Reset The Homegroup To Stop Showing Erased Directories?

Oct 18, 2011

I have noticed that if someone on the homegroup erases a directory, that directory keeps showing up in the homegroup listings on the rest of

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HomeGroup Windows 7 - Library Showing Up On Network But Not Accessible

Feb 27, 2011

Desktop : Windows 7 Ultimate
Laptop1 : Windows 7 Home
Laptop2 : Windows 7 Ultimate

Laptop1 can view and access the libraries on the Desktop. Laptop2 can see the libraries on the Desktop but can not access the folders. I'm not sure what to do here, I've triple checked that libraries are shared on the Home Group.

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Machines Not Visible Under Homegroup - Status Showing Joined Network

Mar 8, 2011

Recently I discovered that the Homegroup feature is no longer working on my home network, which consists of one wired pc and one wireless laptop. Both machines running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 SP1. Both machines show the Homegroup status as "joined" in Network and Sharing Center, but neither machine is visible under "Homegroup" in My Computer. What I've tried (applies to both machines)...

- Disable Windows Firewall (no 3rd party firewalls installed)
- Leave Homegroup then rejoin
- Confirmed all needed services are running
- Confirmed IPv6 enabled
- Network Set to "Home"
- Disabled Wlan, using ethernet

Before this problem I had been using homegroup for over a year without incident. I should mention this problem seems to coincide with my upgrade to Service Pack 1, but I really don't want to jump to any conclusions at this point.

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Stop Animated Ads From Showing Up On My Webpages?

Jun 12, 2012

How do I stop animated ads from showing up on my webpages?

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Stop Showing Taskbar When Mouse Hovers The Bottom Of The Screen?

May 13, 2011

I wanted to preserve all the features of my taskbar and just stop it from showing up when I hover the bottom of the screen with the mouse (activating it with the windows key instead)

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Windows 7 Control Panel Homegroup Not Revealing Homegroup Password?

Aug 3, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and I also have a desktop running Windows 7. I am trying to connect my laptop to my homegroup with the password for my homegroup, but my desktop will not reveal it. Is there any other place that I can find it?

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Windows 7 Erased Drivers And Cannot Reinstall Them?

Jun 20, 2010

I recently purchased a Gateway NV7921u and the first thing I did was install Win 7 Ultimate on it as this is what I have on my other PC's. For some reason, now the built-in webcam does not work, the multi-gesture touchpad only utilizes one finger, only half of the touch-sensitive keys work above the keyboard and, most importantly, I can ONLY get on the net WIRELESSLY. If I plug in an Ethernet cable and hardwire it I lose my connection entirely and it is driving me bonkers. Gateway says it is a driver issue so I click the link for say, the webcam driver or the WAN driver and download them (I also use a program called driver detective that does this for me

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RAID1 Split Drives Cannot See Erased Hdd

Jun 26, 2012

I'm running RAID1 with two 1tb drives. My RAID went critical and split the drives. One drive was listed as LD 2 -1. The other is listed as <single disk>. I was able to unplug either individually and boot into windows. I decided to erase one of them and planned to rebuid the array afterwards. At this point, I can see the erased HDD in BIOS and in RAID setup, but it will not boot to Window with the erased drive connected. It starts to boot into Windows, then gives a brief flash of BSOD, then reboots itself.

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Whole Paragraph Erased When Press Shift Key

Jul 11, 2011

When typing an email, and using the shift key, my whole paragraph will be erased and I have to start all over again. I don't know how to fix this.

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Recover Data Of An Unallocated Partition That Was Unexpectedly Erased

Feb 7, 2013

I unexpectedly deleted a partition, now i want to recover data from it.

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Formatted Drive And Erased Master Boot Record

Aug 5, 2010

I'll get right to it cause this is serious for me and I screwed up royaly. My original OS Windows 7 was on a normal hard drive and I installed a second copy of Windows 7 on a new SSD drive that I got and used it as my primary and left everything on the old one just didn't delete it. When the time came for me to finally say bye bye to all the previous items on the former drive since I was now using the SSD for OS and applications I formated using the Windows 7 startup disc. I cannot boot from the SSD nor does it even show in Device Manager (I'm gonna check the connections for that) This information is still recoverable I know but what's the best way to go about it. Will I be able to use the SSD to boot widows again if I repair this one thing? Can I at least get my files back somehow?

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Software For A Goflex Freeagent 500gb Accidently Got Erased

Aug 1, 2012

The software that came with my Go Flex external hard drive accidently got eraced.
How do I get it back?

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Admin Password Setup Warning - All EFS Encrypted Files Will Be Erased

May 5, 2012

I enabled the Admin account and wanted to set password but it put up a warning that doing this would erase all EFS encrypted files, personal certificates and stored passwords for web sites or network resources. To avoid losing data in the future ask the Admin to make a password reset floppy disk. What the heck does that all mean? Is there already one on it set up by default?

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Reset Password Without Having A Flash Drive Equipped With A Reset Wizard?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a Toshiba Laptop that after installing Dragon speech hardware somehow after shutting down my laptop it lost the password.Therefore I cant boot my laptop. How ca I reset my password without having a flash drive equipped with a reset wizard?

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Reset The Popup Blocker In Explorer But Can Find Tools To Do The Reset?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm trying to reset the popup blocker in explorer but can find tools to do the reset.

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Desktop Erased / Can't Locate 'My Documents' Folder And 'Start Menu' Folders

Jun 22, 2011

I recently restarted my computer only to be met with an empty desktop.Also, My Start Menu is empty. I can't locate any of programs or documents.a Right clicking and going to windows explorer, I could only view : "My Computer", "Windows (C); and when I click on them, they contain few irrelevant files.In other words I can't find my personal saved documents, "my document" folder , recycle bin and all other programs.My wifi still works so the only thing I can do on my system is browse on the internet.However, I can open a microsoft office file, PDF files, if I download it directly from my email or from an external drive.I can save files on my new blank desktop.I presume this is a virus attack.

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[HomeGroup] 1 Pc Not Listed / Identified In Homegroup?

Aug 28, 2011

I have an issue which I can't find anything obvious on.I have 4 Windows 7 machines, 1 x W7 Pro, 2 x W7 Home Premium & 1 x W7 Starter all in the same Homegroup.The W7 Pro machine can see all the others under Homegroup in Windows ExplorerAll 3 of the others can see each other in the same way but the W7 Pro machine isn't listedThe 3 others can access the Shares on the W7 Pro Machine by going to Network rather than Homegroup in Windows Explorer.

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Two Larger Directories Into One?

May 21, 2012

I need a solution that can take two given directories, take random files from each and create a new, smaller directory.For example Directory "Photos 2011" has 500 pictures in it and "Photos 2012" has 200 pictures.I would like the program to randomly choose files from each directory and create a directory of those random files into another directory.

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In Certain Directories File Seem To Disappear

Sep 28, 2010

Running Windows 7 and in certain directories file seem to disappear. Most of the disappeared are pdfs or web pages. Though the files do not show up in Windows Explorer, if I try to restore the files by copying from my back-up drive, it tells me they already exist. Also, if I start Adobe Reader and try to open files in the supposedly empty directory, all of the missing pdfs show up.

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Migrating Windows System Directories

Apr 25, 2012

I have been thinking about getting a SATA controler card and a few SSD for my system. I have been looking around for something on this topic and thus far have not found anything talking about it or it is talking about moveing the entire disk.What I want to do is migrate system directories to seperate drives, with the existing install. So it would look like this [code] That is what I want my table to look like, I want to know is it possible with out having to perform a reinstall. Also would I have to assign each drive a new drive letter or would I be able to do NTSF directory mounting after I migrate to the new drive?The way I was thinking about it was, if I added the drives to the system, with drive letters, make a copy of the directory contents, then remove the drive letter and set it up as a mounted directory to a NTSF drive, that may allow me to do it. Then I would have to figure out what to do with the old data to get it off.

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Windows 7 Backup And Junction Directories?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a C:Users *directory junction* mapped to D:Users. I used the following to achieve this: "mklink /J C:Users D:Users".if I do a *system image*, will my files on D:Users be backed up? Or should I config another separate *file backup* (not system image) job especially for D:Users?In case D:Users gets backed up, when I restore it will my files be placed in C:Users ou D:Users?

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Moving Default User Directories

Aug 11, 2011

I was moving the default storage directories from c:users... to the root of D: when I fubared with the desktop one.I pointed it at the root of D: instead of D:Desktop and now I have everything in D:oot on my desktop.

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How To View All Images In Directory And Sub Directories

Oct 1, 2011

I am sorting out some old backups of old machines and I would like to go through and find all the images that are there so I can delete ones I don't need, ones from installed softwares and that. Is there a program that will show me every image (or just even selected file types so I can do non images too) from all the sub directories from one folder?

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Adding Directories To Path Failure?

May 1, 2011

How do you actually add directories to path? Every tutorial I've come across just says tack the path on to the end of the PATH variable after the previous variable's semicolon. That doesn't work. For instance if I want to add a path B:MinGWin I would just add it to the system variable PATH like soand now anything in the bin directory of MinGW should be in the path. Why doesn't this work? It still pulling the "this is not an internal or external command" nonsense on me. I've also tried adding directories on the C drive to path and ended with the same results.

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Can't Access Directories, Control Panel

Oct 1, 2011

got a new computer about a month ago and immediately installed Avast as anti-virus. Also have been using Peerblock. Haven't visited any sketchy websites or opened any suspicious e-mails/programs as far as I remember. Last night, I noticed my network icon in the bottom right showed a red "X" even though I am still able to use the internet. I then noticed I would get an error whenever I tried to click the icon to access my directories under explorer or access the control panel. The error message in each instance is "Windows cannot access the specified device path or file. You may not have the appropiate permission to access the item."I am the only user on the computer so am the Administrator. I have 2 Harddrives, both have Windows 7 64-bit installed, the primary being a solid-state drive, and the other being a conventional HD. I ran a full Avast check which didn't find much, just 1 sketchy mp3 I've had for a long time on one of my external HDs (I have 2 connected total) which didn't solve the problem. Also downloaded and ran Spybot S&D which found 2 things but correcting those didn't solve problem. I've rebooted several times and nothing has changed in terms of my access.Also, sometimes when I'm trying to install something it'll say that Windows Installer is messed up and I can't even seem to replace that via the files I tried to download off microsoft's website.I haven't tried booting from my conventional internal HD but I'm afraid that'll get corrupted too so I'm hesitant to yet.

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Safe To Delete Directories After Upgrade ?

Dec 1, 2009

Upgraded Vista to 7. Have 2 directories on the C: drive ($INPACE.~TR and $WINDOWS.~Q) that weren't there before upgrade. Are these old Vista data and do I need them?

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How To Reset Passwordwithout Password Reset Cd

Mar 2, 2012

74 deg here in Fayetteville Arkansas USA.for MARCH 1ST we still have a chance of a Freeze till April 15...6 Weeks!Windows7 Home Premium

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To Reset The Computer To Factory Reset

Feb 1, 2012

I had to reset my computer to factory settings a while back. I've done nothing to it except download advanced system optimizer and windows antivirus. This was a miracle alone due to the fact that my Computer locks up for extensive periods of time and will barely ever finish a task; such as transferring a picture to USB drive, scan, or any click command. It has never done this before the reset.

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Transferring Directories My Docs / My Music From Drive C To D

Oct 6, 2010

I have had to do a fresh installation due to the hd failing. I now have a larger hd partitioned into 2, one (C for the OS and programs and the other (D for the data). Is is possible and advisable to transfer all the directories such as "My Docs" and "My Music" from drive C; to drive D:? If it is OK then how can I do it.

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Explorer Very Slow On Some Directories To Display Contents?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a newish PC with an crucial ssd on C: and a WDC Black on D: but for some reason when I open some directories in explorer on D: it takes ages to display the contents, upto 30secs in some cases. And thats for a directory with only 150 items. I can see the green bar in the address bar filling up whilst I`m waiting for it to display

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Determine The Cumulative Size Of All Files In All Directories?

May 7, 2012

I'm in file explorer. I'm clicked on the parent directory of a large number of subdirectories that include a large number of assorted files.

Is there a way to determine the cumulative size of all files in all directories below the current parent?

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