Windows 7 Explorer Slow To Populate

Dec 30, 2011

I have a very fast system with 16Gb Ram and SSD drives. However when I open a folder containing images, explorer takes ages creating the thumbnails. (Whether small/medium or large icons is selected). OK the first time, but why every subsequent time I open that folder?

If I scroll down, the thumbnails are only created when the next lot of files come into the window. If I am in Details mode, then some columns i.e. Date, take much longer to populate than others. It's as if my windows isn't caching or something?

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Quick Launch Menu Slow To Populate?

Nov 12, 2010

Hope this is in the right section. My quick launch menu takes up to 2 minutes to populater (even when there is no other software running). Once it has populated, then it will work again instantly.

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Start Menu Icons Slow To Populate?

May 7, 2010

I recently noticed that my desktop icons (8) and tray buttons (7) were re-populating a lot and werent that nippy either... so I tried the MaxCachedIcons hack AND then changed it to Max Cached Icons as I read the first one doesnt work... anyway nothing happened and I noticed that my Start Menu Icons are slow to populate (about 4 per second) and the ADMIN TOOLS link i have on populates now at 1 per second??

ive since deleted the Max Cached Icons from registry and im left with this problem..

its REALLY annoying cos it shouldnt be doing this and ive only recently re-installed Windows 7 32-Bit (from 64-Bit) to see if it fixed another problem I had with high DPC/ISR usage when copying or downloading files.. which didnt work... ive been told its a Windows 7 bug but dunno about that.. anway thats another problem for another time, right now i want this cache problem fixed..

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Windows 7 Explorer Extremely Slow?

Feb 1, 2011

Windows Explorer on my wife's computer (running W7 Home Premium and completely up to date with Windows Updates) takes 4 or 5 minutes to finish running right after a power-up boot. The hourglass icon seems to sit there forever, but the folders and files finally appear. Later, when running an Explorer-type function, such as saving a file in Word or opening a file in some other application, a long delay occurs again. Her computer hardware and software components are very similar to mine, and I never have this problem. She may have a few hundred more photo files than I have, but I can't identify any significant difference. During these long delays I've watched the Task Manager

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Windows Explorer Extremely Slow?

May 6, 2011

Windows Explorer on my wife's computer (running W7 Home Premium and completely up to date with Windows Updates) takes 4 or 5 minutes to finish running right after a power-up boot. The hourglass icon seems to sit there forever, but the folders and files finally appear. Later, when running an Explorer-type function, such as saving a file in Word or opening a file in some other application, a long delay occurs again. Her computer hardware and software components are very similar to mine, and I never have this problem. She may have a few hundred more photo files than I have, but I can't identify any significant difference. During these long delays I've watched the Task Manager, and no appreciable amount of processor time is being used.

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Date Sorting In Windows 7 Explorer Slow?

Nov 11, 2010

I just wanted to share a fix I have for a problem I was experiencing with windows explorer.The problem is clicking on a directory with a bunch of files in it (that has been set to sort by date as default) is painfully slow , like 3 or 4 secs. If the directory is set to sort alphabetically then every thing is ok.after much pain I found the problem to be down to my anti-virus solution, I was using Panda cloud anti-virus. Once uninstalled the problem is removed. clicking on the same directory opens it instantaneously

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Windows Explorer And Now Browsers Slow / Timing-out?

Jan 29, 2013

Windows Explorer (not Internet explorer) just sits there for ages (several minutes) before actually displaying the contents of my computer. The structure on the left is all there but the right side where all the files should be is just blank with a swirly "processing" cursor. Strangly, if I go into an application and do file>open I can browse instantly around the computer in that browse window (while explorer is still sitting there like an idiot doing nothing)... In multiple browsers (IE/chrome) I'm getting a problem where some websites are working (confirming there internet connection is ok) and some are timing out. There seems to be no pattern as to which work and which don't and I've just noticed something that makes me think it's related to the first problem - I try to open website A but it keeps timing out. I try a couple of other websites, they work fine. I find another website (b) that doesn't work. Several minutes have passed since I tried website A so I try it again - it works! website b still doesn't work. I wait a few minutes and try again - it works! So in both cases it seems to be searching for something and not finding it, then it eventually finds it (or times out) and then it all works...

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Windows 7 Explorer Slow When Viewing From Libraries Or Favorites?

Oct 28, 2009

As the title states Explorer is bogged down when the folders have a large number of items in them (over 500). I have searched multiple places and this topic is brought up regularly but too few solutions. The only bit of information I have is that when I view the same folder from the Computer link (in the Navigation pane) it does not slow down when I open the folder. It instantly populates the window with the folder contents.I think this is because the libraries and Favorites are virtual folders??? I don't know why this would cause Windows Explorer to freeze up for 10 seconds to display the folder contents but it is incredibly frustrating. Moving files between folders can be time consuming and has forced me to completely abandon the Libraries & Favorites.

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Very Slow To Open Files From Windows Explorer - Ok Within Application

Nov 28, 2011

Sometimes if I open a file by double clicking it in windows explorer, it will sit doing nothing (and that explorer window is then tied up) for a few minutes! Then the file opens normally in the correct application. But opening the application first, and getting it from the file open menu, or dragging the file into the open application is ok. The problem goes away if I reboot windows, but can come back again later for no apparent reason.

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How To Import Or Populate Address Book

Jan 24, 2011

Having installed my Outlook 2003 and imported mt contacts, I cannot figure out how to import or populate my address book. Fifty five contacts, nothing in the PAB folder, and I don't see any way to import.I'd als like Outlook to forward a copy of certain emails to my cell, but that option is not in my Rules.

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Ms Fax Cannot Populate Fields In Cover Pages (.cov)?

Apr 16, 2012

Ms Fax does not permit updating of fields in cover pages. Info like senders name,recipient name, etc. cannot be entered. The controls/fields can be selected, but, entering or updating info does not work.I managed to copy a cover page created under Ms Fax under Xp and CAN update fields.

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Downloads Folder Takes Time To Populate?

Nov 9, 2011

I noticed this first on my laptop a while ago now it has happened on my PC,ssentially if or when i open my downloads folder it is empty it then takes ages to populate(the address bar slowly fills up green) all the other libraries are fine open straight away with all the files in place, it only happens in downloads

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View Installed Updates Does Not Populate Info

Sep 12, 2011

windows 7 64. i have installed updates on my pc and verified that they are in registry. i can also see them in view update history. however, when i look for them in control panel>programs and features> view installed updates, no updates are found. i also do not see them in the softwaredistribution> download folder. is there something anything i can do to have them populate in view installed updates?

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Internet Explorer Very Slow?

Aug 8, 2011

The internet explorer in my laptop is too slow to open. I was browsing the google and came across this site. I have MacFee installed on my lappy. Ran it and found no issues. Downloaded Hijackthis as recommended by this forum admin and here is the log file.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 1:18:26 PM, on 8/8/2011
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7600.16700)
Boot mode: Normal


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Internet Explorer Is Very Slow

Jul 3, 2011

I have recently purchased a new pc with win7 64bit and it has ie8. Though everthing is working fine but the ie is very very slow.Hardly any page opens.

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Some Programs Won't Run/install, Explorer Slow, Ect.

Aug 12, 2009

It was all fine until yesterday. I copied over a game from my laptop the night before (I just installed 7 on this computer recently, was copying over stuff from my laptop) and also finished installing World of Warcraft and not long after I turned off the computer.

The next day I switched it on and didn't notice anything at first but some programs wouldn't run (Winamp would have a blank space where the music list normally is).

I tried installing some virtual drive programs such as magic disc and power iso which I usually use for isos I rip onto the computer (I lost some discs before so I've been doing that recently) but the magic disc programs wouldn't run properly and power iso wouldn't progress during its installation.

I tried installing some anti spyware like AVG and Avast (Spyware doctor detected 300 odd tracking cookies that appeared in the past week I installed, way more than it did with my vista laptop) but they would just either not respond (and then pop up with a message saying it took a while and wouldn't respond) or just not even progress when it was installing (on the part where it begins putting down files)

Explorer itself is slow and takes a while to load when on "My computer" and usually wouldn't display USB drives. Once it did but it didn't actually open it up when I clicked on it and prevented the window from responding.

I have used task manager to close all these down when they wouldn't.

When I tried switching off my computer it just stayed on the logging off/shutting down screen. I tried leaving it overnight, expecting it to finally switch off but it only ende up going into sleep mode (and popped up with the log in screen when I waked it up)

I have switched the computer off and on a few times but its still the same.

I also got the disc I used to install and tried to repair it but it wouldn't boot from the disc when I switched on the PC and when I opened it up and ran the setup file, it came up with the usual "are you sure you want to run this" dialog and didn't do anything.

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Internet Explorer 9 Slow New Tab Opening?

Sep 30, 2011

Anyway, for a while now I have had this problem of new tabs opening slowly. Whenever I click the new tab button, it will create the new tab, but it will not load for about 3 seconds. I have googled this issue, and have come up with things like disabling addons (I ran IE in the no-addon mode, and it still had the problem), and somebody suggested resetting IE (I did so, but to no avail).

Does anybody have some recommendations, other than switch to FF or Chrome?

My specs are as follows:
Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit
8gb DDR3 ram
i7 2630qm
Not sure what other specs are needed.

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Internet Explorer Is Working Very Slow?

Dec 12, 2011

My internet explorer is working very slow?

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Internet Explorer 9, Slow Speeds After Installation

Feb 2, 2012

I have had to revert to Int Explorer 8 to use the Internet at reasonable speeds.]

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Explorer Very Slow On Some Directories To Display Contents?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a newish PC with an crucial ssd on C: and a WDC Black on D: but for some reason when I open some directories in explorer on D: it takes ages to display the contents, upto 30secs in some cases. And thats for a directory with only 150 items. I can see the green bar in the address bar filling up whilst I`m waiting for it to display

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Explorer Slow To Sort Folders/files?

Nov 5, 2009

Why is there a huge delay on the sorting of files/folders in windows explorer?

If I enter a folder that has many subfolders and extra files, it seems to load everything at once in alphabetical order, then there's a delay while it sorts the folders and the individual files separately, also in alphabetical order. This delay can be something like 5 seconds with just a few hundred items, and it just grows from there.

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Slow Explorer Progress Bar On Large Folder

Apr 19, 2010

Clicking on a large folder in Explorer can cause a slowly-moving green progress bar. In some cases this can take several minutes to complete.

A common cause is thumbnail caching of image and video files, resulting from having properties | customize | "optimize this folder for:" set to pictures, vs documents or General items.

The most likely solution: in Explorer, right click on folder, select properties, customize, under "optimize this folder for:", select either General items, or documents. Set check box "Also apply this template to all subfolders", then click apply.

The slow progress bar is apparently caused by Explorer scanning the folder and all subfolders to pre-render thumbnail images for image and video files. This happens if the "optimize this folder" setting is pictures or videos. This happens when merely clicking on the top-level folder.

If "optimize this folder" is set to documents or General, the thumnails are not rendered until you actually click on the folder or sub-folder containing those.

This was discussed in another thread on this forum, but it was full of speculative remedies, and the actual cause and remedy was not posted until the last thread (and one year after the thread was started): Accessing drives in Windows Explorer takes a long time I'm creating this thread with a more exact title and concise description, to aid in finding the solution based on a symptom search.

While the above is the most likely cause of a slow Explorer progress bar, there are other possible causes. These include clicking on a remote folder on a slow network, general slowdown due to indexing, disk drive or filesystem caching disabled, disk drive retries due to impending hardware failure, corrupted video files or codec, etc.

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Internet Explorer Running Horrendously Slow And Freezing?

May 2, 2012

My computer has never been the fastest (Compaq Pressario CQ56), and due to a recent issue with my McAfee Firewall where by it had turned itself off and would not come back on?I have since run subsequent Anti-malware and virus scans which are all coming up clean, however the computer is still horrendously slow when using IE. Internet Explorer is continuously freezing up, and saying it is not responding, after which I have to recover the webpage.....waiting an eternity for it to do so. Even clicking on a new link results in a wait of between 20 - 50 seconds.

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Explorer Is Frozen Or Very Slow, Virus Scans Show Nothing

May 14, 2012

Opening any program is either extremely slow or will crash the computer, but if it works then it works fine any other time you open it. Until the PC goes into sleep mode or is rebooted the problem is non-existent. no error messages are displayed and apparently, its not shown on the task manager's PC usage... also virus and spyware scans have shown nothing. This will stop after about 10 minutes of idol usage

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Internet Explorer 9 Sporadically Slow - Waiting For Reply On Webpages

Apr 25, 2012

I have a really strange issue with Internet Explorer 9. 95% of the time I launch it and everything is pretty much instant. However occasionally it will hang for a few secs on 'waiting for reply'. Tends to happen to all web pages but more specifically noticed it on and It never used to be this way. I have a fibre to cabinet broadband connection and everything is fast. I cannot pinpoint when this started happening. Nothing new on the laptop has been installed, some windows updates a couple weeks ago but in the aftermath of installing these all was fine.

The problem may of existed a lot longer but I had not noticed. The really strange thing is it tends to manifest itself most after poking around in the network/sharing center. I am always looking at the strength of the wifi connection and checking the connected speed of the 5g wifi. Tends to happen most after I've been in here and then launch internet explorer. Slight pause of 3 or 4 seconds and then the page is there (google being my homepage). But not every time. Things I have tried is clearing the IE cache, flush DNS. I could change the DNS settings but namebench revealed my current ones were fastest. Mozilla seems to be responsive all the time. So I am thinking it's more IE9 only showing this odd behaviour. Other than that all is good on the laptop, no other problems.

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Error Burning DVD With Windows Explorer: "disc To Fast Or Too Slow"?

Aug 2, 2011

On a 4-year old laptop running Windows 7, I've been burning, in Windows Explorer,Verbatim brand DVD-DL discs rated at 8x, on an external USB Panasonic UJ-220 blu-ray burner that can burn DVD-DL at 2.4x, at 2.4x (the only burn speed choice that Windows Explorer offers), with no problem.Now I'm trying to do the same, with the same external USB burner and with discs from the same cake, on a 1-year old desktop, also running Windows 7. Both the laptop and the desktop are running 64-bit Windows 7[CODE]

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Windows 7 Browsers Slow IE & FF / System Slow Overall

Jan 15, 2013

Win 7 Slow thru-out, especially loading of IE9 and Firefox. [code]

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Windows Explorer ( Not Internet Explorer) Starts Up When Turn On Computer?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows Explorer ( not internet Explorer) starts up when I turn on my computer ( without my request). This just started to occur yesterday. It must be in some startup menu . Where do I look for this to remove it ?

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Slow Boot Time Slow Startup And Hangs?

Nov 18, 2011

I bought this Fujitsu laptop for less than a year. Its only for my school work. It takes forever to bootup, startup and it sometime hangs when I open up a program or typing.For the bootup, it takes very long time on the window logo, after that the black screen, followed by the welcome page with the loading cursor. Each of this process take a long time. For startup, its not so long but its still quite lag. For the opening up of program and typing, everytime I open up my visual studio, it will take a long time to show up and even if it showed up, it will be "not responding".So I will have to open it a second time before I can start using itWhen I am typing my codes, it will randomly hang and show that the program is not responding. I am still able to move my cursor though.

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How To Make Windows 7 Explorer Look Like XP Explorer

Mar 5, 2010

how to make W7 explorer display the file tree the same way that XP did? The W7 way is a total mishmash, IMHO. I can't understand the directory structure. The indentation on the display is very slight and hard to see so that it is very hard to tell where a subdirectory starts and ends. It takes a long time to fill in the file structure so that after several seconds, even minutes, the display is still jumping around. There are a lot of things that I like about W7 but this is NOT one of them. I use windows explorer a lot.

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【Explorer Crash】netcfgx.dll Caused Explorer.exe Crash

Oct 22, 2012

When I opened the local connection properties, or saved the settings, explorer.exe crashed.I found the fault module is netcfgx.dll, how to fix it?

Below is the application log info:

Log Name: C:UsersAdminAppDataLocalTemp
Source: Application Error
Date: 2012/10/20 22:55:47
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: None


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