Partitions Visible In Computer Management Only

Apr 3, 2012

Tried seatools which shows the drive as healthy - it also shows up the three partitions on it. The drive is from an Acer laptop, the drive when using external USB caddy shows in computer managment but not in my computer. Ran some data recovery software which scanned each partition but it showing only the option to recover the files.

I have done so for safe keeping but what I wish to do is fix the drive so that it will boot up windows again on the laptop (windows 7). I have also tried DiskInternals PartitionRecovery which also took ages to scan the drive partitions and will allow to recover the files to another location. Which other software could I try to rescue the partitions on the drive. There are three in total on the drive with probably the following on them.

1. Acer Recovery
2. OS
3. Diagnostic Partition

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One Of Hard Drive Partitions Is Not Visible

Feb 25, 2010

When upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 , one of my partitions is not visible. This stores lot of photo-shop tutorials , songs , videos and ebooks.

Will I ever be able to get them back ?

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Disk Management Bug With Ext3 Partitions?

Jun 25, 2011

I've just ran into what appears to be a bug with Disk Management under Windows 7. THe problem seems to go back all the way to OS reporting themselves as NT 5.2 or greater. XP x64 has the problem, Win2K3 server does and Windows 7 does. I don't have any version of Vista to check, so I don't know for sure but I'd bet its there as well. THe 32-bit version of XP which reports itself as NT 5.1 doesn't have the problem.

At any rate, the problem is Disk Management seems to count all Linux partitions as primary, even those which are logical volumes inside extended partitions on MBR drives. As such, if this erroneous count exceeds 4, it will refuse to create any more primary partitions, even though there are less than 4 actual partitions in the MBR table.

who dual boot with Linux could confirm this behavior. I've reported it on some of the MS forums, but no one seems to be interested.

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Resizing Partitions On Hard Drive Using Disk Management.

Sep 2, 2012

There was originally just one HDD and I wanted all my "Media" to be in one partition and then Programme Files etc. in another (being C). This was just so that I could copy the entire 'Drive' I had created making moving videos and photos around easier.So I used the built in disk partition manager and created some unallocated space, then called that space Drive (A) - But now that (A) drive is full and I want to add an additional 40Gb to it from the original C, but I the "Extend Volume" option is greyed out on the (A) drive even with the 40Gb as Unallocated.

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Not Visible Pen Drive From Laptop , Computer?

Feb 11, 2013

not visible pen drive from my laptop

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Hidden Files On Computer Suddenly Became Visible ?

Aug 17, 2012

I've noticed that the hidden files on my computer suddenly became visible and I can't put them as hidden again.I've tried the "Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives option.

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Recovery Drive Now Visible When Click On Computer Icon

Sep 9, 2011

In a (successful) attempt to correct WGA registration problem I did a Windows Repair.

I used Windows Backup and saved it to my external hard drive. Now I have almost identical files and folders there and on the now visible Recovery drive. TBUH, when making the backup several options appeared and I checked one without being 110% sure it was right.

Did possibly I do something not right? What need I do to correct anything wrong, including which folders and files I may safely delete? What advice do I need for future?

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Unable To Get Into Computer Management

Nov 28, 2009

When i right click on Computer and click on Manage it get an error

I can find the ink file "Computer Management" under that location can open it from there

Any thoughts ?

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Can't Extend Volume In Computer Management

Feb 5, 2011

I am am running Windows 7 64, and my C drive was 150GB, and the other drive was 450GB. I decided to extend or expand it by deleting one of the volumes. However, I have come across a speed bump while doing this. After deleting my unused partition which was 450GB, and right clicked on the C drive to extend, but the extend option is greyed out. The shrink volume seems to be clickable though.

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Computer Management Shows Inconsistent Value?

Aug 2, 2011

I successfully increased the size of my partition (from 24,36GB to 34,18GB) and restored my image again.

Windows 7 is up and running again, though the amount of space left, is still identical as it was before increasing the partition.

Windows Computer management shows (graphically) the new size (now 34.18GB) where in the same screen, just above the graphical presentation, the old partition size is shown (24,36GB). The latter is also show if I use explorer.

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Screen Flashes When In Computer Management

Oct 27, 2009

Apologies if this has been covered, I have tried looking but can't find any previous mention, although having used this excellent forum for a few months this is my first posting, so sorry if I am not doing this correctly !

I have carried out a clean install of Win 7 Home Rremium (retail full version) on a new hard drive. The problem that I have noticed is that when you are in Computer Management, you can view everything OK apart from Disk Management when you view this it works OK but when you then try to view any other menu (Event Viewer, Device Manager etc.),

the text on the screen flashes like it was refreshing, however it continues to do so until you exit. If you then go back in again and select anything other than Disk Management it works OK until you select Disk Management (which works OK), but on selecting another menu, the screen starts flashing again.

This only happens when you go from Disk Management to something else.

I have reinstalled my old Vista hard drive and everything works OK, so I dont think that it is a hardware issue, but something with Windows 7.

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Computer Management Tool On A Network

Dec 18, 2009

We are doing system testing on a few PC's at our company with upgrading from XP to Windows 7. While using Windows 7 and the Computer Management utility, I noticed that when you connect to another computer, and right click on the PC name, you cannot view/edit the properties like you can in XP. My question is concerning this. Is there a way to view/edit the properties of another computer using Computer Management on Windows 7?

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Build 7057 Computer Management Problem

Mar 14, 2009

when i right click "computer" and then choose "manage" i get the following error:

i went to the specified folder and the file opens OK from there.

also it's associated properly in the default programs control panel.

i must mention the i upgraded to this build from build 7000.

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Windows Search Service Missing From Computer Management?

Nov 24, 2011

I'm trying to re-enable the search indexing function on windows 7, however when I go to computer management the service windows search is not listed. What can I do to find it or reinstall it if need be?

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Random Computer Blackout And BSOD Memory-management?

Aug 16, 2012

Suddenly my computer could just black out, looks like it is turning itself off, but not completely. The fans is still running, but can't use the computer and the screen is black.And yesterday I got a BSOD also. Don't know if this Memory Management issue has something to do with my earlier blackouts, but I hope so. So that there is only 1 thing to fix ;-)Yesterday I ran Memtest86+ for 10 passes and 22 hours. And I got zero errors. See picture.

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Can't Connect To Virtual Disk Service In Computer Management?

Jan 25, 2012

No error message, just endless stall. Virtual Disk Service is on. Have no idea what problem is or what to do.

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Computer Management Fails To Show Disk Usage

Jan 15, 2013

I have five Sata drives. Of these five, Windows 7 Pro 64 "Computer management" reports that two of them still are 100% free despite both having significant usage as reported in "Computer" and "Explorer"

F: Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy, Primary partition,
"Computer management" Capacity 92.21GB Free 92.21GB
"Computer" Capacity 92.2 GB Free 16.8GB
L: Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy, Primary partition,
"Computer management" Capacity 389.59GB Free 389.59GB
"Computer" Capacity 389GB Free 379GB

The L: drive is newly installed and only ebook files are on it. What might have caused this and can it be corrected?

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Running Computer Management As Administrator - Cannot Extend Partition

Jul 27, 2011

While running Computer Management as Administrator, I have a USB disk that is split into two partitions. One is healthy and active (NTFS) and the other is unallocated. When I right click on the active disk, I should be seeing an option to expand this drive to take over the unallocated space, should I not? It is a basic disk, not dynamic, but I thought that even basic disks have this ability. I am able to see this option when I right click on dynamic disks...

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Partition Missing From Computer - Space Not Noted In Disk Management

Feb 2, 2012

I have a 1TB hard drive partitions into a C drive and D drive. The operating system is Windows 7 64 bit. The C drive is my every day stuff, and I use D to store media, music, video etc. Today I wanted to access the D drive and it was not there. The C drive is listed as usual. I went to Disk Management and the missing D drive was not there as well. I don't know if this explains things, but I ran a partition analysis program and it showed 500 gigs as unallocated. But that space is also not noted in disk management. Right now I am running partition recovery software to see if the files are somewhere, but it will take a few hours.

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Create Home Partitions And Partitions For The OS With Programs?

Dec 9, 2012

One of my friends has a windows 7 computer with an account for himself, his mother and his 2 sisters. All the home directorys are stored in drive C. Partition D is shared. The question is, how to get a partition layout like this?

Partition 1: OS + programs
Partition 2: home partition for himself
Partition 3: home partition for his mother
Partition 4: home partition for his sister
Partition 5: home partition for his other sister
Partition 6: shared partition for some photos.

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CD-ROM And Virtual Drives Not Shown In Computer But Is Shown In Disk Management?

Oct 4, 2011

I have searched google for ours trying to find a fix for this but to no avail.CD drive and virtual drives dont appear in my computer and whenever i put in a dvd nothing comes appears in device manager and disc management however so i know there is nothing physically wrong with the optical drive. Under disc manager i can see the details about the dvd such as dvd name, size etc.i tried changing drive letter and path but unfortunately that doesnt fix it. the letter "applies" for a second then disappears again.

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HDD In Disk Management But Not "my Computer"

Nov 29, 2011

Primary OS: windows 7
HDD: 600G

I have a 2nd HDD connected via USB and installed Ubuntu 11.10. The HDD with Ubuntu will be going into another laptop.Problem:Windows does not display the drive in "My Computer"Drive is showing up in disk management and BIOS. disk management will not allow me to assign a drive letter. Only option is "delete volume" Want to check the 2nd Ubuntu HDD with antivirus before I install it.

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Replace Disk 1 With Disk 0 In Computer Management?

May 18, 2010

Its a bit complicated to state my situation, anyways, I have 2 HDD, and the PC won't boot if I removed the old HDD even though I've formatted the old HDD and win7 is on the new HDD.I have 2 physical HDD in PC

(1) 80GB old hdd and noisy. (not SATA)
(2) 500GB SATA hdd and sexy.

My powersupply only supports 1 SATA connection, and I don't have a DVD-Rom.I've unpluged the (2) and replaced it with my dad's SATA DVD-Rom to clean install Win7 64bit on the old (1), after I've finished, I removed the SATA DVD-Rom, I plugged back the (2), installed Win7 64bit ISO again from the (1) on (2), then I organized everything and split the (2) to E: and F:.

Everything's fine until I wanted to remove the old noisy hdd. When I did that, the PC started to bitch on me and didn't want to boot from (2).I've tried to rename (2)'s letter to C:, but it gave me 'invalid parameter' error. I doubt that it'll work by itself since it'll need to rename all the softwares' locations and I went through another way, renaming (1) to a random letter like K: and wishing that'll work, I've restarted, shutdown'ed, and unplugged (1), didn't boot from (2).So it left me with only and only solution is by clean install, -but- I can't do it since I don't have an old dvd-rom nor do I have 2 SATA PSU cables... so I go back to the begging and...know that I have only 1 option by installing the win, is by the iso.

Now, what I'm thinking is that there's a possible way(maybe?) that I can replace Disk 0 box by Disk 1 box.Here's a picture to clarify it.So that's it, notice the 2 boxes down there? I'd like to switch Disk 0 by Disk 1 and then remove the old crappy 80gb hdd.

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[64-bit] Libraries Are Not Visible?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a Dell XPS L702X running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, within the explorer window there is a link on the left for Libraries but when you click on it there are no libraries displayed, the window is empty. The Libraries do exist as you can see them in the 'Include in library' dropdown.Ive looked around and i have seen that this is an issue for 64 bit but i have no idea of how to get them to appear.

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No OS Visible In Boot Tab?

Apr 8, 2012

I was recently trying to enable the "No GUI boot" option in the Boot tab of the System Configuration simply because I was tired of waiting for that stupid logo to load before getting into my computer. I figured this was easy enough. Well, I went into the Boot tab and I was unable to click any of the options. I soon realized that this was because I had no OS visible in little white sub-window. I thought this was pretty shocking, it's supposed to say "Windows 7(C:Windows) : Current OS; Default OS" for me since I'm running Win 7 (64 if it matters). I've looked into the issue quite a bit, but almost everyone with this problem seems to have a much more serious problem of not even being able to boot at all. This same research has led me to think that it's something with my bootloader. I've tried running EasyBCD, but it tells me "There are a total of 0 entries listed in the bootloader". If, from inside EasyBCD, I try to go to Tools->Edit Legacy Entries it tells me:"Boot.ini is located on the hidden boot partition and cannot be loaded for user editing by EasyBCD. Please either assign a drive letter to the hidden boot partition or use the Windows XP dual-boot auto-configuration feature instead." I've also tried a second method, which was to boot from my Windows 7 install disc and get to the command prompt and type in (in order): "bootrec /FixMbr", "bootrec /FixBoot", "bootrec /RebuildBcd". The first two commands were successful, and although the last command returned successful, it tells me "Total identified Windows installations: 0".

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Bluetooth Headphones Not Visible

Jan 14, 2013

I guess I should start by saying I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x86.I got a pair of LG HBS700 Bluetooth Headphones for Christmas and couldn't wait to pair them up to my Windows 7 Home Theater PC so I could watch movies after my wife has gone to bed w/o disturbing her.My first problem was I had no bluetooth adapter for the HTPC so I went and purchased a Targus Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth Adapter.Thought I had it all squared away. I installed the latest drivers for the Bluetooth Adapter I had purchased and was on my merry way.Went to the control panel, choose to add a bluetooth device after putting the headset in pairing mode and much to my dismay, Windows 7 can't seem to find the headset... I know the head set works because I'm able to pair it with my cell phone.

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WLAN Networks Not Visible?

Apr 23, 2012

Using windows 7 64bit home premium, have tried two different adapters- A-link WNU(M) USB adapter- ASUS PCE-N15 PCI-e adapterBoth of them seem so install correctly, no errors during install. Device manager shows them working correctly, but......there are no networks visible to connect.At the same time my laptop (win7 64bit business premium or something) sees and can connect to networks. Have tried both of those adapters in XP in same computer, and there they work correctly, and show plenty of networks. 2 of mine, and many more from neighbours. Phone also can networks really exist. I have installed latest drivers from manufacturers sitesif I try manually setup connect to wireless network, get error..."an unexpected error occurs"Trouble shooting wireless network gives:"There might be a problem with the driver for the wireless..."But when I try to resolve the issue:"The wireless network adapter is experiencing problems"Also updating driver "windows style" says that driver is up to date.And it does exactly the same with 2 wireless adapters......dont think I need to try 3rd. Atleast ASUS PCE-N15 shold be win7 64bit compatible

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Icons Half Visible?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm having a problem with my Desktop icons. All standard Windows 7 icons are completely visible, but after I install any software, new icons are only half visible.

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Files Not Visible In Explorer

Oct 30, 2010

I have a program for which I need to save project data within its Program Files location in order for it to be displayed in the program.I can drag-drop files into that folder, load the program and see the files where they should be ...but then when I go to that folder through Windows Explorer, it appears empty.

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Folders Visible To Other User?

Jul 9, 2011

My son has an account on my one PC for gaming I noticed recently that by going through C:/user/etc I can access his private folders while signed into my account. He can access my folders through his account. I was under the impression that this shouldn't be possible. Did I miss a setting somewhere? Can this be disabled to ensure privacy?

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Files And Programs Not Visible?

Oct 24, 2012

i have just created a second user on my laptop for my partner as im sick of having to re do my iTunes library every time she wants her iPod updating (we like different music).Google chrome is not visible neither are any of my music/pics or films that are on my main user profile. I have tried doing a google search to find a solution but can not make head nor tails of it

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