Having Several Folder's On Windows 7 Opened, How Do I See The Names Of Them

Jun 21, 2012

I know, the easy solution would be to turn off desktop composition, but that would be like disabling visual styles in windows XP, going back to windows 98 look.for me the most important thing about the desktop composition is that it let me choose colors, if not it is fixed to the green/bluish windows 7 default colores and cant be changed unless desktop compositiion is enabled.but when desktop composition is enabled (i mean, by default, it is enabled) when i move the cursor over the taskbar, over the folders i get a very nice chumbanil view, yeah.. pretty cute. but, how do i know which one is the one i am looking for? of course, there are thumbnails, but come on, they are thumbnail of folders.check the images of what i sayhere i can't see the names, until i go one by onewithout desktop compositionbut here with windows 7 at minimum (desktop composition turned off, with just moving the cursor over the folders in taskbar i get the menu with the names and i go to the one i need, fast and without confusion.is there any way i can have the names with desktop composition ON? or at leas the names offer the thumbnails.

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Explorer.exe Draining CPU (when Ceratin Folder Opened)

Dec 12, 2012

got genuine OEM Win7 Home Premium (64bit) and a Pavilion dv7 laptop. Almost everytime, when I have certain folder opened, explorer.exe starts loading my CPU (13% usually... sometimes it can rise even further !)... explorer loads stays, until I terminate the process via task manager and start it again. It happens ONLY when I open that CERTAIN folder (there are approx. 700 of MP3 files in it). It does NOT happen in any other folders, only in this one. Do you guys have any idea, WHAT can is possibly causing the load ? I have ran several antivirus and antispyware tests, MS Checkdisk as well... nothing changed !

interesting fact 1 : I tried formatting the hard drive and recover the system from scratch... the folder STILL causes explorer load !!

interesting fact 2 : the same happens, when I work with the folder via Total Commander (13% CPU load and in some situations even more !

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Close An Opened Folder In Run Or At The Command Prompt?

Nov 16, 2011

I have an application that opens a folder using a shell to Explorer. I can close Most apps I shell using Taskkill but not the opened folder. I have tried Openfiles with no luck ( I think it is for networks). I need this to tidy up an application.

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File And Folder Names In Boxes For Asian Fonts?

Jan 19, 2012

I am running Windows 7 and have been using Asian fonts in the titles of files for over a year with no problems. Something in the latest service pack update (which automatically updated this week) turned these all to boxes. (The Asian fonts still worked just fine in documents and on the internet, but not on file/folder names on my computer desktop and libraries.) I backed out of the entire update and everything is fine again. How do I identify which of the multitude of updates is causing the problem so that I can ditch just that portion?

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Special ASCII Characters In Folder/file Names?

Mar 14, 2012

Is there a workaround for the inability to use:" * / : < > ? | in file/folder names..?

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Right Click Folder Crash With Only Folders With 1 Letter Names

Jan 15, 2013

kind of unusual this one. When I copy with right click everything works like a charm BUT I have 2 folders that have 1 letter names only, when I right click these to copy or cut I get this error and it crashes explorer and i have to restart explorer

Microsoft Visual C++ Error "The Application Has requested The Runtime to terminate in an unusual way"

Edit sorry my system is WIndows 7 x64 and if i rename the folders to something with more letters it will copy fine. What is causing it to crash with just a 1 letter name?

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Closing Opened Folder When Physically Deleted On Desktop

Feb 6, 2012

when i have a folder opened that points to a folder present on my desktop, and i physically delete the folder on the desktop, the folder's window remains opened & goes back to the desktop folder address.


C:UsersAdministratorDesktopNew folder opened on the deskbar & vm

C:UsersAdministratorDesktopNew folder deleted on the desktop .. .

C:UsersAdministratorDesktop appears as a folder on my deskbar

Wanted behavior as in previous windows versions: C:UsersAdministratorDesktopNew folder should disappear from the deskbar & vm, too.

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System Reserves Extra Folder Names When Renaming Or Copying?

Dec 14, 2012

I've got a weird problem I couldn't find any solutions for on google. In trying to move my 'Users' folder to my new 1 TB Media Drive M: I accidently moved the directory (right click>Properties>Location Tab>Change directory path) "C:UsersScottMy Music" to "M:UsersMy Music" where the system MERGED it with "C:UsersScott" instead of creating it adjacent to that directoryAfter that the system has decided that the directory structure of "M:UsersScott" is the same as "M:UsersMy Music" so whenever I move a file or folder to "M:UsersScott" in trying to complete the migration it puts it in "M:UsersMy Music" instead.If I create a new folder in "M:Users" and rename it to 'Scott' the system asks if I wanted to merge the two folders as it thinks Scott already exists, even if it shows My MusicThis problem is not a huge issue and because of other potential problems this may have caused I am going to create a new profile, move my data over, and remove this profile, but I wanted to find out what is causing thi

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Split Large Size Folder Into Smaller Ones Retaining Subfolder Names

Apr 2, 2012

I need to split a folder containing several levels of subfolders into dvdr sizes for backup. I would like to retain not only the folder name but subfolders names.

Ex. C:PicturesSummer is 7gb and i would like to split it into C:folder1picturessummer and C:folder2my picturessummer

Any one know of a util? RAR/ZIP is an option but I would really like viewable access to the files on any disc. The folder I need to split is quite large 70GB.

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Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 - Change Middle Names To Last Names

Oct 3, 2011

regarding the contacts being synchronized with Outlook. All my contacts have their first names under 'First Name', but their last names under 'Middle Name'. I want to copy the middle names of everyone to the 'Last Name' box. There are more than 700 contacts and I can't be doing this individually for each contact.

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Can't Get Windows 7 Opened Up

Aug 5, 2011

My computer is getting this when I boot Windows 7: "STOP: c000021a {Fatal System error}" I also multiboot Ubuntu 10.10, What do I do? I need to uninstall Ubuntu 10.10, that's for sure, but how? And after that, how do I fix that error?

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Delete Names From Skype With Windows 7?

Nov 16, 2011

I have tried everything and cannot find folder with user names, ect..

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Have All Windows Full Screen When They Are Opened

Oct 30, 2009

I would like to lockin (whatever) it takes to have all windows full screen when they are opened. Please make it simple as I don't know much about computers. I also have this problem with my PC using Vista.

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Windows 7 Dvd Takes Time But Not Opened

Mar 11, 2011

Even after inserting the DVD, takes time to read and opens the drive and asking to insert a disc.

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Windows 7 Not Letting The Itunes To Be Opened

Oct 7, 2011

windows 7 won't let me open itunes or watch Internet videos. it won't let me install adobe either the flashplayer when it tells me i need it.

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Does Windows 7 Allowing Same Names 2 Documents Folders

Sep 21, 2009

i opened %userprofile% folder and found that there are 2 My Documents folders.Does windows 7 allowing same names now ?Both are exact same name, copy name paste to other has no effect as if they were named differently but not.This making me confused where user data is stored.Is this normal ?And why folders are being created when i removed them ? Folders like my pictures/videos/music ? i dont use media player/dont upload pictures or recording vides so WTF is up with that ?

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Missing Names On Files And Folders In Windows 7?

Nov 24, 2011

Missing names on Files and Folders in Windows 7, how can I fix this? See screenshot below:

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Delete Contact Names From Skype With Windows 7?

Nov 3, 2012

I cannot find anything within the skype account that gives detail for deleting contacts who I no longer require conct with

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Windows 7 Clobbers File-names Copied To A NAS Drive?

Aug 22, 2010

My setup: Windows 7 Pro (locale: Polish) and a NAS drive (D-Link DNS-323) attached via a router. Just recently upgraded from XP to 7. The NAS drive reports an NTFS partition.The problem I've just discovered: when copying files to the NAS drive, if a filename contains certain characters, such as curly quotes, angle quotes, bullet characters, subscript characters, em-dash etc., only the short 8.3 filename gets copied to the NAS drive.(I would not sweat it if the troublesome characters just got dropped, but what happens is that meaningful filenames are replaced with gibberish as above.)I use the NAS drive as a backup/mirror location for the local drives, so this is a big issue, since my backups are now severely clobbered. I discovered the problem while testing my backup regime, then found out the filename change occurs no matter how the files are copied - whether it's the backup application, a file manager or just Windows Explorer.And (of course) the problem did not occur when I was running XP, and nothing on the NAS drive changed since I installed 7 a week ago. Files that were previously copied onto the NAS drive (under XP) still show up fine, which tells me that 7 is actively interfering with the copy operations.

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WinZip Driver Files Can't Be Opened On New Windows 7 Built

Aug 19, 2012

I have just built a new computer (desk top PC) and am using Windows 7 (Home Premium edition - Service pack1). My new computer has the same setup as my older one, obviously the latest one is a higher spec. I have run into a problem with installing my printer driver, although its working with the default driver installed by windows it is not the latest driver that was issued in Feb 2009 that I have been using on my old computer. I have found the required driver on a CD that was possibly created by me when I was running windows XP. It's a WinZip file (epson322530eu.exe). When I double click on it I get an error message:-

"This self-extracting Zip files was created by a registered user of WinZipSelf-Extractor 2.2 (4003) WinZipComputing, Inc."

Is it possible that WinZip files can't be opened on my new build computer because of the age of the WinZip file? I don't seem to have a WinZip programe on either computer so I don't know how I installed it before.

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Get Windows 7 To Put Buttons In Order Of Way The Programs Are Opened And Not Rearrange Them?

Oct 27, 2011

In regards to the order of the program buttons on the task bar, is there a way to get Win7 to put the buttons in order of the way the programs are opened and not rearrange them? For example, I usually have my mailbox and my web browser open. (Nothing pinned to the task bar.) Mail is on the far left, browser is directly to the right of mail. If I go into mail and open an item in my inbox, I would expect (and like) the new task that shows in the task bar to be positioned to the right of the Browser button. Instead, it inserts itself to the right of Mail and pushes the Browser button to the right.

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Windows 7 Home Premium - System Restore Cannot Be Opened

Mar 20, 2012

Because a previous virus had changed my registry in a diffrerent PC where I could no longer do a restore (deleted restore points), I made this registry change to this new PC. I changed the permissions in the SystemRestore folder for users to Deny on Full Control and Read. I also made a registry backup in case something went wrong. Well something did go wrong and now I cannot do any restores even after I imported my registry backup.

I get the following error: SystemRestore cannot be opened. An error is preventing this key from being opened. Details: Access is denied. How can I undo the mess I made. Using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.Is there a way to reset the permissions back to default. You will need to run 'Subinacl Tool' to reset the permission to normal. To reset system permissions, follow the steps:

1. Download subinacl.msi from link, and save it on the desktop. [URL]
2. On the desktop, double-click subinacl.msi to install the tool.
3. Select C:WindowsSystem32 as the destination folder. Note This step assumes that Windows is installed in C:Windows. If Windows is installed elsewhere, select the appropriate path to .System32.
4. Open Notepad.
5. Copy the following commands and then paste them into the opened Notepad window.

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f

6. In Notepad click File, Save As, and then type: reset.cmd
7. In Notepad click Save as type, and then select All Files (*.*).
8. Save the reset.cmdfile to your desktop, and close Notepad.
9. Double-click the reset.cmdfile to reset the Windows Update permissions. Note This step may take several minutes, so please be patient. When the permissions have been reset, you will be prompted with "Finished, press any key to continue."
10. Press any key to complete the installation.

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Any Longer To Log Processes And Look At Names Of Binaries / Services Rather Than Just Watching Them Come And Go In Windows?

Nov 29, 2012

My Windows 7 install may be corrupted by something obscure that does not show up in or is not detected by Defender and other software.Is there a no simple way any longer to log processes and look at the names of the binaries and services rather than just watching them come and go in a Window? Or see how long it takes for a corrupted system driver to load? Or if the OS is constantly reloading it because it crashes? Has Windows Pro series become so dumbed down that effective system monitoring and analysis is now almost impossible?I do have Win7 pro so the system monitor and analysis tools should do more than just a "home" install does...but I cannot find any documentation on logging the activities of system processes anywhere.My install of Windows 7 seems to be indexing to drive like a dog with a broken hind leg. I was forced into a WGA check and it seems to me that there is something not quite right going on.I dread having to nuke and re-install because that means setting up all my wifes software and internet passwords, Citrix, office, and the list goes on and on...not to mention hours of updating Windows 7 from service pack one! My problems are most likely not a device on this machine because the machine runs like a dream with Knoppix, (my favorite OS of all time) Slackware or Mint Linux...but with the Windows7 that it was originally designed for it has recently started to run like a dog!

Could my trouble be something as simple as a flaky wifi driver? Strangely the Belkin USB wifi that I use runs like a top with Linux though, so I doubt that it is a hardware issue.The belkin driver is certified for Windows 7 and never acted up in the past.Because in the past I have seen Windows updates murder communication drivers especially with 2000 and XP it is a possibility that a recent critical update messed up the Belkin .inf ndis settings. Anyone else have a recent problem with 7 and Belkin Atheros USB wifi drivers?I will try running without the device and see if Windows gets its mojo back before I do anything drastic like nuke it and either dump windows for good or suffer through another ridiculous Windows cleansing re-install!

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Windows 7 Live Mail Adds Underscores To Attachment Names?

Nov 4, 2010

I found out that if a file has an extra dot before the extension, e.g. book1..xls (or book1. if you have "hide known file extensions" enabled in Folder Options), then the following will occur. If you right click the file, click Send to, click Mail Recipient, a new mail window opens up with the attachment of the file RENAMED TO book1._xls. I.e. the extra dot is replaced with an underscoreAlso, the funny thing is if there are additional dots before the extension, only the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. dots will be replaced with underscores.That means if the dot JUST BEFORE the extension is in an even-number position (counting from left to right), it will be replaced with "_", making the file extension looking like "_xls" and thus the attachment will be unopenable by your recipient unless he or she manually deletes the undercore from the extension.E.g. book1...xls will become book1._.xls; file name changed but still openable.But book1....xls will become book1._._xls; file becomes unopenable.This does not happen in Outlook Express. It seems to only happen with Windows Live Mail

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Sort Like Library In Windows Explorer - How To Omit The And A From File Names

Jan 11, 2012

Is there a way to sort 'like a library' in windows explorer (omit 'The ' and 'A ' from file names)? i.e. I have the files (sorted as windows would normally do with sort by name):

A File 4.ext
A File 2.ext
File 3.ext
File 7.ext
The File 1.ext
The File 5.ext
The File 6.ext
The File 8.ext
The File 9.ext

And I want:
The File 1.ext
A File 2.ext
File 3.ext
A File 4.ext
The File 5.ext
The File 6.ext
File 7.ext
The File 8.ext
The File 9.ext

I do not want to rename my files like this:
File 1, The.ext
File 2, A.ext
File 3.ext
File 4, A.ext
File 5, The.ext
File 6, The.ext
File 7.ext
File 8, The.ext
File 9, The.ext

Or this:
File 1.ext
File 2.ext
File 3.ext
File 4.ext
File 5.ext
File 6.ext
File 7.ext
File 8.ext
File 9.ext

The file name formats are actually 'The Film.avi' or 'The TV Show SXXEYY.mp4' (where XX is the Series andY Y is the Epesode as a double digit numbers). If there is anyway to do this or a 3rd party program that will work with network sharing (my files are not on the local machine but a file server running windows 7).

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Network Drive Volume Names Don't Show Up In Windows Explorer

Feb 22, 2012

The Network Drive volumes do not show up in Windows Explorer using Windows 7. The network drives appear with the assigned drive letter followed by Network Drive, for example, (Q Network Drive I've checked and the volumes are labeled correctly on the servers. Is there a registry entry that needs to be modified in order to correct?The system is a Toshiba R830 laptop running Win 7 64-bit

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Facebook Cannot Be Opened On Ie

Feb 2, 2013

Facebook used to open just fine last week. Now this week no one in my house can open it. We all get the error message stating that Internet Explorer cannot open the webpage. The funny thing is that Facebook is the only site that is unaccessable. All others work just fine. We are running a Belkin wireless router.we can open Facebook when we connect to the internet using my husbands mobil hotspot on his cell phone.

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Dll Files Opened Up With Dev C++

Apr 15, 2012

I'm a coder and I'm codding with dev c++ and I tried to open a dll file with dev c++ and all dll files opened up with dev c++

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C:windowssystem32hh Exe Could Not Be Opened

Jan 20, 2012

I am getting this error while trying to install an app in W7 OS machine. it stopped the installation process

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How To Modify Shortcut Names

Dec 3, 2012

When you create a shortcut in Win 7 the name of the shortcut has the word "shortcut" appended to the end of the name.I simply want to change this so the name "shortcut" is in the beginning of the name. (like in earlier versions of Windows i think).I have found instructions online for adjusting the registry to remove the word "shortcut" totally...but i cant see how to just move it to the beginning.

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Can't Change Drive Names

Oct 2, 2009

I have 2 physical HDs and one of them is devided into two drives, so basically I have 3 drives:

C: D: and E;

I want to assign names to each of them and I could only do so to drive C:, but I seem to ran into this message that I need an admisitrative ability while I'm the administrator of this computer.

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