Split Large Size Folder Into Smaller Ones Retaining Subfolder Names

Apr 2, 2012

I need to split a folder containing several levels of subfolders into dvdr sizes for backup. I would like to retain not only the folder name but subfolders names.

Ex. C:PicturesSummer is 7gb and i would like to split it into C:folder1picturessummer and C:folder2my picturessummer

Any one know of a util? RAR/ZIP is an option but I would really like viewable access to the files on any disc. The folder I need to split is quite large 70GB.

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Change Taskbar Icon Size To Specific Size Other Than Small Or Large?

Mar 7, 2011

Can we change taskbar icons' size to a specific size other than two default windows defined sizes?

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SSD Smaller Then Original Size?

Apr 5, 2012

I installed a 60 gig SSD realizing it is too small after windows says there is only 55 gigs on the SSD instead of 60 ? After doing some reading, this is considered normal ?

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Screen Size For Windows Limited, Smaller Than Desktop

Nov 19, 2009

I experience a serious reoccurring issue with Windows 7 window management. It happens 1 in 5 times when logging in after locking the screen (or putting the machine to standby).

Windows are restricted to a part of the whole desktop. Please note that the explorer window in the attached picture is maximized, but not occupying the whole desktop as expected! (In fact I can move windows to the right side, but not maximize to it. Also when moving windows there, it snaps *not* to the edge of the screen but to to the same wrong line where the edge of the maximized window is.)

What is this? What causes this? How can I disable this? Only restart helps by now..

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Font Size Is Too Large?

Jul 19, 2012

my font size is too large, to the point where i have to move the bottom bar on my screen to be able to read the entire page. went into tools and reduced the font size, but was unable to lock it in.

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Smaller Border Folder Selection

May 31, 2012

is there any way to change the invisible border when selecting a file to just the size of the folder or what Xp Was also is there any .dll i can copy from Xp to make it possible to arrange them in the order i want

[------------------------] <<<<<<<< ultra huge invisible border
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ [ folder ] ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

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PowerPoint File Size Too Large?

Feb 26, 2011

I am running Office 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. I just created my first PowerPoint presentation containing 30 slides, all containing images, with a total of 35 images overall. All of the images together add up to less than 6 MB. During the creation of the slides I was careful to follow the guidelines for Sizing Digital Images For Powerpoint. However, when I save the presentation to disk, it is over 55 MB! I have tried to Compress Pictures from the Format toolbar-- no effect. In fact, file size of the presentation was larger after this. If I go to File>Info>Optimize Media Compatibility, this option is GRAYED OUT and does not work! I want to be able to send this presentation as an email attachment, but 55MB is way too big!

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Show Folder Size Resp Total Size Of Marked Files In Windows 7 Exp Status Bar?

Apr 14, 2011

When I marked a whole folder or a couple of files in Windows Explorer in Windows XP then the sum/total size of all marked files is (was) shown in the status bar in the bottom of the WinExp window.

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Change The Size Of The Pogo Games From Small To Large?

Jan 19, 2011

How can i change the size of the pogo games from small to large?

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Having Several Folder's On Windows 7 Opened, How Do I See The Names Of Them

Jun 21, 2012

I know, the easy solution would be to turn off desktop composition, but that would be like disabling visual styles in windows XP, going back to windows 98 look.for me the most important thing about the desktop composition is that it let me choose colors, if not it is fixed to the green/bluish windows 7 default colores and cant be changed unless desktop compositiion is enabled.but when desktop composition is enabled (i mean, by default, it is enabled) when i move the cursor over the taskbar, over the folders i get a very nice chumbanil view, yeah.. pretty cute. but, how do i know which one is the one i am looking for? of course, there are thumbnails, but come on, they are thumbnail of folders.check the images of what i sayhere i can't see the names, until i go one by onewithout desktop compositionbut here with windows 7 at minimum (desktop composition turned off, with just moving the cursor over the folders in taskbar i get the menu with the names and i go to the one i need, fast and without confusion.is there any way i can have the names with desktop composition ON? or at leas the names offer the thumbnails.

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File And Folder Names In Boxes For Asian Fonts?

Jan 19, 2012

I am running Windows 7 and have been using Asian fonts in the titles of files for over a year with no problems. Something in the latest service pack update (which automatically updated this week) turned these all to boxes. (The Asian fonts still worked just fine in documents and on the internet, but not on file/folder names on my computer desktop and libraries.) I backed out of the entire update and everything is fine again. How do I identify which of the multitude of updates is causing the problem so that I can ditch just that portion?

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Special ASCII Characters In Folder/file Names?

Mar 14, 2012

Is there a workaround for the inability to use:" * / : < > ? | in file/folder names..?

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Right Click Folder Crash With Only Folders With 1 Letter Names

Jan 15, 2013

kind of unusual this one. When I copy with right click everything works like a charm BUT I have 2 folders that have 1 letter names only, when I right click these to copy or cut I get this error and it crashes explorer and i have to restart explorer

Microsoft Visual C++ Error "The Application Has requested The Runtime to terminate in an unusual way"

Edit sorry my system is WIndows 7 x64 and if i rename the folders to something with more letters it will copy fine. What is causing it to crash with just a 1 letter name?

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System Reserves Extra Folder Names When Renaming Or Copying?

Dec 14, 2012

I've got a weird problem I couldn't find any solutions for on google. In trying to move my 'Users' folder to my new 1 TB Media Drive M: I accidently moved the directory (right click>Properties>Location Tab>Change directory path) "C:UsersScottMy Music" to "M:UsersMy Music" where the system MERGED it with "C:UsersScott" instead of creating it adjacent to that directoryAfter that the system has decided that the directory structure of "M:UsersScott" is the same as "M:UsersMy Music" so whenever I move a file or folder to "M:UsersScott" in trying to complete the migration it puts it in "M:UsersMy Music" instead.If I create a new folder in "M:Users" and rename it to 'Scott' the system asks if I wanted to merge the two folders as it thinks Scott already exists, even if it shows My MusicThis problem is not a huge issue and because of other potential problems this may have caused I am going to create a new profile, move my data over, and remove this profile, but I wanted to find out what is causing thi

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Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 - Change Middle Names To Last Names

Oct 3, 2011

regarding the contacts being synchronized with Outlook. All my contacts have their first names under 'First Name', but their last names under 'Middle Name'. I want to copy the middle names of everyone to the 'Last Name' box. There are more than 700 contacts and I can't be doing this individually for each contact.

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Windows Folder Too Large? How To Clean It Up

Dec 19, 2011

my windows 7 (32bits) folder on the C drive is too large (21.1 GB) is there a way to clean it up?

I have deleted temp files and also run the commands:
cleanmgr sageset:99 (Check all the boxes)
cleanmgr sagerun:99
still the same size.

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Move Pictures Out Of A Subfolder?

Mar 2, 2012

I have created WAY too many subfolders in one of my folders, and want to re-organize those pictures.I would like to empty all the subfolders I have and start again, creating just a few, bigger subfolders.

How can I do this without copying them all to the main folder and then go back and errase the ones I just copied? Is there a less time comsuming way?

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How To Make All Folder Open Up With Large Icons

Apr 4, 2011

can some one pleas tell me how to make all my folder open up with large icons? so i wont have to do this every time i open one. or make a new folder?

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Large Folder Missing On External Hardisk?

Mar 9, 2012

Yesterday i copied a large folder 51gb into my external hardisk and I used windows 7. One file name was too long and I was prompted. I selected skip file. I remember seeing the folder in my hardisk after copy. But no longer there today. the space still occupied tried using programs like pci recovery. not found. The folder has many work files.

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Slow Explorer Progress Bar On Large Folder

Apr 19, 2010

Clicking on a large folder in Explorer can cause a slowly-moving green progress bar. In some cases this can take several minutes to complete.

A common cause is thumbnail caching of image and video files, resulting from having properties | customize | "optimize this folder for:" set to pictures, vs documents or General items.

The most likely solution: in Explorer, right click on folder, select properties, customize, under "optimize this folder for:", select either General items, or documents. Set check box "Also apply this template to all subfolders", then click apply.

The slow progress bar is apparently caused by Explorer scanning the folder and all subfolders to pre-render thumbnail images for image and video files. This happens if the "optimize this folder" setting is pictures or videos. This happens when merely clicking on the top-level folder.

If "optimize this folder" is set to documents or General, the thumnails are not rendered until you actually click on the folder or sub-folder containing those.

This was discussed in another thread on this forum, but it was full of speculative remedies, and the actual cause and remedy was not posted until the last thread (and one year after the thread was started): Accessing drives in Windows Explorer takes a long time I'm creating this thread with a more exact title and concise description, to aid in finding the solution based on a symptom search.

While the above is the most likely cause of a slow Explorer progress bar, there are other possible causes. These include clicking on a remote folder on a slow network, general slowdown due to indexing, disk drive or filesystem caching disabled, disk drive retries due to impending hardware failure, corrupted video files or codec, etc.

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Windows Folder Too Large? Updates Causing This?

Dec 15, 2012

I have noticed that my Windows folder is about 22 gigabytes. I have been getting frequent updates recently, could it be because of those ?

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How To Set A Default Folder Size

Nov 19, 2011

does anyone here know how to set a default folder size, so that every window opened will display my folders the same size? i like the bigger folders and would like to set it for the entire system, instead of having to continually reset it every time i open a new folder.

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Empty Folder That Has Size To It

Nov 21, 2011

I just reinstalled windows 7(32bit) and my windows.old file, which doesn't contain anything in it except for empty folders, still has size to it. Does anyone know what the deal is with this? Never had this happen to me.The show hidden files/folders option is ticked and still shows nothing. Is this a glitch?

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Folder Size Discrepency

Apr 28, 2012

i do a backup of my stuff manually each month via an ext. HD. right now, i was backing up my AppData folder (so much is in there!).i compared the size of my laptop's internal HD compared to the ext drive when it was done.

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Why No Folder Size In Windows 7

Dec 6, 2009

Yes, this is an old issue but I wanted to summarize a few points, and open it for further discussion:

(1) Optionally displaying size of all folders has been a top-requested feature for years

(2) Windows 7 Explorer does not have this, although hovering the mouse pointer over the folder will show individual folder size.

(3) The Mac Finder displays folder size, although it's not enabled by default.

(4) In XP, Windows add-on tools like FolderSize and TreeSize Pro would add a column to Windows Explorer showing folder size. Unfortunately the underlying API IColumnProvider was removed starting with Vista, so these tools don't work in either Vista or Windows 7.

There are various arguments why Explorer can't display folder size, such as it would burden a network drive, it would be too slow, wouldn't handle junctions correctly, etc.

These arguments break down because it has already been done: the feature has already been implemented on both Mac and Windows 3rd party tools. We can see ourselves how well or poorly it works. In general it works pretty well on local drives on contemporary hardware.

Re network drives, it's easy to programmatically discriminate between network and local drives. One solution is only enable folder sizes for local drives. As on the Mac, another solution is don't enable it by default. Many users won't turn it on, so this lessens the impact.

There are more sophisticated future solutions possible to optimize folder size query of a network server. E.g, the server maintains folder size info and reports it to the client, but these aren't needed as a 1st step. The lack of these don't preclude folder size working on local drives today. Proof of this is Mac and 3rd party XP tools work fine on local drives right now.

With this in mind and considering Microsoft spent 6 billion dollars on Vista and several billion more on Windows 7, why wasn't folder size a basic feature of the Windows 7 explorer?

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Get Windows 7 To Display The Size Of Each Folder?

Sep 27, 2011

I am currently attempting to have folder sizes shown in lists. I have 'display file size info' checked in Folder Tips check box, to no avail. How can I get Win 7 to display the size of each folder, as it does with file sizes?

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Reducing The Windows 7 Folder Size?

Nov 14, 2012

I just built a new PC with a 120GB SSD and installed Windows 7 Ultimate. The Windows folder size on this machine is about 22.5GB, which seems kind of large to me. I have Windows 7 Pro on a laptop and the Windows folder size is around 12GB. Is there some things I can safely remove from the Ultimate install to free up some room. I'm already using about 2/3 of my new SSD and I need to load a few more applications.

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Folder File Size Housekeeping

Nov 18, 2012

As im having a clearout and tidying up storage folders prior to new back ups - is there a way in Win Explorer or a third party utility to see total size of a folder so when i look at a list of HDD contents i can see which is using up most disk space? each folder may have sub folders as well as files, but apart from right click to Properties i would like a quick quick way of viewing folder size. or even sorting by size rather than folder name. The Size column after Date Modified and then Type isnt wont show a total size. Surely theres a way of Windows or a utility that can show the total size of a folder??I can then quickly go to a folder which has a large content and see if i can delete some of its contents. Folders like "Photos" is obviously going to be large, but others arent!Also as i still get confused about the way WIN Backup works im seriously considering Acronis so as to have incremental backups.

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How To Change Music Folder Size

Jan 26, 2011

am copying my music files to my hubbie's laptop. Win 7 Music folder keeps saying not enough room to copy all music across. Seems to be set at 15 gb size. Is it possible to enlarge the folder to say 50gb?

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Reducing Windows 7 Folder Size?

Oct 26, 2011

My Windows folder is currently 16.8GB. This wouldn't normally bother me, but I do have an 80GB SSD.

Of course, I wouldn't ever edit anything in this folder because I don't want to screw anything up...but is there anything I can do? I just have a feeling that the folder is full of old files or backups that I no longer need.

but are the main components of my system:

Intel 2500k CPU
8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM
XFX Radeon HD6950
Gigabyte P67A UD3 B3 Motherboard

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Copying Windows 7 Partition To SSD While Retaining Alignment

May 15, 2012

I received a Crucial M4 128GB SSD and today have been trying to copy a Windows 7 partition across to it using the tutorial on the How To Geek website which seemed to be fairly comprehensive. However, although I managed to get to the point of creating a partition and setting the alignment I can get no further. The snag seems to arise in that the instructions tell you to create a primary partition with appropriate alignment etc. But then when it comes to copying the partition, the program (Easeus Partition Master) says it must be unallocated space.

I've also tried this with Partition Wizard but the same applies - it must be unallocated space. Although I could copy across the partition to unallocated space, goodness only knows what the alignment would be thus probably reducing SSD life and slowing the performance in the process. Any reliable way in which I can copy the Windows 7 partition whilst retaining the alignment. I should also add that I am fully aware that a fresh install would take care of the alignment for me but we want to avoid the hassle and time (probably days since this is my husband's PC) involved in a full re-installation what with the drivers and all apps and their settings etc.

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