One File Not Visible Over Network

Feb 1, 2011

I have a "server" (actually just another workstation with a big disk) running Vista. I access files on it over the network from my notebook running Windows 7. I have a directory on the server where I can see, open and edit all but one file - that one file seems invisible from the notebook. The permissions of the files in this directory seem identical. If I make a copy of the invisible file on the server, the copy is visible, but the original is not. If I rename the original file to something else, then rename the copy to the name of the original, then the file that's invisible is the one with the original name, not the original file. This suggests that its the name that's the problem, not some other property of the file. If I try to rename the copy that I can see to the original name using the notebook, I get a message: "This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network". This is very odd, because I am connected to the network (evidence the fact that when I create a copy on the sever, it's visible from the notebook). If I make sure that I'm not trying to rename the file to a name that already exists on the server (even though I can't see it from the notebook) it makes no difference - I still get the error message.

By the way, the troublesome file is named OrganGEMA.h.svn-base - I have files elsewhere on the server that are called the exact same thing and they don't cause this problem - it's just this one file in this one directory.

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How To Get Progress Bar Visible When Downloading File From Website

Feb 17, 2013

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium with IE 9. How do you get the File Download Bar or what ever they call it to be visable when you are downloading a file from a website. The bar I am talking about shows up at the bottom of the screen and it shows the name of the program file in bold letters and at the right end of the bar you have three options: "RUN" "SAVE" or ("save as)" "CANCEL" Or and "X" at the edge of the bar.

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File Moved To A Shared Folder => Not Visible?

Sep 16, 2012

I'm sharing a folder with other PCs on the network and it works fine, except in this case:1. file in D:folder1 (normal folder)2. move file to D:folder2 (shared folder)3. file not visible from other PCs

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Personal Folders Visible On Network?

Nov 18, 2010

I am having a weird issue.I have a network with 3 PC's and 2 PS3's.1. My PC-Win 72. Roommate's-Vista Home Premium 3. His girlfriend's- Vista Home PremiumI have enabled sharing on all the external HDD's that are connected to my Win 7 machine.ll sharing and security has been set accordingly, and works perfect......except for some reason, my USER folder "Jay", is completely visible to both Vista machines.hen I access the Network folder on my Win 7 machine, only the Public folders are visible on the two Vista machines.The strange thing is that when I look at the properties of "Jay" folder, it shows it as being shared, yet in the Advanced sharing window, "Jay" is NOT shared. "users" folder is shared, so I am assuming this is why "Jay" is shared as it is a sub-folder of "users".

And when I look at the permission settings for "Jay", only myself and SYSTEM had permissions.Now, I managed to workaround this by adding another permission rule to the "Jay" folder. I added NETWORK and set it to DENY straight across the board. So now, my roommates can still see my USERS folder, but cannot access it.This, however, is NOT ideal, as this also blocks them from seeing/accessing my PUBLIC folder. I only set the NETWORK deny permissions on "Jay" folder, yet ALL network sub-folders of USERS are blocked.

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Windows XP Machine Not Visible On Network?

Jun 21, 2011

I just set up my home network (from scratch) so I could have all my devices in communication with each other. I have 2 PCs running Win 7 x64, an XBOX 360, and one PC with Win XP/SP3. I reset the router and recreated the network, and the win 7 machines can see each other perfectly, but I still cant get the XP machine to see the win 7 computers/have the Windows 7 computers see the XP one. Also I can't get anything into connection with the XBOX.

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File Magically Disappeared, Still Visible In The Windows 7 Search Index?

Aug 10, 2011

I was looking for a file when I noticed it was gone. I fired up the Windows search engine and Search Everything, both of which said the file was still there. When I try to open the search result in any media player, it says the file could not be found.I already restarted my system, but both search engines still say the file exists. Is the file still there? I cannot find it with Undelete Plus, but it did find a lot of files that were recently deleted.

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Files On Network Computers Visible ONLY If Accessed Via IP Address?

Jan 11, 2012

I have 5 Windows 7 computers connected to the same homegroup/workgroup via a Cisco Linksys E1200. All four computers are HPs of various makes, 3 laptops (one of them is a $600 brick) and 2 desktops. Any computer that is awake and online, shows up (with its name) in Network on the other machinesHowever, double-clicking to view files on these computers returns the following message:Code: Windows cannot access \COMPNAMECheck the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. Totry to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.Details: Error code: 0x80070035 - The network path was not found.Diagnose, as expected, did nothing. However, here's the fun bit - when I try to access files on other computers by browsing their IP address, everything works perfectlyFor now, anyway. I'm expecting a sudden degradation any day now.

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Wireless Adapter Not Visible In Network &Sharing Center

Dec 19, 2009

I have a Dell XPS 420 with a 64 bit windows 7 pro installed. My computer has a Broadcom 802.11g wireless adapter. I can see the adapter in network adapters (It has a red cross underneath it). But I dont see this adapter in the Network and Sharing center. Can someone help me with this problem.

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Custom Folder Icons Not Visible To Computers On Network

Sep 28, 2012

I have put custom folder icons (pictures basically), for some of my folders. I can see the custom folder icons, But when other computers on my network access the folders (they are shared), they can't see the custom icons. All the see are the default folder icons.

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Machines Not Visible Under Homegroup - Status Showing Joined Network

Mar 8, 2011

Recently I discovered that the Homegroup feature is no longer working on my home network, which consists of one wired pc and one wireless laptop. Both machines running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 SP1. Both machines show the Homegroup status as "joined" in Network and Sharing Center, but neither machine is visible under "Homegroup" in My Computer. What I've tried (applies to both machines)...

- Disable Windows Firewall (no 3rd party firewalls installed)
- Leave Homegroup then rejoin
- Confirmed all needed services are running
- Confirmed IPv6 enabled
- Network Set to "Home"
- Disabled Wlan, using ethernet

Before this problem I had been using homegroup for over a year without incident. I should mention this problem seems to coincide with my upgrade to Service Pack 1, but I really don't want to jump to any conclusions at this point.

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File Sharing Across A Home Network - The Network Path Was Not Found"

Aug 9, 2011

I'm having difficulty trying to get my new Windows 7 pc set up to share files across my existing home (wired) network which consists of 1 desktop pc running WinXP and 1 laptop running WinXP.I want the 'C' drive on each of the 3 computers to be shared. I've had the 2 Windows XP computers set up and working like this for several years without a problem but I can't seem to get the 'C' drive on the Windows 7 computer to do the same.All 3 computers have the same workgroup name and none of them require passwords to log on to Windows. There are no problems with the firewalls on any of the machines.On the Windows 7 PC when I right click on the 'C' drive and select the 'Sharing' tab, I have set this up to be shared and when I click on the 'Advanced Sharing' button there is a tick in the 'Share this folder' box, the 'Share name' is 'C'. If I then click on the 'Permissions' button, this shows a 'Group or user name' 'Everyone' and this group has Full Control, Change and Read boxes ticked. As far as I can see there is nothing more I can do.

However from my Windows XP computer, when I go to My Network Places and double click on the icon for the Windows 7 'C' drive, I get the message "\Computername is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.The network path was not found"I've subsequently set up a sub folder (of the Windows 7 'C' drive) for sharing by right clicking on the folder, choosing 'Share with' and then selecting 'Specific people'. I then set up a group called 'Everyone' with read/write permissions. Now I can navigate to this folder from my 2 WinXP computers.

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File Sharing On A Network?

Feb 17, 2013

I have 3 computer(mine,mum and bro) all running on window 7 and connected to the same workgroup.i would like to make all d drive public.. however photo folder i wan access to mum and video folder access to bro.

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Set Up A Network For File Transfer

Oct 28, 2009

Ok I'm totally new to networks & everything so bear with me.

My computer is the main machine.

I have Win 7 64 & the other computer, which is my buddies is XP Pro 32.

I currently have an N wireless Netgear router that both computers are hooked up via ethernet & my machine also has the N wireless dongle from Netgear, but they dont have drivers for 64 yet.

Now I want to send a couple of files to my other computer which is my buddies. I want him to also be able to send me files, but he tends to surf the net a little less carelessly than I would and I want to make sure when hes sending or receiving info from my particular computer that I dont get a virus or anything.

So how do I set up a network between a Win 7 64 computer & an XP Pro 32 computer, making sure to extra safeguard my main machine?

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File Transfer Over Network?

May 7, 2009

What is the easiest way I can transfer files over ethernet from my desktop to my laptop? Do I have to setup a HomeGroup to do this?

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Reading A File On A XP Network

Dec 1, 2009

I got two computers, One in XP the other one is using Win 7.

I tried without success to create a network between them. I need to read a file situated in my laptop (XP) from my PC (Win7).

Any hint on how i could create a network link?

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File Sharing Network Administrator

Jul 24, 2011

I'm trying to set up a file and sharing network between my PC's, 2 Win 7's and 1 Vista, and I'm having a bit of trouble. I followed all the steps in the tutorials across the web including this link, How To Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and Vista - How-To Geek, and the closest I could get is the Vista accessing one of the 7's. All the PC's see each other, it's just when I try to access files over the network with the 7's I get a "You don't have permission to your network administrator" error. I'm the admin on both computers and I really can't get by this. It's so frustrating, I have been doing this for like 3 days already.Just a bit of info, I do have BitDefender 2011 on both the 7's and not the Vista. Although it might not make sense, I thought this might be the issue of why the Vista can access one of the 7's, I disabled the service through msconfig -> services and startup. Also disabled the firewall on all. It still didn't fix the problem.I actually figured it out. Although I enabled sharing with "everyone" and set permissions to full control, "everyone" was not showing up under group and users in the security tab. I just added that and voila.

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Running Bat File To Get All IPs And Mac Addresses On Network?

Jul 2, 2011

I am trying to run a batch file (arpping.bat) that will get all of the IP's and mac addresses on the network. Here is the batch file:
REM arpping.bat
ping -n 1 -l 1 %1.%2
arp -a %1.%2

I run the following command from the command line:
C:\> for /l %i in (1,1,254) do arpping 160.82.220 %i

I the receive the following, repeating, output line at the command line: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." This keeps repeating until I hit Ctrl C. Not sure where the problem is.

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Network File Sharing Between Xp And Windows 7

Nov 6, 2011

I'm trying to set up shared folders on an XP computer, to be viewed on a windows 7 computer.My setup is this:Windows 7 (ZombyGeek-PC)Router --------- Windows XP (Desktop-PC)Both computer's are under the same workgroup name: ZOMBYHORDE//I can access the "Public Folders" in windows 7 from windows xp, but I cannot access the "Shared Documents" folder in windows xp from windows 7.When in windows 7, clicking "Desktop-PC" from the network window, i'm prompted for a user name and password. I've typed in the windows xp username and password AND the windows 7 user name and password, but both say "Login Failure: unknown user name or bad password."

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File Sharing On Home Network?

May 7, 2012

We have two pcs under Windows 7 and wish to share files. The instructions for setting up a home group do not seem to work.

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Slow File Transfer Over Network

Sep 22, 2009

i have bought a notebook with vista 32 bit home basic and didnt like vista so i upgraded it to windows 7 64bit after 1 day usage. Generally i found new os fine but i have a problem with file copying from my desktop (running xp sp3). My transfer speed is only 1.5 mbyte per second. Notebook has atheros 5007eg (54mbit) wireless lan and desktop has realtek gigabit lan. And my router is airties rt-205 with 125mbit wireless signal. I have done the following things but it's still same.

*netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable.
*Turn off Remote Differential Compression.
*Disabled Remote Assistance.
*Unchecked ipv6.

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Network Sharing File Limit

May 8, 2009

I have a windows 7 7068 on my main computer and an xp sp3 on my laptop. When I try to access a shared folder on my win 7 machines, from xp, I see only 134 files. When I try to see a folder shared on xp, from win 7 I can see more than 134 files, which means that win 7 must have some sort of limit to number of files in a folder a user over the network can see?

Is there anyway to remove the limit?

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File Transfer Over Wireless Network

Mar 7, 2011

I have a problem coping files between two Windows 7 machines on a network.

I have a Dell Studio 1749 Laptop that came with Windows 7. It is connected to a wireless network. I have a Dell Inspron XPS 410 Desktop with a newly clean installation of Windows 7 connected to the wireless router via cable. I need to copy files from the Laptop Drive E to the Desktop Drive E.

From the Desktop I get message, You need permission to perform this action

In contrast, from the Desktop, I can copy from the Laptop to the Desktop. I have full permission and administration control.

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How Can I Set Up A Network Connection To The XP For File Sharing ?

May 28, 2009

I am running the Win7 RC on my machine.

My wife is using my old one running WinXP

We are sharing the DSL over a D-link router

How can I set up a network connection to the XP for file sharing etc.?

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Transfer Of A Video File Over A Wired Network?

Aug 3, 2012

I have a wired network - ethernet cable from pc upstairs down to modem at television. Cable from modem to WD TV live. So all networked and wd tv is showing up correctly as a network drive.If I transfer a 350mb video file from my pc to the hard drive attached to the WD TV live, over the wired network, it takes just over one minute i.e. just over 5 megabytes a second transfer. Not great but adequate.If however I connect my Nokia N8 to the same pc and copy the file from the N8 rather than the PC (even though the N8 is connected to the pc!) the file goes to the WD TV in 28 seconds - over 12 megs a second.How can a file get transferred quicker over the network from a phone connected to the pc than from the pc itself to the same destination?

ps - the phone is displayed under "portable devices" rather than "hard disk drives" and the properties suggest it is using a protocol called MTP - media transfer protocol. I've also added another external usb drive to test the transfer and received the same results as the built in hard drive. So it does appear to be something to do with "hard drives" versus "portable devices" as recognized and dealt with by Windows.

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Can't Turn On File Sharing Or Network Discovery

Aug 24, 2012

OS : Windows 7 Professional SP1 (x64)
Firewall Software : Windows Firewall
Other protection software : MalwareBytes AntiMalware and Microsoft Security Essentials

I can't seem to turn on my File and Printer Sharing and Network Discovery options from the Network and Sharing Center. I go to the sharing options, and click turn on to both of them. Then after I confirm by pressing save, if I come back they've returned to their previous turned off position.

I tried a few things and have searched online for the last hour or so, but I'm willing to follow directions if someone is more used to this problem than I am. I also searched these forums but sadly the word "on" is one of the main points of this and words shorter than 3 letters are rejected from the search engine, so the results weren't really related.

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No Network In Open File Or Folder Dialog

May 19, 2009

My computer lets me browse the network just fine and even sees everything there is to see. However, when I want to say, mount a DVD from a networked computer for example, the Network icon is nowhere to be found on the Open File or Folder dialog window.

Going back to the root level (from the path bar in the very same window) lets me see all the usual stuff: drives, homegroup and such but once again, no network.

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find any solution to this and it seems like a very silly thing to remove from the OS.

I hope it's just me being blind and I really appreciate any information you guys can share on this subject.

(Using Windows 7 RC1 64-bit, in the same network with two Vista 64 computers.)

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Windows 7 Vs Vista Network File Sharing

Jul 3, 2009

I just bought a new laptop and decided to get windows 7 on it.

So far everything is great, i love how it looks and all works fine. Seting up wlan and all was no problem.

THE problem is... well with both old pcs (one pc one laptop) we had home network (or whatever network) set up so i could copy the files from sisters pc to my lappy and the other way around.

So now i have windows 7 on the new laptop.

And Vista on my old laptop (Vista 32 bit SP1)

And 0 idea what or where and how to do so i can share the files and get em from my old laptop on the new one... Flash is all fine and dandy but 100+Gb is a bit too much to be transfering with a 2Gb flash card <_< (old lappy does not have Bluetooth either btw...)

Are there any tutorials perhaps on how to get this done or at least ideas?

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Run Batch File When Network Computer Is Detected

Jul 8, 2011

I'm looking for a way to have a batch file run when a network computer is detected.My laptop is often times inaccessible to my desktop unless I ping it first.So I've created a batch file to ping the laptop but now I need to find a way to have it run when the laptop is detected on my local network.Is there a way to do this through a windows event or any way at all?

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Get An Alert Whenever A Network File Or Folder Has Been Changed?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm currently doing an internship in an office, and we all use windows 7 enterprise.The management didn't give us the possibility to install any software, because we don't know the administrator password and we don't have installing privileges.We need some way to alert each other whenever a shared network file or folder has been changed, with a pop up message or a text log or an email...there's plenty of third party freeware software that does this, but we can't install anything Is there some way to do it with the built-in windows tools?

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Gigabit Network Slow File Transfer

Oct 26, 2011

I have a Dell XPS 15Z with gigabit ethernet port, have dgs 1005d gigabit switch and WDTV live hub also with gigabit "capability"... The network cables should be fine...

The issue is that the file transfer (these are usually HD movies) from my laptop to WDTV are rather slow having in mind it's a gigabit network connection... The speed tops 15 MB/s. Same thing if I connect WDTV directly with my laptop.

The switch indicates (green light) it has set-up a gigabit connection both with WDTV and my laptop.

I have disabled autotuning, RDC, AV software etc. Tried with jumbo frames, disabling flow control - EVERYTHING

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Network File Transfer Slow While PC Is Turned Off?

Jan 17, 2012

my network setup is:

-TP-Link wirelesAP/Router with DD-Wrt installed

-Computer A - File server win xp sp3

-Computer B - My laptop win 7 x64 sp1

-Computer C - Wife's pc win 7 x64 sp1

issue: file transfer from/to xp from my laptop very slow while PC is turned off. as soon as i turn pc on all gets good. this looks really weird to me, all of these 3 are connected with cable not wireless, i also have tried changing the port of the laptop cable on the router but didnt change anything.

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