Machines Not Visible Under Homegroup - Status Showing Joined Network

Mar 8, 2011

Recently I discovered that the Homegroup feature is no longer working on my home network, which consists of one wired pc and one wireless laptop. Both machines running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 SP1. Both machines show the Homegroup status as "joined" in Network and Sharing Center, but neither machine is visible under "Homegroup" in My Computer. What I've tried (applies to both machines)...

- Disable Windows Firewall (no 3rd party firewalls installed)
- Leave Homegroup then rejoin
- Confirmed all needed services are running
- Confirmed IPv6 enabled
- Network Set to "Home"
- Disabled Wlan, using ethernet

Before this problem I had been using homegroup for over a year without incident. I should mention this problem seems to coincide with my upgrade to Service Pack 1, but I really don't want to jump to any conclusions at this point.

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HomeGroup Windows 7 - Library Showing Up On Network But Not Accessible

Feb 27, 2011

Desktop : Windows 7 Ultimate
Laptop1 : Windows 7 Home
Laptop2 : Windows 7 Ultimate

Laptop1 can view and access the libraries on the Desktop. Laptop2 can see the libraries on the Desktop but can not access the folders. I'm not sure what to do here, I've triple checked that libraries are shared on the Home Group.

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1 Laptop Not Visible On HomeGroup?

Oct 11, 2012

I have 4 laptops, LT01, LT02, LT03, and LT04 running Windows 7 64 bit. All 4 laptops are visible (and inter-operable) with standard network. However, 1 laptop, LT02, is not visible in HomeGroup on LT01, LT03, LT04.

Whereas LT01, LT03, LT04 are visible in HomeGroup on LT2. Granted its not a real show-stopper for me but it is very irritating. Done all the obvious thinks like setting up HomeGroup on LT02 and then joining the common HomeGroup.

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HomeGroup Setup - Documents / Pictures Folders Visible But Locked

Jul 4, 2011

I have two pc's in my home. One running windows 7 32 BIT, and one running Win 7 64 bit. I created a home group on the laptop, as I want to grab some files from the laptop and bring over to the Desktop unit (the desktop unit is the one running 64 BIT win 7). Both machines have different names and the clock is set with the right time. When I create the home group on my Laptop, and select files that I want to share, the basic libraries ARE viewable on the Desktop machine.

I can see Documents, Picture folders, but I cannot open them! I can also change the password on the Laptop, and then PC will be able to enter the correct password to join the homegroup, so I know they can see each other. But again, not able to open the folders. If I go on my Laptop computer and "right click" on a folder, and then go to "share with"... the default is set to "nobody" with a lock icon next to it. If I select "Homegroup" it does not change! It stays locked with "nobody"?

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Showing Skype Status On The Web?

Jul 3, 2010

I'd noticed my Skype status wasn't being displayed anywhere on the web, Open Skype, navigate to Options, then to Privacy.

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No Tasks Showing In Task Status?

Oct 2, 2011

In Windows 7 64 Ultimate, the Task Status box in Task Scheduler is empty, even if I set it to "Last 7 days" and even though Tasks have run (I can look at individual Tasks and they show "Last Run" time as today.

I've also been having a problem where an instance of svchost.exe was using 25% of my CPU (Athlon II X4 630) and 170MB RAM. I tracked this down to the Schedule service although I haven't worked out what triggers it to happen yet. I have deleted some unneeded Tasks though, so perhaps that's fixed that problem.

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Black Screen/Status 0xc000000f Showing?

Oct 29, 2011

I am new to this but hopefully somebody out there can offer some pearls of wisdom? My Packard Bell laptop (I think it is called an "Easy note TJ71) model will not work. When I turn on the power a black screen telling me to "insert my Windows installation disc" choose my language and then click "repair your computer" appears.I copied recovery discs and driver discs etc when I bought it (about a year ago) but no "Windows installation disc".The system running on it is the Windows 7 one.Is there anything to be done (other than trying to contact Windows for a copy of the install disc).

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Wireless Icon Showing Wrong Status?

Dec 3, 2012

So I have a Atheros 9285 wireless card in my laptop, but now for like 3 months it keeps saying that I'm not connected to a network while in fact I am connected to my wifi network.I can browse the internet and all that but I can't use my homegroup.. was wondering if you guy's had a solution for me...Things that i've tried already:1. Updating/renewing my drivers.. Removing vwififlt.sys.3. Replacing vwififlt.sys4. ebooting my computer.5. Connect to a different network.

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Can't See NAS On XP Machines On Network

May 16, 2009

So I have a network with 3 computers, a readynas, and multiple network printers.

Two machines have 64 bit RC 1, one has XP.

XP machine can see both Seven machines, and NAS.

64 bit machine one can see everything as well.

64 bit machine two could see everything when I did the first install of RC. I reinstalled to fix some boot manager issues, and now it cannot see the XP machine, nor the NAS from windows explorer. I can connect to the readynas through it's IP address in a browser no problem, I have full internet and networking between it and the first 64 bit machine.

No homegroup is set up on either seven machine. The network is set to Home. Drivers are installed for the Ethernet properly, latest drivers.

I looked through settings and everything seems to be gravy. What am I missing. Nothing changed between the two installs except 18 hours of time.

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Can't Network 2 Machines

Apr 15, 2011

I have 2 machines MACHINE1 and MACHINE2 running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and am trying to map to the D: drive from MACHINE1 machine on to MACHINE2. I enter \MACHINE1D$ as the drive address but then it tells me access is denied. The account name and password is the same on both machines (no domain here) and I have tried specifying MACHINE1Qu0ll as the user name but it still won't let me map the drive.

Curiously I can see the D: drive when I double click on MACHINE1 in Network but I cannot write to it without "Access denied" messages again.

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Can't See/connect To Other Machines On Network When VPN'ed In

Dec 27, 2011

I have VPN service running on my Linksys DD-WRT router at home, so I can VPN back into my home network when using unsecured wireless internet on travel. I also have remote desktop port forwarding to my home machine if I want to just remote desktop in without using the VPN. However, often times I will VPN in, then remote desktop to my machine. Lately, I can VPN in, but can't see any other machines on the network so remote desktop to the machine's 192.168.x.x address on the local network doesn't work. I used to be able to do this and I'm not sure what has changed. The home machine runs Windows 7 and the laptop I use on the road for VPN'ing back in runs Windows XP. why after I VPN in to the home network I can't see any other machines on the network anymore? I have a folder shared on the home machine that I'd like to map to my laptop once I've VPN'ed in but can't do that either since it can't see the machine.

I've got all the sharing options enabled on the Windows 7 machine as well as the XP machine. Network discovery is turned on as well. No clue what has happened with this. The DHCP pool is and the VPN pool consists of only 2 addresses of and

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Windows 7 Machines Can't Get Network But XP Can

Nov 6, 2009

I've recently installed some windows 7 machines on our network and they don't seem to be getting valid network configs. It sees the correct DHCP info and DNS servers and you can ping the gateway and other computers on the same subnet but when you try to ping other subnets or out to Google it won't go.

You can see local computers on the same subnetwork and even view webpages on the server on the subnet but everything else network wise outside of the subnet doesn't work.

We have a subnet firewall and it is set to allow everything on the trust side out on any port to any computer. I've even made a rule that let everything in from the outside (untrust) on every port to these windows 7 machines and they still don't get an identifiable network.

My windows XP machines work perfectly though.

Has anyone else seen this?

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Wired Network Speed Slow On Some Machines

Mar 22, 2011

I have a simple home network running several machines with Windows 7.

My "server" is running Windows 7 Pro x32. This machine is connected via wired internet directly to my wireless router. When I run a java speed-test web app, I am seeing speeds between 1 and 4 Mb/sec. (My connection is ~20Mb).

I have a Windows 7 Pro x32 laptop connected via wireless. This laptop gets 17Mb/sec speeds.

When I connect the laptop via a wire to the router, it's still upwards of 15Mb/sec.

This was not always the case with this hardware. I have tried shutting down any non-essential services. I have tried running the speed test in Safe Mode +Networking. I ran a live linux CD and got fast speeds.

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Reset The Homegroup To Stop Showing Erased Directories?

Oct 18, 2011

I have noticed that if someone on the homegroup erases a directory, that directory keeps showing up in the homegroup listings on the rest of

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Status Of Network Connection

May 12, 2012

the status of my wifi say 522,000,000 sent but the recieve is only 50,000,000 bytes,is that normal or someone is using my wifi or my settings are not correct?

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Status Of Network Connection?

May 12, 2012

the status of my wifi say 522,000,000 sent but the recieve is only 50,000,000 bytes,is that normal or someone is using my wifi or my settings are not correct?

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One File Not Visible Over Network

Feb 1, 2011

I have a "server" (actually just another workstation with a big disk) running Vista. I access files on it over the network from my notebook running Windows 7. I have a directory on the server where I can see, open and edit all but one file - that one file seems invisible from the notebook. The permissions of the files in this directory seem identical. If I make a copy of the invisible file on the server, the copy is visible, but the original is not. If I rename the original file to something else, then rename the copy to the name of the original, then the file that's invisible is the one with the original name, not the original file. This suggests that its the name that's the problem, not some other property of the file. If I try to rename the copy that I can see to the original name using the notebook, I get a message: "This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network". This is very odd, because I am connected to the network (evidence the fact that when I create a copy on the sever, it's visible from the notebook). If I make sure that I'm not trying to rename the file to a name that already exists on the server (even though I can't see it from the notebook) it makes no difference - I still get the error message.

By the way, the troublesome file is named OrganGEMA.h.svn-base - I have files elsewhere on the server that are called the exact same thing and they don't cause this problem - it's just this one file in this one directory.

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TCP Established Status Even After Network Cable Unplugged

Aug 11, 2011

I have an application that establishes a socket connection w/ another application on a different machine. When this connection is disrupted (e.g., pull out network cable), I recognize this condition and take some action.

In a Windows XP 32-bit environment, this happens quickly ... in seconds.
In a Windows 7 64-bit environment, this happens slowly ... in about 5 minutes.

If I run netstat in the Windows 7 environment, the TCP connection shows established for about 5 minutes after the network cable has been unplugged. (In WXP, it changes in seconds.) I've searched the forum and have heard a few people refer to 5 minutes as being a "default" timeout value. I've also looked at the TCP spec, etc. to learn a bit more, understand it better, etc. in an attempt to find something I can configure to reduce the 5 minutes to seconds but I've not run into anything yet.

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Personal Folders Visible On Network?

Nov 18, 2010

I am having a weird issue.I have a network with 3 PC's and 2 PS3's.1. My PC-Win 72. Roommate's-Vista Home Premium 3. His girlfriend's- Vista Home PremiumI have enabled sharing on all the external HDD's that are connected to my Win 7 machine.ll sharing and security has been set accordingly, and works perfect......except for some reason, my USER folder "Jay", is completely visible to both Vista machines.hen I access the Network folder on my Win 7 machine, only the Public folders are visible on the two Vista machines.The strange thing is that when I look at the properties of "Jay" folder, it shows it as being shared, yet in the Advanced sharing window, "Jay" is NOT shared. "users" folder is shared, so I am assuming this is why "Jay" is shared as it is a sub-folder of "users".

And when I look at the permission settings for "Jay", only myself and SYSTEM had permissions.Now, I managed to workaround this by adding another permission rule to the "Jay" folder. I added NETWORK and set it to DENY straight across the board. So now, my roommates can still see my USERS folder, but cannot access it.This, however, is NOT ideal, as this also blocks them from seeing/accessing my PUBLIC folder. I only set the NETWORK deny permissions on "Jay" folder, yet ALL network sub-folders of USERS are blocked.

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Windows XP Machine Not Visible On Network?

Jun 21, 2011

I just set up my home network (from scratch) so I could have all my devices in communication with each other. I have 2 PCs running Win 7 x64, an XBOX 360, and one PC with Win XP/SP3. I reset the router and recreated the network, and the win 7 machines can see each other perfectly, but I still cant get the XP machine to see the win 7 computers/have the Windows 7 computers see the XP one. Also I can't get anything into connection with the XBOX.

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Boot Error Say's Status Windows Status 0xc0000428?

Jul 26, 2012

So a couple of days ago my computer started to act up but this morning when i turned it on, i got a blue screen and it never wanted to turn on ever since. So i tried reinstalling Windows 7 again on the current system because i do not want to lose my pictures. Is there any way to fix this?

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Windows 7 WIFI Adapter Status Loged On While Not In Vicinity Of WFI Network

Sep 28, 2011

First of all every time I am logged on to my WIFI at home, after a couple of hours, I get told that I am loged on to two WIFI networks (A and B), whilst I only get one set of bars in my statusdisplay (bottom right). When I switch off WIFI, network centre keeps telling me I am loged on to WFI B. A is the SSID and B is the typenumber of teh router I have, so there is only one WIFI signal. Secondly, after being logged on to my home WIFI, All activity seizes, I can not load pages, check e-mail, or anything. I can access my router and it tells me everything is ok, but packages seem to come to a halt. My PS3 can be online, so the problem is in my laptop I think. I have tried releasing and renewing my IP and resetting my router, but only rebooting my laptop helps.

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Files On Network Computers Visible ONLY If Accessed Via IP Address?

Jan 11, 2012

I have 5 Windows 7 computers connected to the same homegroup/workgroup via a Cisco Linksys E1200. All four computers are HPs of various makes, 3 laptops (one of them is a $600 brick) and 2 desktops. Any computer that is awake and online, shows up (with its name) in Network on the other machinesHowever, double-clicking to view files on these computers returns the following message:Code: Windows cannot access \COMPNAMECheck the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. Totry to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.Details: Error code: 0x80070035 - The network path was not found.Diagnose, as expected, did nothing. However, here's the fun bit - when I try to access files on other computers by browsing their IP address, everything works perfectlyFor now, anyway. I'm expecting a sudden degradation any day now.

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Wireless Adapter Not Visible In Network &Sharing Center

Dec 19, 2009

I have a Dell XPS 420 with a 64 bit windows 7 pro installed. My computer has a Broadcom 802.11g wireless adapter. I can see the adapter in network adapters (It has a red cross underneath it). But I dont see this adapter in the Network and Sharing center. Can someone help me with this problem.

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Custom Folder Icons Not Visible To Computers On Network

Sep 28, 2012

I have put custom folder icons (pictures basically), for some of my folders. I can see the custom folder icons, But when other computers on my network access the folders (they are shared), they can't see the custom icons. All the see are the default folder icons.

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Can't Connect To Home-group From A Domain-joined Windows 7 Computer

Apr 19, 2012

I have a Windows 7 PC that's joined to a domain. The network location says "Domain network" and cannot be changed. According to Microsoft, you must set your location to "Home" in order to be able to join a computer to an already existing HomeGroup.My advanced sharing settings for both Home and Domain (domain being the current profile) show all the sharing and discovery settings enabled. HomeGroup Listener and HomeGroup Provider services are started. My Windows Firewall is enabled. I can connect to \computername of my HomeGroup computers.However, I cannot join the HomeGroup. It says "There is currently no homegroup on your network." [URL]I verified the group policy settings do not prohibit me from changing my network location from Domain to Home so that I may join a HomeGroup. However, I still cannot click on "Domain network" in order to change it to Home.How can I join this computer to the HomeGroup?

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Cannot See Other Homegroup On Network

Nov 29, 2009

There are three computers. One is a desktop connected through a LAN. The 2 laptops is connected through wireless from the modem from the desktop. Anyways, one of the laptops has the printer. My laptop can only see the desktop. The laptop connected to the printer can see both the my laptop and the desktop. Lastly the desktop cannot see anything. Sorry if this is confusing. Anyone know why it's not detected. I need to print something out.

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User Cannot Be Seen In Homegroup Or Network?

Sep 6, 2011

i recently notived that i cannot see my current logged in User on the network either in Homegroup or on the network itself. I can share other folders and files and see them but not my user..

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Cannot Connect To Network PCs In Same Homegroup

Sep 20, 2011

I have been using windows 7 pto and xp pro on my laptop and desktop respectively. It was connected in same network from very beginning. I was in same workgroup. But as I reformatted my laptop cpl of days back I needed to connect it again with my xp desktop. since then I am not able to do so. Have been tried almost everything. I am in a same workgroup also have run the network wizard from xp. But nothing working. But just few hours ago i uninstalled few drivers (IPv6 related , not sure) while trying to connect from device manager.

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HomeGroup HP Network Printer

Nov 10, 2009

I have a wired desktop and a wireless netbook. Both have 7 Ultimate. I set up HomeGroup on my desktop and my netbook can see & access my shared folders.

I also have a couple of printers. The one I want to be able to access is a wired HP Laserjet 4000. It's old, but built like a tank and has 64MB of RAM and a Jet Direct card. I have it plugged into a Cisco router. When I added the printer I chose "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer". It locates the printer and assigns an IP address. As long as my desktop is on I can print to it from my netbook.

The problem is that I want to be able to print to the printer without having my desktop on like any small network. I should be able to since it has it's own IP address. It is on the correct port and everything in HomeGroup is working except printing while the desktop is off. I hesitate to install the massive Jet Direct software but I will if this will solve the problem.

I am very tired after staying up way too late doing a clean install of Ultimate on my desktop and reinstalling apps & arranging everything. I am thinking it has to be something simple I am overlooking ATM as I am not clear headed on 3 hours of sleep.

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Not Seeing XP Machines On Windows 7 Machines?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a network of about 90 computers connected together and i am currently running server 2003. Now when i go to network place on my xp machine, i am able to see all of my computers that are connected together. But when i go to network place on my window 7 machine, i am only seeing some of my window 7 computers and not the xp computers. The network discovery is turned on, on all of my window 7 and still nothing.

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