Windows 7 Not Letting The Itunes To Be Opened

Oct 7, 2011

windows 7 won't let me open itunes or watch Internet videos. it won't let me install adobe either the flashplayer when it tells me i need it.

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Windows 7 Not Letting Me Go Online

Dec 15, 2012

I've tried several things. I have wifi access and its high bars but when i try to go online it fails to connect. I tried troubleshooting and there are no problems detected but it says something about microsoft not being able to connect. Can anyone help with this? It's been a little over a week.

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Windows 7 Not Letting Display Go To Sleep

Nov 7, 2010

my display doesn't go to sleep, even after setting it at 1 minute. are there any applications that can tell me what is staying active, thus preventing display sleeping?

system specs
OS Windows 7 Ultimate x64
CPU Intel i5 750
Motherboard Gigabyte P55A-UD3P
Memory OCZ Obsidian PC12800 2x2GB
Graphics Card(s) XFX 285 GTX
Monitor(s) Displays Philips 170C

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Prevent Windows 7 From Letting Accidentally Moving A Folder?

Jun 1, 2011

our emloyees click on a folder to highlite it and at times it gets moved into the folder below it. How do we stop the from happing?

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Free ITunes Alternative - Manage IPod IPhone Without ITunes?

Aug 16, 2012

looking for alternative for itunes for a while.I have an ipod touch 8gb.Now been looking at this piece of software and wondering will it recognise my ipod touch or will I have to stick to itunes,I have music photos & video clips on it now. This is what I've been looking at but will it recognise the ipotouch?? Link..... Free iTunes alternative - Manage iPod iPhone without iTunes

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Downgrading ITunes Without Losing ITunes Library?

Sep 18, 2011

I'm trying to downgrade from iTunes 10.5 to a version that doesn't crash (see my previous thread). However, whenever I do this, I cannot import my Library file (.itl) because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.

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Monitor Not Letting To Have A 1920x1080 - Resolution

Sep 27, 2012

I have a new computer and monitor. It worked perfectly and the monitor was installed emmediately without me doing anything. So it all worked perfectly - until one day my SSD broke. So i had to send the SSD back - and got a new one. Great, I thought, now it will all work perfectly again. But, as I have finished everything and be happily in my account, my monitor wont let me set the 1920x1080 setting...its not even listed. OK, I thought, then I will install the driver. So I installed it from the CD delivered together with the monitor when i got it, but theres still no 1920x180 - setting listed. I tried nearly every driver download for my monitor and searched nearly the whole internet for solutions, but it was all the same. as highest the highest two are 1856x1392 and 1920x1440 - which looks horrible. So, the best resolution is 1400x1050 - which is just too wide. My monitor is the Samsung SyncMaster S22A300 LED-Monitor with, as said, 1920x1080 Shall i contact the management?

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Media Files Not Letting Me Edit Info

Sep 22, 2011

Recently my music files [it might be with other types of files too, I haven't checked] have somehow changed the security setting so that I can't do anything with them, I can't edit the info in iTunes and I can't delete the files. About the only thing I can do is move the file. I have figured out how to fix this problem one by one with each file (going into properties, security tab, and changing the permissions), however, I've only been able to do this one by one and with each new file the same problem persists. Is there any way I can change some sort of setting or something that allows me to have full control over all files? I am the sole user of the computer, therefore I am the administrator.

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Graphic Card Not Letting System To Start?

Sep 1, 2012

I was using a 2 GB msi graphic card in my desktop, suddenly my desktop stoppedstarting yesterday, to be precise nothing comes in monitor , after so many hit an try I realized that graphic card is the culprit, when I removed the graphic card and used the on board graphics, then my system worked fine.One more thing is, my CMOS battery is not working, can it be a reason for graphic card not to work ?? How do I check whether my graphics card is still working or not?

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"iTunes Cannot Run Because Some Of Its Required Files Are Missing. Please Reinstall ITunes"

Aug 8, 2011

I use iTunes on my Windows 7 computer to sync with my iPhone, and the last time I went to open iTunes it gave me the error message "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes."I had heard that if I uninstalled Quicktime (which is bundled with iTunes when that is downloaded), then reinstalled it separately, it would work again, but after trying that it didn't. So I decided to just uninstall iTunes, then reinstall it. However, every time I try to uninstall it in Add/Remove Programs, it just sits there saying it'll be about eight more seconds to go to finish deleting, but it just sits, and sits, and sits...... Nothing. I also tried to just install the newest iTunes on top of the existing one, but every time I try it tells me that it's already installed and to click "Ok." So I can't uninstall it, nor can I install it, nor will iTunes open on its own. I had done a system restore recently, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it.

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Can't Get Windows 7 Opened Up

Aug 5, 2011

My computer is getting this when I boot Windows 7: "STOP: c000021a {Fatal System error}" I also multiboot Ubuntu 10.10, What do I do? I need to uninstall Ubuntu 10.10, that's for sure, but how? And after that, how do I fix that error?

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Having Several Folder's On Windows 7 Opened, How Do I See The Names Of Them

Jun 21, 2012

I know, the easy solution would be to turn off desktop composition, but that would be like disabling visual styles in windows XP, going back to windows 98 look.for me the most important thing about the desktop composition is that it let me choose colors, if not it is fixed to the green/bluish windows 7 default colores and cant be changed unless desktop compositiion is enabled.but when desktop composition is enabled (i mean, by default, it is enabled) when i move the cursor over the taskbar, over the folders i get a very nice chumbanil view, yeah.. pretty cute. but, how do i know which one is the one i am looking for? of course, there are thumbnails, but come on, they are thumbnail of folders.check the images of what i sayhere i can't see the names, until i go one by onewithout desktop compositionbut here with windows 7 at minimum (desktop composition turned off, with just moving the cursor over the folders in taskbar i get the menu with the names and i go to the one i need, fast and without there any way i can have the names with desktop composition ON? or at leas the names offer the thumbnails.

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Have All Windows Full Screen When They Are Opened

Oct 30, 2009

I would like to lockin (whatever) it takes to have all windows full screen when they are opened. Please make it simple as I don't know much about computers. I also have this problem with my PC using Vista.

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Windows 7 Dvd Takes Time But Not Opened

Mar 11, 2011

Even after inserting the DVD, takes time to read and opens the drive and asking to insert a disc.

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WinZip Driver Files Can't Be Opened On New Windows 7 Built

Aug 19, 2012

I have just built a new computer (desk top PC) and am using Windows 7 (Home Premium edition - Service pack1). My new computer has the same setup as my older one, obviously the latest one is a higher spec. I have run into a problem with installing my printer driver, although its working with the default driver installed by windows it is not the latest driver that was issued in Feb 2009 that I have been using on my old computer. I have found the required driver on a CD that was possibly created by me when I was running windows XP. It's a WinZip file (epson322530eu.exe). When I double click on it I get an error message:-

"This self-extracting Zip files was created by a registered user of WinZipSelf-Extractor 2.2 (4003) WinZipComputing, Inc."

Is it possible that WinZip files can't be opened on my new build computer because of the age of the WinZip file? I don't seem to have a WinZip programe on either computer so I don't know how I installed it before.

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Get Windows 7 To Put Buttons In Order Of Way The Programs Are Opened And Not Rearrange Them?

Oct 27, 2011

In regards to the order of the program buttons on the task bar, is there a way to get Win7 to put the buttons in order of the way the programs are opened and not rearrange them? For example, I usually have my mailbox and my web browser open. (Nothing pinned to the task bar.) Mail is on the far left, browser is directly to the right of mail. If I go into mail and open an item in my inbox, I would expect (and like) the new task that shows in the task bar to be positioned to the right of the Browser button. Instead, it inserts itself to the right of Mail and pushes the Browser button to the right.

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Windows 7 Home Premium - System Restore Cannot Be Opened

Mar 20, 2012

Because a previous virus had changed my registry in a diffrerent PC where I could no longer do a restore (deleted restore points), I made this registry change to this new PC. I changed the permissions in the SystemRestore folder for users to Deny on Full Control and Read. I also made a registry backup in case something went wrong. Well something did go wrong and now I cannot do any restores even after I imported my registry backup.

I get the following error: SystemRestore cannot be opened. An error is preventing this key from being opened. Details: Access is denied. How can I undo the mess I made. Using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.Is there a way to reset the permissions back to default. You will need to run 'Subinacl Tool' to reset the permission to normal. To reset system permissions, follow the steps:

1. Download subinacl.msi from link, and save it on the desktop. [URL]
2. On the desktop, double-click subinacl.msi to install the tool.
3. Select C:WindowsSystem32 as the destination folder. Note This step assumes that Windows is installed in C:Windows. If Windows is installed elsewhere, select the appropriate path to .System32.
4. Open Notepad.
5. Copy the following commands and then paste them into the opened Notepad window.

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f

6. In Notepad click File, Save As, and then type: reset.cmd
7. In Notepad click Save as type, and then select All Files (*.*).
8. Save the reset.cmdfile to your desktop, and close Notepad.
9. Double-click the reset.cmdfile to reset the Windows Update permissions. Note This step may take several minutes, so please be patient. When the permissions have been reset, you will be prompted with "Finished, press any key to continue."
10. Press any key to complete the installation.

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How To Run ITunes On Windows 7

Oct 2, 2011

does anyone know if you can run iTunes on windows 7?

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Facebook Cannot Be Opened On Ie

Feb 2, 2013

Facebook used to open just fine last week. Now this week no one in my house can open it. We all get the error message stating that Internet Explorer cannot open the webpage. The funny thing is that Facebook is the only site that is unaccessable. All others work just fine. We are running a Belkin wireless router.we can open Facebook when we connect to the internet using my husbands mobil hotspot on his cell phone.

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Dll Files Opened Up With Dev C++

Apr 15, 2012

I'm a coder and I'm codding with dev c++ and I tried to open a dll file with dev c++ and all dll files opened up with dev c++

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C:windowssystem32hh Exe Could Not Be Opened

Jan 20, 2012

I am getting this error while trying to install an app in W7 OS machine. it stopped the installation process

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ITunes Windows 7 Backup?

Jul 4, 2011

I know this isn't an Apple forum, but hope someone may be able to answer this one. If I make a DVD copy of the contents of my iTunes library on my Windows 7 PC, will my new iMac be able to import the backup, or are the file types that different?

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ITunes 10 Crashes Windows 7 64-bit

Feb 21, 2012

I've been having problems for a few weeks with a crashing computer. When I tried to open "Programs and Features", it would crash every time. No crash dumps. No BSOD. Just a hard reboot like some yanked the plug out. It would also happen randomly.

After running countless tests on hardware, checking for viruses, and TWO re-format and clean installs, I finally isolated the problem to iTunes. I was just about finishing my 2nd rebuild, and it was working just fine. I installed the iTunes 10 64-bit version, and BAM, it started crashing. I then installed Revo Uninstaller, and removed iTunes and all of the other Apple crap from my machine. Voila! No more problems.

I would like to be able to have iTunes installed so that I can manage my iPods, but can't seem to have it on there without hosing up my system.

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Copying ITunes To Windows 7

Sep 23, 2012

how do i copy all of my iTunes data/music onto my external Hard drive, then download iTunes (empty with no songs in it yet) on my new win 7 pc. and then copy my iTunes music from external HD to new iTunes? i tried i couldn't seem to copy music to External HD.

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Itunes On Windows 7 32 Bit Not Working?

Jan 20, 2012

I reinstalled iTunes several times, but when I try to plug in my iPod it won't recognize it, I tried plugging it to a different computer to see and it was seen by iTunes. help. Not sure what's going on. Got the latest iTunes version. Computer scanned and no threats at all.

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When Opened Windows Mail / Left Hand Side Of Screen Was Completely Black / Didn't Show Any Of Messages

Oct 7, 2012

When I turn on the screen of my PC I get weird shapes all over the screen. Some of them are coloured, some are grey but they appear on all programmes, including a Word blank page and the desktop page. Some of them flash, some of them change shape, ut they are all pixel shaped within the boxes. There are also some strange 'squiggly' marks on the screen. When I opened Windows mail, the left hand side of the screen was completely black and it didn't show any of my messages. As I'm typing this message, I've got grey boxes which change shape as I type and it's covering some of the text.

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Certain Programs Don't Show Up When Opened

Jul 24, 2011

Recently after I finished editing a .txt file in WordPad, I closed out of the program, but then immediately opened it back up because I forgot to change something. The program loaded, and I could see it and it's preview on the taskbar, but it would not show up on my screen. I hadn't installed or modified anything very recently also. Then later that day, after opening up Google Chrome, it did the same thing. I would not show the window on my screen. When I minimized and maximized the window from the taskbar, the animation showed the window going to the far right hand side and off the monitor. When I pressed "Windows Key +Tab" it showed the window, but wouldn't bring it to the front again. I'm not sure what is going on with my computer.


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Can't Delete Files - It Is Opened Elsewhere

Dec 8, 2011

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 1844 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 730 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 260242 MB, Free - 208221 MB; D: Total - 29690 MB, Free - 28507 MB;
Motherboard: LENOVO, MoutCook
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

I'm told that the file is open somewhere else but I don't understand where. How do I delete it?

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Websites Keep Crashing When Opened

Jan 20, 2012

I am having is that websites keep crashing, it has only started to happen over the last few days. I have not installed or removed anything. I have scanned for viruses but there are none. I have restarted the computer but that makes no difference either. I am using windows explorer. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

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Your Profile Could Not Be Opened Correctly

Jul 4, 2012

OS win 7. This is an issue that I have (Like lots of other people too, I suspect) been having over the last couple of days. My home page is Google and when I boot up the message >Your profile could not be opened correctly. Some features may not be available. Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents< without the arrow heads.I have tried keying the message into Google, but there doesn't seem to be a cure up to now. Does anyone have the same problem? If so, have you been able to find an answer. My pc is clean.

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Mail Not Showing Opened?

Jul 19, 2011

Have WLM on my old XP and strange thing is all the messages I get from this forum have a little yellow envelope that does not open like the other messages do.Any ideas - it's not a problem only I still have mail as being unread in the inbox.Plus some messages have obviously a picture in them but the square as a small red "x" in a small white box am wondering what that is about too.

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