Failure While Setup Is In Progress - Booting From Partition

Jul 6, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron laptop that got a virus on it. I tried to fix the virus but was just not able to and every time I turned the computer on it would get an error message and ask if I wanted to start windows normally, once in a while I would get a BSOD and it would reset itself. I don't remember what the error messages were because I kinda ignored the problem for a couple months and finally got around to saving what I needed and trying to do a reset. Everything went fine when I went into Dells Datasafe Restore. After it wiped the drive and re-installed I got past the Dell screen at startup and on to the windows screen then suddenly got a flash of a BSOD then the computer restarted. I went through the startup repair and got the message Failure while setup is in progress. I've been searching for a solution for a few hours now and I haven't found one. I don't have a recovery disk (I was just trying to use the partition) and I don't have a windows 7 cd. Where do I go from here?

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No Setup After Booting Windows 7 And Other OS-es?

Oct 13, 2012

I have a huge problem about installing windows so i will write down everything.Already a couple of days trying to install a new Windows (Windows 7) and boot Windows normally and pass the Windows logo and one comes to the blue image and then the setup should appear but nothing. Just standing and standing. In fact, I had trouble installing Windows 7 because we talked error code 5 so I found a fix and managed to install os. Now he does not want to appear on Windows 7 setup or even on Vista. I tried to remove and replace the cables but that d I'm desperate, I do not know what more to do.Specs: Windows 7 x64RAM: 3GBProcessor: AMD X2 250 OC3.3GPU: HD5670 1GB

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CI.dll Booting From Setup Disk

May 16, 2010

Ive been running Vista for a couple of years, until last night when the system decided to pack up and lose/corrupt half the sys32 folder. I'm using RAID-0 for my hard disks, so i ran the RAID setup, deleted the array and created a new one, striped, just like the previous, and then tried to run a Windows 7 setup i'd picked up from the office. Only problem is, even though i've been through the BIOS and told it to boot from disk as first priority, all i get is a screen that says "Windows is loading files", followed by a few seonds of "Starting Windows" before i get an error screen informing me that CI.dll is missing or corrupt (0xc0000098). My only two options from here are to run Windows Memory Diagnostic or try and boot again from the Windows Setup dvd, which i've tried in safe mode and every other available advanced boot option.

Edit: I just tried to run an XP setup disk i have lying around to see if i had the same problem, and i got an error saying that no hard drive was detected on my system. I checked the BIOS and under 'Standard CMOS Features' the SATA channels are all listed as empty, with only my IDE cd/dvd drive being recognised.

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RAID5 Setup Failure - One Hard Drive Failed

Jun 16, 2012

I have raid 5 setup, on a ASUS P5K WS motherboard using matrix storage manager. Just copied everything on to it, now a hard drive has failed. I got new hard drive but its seen as none Raid and raid showing as failure ?

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition - Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me error saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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"setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing Partition"

Jun 8, 2011

A friend has asked me to install Widows 7 on a friends laptop which has XP. The laptop doesn't have a DVD drive (no drive at all) so I've had to stick the installer on a USB stick from disc using a program.The USB boots up fine on the laptop, just like a disc. I formatted 2 partitions (same drive) and tried to install windows 7 but I get this error:"setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing partition"So now, I have someone else's laptop with no OS. The owner is a 70 year old computer illiterate man.i'm planning on trying to install Vista instead and if successful, upgrade to 7. I would have upgraded in the 1st place, but P can't be directly upgraded to 7.

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Windows 7 Upgrade Failure - No Automatic Rollback Continuous Loop For Setup?

May 11, 2011

Went through the recommendations for upgrading to windows 7 as per instructions on CD. Anything incompatible was removed, uninstalled prior to set-up. On first run through set-up failed, BUT, this was easily rolled back. Not so easy the second time round where there was no option to roll back. On rebooting I could not access any of the software programmes on the pc. Instead I was taken straight to the command screen:


The only access I have to all my directories is via this screen.I did attempt to a system restore but was asked to identify which system to restore and was unable to do that as I am not very technical.I can, by hitting F8 get to the advanced boot menu, but none of the options listed there function. When selected they take me back to the command screen. If I exit the command screen the pc reboots.Is there any way I can get to restore my previous o/s Vista and then hopefully I can get to do a clean install of windows 7? it currently looks like I am running two opeating systems and windows.

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Boot Failure System Partition

Aug 23, 2012

About 8 months ago, I built a computer for myself;SINGLE Hard drive, 1 T;1 Partition..Windows 7 Home Premium service pack 1..The BIOS identifies the HDD..Last week, the computer worked properly, with regular shut down.3 or 4 days later, when the PC was turned on, it booted through the Windows 7 splash screen, but the log on screen did not appear.After a spontaneous reboot, the Windows 7 repair utility informed me that the situation could not be fixed. I selected advanced options and tried 2 different restore points from about a week before the last happy event. [code]

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Power Failure During Partition Operation?

Nov 17, 2010

My computer wouldn't start after a power failure during resizing partitions. I tried downloaded and used Repair Disk for Windows 7 64bit, which leads to the relevant screens but after a repeated restart of the system a note "...Interrupted operation: Insert the Recovery CD or other Recovery Media and reboot your PC..." still appears for already couple dozen restarts. I've purchased my Sony Vaio VPC23FX laptop with no additional disks and anything. Should I buy a new copy of Windows 4 Home Premium and start everything from a blank page or are there any other ways to make the computer start properly?

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Chkdsk Failure Primary Partition

Oct 29, 2012

I noticed this problem when I tried to delete something off the drive, then I tried to run an antivirus scan and it gave me an error if incapacity to delete viruses due to a dirty disk and that I should run chkdsk.So I right clock on the drive and attempt check now. It tells me that it must first dismount the drive before it can do so and asks if I would like to force a dismount. To which I respond yes. Then, the window disappears and I hear no word or see no signs of any chkdsk happening. Naturally I reboot the terminal expecting fire-works and chemistry, but get greeted by the sound of windows starting up again.I have tried the administrator driven command prompt in this sequence. C:WindowsSystem32>chkdsk x:/f

The type of file system is exFAT.
Volume Serial Number is 2C7E-22C5
C:WindowsSystem32>chkdsk x:/r
The type of the file system is exFAT.

Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Chkdsk May run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? <Y/N>

Volume dismounted. ALL opened handles to this volume are now invalid.
Volume Serial Number is 2C7E-22C5
C:WindowsSystem32>chkdsk x:/r


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Dual Booting, Two Hds Vs Partition

May 23, 2009

What would be the easiest way to do a dual boot? Would it be:

1)Use a second hard drive, one with XP one with Windows 7? If I did this would I be able to plug the XP drive in and see it as my D: drive? What if I went and switched it back in the bios to the XP hard would I see windows 7 stuff in D:? I’d like to do this since I have two hard drives one that is brand new.

2) Just partition my current hard drive and dual boot. If I did this would I be able to switch back and forth and see files on both boots? Also what about if I added my other new hard drive would both see it easily?

I don’t know much about dual boots so please fill me in and answer my questions.

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Formatting Partition Without Booting From Disk?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm in a bit of a pickle here. My CD drive won't allow me to boot from CDs anymore, for whatever reason. I have 2 partitions on my hard drive and I'm wondering if it's possible to format the main partition by copying the windows setup files to my secondary and then somehow running them from there, whilst wiping the main one. I really don't want to reinstall without formatting, but right now I have no other option.

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Deleted Ubuntu Partition Now Windows 7 Not Booting

Jun 17, 2011

I deleted the ubuntu partition now windows wont boot. I have tried the recovery disk and tried "bootrec /fixmbr" but it didnt work.Now the win7 installation is not showing up in the recovery console.When I turn the laptop on I get "Insert System Disk in drive Press any key when ready".

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Not Booting After Resizing Partition, No Boot Error?

Nov 18, 2011

I had an empty 70 GB partition on the left of my computer and a 230 GB on the right side but I wanted to combine them. Windows was on the 230 GB partition. I booted GParted and combined them, it copied everything from the 230 GB partition over and resized it, it took a few hours.I assumed after it wouldn't boot and all I would have to do is pop in my Windows 7 install disc and go through the repair setup. At first I ran startup repair and it would say it found a problem, and I rebooted and still nothing.. After the bios loads and it lists my DVD drives I just get a cursor _ blinking, nothing else.. No BOOTMGR missing.Odd I thought, so I ran repair again, and again it found another problem. I did this several times before it said it could not detect a problem but it still would do the same thing.I opened the cmd prompt and issued the following commands

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildocd

I tried installing a second copy of Windows 7 on a 10 GB partition on the end, it went successfully but still blinking cursor. Theres a 54 MB partition at the beginning of type Primary, the main windows one is System and the test windows 7 partition is Primary as well. I thought the first one was usually 100 MB but maybe I am wrong.Still I am stuck with a blinking cursor?

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Booting An Unattended Windows 7 Installation From A Partition?

Apr 4, 2012

I have been given the challenge to make a way to install Windows without any installation media and without having to even touch the computer while it's installing. So far I've made a .wim image with the help of this guide and I've made an Autounattend.xml file with thI put the install.wim image in the sources directory on a flash drive and the Autounattend.xml file in the root of the flash drive, and it does exactly what I want it to - all except it's not on a partition. So I move it to a partition and add a boot entry using EasyBCD. It boots fine, but it acts like the Autounattend.xml file isn't even there. So right now I have the choice of hands free installation with media, or manual installation without media. My main question is why the Autounattend.xml file isn't working when I boot the same media from a partition

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Partition Analysis Bug During Setup

Jan 21, 2009

I've successfully installed several instances of Windows 7 Beta 1 on several virtual machines. However, I am being stymied when attempting to perfrom a "native" install into one of my hard disk partitions in a multiboot configuration. I keep getting the following error message during setup:

"Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition".

I have 2 internal hard disks. The first is a SCSI drive housing an instance of XP. It is the "system disk". The second is an IDE drive housing 4 primary partitions. The first holds NTFS data, the second an instance of XP MCE, the third contains VISTA SP1, the forth is the desired destination partition for Windows 7.

When I boot the Windows 7 setup DVD and get to the point of selecting the target partition I get the above error message.

Things I've tried:

1. Formatted the target partition as a Primary (via XP) - fails with above error msg

2. Formatted the target partition as Logical (via Vista) -- fails with above error msg

3. Left the area unformatted and let setup do the formatting - fails with above error msg

4. Installed a test version of Vista in the target partition first and

then tried to run a Windows 7 "Upgrade" from within that copy

of Vista - fails due to a weird bug requesting install of a disk driver

that device manager shows is already happily working.

I've been all over the web trying to find a solution. Many people have experienced this error message when installing Windows 7 in a multiboot situation with multiple drives but I have not found any viable circumventions. One person claimed that pulling the power cord on all hard disks other than the one containing the destination partition worked but I cannot do that since my SCSI is the "system disk" and houses the BCD and Bootmgr required by the VISTA (and Windows 7) partitions on my IDE drive.

This is probably a bug since Vista installs very nicely into the same partition with no problems. Hopefully it will be fixed by the RTM release. However, I would really like to circumvent the bug so I can use Windows 7 natively in the interim.

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Ideal Partition Setup

Mar 4, 2010

I have a new notebook which is an r519. I have no idea how to split the drives and which percentage should be which. I've been sitting here for ages moving the slider then moving it back. The total harddisk capacity is 232.88gb. How should I split this between C and D drives.

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"Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"

Jun 7, 2012

Recently my SSD failed so I tried installing windows 7 from DVD on my HDD but I always get an error message: "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition."I've tried everything I could find here: I gave boot priority to the HDD, I unplugged every other device but nothing seems to work.

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Booting From Specific Partition (Windows 7) - No Option On Start Up

Dec 21, 2011

I recently made a separate partition on my HD (C), let's call it F. I wanted to load up windows xp onto that small partition, F, so as to see if it would allow me to operate better, as I have a gaming laptop that seems to be suffering from a memory hog svchost. Anyway, now that I've booted up to the F partition and working in XP, I find that I dislike it, I also can't figure out how to connect to the internet. My issue is, I can't figure out how to boot to the C, my Windows 7, the original OS. I'm not given an option upon startup and I can't find anything in my BIOS that is obviously pertaining to my issue.

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Windows 7 Booting From G: Partition In Dual Boot Mode?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a laptop with twin HDDs and I have Vista on the C: partition on Drive 1. I created a new partition G: on Drive 2 and, while Vista was running, inserted the Win 7 disc and started installation to G:. All went perfectly and I have retained my original partitions with drive letters and labels, plus a new G: partition labeled Win 7. All seems to be working fine.Now I heard from a geeky friend that BOTH OS should be running on C: and that windows has some clever way of making that work. Is this true - and are there any disadvantages continuing installing MANY apps on G:?

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UEFI Booting Of GPT Partition Doesn't Work After 2nd HDD Was Added

Nov 10, 2011

I have an Asus Z68 mainboard with UEFI-BIOS. Windows 7 Professional 64bit is installed in UEFI mode on a GPT partitioned drive (SSD). It worked flawlessly.Now I added my second, old harddrive, that is still MBR formatted.Windows won't start anymore, instead I am seeing "Windows is loading files", then a blinking cursor, and that's all.I have two options in BIOS regarding boot priority:

1) I can boot from the SSD as primary priority

2) I can select an option called "Windows Boot loader", I think this refers to the UEFI boot code that Windows wrote to the UEFI.

If I select the first option, I get the "Windows is loading files screen" and then the "Windows has detected a startup error, do you want to repair the system startup" screen. If I select "Start Windows normally", I get a blinking cursor and then nothing. If I select "Repair startup", I see "Windows is loading files", and then again the "Startup repair screen". It is an endless loop.If I select the second option, I get "Windows is loading files", then a blinking cursor, and nothing more.Is there any way to get my Windows to boot again without disconnecting or re-partitioning the old harddrive? Note that the old harddrive is NOT for booting, as it is just a datastore.

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Setup Could Not Create New System Partition

May 5, 2009

I'm getting this error when trying to install windows 7 rc x64:

"Setup couldn't create new system partition"

Then it asks me to check the setup log, but I don't know how.

Trying to install onto the 2nd partition of a 160 gb drive, split in half. It's disk 0, the first partition is active primary and has XP. The second partition is formatted ntfs primary and when I select it in windows setup, that's when I get the error message. I let windows 7 delete it and create a new partition and formatted it, but when I select it to install windows onto, it give me the above message.

It's a SATA drive running in native IDE mode on an AMD790GX board with a Phenom II X4 940 and 4 GB RAM.

It doesn't seem like it would be a drivers issues, since Windows sees the drive and both partitions, allows me to delete, create and format partitions, just won't let me install onto it. Any ideas?

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Partition Setup On HDD Storage Drive?

Jun 16, 2011

i just finished partitioning a hdd for the first time. It will be my storage drive (former boot Win7) drive complimenting a Corsair 115GB boot ssd. This is my first build?

f: 500GB for music, movie, pics and docs.

g: 230GB for installed programs and relocated windows folders. (Windows page files and user's folders)

h: the balance is unallocated at this time. Reserved for maybe umbutu/xp,etc.

1. Would it be better to install programs on f:, if so should I shrink it ?

2. Do you think the size of each is adequate?

3. Slould I install the Gpu drivers to the SSD?

4. Is is bad to keep changing and deleting volumes?

5. Should I partition the SSD boot in 2, one for OS 1 for games.

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Relocating System Partition (Copying Only Data Required For Booting)

Mar 10, 2011

I recently (~2-3 months ago) installed windows 7 on a brand new 1TB hard drive. This hard drive is broken into two partitions - C & G. Windows 7 is installed on C; and G is only for data storage etc. Here is the description of partition C from Disk Management:

C: Simple Basic NTFS Healthy (Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 98 GB

Unfortunately, "System" is missing from that description. Somehow "System" ended up on hard drive L - an old 80GB IDE drive that has migrated from build-to-build. This drive has just started on the *hopefully* slow road to death. I decided to retire this drive when I discovered I couldn't securely erase it because it is the System partition (there is only one partition on this drive).

So, how I can relocate the system drive data to another drive (preferably C) in the safest way possible. I found a solution here: [URL]. But I don't want to copy the entire contents of L to a new drive, all I want is the data needed for booting, and to securely erase everything else on L. Looking around, it seems I may be able to boot from a Windows 7 repair disk and recreate the system files on C, but this seems risky and likely to require a full re-install if something goes wrong.

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Windows 7 - Setup Was Unable To Create A New Partition

Jul 30, 2012

I am unable to install windows 7 as , when I start the install and click on install it shows that setup was unable to create a new partition or locate an existing system partition.I have 2 hard disks , one of size 75 gb & other of 320 Gb..Previously , OS was installed on 320 gb , but i have formatted that drive before installing windows 7...

now my 75 gb hard disk is empty & one drive of 320 gb is also empty..It shows that 320 gb hdd ia on disk 0 & 75 gb on disk 1.I want to install Os in any of the above mentioned HDD.It shows that-> 1. all drives of 320 gb HDD as Logical & 75 gb HDD drives as Primary..

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Setup Unable To Create A New System Partition

Dec 6, 2012

Is giving the following error when trying to install windows 7 in HD:

"setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition"

I've tried to do some procedures, but also can not create partition, do not know what else to do.

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition?

Jan 27, 2012

I built a new pc and i want to put windows 7 pro on it. When i try to install i got the message "setup unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing one". How do I fix this?

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Setup Unable To Create New System Partition

Aug 4, 2010

This is a fresh Windows 7 install on a 500GB HDD (previously used under XP) In the BIOS the Storage is configured as: Raid. Obviously I have the right raid ICH10R drivers from Asus (they are on a USB drive) Installation starts, Windows sees the disk, I specify the drivers, BUT when I click Next, I get: Setup was unable to create a new system partition. I can delete the partition, create a new one, format it, BUT when I click Next, I get: Setup was unable to create a new system partition. I used Gparted to delete the partition, and tried again - I used Seagate tools to zero the disk (sort of low level format) - If I try to install on a brand new 1TB HDD following the same steps, it installs fine... Both drives are Sata II and I used the same Sata port (only one disk at a time)

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition

Aug 29, 2009

Clean install of windows 7 on 2 160gb sata HDD's set up for a raid 0

when i select a partition to install the OS onto it gives me the error

"Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. see the Setup log files for more information."

any suggestions?

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Setup Was Unable To Create NewSsystem Partition

Sep 9, 2012

while installing windows 7 from the installation DVD, everything works fine till the screen where it asks me to select the partition on which i would like to install Windows. When I select Partition 4 and click Next it gives me an error saying "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the setup log files for more information". I have only one HDD and no external USB's or drives attached to my CPU.

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition

Dec 24, 2012

Yesterday i want to install windows 7 on my laptop but when i format Local disk C and click next it says setup was unable to create a new system partition.I boot through Pen Drive. I dont have a dvd rw(not working) and i have Data on other drives[/COLOR]...without wiping data and with wiping data.

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