Slow Explorer Progress Bar On Large Folder

Apr 19, 2010

Clicking on a large folder in Explorer can cause a slowly-moving green progress bar. In some cases this can take several minutes to complete.

A common cause is thumbnail caching of image and video files, resulting from having properties | customize | "optimize this folder for:" set to pictures, vs documents or General items.

The most likely solution: in Explorer, right click on folder, select properties, customize, under "optimize this folder for:", select either General items, or documents. Set check box "Also apply this template to all subfolders", then click apply.

The slow progress bar is apparently caused by Explorer scanning the folder and all subfolders to pre-render thumbnail images for image and video files. This happens if the "optimize this folder" setting is pictures or videos. This happens when merely clicking on the top-level folder.

If "optimize this folder" is set to documents or General, the thumnails are not rendered until you actually click on the folder or sub-folder containing those.

This was discussed in another thread on this forum, but it was full of speculative remedies, and the actual cause and remedy was not posted until the last thread (and one year after the thread was started): Accessing drives in Windows Explorer takes a long time I'm creating this thread with a more exact title and concise description, to aid in finding the solution based on a symptom search.

While the above is the most likely cause of a slow Explorer progress bar, there are other possible causes. These include clicking on a remote folder on a slow network, general slowdown due to indexing, disk drive or filesystem caching disabled, disk drive retries due to impending hardware failure, corrupted video files or codec, etc.

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Way To Restore Progress Bar In Internet Explorer 9

Jun 20, 2011

I want to know if there is a way to restore the progress bar in internet explorer 9. I found a site that wanted me to pay for a plug in but why should I have to pay for it? I want to restore the bar and I think it should be included. Are there any places I can get the plug in for free?

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Windows 7 Mapped Drive Latency With Slow Green Progress Bar And Red X

Dec 13, 2010

We are having ongoing problems with Windows 7 and mapped drive latency on our network. Our environment is as follows:Multiple servers running Windows 2008 & 2008 R2, some VMware servers (including our file server). Windows 7 x64 came preloaded on a brand new Lenovo think-pad, 4gb memory. This occurs on 4 different laptops. This problem ALSO occurs in exactly the same way on an HP Compaq x64 desktop running Windows 7 32. All systems are fully patched & up to date on SP's. Running IP 4 & 6 on all servers & Windows 7 machines Connected to GB Cisco switch.We run login scripts via GPOs that map drives (with net use commands) to 3 shares on our file-server, drives G, H and S.A fourth mapped drive to an IBM I-series does NOT experience these issues.

In Windows Explorer, mapped drives may or may not appear with red X's, but when clicked on they hang with a spinner and the green bar at the top of Explorer begins to run. This occurs randomly, but usually not right after boot up. It can take over a minute to complete. Also, in Word, which has references to these drives in file locations, file opening and saves can be very slow as it attempts to access these shares.This issue has delayed our roll out of Windows 7.Its unacceptably slow and cannot be used in a production environment.We have tried every suggestion we can find on the Internet:Turned off auto-tuning, indexing, thumbnails, set auto-disconnect to the max (both 99999 and ffffffff). Server & clients. No luck. Changed properties on the mapped drives to optimize for change.Changes setting on the network cards to disable flow control, set static link speed & duplex. Network drivers have been updated. Even tried using our wireless network and disabling wired change.All bios and hardware updates are change.Turned on and off network change.
Disabled SMB2 on servers & change.Disabled firewalls, and unloaded antivirus (Trend) change.Safe boot with networking & clean boot with no services other than change.

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Deleting Large Number Of Files Very Slow

Apr 17, 2012

I run a software tool that often generates 75,000 - 100,000 small files that need to be deleted after the software exits. Right now, it can take 8 - 10 minutes to permanently delete all these files from a single run, and I usually have 4 - 8 runs to deal with, so do the math. I have tried shift-del to permanently delete but it doesn't work - Windows still copies everything to the recycle bin. Also, while moving the files to the recycle bin, I often get an error message: "Error 0x80070050: The file exists." Bottom line is that it takes a *really* long time just to delete these files and I need a quicker way to do it.

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IE 8 Super Slow - Large Websites Taking Forever To Load

Jun 3, 2011

My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium. My IE version is 8.0.7600.16385. It's been working well until last night. Now suddenly, when I'm trying to go into large websites, everything takes halfway to forever to load. I even restored to any earlier point. Still the same problem. (By the way, I had difficulty restoring. I kept getting error messages. In the end I uninstalled Kaspersky, restored to an earlier point, reinstalled Kaspersky.)

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Transferring Large Files Make Windows 7 Slow Down To A Crawl?

Aug 13, 2009

My main HDD is comfigured into two partitions, C: for Windows 7 and D: for data/downloads/etc. Whenever I copying a large file from Partition D: to Partition C: and vise versa, the transfer slows down to a crawl and the HDD activity light on my case stops blinking.

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Windows 7 Extremely Slow While Copying Large Files Between Partitions

May 27, 2009

Everything is so slow e.g. opening of FireFox, opening of Excel, opening of Task Manager etc. While I'm copying 750GB of data from one partition to another partition, why? I'm running Windows 7 x64 7100 on a separate partition and I have a Q6600, 4GB ram and 5 X 1 TB WD Black edition drives...Task Manager is showing 33 running processors, 3 - 5 % CPU usage and 1.35GB of ram usage. Is this a Windows 7 bug? Windows 7 is super fast when I'm not copying/transferring large files between partitions!

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Windows Folder Too Large? How To Clean It Up

Dec 19, 2011

my windows 7 (32bits) folder on the C drive is too large (21.1 GB) is there a way to clean it up?

I have deleted temp files and also run the commands:
cleanmgr sageset:99 (Check all the boxes)
cleanmgr sagerun:99
still the same size.

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How To Make All Folder Open Up With Large Icons

Apr 4, 2011

can some one pleas tell me how to make all my folder open up with large icons? so i wont have to do this every time i open one. or make a new folder?

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Large Folder Missing On External Hardisk?

Mar 9, 2012

Yesterday i copied a large folder 51gb into my external hardisk and I used windows 7. One file name was too long and I was prompted. I selected skip file. I remember seeing the folder in my hardisk after copy. But no longer there today. the space still occupied tried using programs like pci recovery. not found. The folder has many work files.

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Windows Folder Too Large? Updates Causing This?

Dec 15, 2012

I have noticed that my Windows folder is about 22 gigabytes. I have been getting frequent updates recently, could it be because of those ?

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Windows Explorer Crashes With MP4 Files In Large Icons (thumbnails) View

Dec 2, 2010

Whenever I view a folder which contains .MP4 (H264) video files in large icon view (shows thumbnails), Windows 7's Explorer crashes. Explorer loads for a few seconds, the green progress bar shows up, and then boom!, Explorer crashes. The thumbnails are not shown before crashing.I tried setting Folder options to 'Always show icons, never thumbnails' (disables thumbnails) on the same folder with MP4 (H264) video files and Explorer doesn't crash if the MP4 thumbnails aren't shown. I tried testing in other folders containing other video formats (with 'Always show icons, never thumbnails' set to off) like .AVI/Xvid, without an MP4/H264 file, and Windows Explorer shows the thumbnails fine without crashing.

I have not currently experienced problems with other formats, only MP4/H264. The only media players that I have installed are KMPlayer and VLC Media Player which both do not install external codecs, AFAIK. The only external codec I have installed is CoreAVC, but I have been using CoreAVC for months (KMPlayer+CoreAVC is one of the first things I installed in Windows 7) without any problems (this issue just arose a few days ago).I am using Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit.

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Split Large Size Folder Into Smaller Ones Retaining Subfolder Names

Apr 2, 2012

I need to split a folder containing several levels of subfolders into dvdr sizes for backup. I would like to retain not only the folder name but subfolders names.

Ex. C:PicturesSummer is 7gb and i would like to split it into C:folder1picturessummer and C:folder2my picturessummer

Any one know of a util? RAR/ZIP is an option but I would really like viewable access to the files on any disc. The folder I need to split is quite large 70GB.

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Where Are The Extra-Large And Large Icons Stored

Mar 7, 2011

If you extract the icons from imageres.dll or shell32.dll then the maximum icon size is about 64x64 and 32x32 for most icons. I am trying to extract the largest icons, where can I get them.

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Large & Extra Large Icons Blank?

Sep 7, 2010

My client's computer was infected with a virus obtained via Facebook. I removed this and multiple other infections (and I'm pretty thorough with my scanning). She gets it back, starts working on it, and apparently her devices and printers icons are blank. Not missing, like with a "blank page" icon, just... blank. Here's the kicker: it only happens with large and extra large icons. It also happens with normal folder icons. When I change it to medium or lower, they come back. I've tried rebuilding the icon cache database several times, tried sfc /scannow, tried chkdsk, tried uninstalling any recent updates, etc... There have been no hardware changes, the hard drive has been tested as good (no bad sectors), her dual monitors are at a sane resolution, and I'm confident that the viruses has been removed.

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MIE9 Progress Bar Gone?

Dec 26, 2011

I know the progress bar wasn't built in to IE9 but I cant do without it and I did have it somehow whether it was a third party item or what don't know but its gone. I know there is a paid one at Xinify but how to restore the stanard progress/status bar to MIE9?

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Internet Explorer Very Slow?

Aug 8, 2011

The internet explorer in my laptop is too slow to open. I was browsing the google and came across this site. I have MacFee installed on my lappy. Ran it and found no issues. Downloaded Hijackthis as recommended by this forum admin and here is the log file.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 1:18:26 PM, on 8/8/2011
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7600.16700)
Boot mode: Normal


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Internet Explorer Is Very Slow

Jul 3, 2011

I have recently purchased a new pc with win7 64bit and it has ie8. Though everthing is working fine but the ie is very very slow.Hardly any page opens.

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System Says Operations Are In Progress

Feb 14, 2013

I have Windows 7 on my HP Pavilion dv9820us laptop. From time to time when I shut it down, it will go to a screen that says "Operations in progress" and then something about that it will shut down when it is completed. However, no matter how long I leave it (up to 24 hours) it never finishes. I always end up having to hold the power button to shut it down.

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Windows 7 Explorer Slow To Populate

Dec 30, 2011

I have a very fast system with 16Gb Ram and SSD drives. However when I open a folder containing images, explorer takes ages creating the thumbnails. (Whether small/medium or large icons is selected). OK the first time, but why every subsequent time I open that folder?

If I scroll down, the thumbnails are only created when the next lot of files come into the window. If I am in Details mode, then some columns i.e. Date, take much longer to populate than others. It's as if my windows isn't caching or something?

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Windows 7 Explorer Extremely Slow?

Feb 1, 2011

Windows Explorer on my wife's computer (running W7 Home Premium and completely up to date with Windows Updates) takes 4 or 5 minutes to finish running right after a power-up boot. The hourglass icon seems to sit there forever, but the folders and files finally appear. Later, when running an Explorer-type function, such as saving a file in Word or opening a file in some other application, a long delay occurs again. Her computer hardware and software components are very similar to mine, and I never have this problem. She may have a few hundred more photo files than I have, but I can't identify any significant difference. During these long delays I've watched the Task Manager

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Windows Explorer Extremely Slow?

May 6, 2011

Windows Explorer on my wife's computer (running W7 Home Premium and completely up to date with Windows Updates) takes 4 or 5 minutes to finish running right after a power-up boot. The hourglass icon seems to sit there forever, but the folders and files finally appear. Later, when running an Explorer-type function, such as saving a file in Word or opening a file in some other application, a long delay occurs again. Her computer hardware and software components are very similar to mine, and I never have this problem. She may have a few hundred more photo files than I have, but I can't identify any significant difference. During these long delays I've watched the Task Manager, and no appreciable amount of processor time is being used.

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Some Programs Won't Run/install, Explorer Slow, Ect.

Aug 12, 2009

It was all fine until yesterday. I copied over a game from my laptop the night before (I just installed 7 on this computer recently, was copying over stuff from my laptop) and also finished installing World of Warcraft and not long after I turned off the computer.

The next day I switched it on and didn't notice anything at first but some programs wouldn't run (Winamp would have a blank space where the music list normally is).

I tried installing some virtual drive programs such as magic disc and power iso which I usually use for isos I rip onto the computer (I lost some discs before so I've been doing that recently) but the magic disc programs wouldn't run properly and power iso wouldn't progress during its installation.

I tried installing some anti spyware like AVG and Avast (Spyware doctor detected 300 odd tracking cookies that appeared in the past week I installed, way more than it did with my vista laptop) but they would just either not respond (and then pop up with a message saying it took a while and wouldn't respond) or just not even progress when it was installing (on the part where it begins putting down files)

Explorer itself is slow and takes a while to load when on "My computer" and usually wouldn't display USB drives. Once it did but it didn't actually open it up when I clicked on it and prevented the window from responding.

I have used task manager to close all these down when they wouldn't.

When I tried switching off my computer it just stayed on the logging off/shutting down screen. I tried leaving it overnight, expecting it to finally switch off but it only ende up going into sleep mode (and popped up with the log in screen when I waked it up)

I have switched the computer off and on a few times but its still the same.

I also got the disc I used to install and tried to repair it but it wouldn't boot from the disc when I switched on the PC and when I opened it up and ran the setup file, it came up with the usual "are you sure you want to run this" dialog and didn't do anything.

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Internet Explorer 9 Slow New Tab Opening?

Sep 30, 2011

Anyway, for a while now I have had this problem of new tabs opening slowly. Whenever I click the new tab button, it will create the new tab, but it will not load for about 3 seconds. I have googled this issue, and have come up with things like disabling addons (I ran IE in the no-addon mode, and it still had the problem), and somebody suggested resetting IE (I did so, but to no avail).

Does anybody have some recommendations, other than switch to FF or Chrome?

My specs are as follows:
Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit
8gb DDR3 ram
i7 2630qm
Not sure what other specs are needed.

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Internet Explorer Is Working Very Slow?

Dec 12, 2011

My internet explorer is working very slow?

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Internet Explorer 9, Slow Speeds After Installation

Feb 2, 2012

I have had to revert to Int Explorer 8 to use the Internet at reasonable speeds.]

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Date Sorting In Windows 7 Explorer Slow?

Nov 11, 2010

I just wanted to share a fix I have for a problem I was experiencing with windows explorer.The problem is clicking on a directory with a bunch of files in it (that has been set to sort by date as default) is painfully slow , like 3 or 4 secs. If the directory is set to sort alphabetically then every thing is ok.after much pain I found the problem to be down to my anti-virus solution, I was using Panda cloud anti-virus. Once uninstalled the problem is removed. clicking on the same directory opens it instantaneously

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Explorer Very Slow On Some Directories To Display Contents?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a newish PC with an crucial ssd on C: and a WDC Black on D: but for some reason when I open some directories in explorer on D: it takes ages to display the contents, upto 30secs in some cases. And thats for a directory with only 150 items. I can see the green bar in the address bar filling up whilst I`m waiting for it to display

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Windows Explorer And Now Browsers Slow / Timing-out?

Jan 29, 2013

Windows Explorer (not Internet explorer) just sits there for ages (several minutes) before actually displaying the contents of my computer. The structure on the left is all there but the right side where all the files should be is just blank with a swirly "processing" cursor. Strangly, if I go into an application and do file>open I can browse instantly around the computer in that browse window (while explorer is still sitting there like an idiot doing nothing)... In multiple browsers (IE/chrome) I'm getting a problem where some websites are working (confirming there internet connection is ok) and some are timing out. There seems to be no pattern as to which work and which don't and I've just noticed something that makes me think it's related to the first problem - I try to open website A but it keeps timing out. I try a couple of other websites, they work fine. I find another website (b) that doesn't work. Several minutes have passed since I tried website A so I try it again - it works! website b still doesn't work. I wait a few minutes and try again - it works! So in both cases it seems to be searching for something and not finding it, then it eventually finds it (or times out) and then it all works...

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Explorer Slow To Sort Folders/files?

Nov 5, 2009

Why is there a huge delay on the sorting of files/folders in windows explorer?

If I enter a folder that has many subfolders and extra files, it seems to load everything at once in alphabetical order, then there's a delay while it sorts the folders and the individual files separately, also in alphabetical order. This delay can be something like 5 seconds with just a few hundred items, and it just grows from there.

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'Pictures' Folder Slow, Not Responding?

Oct 8, 2012

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit and lately my Pictures folder is taking an age to open and frequently doesn't respond.Everything else seems to work fine and opens normally - it's just this one folder.

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