Cannot See Other Homegroup On Network

Nov 29, 2009

There are three computers. One is a desktop connected through a LAN. The 2 laptops is connected through wireless from the modem from the desktop. Anyways, one of the laptops has the printer. My laptop can only see the desktop. The laptop connected to the printer can see both the my laptop and the desktop. Lastly the desktop cannot see anything. Sorry if this is confusing. Anyone know why it's not detected. I need to print something out.

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User Cannot Be Seen In Homegroup Or Network?

Sep 6, 2011

i recently notived that i cannot see my current logged in User on the network either in Homegroup or on the network itself. I can share other folders and files and see them but not my user..

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Cannot Connect To Network PCs In Same Homegroup

Sep 20, 2011

I have been using windows 7 pto and xp pro on my laptop and desktop respectively. It was connected in same network from very beginning. I was in same workgroup. But as I reformatted my laptop cpl of days back I needed to connect it again with my xp desktop. since then I am not able to do so. Have been tried almost everything. I am in a same workgroup also have run the network wizard from xp. But nothing working. But just few hours ago i uninstalled few drivers (IPv6 related , not sure) while trying to connect from device manager.

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HomeGroup HP Network Printer

Nov 10, 2009

I have a wired desktop and a wireless netbook. Both have 7 Ultimate. I set up HomeGroup on my desktop and my netbook can see & access my shared folders.

I also have a couple of printers. The one I want to be able to access is a wired HP Laserjet 4000. It's old, but built like a tank and has 64MB of RAM and a Jet Direct card. I have it plugged into a Cisco router. When I added the printer I chose "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer". It locates the printer and assigns an IP address. As long as my desktop is on I can print to it from my netbook.

The problem is that I want to be able to print to the printer without having my desktop on like any small network. I should be able to since it has it's own IP address. It is on the correct port and everything in HomeGroup is working except printing while the desktop is off. I hesitate to install the massive Jet Direct software but I will if this will solve the problem.

I am very tired after staying up way too late doing a clean install of Ultimate on my desktop and reinstalling apps & arranging everything. I am thinking it has to be something simple I am overlooking ATM as I am not clear headed on 3 hours of sleep.

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Network Sharing And Homegroup Issue

Jul 15, 2009

I've been all over these boards finding little bits of help for the issue I am having, but no solution. I've tried pretty much everything.

I have TWO PC's on my network. Since I like Star Wars I named one Ziost, and the other Mandalore. I have turned on Network Discovery on both machines in the Advanced Sharing Settings. I have both machines also set to "Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections (recommended)".

I have looked through all the services recommended by others to make sure they are running. They are on both machines.

I have both machines joined to a homegroup, however Ziost was unable to create a homegroup. The error message simply just said the homegroup could not be created on that machine. So I created the homegroup on Mandalore. No problem, it created just fine and spit out a password. Ziost was able to see the homegroup and join it just fine with the password given out.

I can access Mandalores folders FROM Ziost. And on Ziost I can see Madalore in the Network in Windows Explorer.

However, on Mandalore, it says I'm in a homegroup, but there are no PC's in the homegroup. And Mandalore cannot see Ziost in the Network section of Windows Explorer.

I thought it could be the default firewall settings. But on both machines the firewall settings are identical.

What can I be missing that would allow Ziost to see (and even map a network drive) everything on Mandalore, but then not vice versa? Mandalore is my main, newer PC, so I'm trying to keep it relativly clean and device free. My older PC is Ziost, so I have all my printers and external USB HDD on it.

I have included some pictures to help aide in the troubleshooting. It's almost 2am est, so I apologize if this is a little confusing. I'll be able to check back and respond from work tomorrow.

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Cannot Connect Printer To New Network Or Homegroup

Oct 9, 2011

I had my computer at my home, connected to my home network. I moved to a Corporate apartment, which has a different network, and now I can't print to my printer, which I brought with me. I did set the new network as my 'home' network, and folowed instructions, but it does not seem to be working.

THe printer is a C6280 Photosmart, and is wireless enabled, but my new place doesn't have a router to attach to. Basically, I'd just like to connect the printer directly to my computer, since I will be the only one printing to it.

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HomeGroup, Play To, Network Sharing

Sep 2, 2009

My computer is running Windows 7 build 7100

My Brother's computer is aswell

We are both connected wirelessly to our Router/Modem (Livebox), and we are both connected to the same Homegroup (i finally managed to get them show up in Explorer), and we are both connected to WORKGROUP, as is my Dad (Vista) and our other PC (XP, wired to livebox for printer sharing).

So, i was trying to get the "Play To" feature in WMP to work with my brother and my computer, but it doesnt seem to work.

a) On my computer i can't select "Allow Remote control of my player" though i can on my Bro"s

b) In "Media Streaming Options" and "Show devices on Local Network"(default i can't see my brothers computer, and on his he can't see mine. (This is obviously the problem), but if i select "Show devices on all networks" we can see each others computers.

For some reason though, we can see our mums Kodak Photo Frame thing, and "Media Programs on this PC..."

c) In WMP on both our computers we cant see each others computers in the HomeGroup even though all media is shared, so we have to go and look in Explorer "Homegroup" - "XXX-PC" - Music

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Network Sharing / Homegroup On Private LAN

Nov 4, 2009

I have searched but not found much with what I want to set up. I currently have a wireless connection to the internet for my PC and Laptop. What I would like to do is setup a private LAN with an old router to use but be able to keep the desktop connected to both WiFi and this LAN.

The only way I have managed to do so so far is by manually setting the IP address for the LAN (disable DHCP, change IP address etc) and assigning the LAN IP address manually to my desktop/laptop, leaving the gateway fields blank. I have noticed that doing this makes my network "Unknown" to Windows 7, which then forces it into Public mode, and disables Homegroup.

Is there a way for me to accomplish what I want?

Is pretty much how I want it to work. The desktop has two NICs, the laptop does not, so I realize the laptop would be a one-or-the-other scenario.

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Create A Homegroup On JUST Hamachi Network

Mar 9, 2009

I created a VPN using Hamachi, it's listed as a second connection, I set it as a "Home" connection.

Problem is, the computer I'm trying to connect to is both on my local, and Hamachi network.

I decided, OK I'll just create a Homegroup on my Hamachi network!

I went to create it, but it appears it created a Homegroup within both networks?

I'm really confused here, I want to create a Homegroup on JUST the Hamachi network right now, but when I go to create one, it's listed on both.

Will I still be able to use Homegroups with Hamachi even outside the local server, because it's a VPN?

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Can't Access Other Computer In Network/Homegroup

Jan 17, 2012

how to access my desktop that is on my Homegroup. When I try to access my desktop from my laptop I get asked to "Enter Network Password". The password I used for my router and my homegroup are both not working and I tried changing my homegroup password without avail.

Can I just completely turn off the homegroup password? On both computers I have opted to turn off password protection for the network but it doesn't seem to change anything.

BTW, I can access my laptop via my desktop but just not vice versa.

I have tried to find user guides but nothing seems to help. I can't even leave the homegroup on my laptop which I find weird.

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Unable To See Existing Homegroup On Wireless Network

Dec 24, 2011

After reformatting my laptops hard drive, it is unable to see the existing homegroup on my wireless network. Before the reformat, I was able to share files and printers using the existing homegroup on my main desktop computer. I have tried homegroup troubleshooter without success.

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Homegroup Network Doesn't Accept Password?

Mar 17, 2012

I have two computers, both use Windows 7, connected second computer to homegroup network but first one wouldn't connect to second. have now reloaded Windows on first computer due to other issues. Both computers see each other on network but neither will accept password to connect.

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Difference Between Homegroup And Mapping Network Drive?

Mar 12, 2009

Is it just Libraries and Public and Personal sections? How are those different than mapping a new drive and setting permissions and/or passwords accordingly?

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Cannot Create A Homegroup Because User KYLO Already Has One On Network

Feb 26, 2012

So I checked on my network, just recently, and I saw some strange names connected. I saw BOYKA, KYLO-PC, RADULOVIC-PC, and my computer. I was freaking out, so I went to the DHCP Reservation on my routers setup and checked the devices connected. It was just my devices. But I still changed the password, but I was kind of reassured of the fact that it was probably just a program that accesses the network. But I googled all the names and no kind of software came up that may use these names displayed on the network, nor anyone else having this problem. I am worried that a people are accessing my network. Also, no one around my house has any of those names.Also I cannot create a homegroup because the user KYLO already has one on the network.

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HomeGroup Windows 7 - Library Showing Up On Network But Not Accessible

Feb 27, 2011

Desktop : Windows 7 Ultimate
Laptop1 : Windows 7 Home
Laptop2 : Windows 7 Ultimate

Laptop1 can view and access the libraries on the Desktop. Laptop2 can see the libraries on the Desktop but can not access the folders. I'm not sure what to do here, I've triple checked that libraries are shared on the Home Group.

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Windows 7 Notebook Wireless Cannot Find Network Or Homegroup?

Sep 27, 2011

You have already checked all your settings and have done everything right. Your hard wired network connections work fine. When you go to wireless all your homegroup and network locations or most of them vanish with no resolution.Quick Solution: Make sure the time your router is keeping is the same as your network computers, including turning on Daylight Savings if applicable.Explanation:There are several threads on the internet about Windows 7 not finding workgroup or network printers or computers on wireless notebooks. This was after people painstakenly went through all the trouble shooters, turned off and restarted their firewalls and antivirus, rebooted and rebooted, reset and reset over and over again, checked all their settings and did everything right and still could not resolve their problem.

There is a likely resolution for this problem - at least it worked for me. It took me nearly a week to find this solution.Occasionally, when running the homegroup troubleshooter, I got the message that the time was not the same on all the network computers. I went around and checked all the computers and the time was the same - so why the message?However when I went to the router, I found that daylight savings was not turned on and the time the router was keeping was an hour different from everything else. Low and behold when I corrected the time on the router all the connection problems were resolved on the notebooks.

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Homegroup Sharing Network Suddenly Doesnt Work

Nov 16, 2011

I have a wireless network setup comprising of a Windows 7 desktop and a Vista laptop,Everything worked fine but I suddenly have found that my computer sharing network setup is no longer working.When I try to access my Desktop PC from my laptop the Desktop Computer PC icon shows,but when I click on it I get a message,Windows cannot access Desktop Windows has sent the request to the DNS server and that name was unknown",When I try to access the laptop from my Desktops Windows7 (control panel>network sharing center) the Laptop icon no longer shows as it did previously.

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Home Network Set But Windows 7 Says Can't Join Homegroup, No Home Network

Oct 8, 2012

5 month old Dell XPS 8500 Win 7 64 bit Pro as main computer connected by Wired Adapter, Upgraded Gateway 5632E also running Win 7 64 bit pro as second connected by Wireless. Both running Kapersky successfully. no network problems for 5 mo.

Both were successfully linked using homegroup. Had to take Gateway to a remote location to do a business demo. While there had to link to a local public WiFi. While connecting made mistake and left homegroup.

When Gateway returned to homebase a few days later it was fine, had no problems finding wireless but could not see or rejoin Dell machine homegroup. It would let me set up a new homegroup.

Went to Dell box and found 1) homegroup no longer existed, 2) router and network and wireless printing no longer found - Red X on the taskbar) even though internet was still working fine.

Took nearly a week of trying differernt fixes, on adapter- off adapter- different adapter reboot network, router, even updated router firmware (Yes I went through every ipconfig reset, renew, redecorate etc. I've used netsh functions to try to get evrything to reset. Changes services.msc settings per other posts. Finally in desperation, deleted every sub key in the registry related to network locational awareness and got the Dell to find the network, let me set it up as a "home" network and then even see the invitation to join the Gateway's homegroup.

Then I hit a wall- when I try to join- Win 7 says I can't join the homegroup because the network is not a "home network". Of course troubleshooting is useless and goes into an endless loop. Have searched in desperation for any way to make Win 7 return to a clean slate so it can sense that it really is on a home network without success. Applied the fix-it and hotpatch for when Win 7 gets stuck in public mode. No joy. Deleted the hide wizard subkey as suggested elsewhere. No Joy. Gut feeling says problem must lie in the NLA or peer networking somewhere but where?

Does anyone know of a method or set of steps (short of a clean reinstall of Win 7) to completely clear every thing the OS knows about my network and force it to acknowlege my network is a home network? Is there a registry hack that will clear the problem?

I know I could abandon the homegroup and do conventional file/print share but I am concerned that using that solution won't last as whatever is screwing up the homegroup could eventually screw regular sharing and then I'm back to reformating/reinstalling. I'm just about ready to join the Apple folks so I never have to work on Windows again.

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Homegroup And File Sharing Stopped Working Over Home Network?

Feb 6, 2011

3 days ago, access through my laptop on my home network to my main pc suddenly stopped working. i installed and changed nothing, as a result i wiped both the laptop and pc and reinstalled Win 7 Enterprise and Win 7 Ultimate respectively and i am still getting the " you do not have permission to access ---" i have taken ownershp, turned off password enabled sharing etc to fix this and nothing has worked. the only clue i have is that it may actually be an issue with the shared drive (storage) as viewing the shared drive over the network, the properties of the drive show up as 0 bytes/files.

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Machines Not Visible Under Homegroup - Status Showing Joined Network

Mar 8, 2011

Recently I discovered that the Homegroup feature is no longer working on my home network, which consists of one wired pc and one wireless laptop. Both machines running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 SP1. Both machines show the Homegroup status as "joined" in Network and Sharing Center, but neither machine is visible under "Homegroup" in My Computer. What I've tried (applies to both machines)...

- Disable Windows Firewall (no 3rd party firewalls installed)
- Leave Homegroup then rejoin
- Confirmed all needed services are running
- Confirmed IPv6 enabled
- Network Set to "Home"
- Disabled Wlan, using ethernet

Before this problem I had been using homegroup for over a year without incident. I should mention this problem seems to coincide with my upgrade to Service Pack 1, but I really don't want to jump to any conclusions at this point.

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Windows 7 Control Panel Homegroup Not Revealing Homegroup Password?

Aug 3, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and I also have a desktop running Windows 7. I am trying to connect my laptop to my homegroup with the password for my homegroup, but my desktop will not reveal it. Is there any other place that I can find it?

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[HomeGroup] 1 Pc Not Listed / Identified In Homegroup?

Aug 28, 2011

I have an issue which I can't find anything obvious on.I have 4 Windows 7 machines, 1 x W7 Pro, 2 x W7 Home Premium & 1 x W7 Starter all in the same Homegroup.The W7 Pro machine can see all the others under Homegroup in Windows ExplorerAll 3 of the others can see each other in the same way but the W7 Pro machine isn't listedThe 3 others can access the Shares on the W7 Pro Machine by going to Network rather than Homegroup in Windows Explorer.

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Network Password / NOT Homegroup Password

May 19, 2011

Untill yesterday my homegroup was working just fine. Two laptops / home premium / windows 7.Now when I try to access it I am prompted for a Network user name and password, the same promt giving details of my domain. This is not my homegroup password, I know where and how to find / use it. I have renamed pc's tried setting up homegroup again etc etc. Incidently I cant change the share options on any of my folders now, they are all locked to 'Nobody'.Can anyone help as it appears to have support from Microsoft for their product I'll have to pay pardon my igronance but if I sold a product with constant updates I wont charge for the support.

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Way To Set Up A Homegroup

Jan 5, 2012

i thought it was pretty straight forward. guess its not.i've got the password and whatnot ready from my computer so i want my laptop to connect to it. however it only says 'create a homegroup' rather then 'join homegroup.' i tried troubleshooting but that crap never really does anything. i really don't have a clue how to set this thing up. i tried to follow a Internet video however i just can't see 'join homegroup'. my laptop is on windows 7 home premium and my computer is on windows 7 ultimate. both on service pack 1 and 64bit.

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Unable To Set Up Homegroup?

May 1, 2012

I have a PC running Windows7 on which I have set up Homegroup, complete with password. I also have a laptop running Windows7 on which I tried to run Join Homegroup. I was told in the instructions to go to Start/Computer/ and click on Homegroup in the left hand column the choose Join Now in the window that comes up. There is no "Join Now" box in the window that comes up and I therefore cannot start a Homegroup. I have a Wi-Fi modem which connects me to the net wirelessly and My PC has a wireless card which works fine as far as I can tel

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HomeGroup Printers

Jul 15, 2009

i have a pc (Windows 7 build 7100) that is connected to two printers (of which one prints (HP laserjet CP1215) and one only scans (no ink)) and it shares those printer.

My Windows 7 build 7600 (on my main pc) added the scan-printer without asking me and didn't add the other one (the only one I can print). I then disconnected this one from the other pc and looked again, no install here.

While I used build 7100 with my main pc too, it asked me: "Do you want to install HomeGroup printer?" and it worked like a charm.

Now I tried to manually add this printer and it asked me for a driver.

I installed the HP drivers but still, not working. Then, when it asked me again to point to the .inf file, i selected the one HP-driver-installation installed (to my C:Program files folder) but it said this driver is from a "non-certified" publisher (or something like this, sadly I can't reproduce this so I don't remember the exact words).

I clicked "install nonetheless" because I knew it was the right driver (printer prints perfectly from all other Windows 7 workstations).

Now when I try to connect to the printer (still not showing up in "Devices and printers" it tries to connect, looks for a driver, kinda finds one and then tells me, it can't connect.

I cannot even select a new driver or anything, I can only close the window.

On all my other pcs (I only use Windows 7 since the RC) it works and worked without problems. I miss the "Install Homegroup printer" prompt and well ...

any ideas?

ah well i installed 32bit versions of the driver and now i downloaded 64bit versions, but even after installing it doesn't work and as I've said before, I cannot manually select a driver inf file anymore, so ... I can't install the printer.

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HomeGroup Networking

Oct 18, 2008

Microsoft had tried to get its "Castle" networking scheme into Windows Vista, but the feature will finally appear in Windows 7 as HomeGroup. Essentially a combination of workgroup networking with file and media sharing, HomeGroup makes it easier to create a home network where PCs share pictures, music, videos, documents, printers, and other resources with each other.

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Windows 7 Behind Second Hub Not In Homegroup

Sep 12, 2010

I try to ad my Windows 7 desktop, connected with a second hub (utp cable) to my homegroup but it won't reconise me on the laptops with Windows 7 installed. The laptops are using wireless on my modem-router.

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Cannot Connect To Homegroup

Jul 29, 2011

I have a laptop, HTPC, and a desktop, all connected to my internet wirelessly. All of the systems were connected to the homegroup perfectly last night, but then I started having problem this morning. The HTPC was connected to the homegroup, but unable to detect any of the computers. Same with the rest of them. So I left the homegroup from the HTPC thinking I could just reconnect. Big mistake. After that the only option that was available to me was to "create a new group". After many restarts and settings, I decided to create a new homegroup. I then left the original homegroup from my laptop, so that I could join the new homegroup, but alas, the same thing happens, I could not see the old homegroup from the desktop, or the new homegroup from the HTPC! The only option available to to create another new homegroup! I did the same thing again with my desktop, and now all three machines each on its own homegroup.

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How To Create Homegroup

Jul 4, 2012

I want to create a homegroup. Is it possible without having an internet connection? and after having a homegroup, i would like to play music from other devices through my pc speakers.

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Homegroup On Windows 7?

Oct 16, 2012

I was setting up a Homegroup on my friends Windows 7 network. A printer was connected via USB to one computer, and shared on the Homegroup. Printing was fine from the computer the printer was attached to, but when any of the other 3 computers tried to print to it, the document went into the printer queue, and then never printed, just sat in the queue. I tried for a hour or so, re-installing drivers, the homegroup, etc. I finally deleted the homegroup, shared the printer in the traditional manner, and it worked fine.

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