks?

1. at uni it connected on its own for 15 minutes, any time i've attempted to manually connect it says "could not connect to [network name]"

2. connected just fine to a 3g iphone 4 acting as a portable hotspot at home, my wireless settings are as follows:Open WEP PSK w/ 1 key index everybody else in my family can connect to this wireless network i can connect with my phone, my dad with his lappy, my friends with their lappies. there are NO xp computers in the network there are 3 Windows 7 desktops on the network the internet works just fine with the rj45 cable ---> i'm 100% sure the issue is not with my home network config OR the router at uni, the router + settings are not the issue because they service 15,000 people a day without issue ---> i'm 100% sure the issue is not with other network configs OR their routers i have tried every change under the sun (that i know of) with my laptop's own configs.i've attempted to update all the WNIC drivers, i've made the WNIC as open to connections as i possibly can.i have disabled ip6 and tried, i have enabled ip6 and tried, and i get no connections happening. i'm at the end of my wits, i just want my wireless to work, and i have NFI how to make it happen.

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1 Laptop Not Visible On HomeGroup?

Oct 11, 2012

I have 4 laptops, LT01, LT02, LT03, and LT04 running Windows 7 64 bit. All 4 laptops are visible (and inter-operable) with standard network. However, 1 laptop, LT02, is not visible in HomeGroup on LT01, LT03, LT04.

Whereas LT01, LT03, LT04 are visible in HomeGroup on LT2. Granted its not a real show-stopper for me but it is very irritating. Done all the obvious thinks like setting up HomeGroup on LT02 and then joining the common HomeGroup.

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Hdd Partition Not Visible In Windows 7

Dec 11, 2012

i installed mint 14 alongside disk having 3 partitions c-windows,d-mint 14,e-data,. my problem is that drive e is not shown in my computer but visible in disk management. if i want to access it it says i need to format it.but when i login from mint 14 this partition is visible and usable. how can i use drive e in windows as i need to access that data.

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Mouse Visible Under Remote Desktop?

Sep 9, 2011

We have recently upgraded to Windows 7 at work.Our work have enabled access to my main work machine which is still on XP. I have just logged in, and for some reason the mouse icon was still visible on the machine and it was really annoying.So, here how I was connected:

MyLaptop (Windows7 Home) > Secure RDC onto Windows XP > RDC onto Windows 7 Pro

Before the last machine was upgraded, there was no extra mouse visible, but suddenly there is another mouse icon following my mouse icon.

Is there anyway this extra mouse icon can be removed?]

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Partitions Visible In Computer Management Only

Apr 3, 2012

Tried seatools which shows the drive as healthy - it also shows up the three partitions on it. The drive is from an Acer laptop, the drive when using external USB caddy shows in computer managment but not in my computer. Ran some data recovery software which scanned each partition but it showing only the option to recover the files.

I have done so for safe keeping but what I wish to do is fix the drive so that it will boot up windows again on the laptop (windows 7). I have also tried DiskInternals PartitionRecovery which also took ages to scan the drive partitions and will allow to recover the files to another location. Which other software could I try to rescue the partitions on the drive. There are three in total on the drive with probably the following on them.

1. Acer Recovery
2. OS
3. Diagnostic Partition

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NAS Drive Not Visible To Desktop Anymore?

Jan 18, 2013

after doing a clean install of windows 7 pro im no longer able to map my nas drive.I can login to the admin page though using its ip i have tried alsorts, my laptop can still map it and i can access the files from it without any problems.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 6135 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, 1280 Mb
Hard Drives: C:
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P6X58D-E
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Disabled

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Copied Files Not Visible On External HDD?

Feb 22, 2013

I recently got a new iMac so am trying to copy/move some files around. However ANY file i copy onto the hard disk (which is in NTFS format) are not visible in Win7. The folder into which i copied into is visible but shows size as 0 bytes, whereas there is around 1.7TB of data in that folder. ALl older folders which were created/modified in Win7 earlier are visible. If i attach the disk to the Mac, the the files are there.. Am using Paragon NTFS if that matters...

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Partition D Files Not Visible / No Access

Feb 13, 2012

I had Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed.I caught a virus, could not get rid of it, kept getting forcefully logged off, and couldn't manage anything from safe mode, or do a sys. restore either.Quickly got irritated, and formatted C: drive and reinstalled.After installation I navigated to the D: partition, however, the explorer simply says that this folder is empty. under properties, the D: drive is still 37GB full and 231 GB empty, I do not have any other partitions.

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Admin's Account No Longer Visible For Log-in

Feb 2, 2013

I'm not sure what happened, but this is a new one for me. I was using my mother's laptop and decided to create a new user account for myself. I thought this would be a way of avoiding her complaints and worries of me "messing something up" on her account, i.e., trying to improve her usage of the computer. That's a story for another day. After logging out of my account, I went to log back into hers and found the icon for my account and a blank "other user" icon. I attempted to enter her username (she had no password, at least not that she recalls) but the account pic that shows up in User Accounts doesn't show up and I was unable to log back into her account. I've tried changing my account status and hers, but nothing works.

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Access IE9 Non-Visible Menu Bar Items?

Jun 11, 2011

In the IE9 menu bar are items : File Edit View Favorites Tools Favorites I can access via the 'star' icon in the upper-left region of the window.

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Can't Choose Destination When Downloading (not Visible)

Oct 3, 2011

When I download something from the web with my new netbook, it looks like this. There's nothing to press and no destionation folder to choose.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Also, any window with a OK/cancel button thing at the bottom of the window, those buttons are not visible and can only be viewed slightly if I drag the window as far up as possible

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Black Screen With Visible Cursor?

Oct 30, 2012

When I booted up my PC all I got was black screen with white cursor I tried pressing Alt Ctrl Delete but it didn't work I restarted the computer manually a few times and it got back to normal, this happened to me few times already, anything I should do to prevent such thing from happening?

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Mouse Pointer Visible During Game?

Feb 28, 2012

In some games, my mouse pointer remains visible during the game. For example, right now I'm playing Luxor 4, and while you use the mouse to move, I also see the mouse pointer as well, and it's very distracting. It moves right along with my shooter. It obviously doesn't belong on the screen during gameplay. I've seen this in all the Luxor games I've played, and I can't believe this is normal. I'm using a Logitech Anywhere MX mouse. Is there a setting in Windows that would affect this?

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Doesn't Seem To Be A DATE TAKEN Option Visible

Aug 26, 2011

My desktop with Win 7 Prof lets me see a Library with all my photos (in my Pictures folder), all neatly laid out in order of Date Taken.My new laptop simply says New Library when I click Windows Explorer and it appears empty.However, it tells me that MY PICTURES are already in a Library, but I simply can't find it and view all my pics.Additionally, there doesn't seem to be a DATE TAKEN option visible (although I have seen it somewhere!), instead it's DATE MODIFIED or something similar.

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Contents Of CD/DVD Not Visible In Windows Explorer

Mar 27, 2009

I'm using 7057. Not sure when this problem started as I don't use CDs or DVDs that much. The drive works fine, ImgBurn works fine, all other programs seem to see the files on a disk fine, they just don't show up in Windows Explorer. I click on the drive in the "Navigation Pane" and nothing happens. I've tried two good DVD drives, uninstalled ImgBurn and PowerISO, still nothing.

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Occasionally Dots Are Visible On Display?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a very big problem with my display. Occasionally different colored dots are visible on my display in different places. They are like this: It isn't because of the cables, or the display, as when I click next to them, they disappear. So I guess it is about the Graphic Card. Type: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series.

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Secondary HDD Not Visible Windows 7 64bit?

Oct 20, 2012

I recently baught a Clevo Metabox P170EM laptop (the Australian version, i think the US version is by Sager), and it has a 128gb SSD Crucial M4 and a secondary 750gb HDD. I am not actually sure what kind of harddrive it is, all I know is that it is 750gb 7200rpm.I baught the laptop without an OS, as I had a Windows 7 disk already, and I had to go into drive management to format the secondary HDD. That all worked fine, I got it up and running, and was copying data across for a day. I also installed a couple of games (Crysis 1 &2, Dragon Age Origins if it matters) and played them from the secondary drive without a hassle.While playing, I got 122 Windows Updates which required a restart. So I let them install while I worked on clearing up my old laptop.Next time I booted the new one up, all of the icons for the previous games were blank and the HDD was unavailable. It doesn't show up in My Computer or Disk Management or even the BIOS (is that normal?)It also seemingly uninstalled some of my drivers - my nvidia GTX 670M wasn't recognised til I reinstalled the driver from the CD. I tried reinstalling every driver but no luck for the HDD.

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Personal Folders Visible On Network?

Nov 18, 2010

I am having a weird issue.I have a network with 3 PC's and 2 PS3's.1. My PC-Win 72. Roommate's-Vista Home Premium 3. His girlfriend's- Vista Home PremiumI have enabled sharing on all the external HDD's that are connected to my Win 7 machine.ll sharing and security has been set accordingly, and works perfect......except for some reason, my USER folder "Jay", is completely visible to both Vista machines.hen I access the Network folder on my Win 7 machine, only the Public folders are visible on the two Vista machines.The strange thing is that when I look at the properties of "Jay" folder, it shows it as being shared, yet in the Advanced sharing window, "Jay" is NOT shared. "users" folder is shared, so I am assuming this is why "Jay" is shared as it is a sub-folder of "users".

And when I look at the permission settings for "Jay", only myself and SYSTEM had permissions.Now, I managed to workaround this by adding another permission rule to the "Jay" folder. I added NETWORK and set it to DENY straight across the board. So now, my roommates can still see my USERS folder, but cannot access it.This, however, is NOT ideal, as this also blocks them from seeing/accessing my PUBLIC folder. I only set the NETWORK deny permissions on "Jay" folder, yet ALL network sub-folders of USERS are blocked.

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Netbook Not Visible On Home Group?

Feb 24, 2011

Got a netbook that is part of a Home network. It just isn't visible on the home network. It's got the same info as far as group, like HOME. It can see the two other PCs on the network and access their shared files, but it isn't visible by the other two. The only difference is that it is wireless. The netbook runs win 7. One of the PCs runs win 7, the other xp. Everything runs fine between the two PCs. The netbook has the network discovery turned on, has files that are shared.

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Windows XP Machine Not Visible On Network?

Jun 21, 2011

I just set up my home network (from scratch) so I could have all my devices in communication with each other. I have 2 PCs running Win 7 x64, an XBOX 360, and one PC with Win XP/SP3. I reset the router and recreated the network, and the win 7 machines can see each other perfectly, but I still cant get the XP machine to see the win 7 computers/have the Windows 7 computers see the XP one. Also I can't get anything into connection with the XBOX.

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