Prevent Windows 7 From Letting Accidentally Moving A Folder?

Jun 1, 2011

our emloyees click on a folder to highlite it and at times it gets moved into the folder below it. How do we stop the from happing?

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Restore Programme Folder Accidentally Deleted From Hard Drive In Windows 7?

Nov 29, 2012

How can I restore Programme Folder I accidentally deleted from hard drive in Windows 7.

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Home Folder Accidentally Hidden

Jul 4, 2011

Earlier today I was trying to find some files in my Users folder which contained both the folders "Public" and "Home." I couldn't find the files I was looking for in either of those two folders. I right-clicked on the Home folder, and then clicked on Properties, thinking that the files I was looking for were hidden. I didn't realize that once I clicked on the "hidden" option that my home folder would be hidden; I brain farted and thought that function allowing me to view hidden files. I realized my mistake a few minutes later.

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Accidentally Deleted A Folder That Created In "my Videos" Folder

Oct 3, 2012

I had accidentally deleted a folder I created in my "my videos" folder and how to get it back or find its contents.

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Accidentally Moved Office Folder To Desktop?

Mar 27, 2011

I don't have a clue how I'd search for the topic. I mistakenly moved my MS Office folder out of the start menu, all programs, and cannot figure out how to put it back in there. I looked around the computer but can't find a place to put it back

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Accidentally Deleted A Folder And Emptied Trash

Nov 5, 2011

I have a good friends Dell computer running Windows 7 and 8G PNY flash drive. She accidentally deleted an entire folder from her flash drive that had her entire semester of MBA class work. Not realizing that she deleted the folder off her flash drive she emptied her trash bin on her computer. The Folder contained two other folders and inside one folder was all her word documents and powerpoint presentations and the other folder contained all her excel files and class assignments. I have tried running a recovery program (Search & Recover - Recovered Erased Files by iolo tech) on the flash drive and the hard drive but have not gotten any results.

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Accidentally Shift Deleted Photo Folder?

Nov 20, 2011

i accidentaly shift deleted (thats permant delete fwiw) my photo folder (large folder tons of shots) - is there any way possible for me to recover it - desperation is setting in

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Accidentally Applied Hidden Folder Attribute, Subsequent Errors

Aug 23, 2010

I was clicking around in my C drive because I was trying to find a folder that was hidden. I right clicked, click properties, selected the "hidden" folder attribute to the administrator folder, and clicked apply to all folders, subfolders, etc. I realized this was not the right thing because it just hid all the folders inside, so I undid it.Afterwards, it kicked me off of skype and when I tried to log on again, it said my disk was full when it is obviously not and gave me the "disk i/o error"In addition, I clicked firefox and it gave me a dialog box that said "Could not initialize the browser security component, etc etc and gave me another warning about my disk being full.What did I do? Obviously my disk is not full but these two programs think it is full and is giving me error messages.

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Accidentally Deleted Downloads Folder, Can't Find New Downloaded Files?

Oct 10, 2011

I recently sent my laptop to HP for a fan repair and before I sent it off I accidentally deleted my Downloads folder and then cleared out my recycling bin.Well, I got my laptop back today and went to download a few files. After doing so, I realized that I can't find those downloaded files. I have no idea where those files went. They were .rar and ZIP files and I can't seem to locate them. Does anybody know how I can find those downloaded files (where they might have ended up with the Downloads folder gone) and how I can restore my Downloads folder

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How To Prevent Showing Of Search Results From Drive/folder

Feb 20, 2012

I want to keep the Windows 7 start menu search feature. But I want to prevent files in certain drives/folders from showing in search results.

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How To Prevent App Creating Start Menu Folder At Boot

Dec 4, 2012

as I have been unsuccessful finding a solution at the ATI forums I thought I would try to pick the minds of all the clever people here. Does any know how to prevent 'AMD VISION Engine Control Center' from creating a start menu program folder at boot?

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[IMAGES] Prevent Renamed Photos From Jumping Down The Folder Immediately?

Nov 3, 2010

In old windows, when you renamed a photo, it stayed in the same place in relation to all the other photos in the folder until you closed and then reopened the folder. Now in 7 and vista, as soon as you rename it, it gets reordered in the folder by name. It jumps away from its current position. With 250 photos in the folder, its hard to get it back.I need information on the photo to rename the next photo. Any way to make it stay in place till the folder is opened and closed? I can't find anything here in the forum or in folder properties, etc

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Windows 7 - Moving Favorites Folder For IE To D Drive

Dec 13, 2012

Using Windows 7, my "C" drive is a small solid state drive and all I wish to have on it is my Win 7 operating system. My "D" drive is mechanical and 500 Gig so I would like to have as much as possible on that drive. How do I move my Favorites folder to my "D" drive and have it always available when I open my Internet Explorer?

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Moving Windows Mail Contacts Folder

Sep 16, 2009

How can I point Windows Mail to the new location of my Contacts file?

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Renaming Folder And Moving Files In Windows 7?

Jul 11, 2010

When I try to rename a folder, I get a comment like something open in another folder or program and I know of nothing that it is open - Hence I cant make a rename. Also if I move a File to another folder, it just copies it and then it wont let me delete the original folder --- Doing this kind of stuff used to be so easy on XP , but I guess one has to learn it all over again.

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Windows 7 Not Letting Me Go Online

Dec 15, 2012

I've tried several things. I have wifi access and its high bars but when i try to go online it fails to connect. I tried troubleshooting and there are no problems detected but it says something about microsoft not being able to connect. Can anyone help with this? It's been a little over a week.

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Moving A Folder Of Files

Mar 2, 2012

Can any one tell me a good reason why when I move a folder of folders and files any executables in those folders loose their compatibility and administrative settings?

Is there any way to prevent this happening?

If not, is there any way to apply this setting for a collection of files rather than one by one?

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Windows 7 Not Letting Display Go To Sleep

Nov 7, 2010

my display doesn't go to sleep, even after setting it at 1 minute. are there any applications that can tell me what is staying active, thus preventing display sleeping?

system specs
OS Windows 7 Ultimate x64
CPU Intel i5 750
Motherboard Gigabyte P55A-UD3P
Memory OCZ Obsidian PC12800 2x2GB
Graphics Card(s) XFX 285 GTX
Monitor(s) Displays Philips 170C

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Windows 7 Not Letting The Itunes To Be Opened

Oct 7, 2011

windows 7 won't let me open itunes or watch Internet videos. it won't let me install adobe either the flashplayer when it tells me i need it.

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Moving Files From Shared Folder

Dec 28, 2012

Whenever I move folders from my shared folders ( Users/public/public documents for example) it copies the files instead of just simply moving them. The folders are on the same hard drive/partition so there does not seem to be any reason it should start doing this. I dont know what I could have changed on the computer to cause this to happen either. it is quite a frustrating problem however because large files take a while to transfer when they should be moved instantly.

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Moving/Copying The AppData Folder?

Mar 22, 2012

I made a really dumb mistake last night while setting up a VPN. Long story short I deleted my user account. Now, I did not lose any data at all (the account's folder still exists, untouched, in the /Users folder), it is just the user account picture and log in information that are gone. I have no way (that I know of) of re-referencing it so that it appears on my log-in screen again.My issue is that I effectively lost some programs and all configuration files that were exclusively associated with that account. Which is years of config data that I would HATE to have to do again. My questions are as follows (which are two sides of the same coin really).

Is there some way to re-reference this user account so it shows up and loads up like normal on windows login once again? (The system displays it as "User Unknown")f not, is there something that I can do with the /AppData folders of the new (recently created) and old ("deleted") accounts to make my new account be just like the old one?

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Moving The Location Of The Program Folder

May 26, 2009

I'm soon to be installing RC1, and I was thinking of abandoning my raid array and using the two discs thus:

Disc 1 ( ; system and page file

Disc 2 ; Programmes

I had my other discs organised thus:

Disc 3 ; my user's disc

Disc 4 ; My partner's users disc

Disc 5 ; storage / backup / and music stuff.

My question is this, how does one change the location of the programs folder so that it would read:

D:programs instead of C:programs?

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Moving The 'Users' Folder From C: To Another Drive

Jul 24, 2009

I want to move the users folder from C: to D:.

i read, on another forum, that this could be done like so...
Lets imagine you have a PC with 3 accounts.

One is a plain admin account, (administrator) another is an account you have created for the move (adminmove) and the other is a boggo ussr account (user)

Shut down PC (important)

Fire up PC, log on as administrator. Run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList

Change profilesdirectory to the new location. Any new users will now have their profiles go there.

go to your documents and settings folder. copy the adminmove and user folders to the new location. You will not get errors about files being locked UNLESS you have services using any of these user accounts to log on. To find out if you do go start>run>services.msc and make sure the log on as section uses no user accounts there.

Leave the S-15-18, S-15-19 and S-15-20 subkeys alone. Those profiles take up next to no space and I wouldn't risk changing them.

You will see some S-15-XX-blah subkeys. These are for the user accounts that exist on the computer. Within each key is a ProfileImagepath REG_EXPAND_SZ

Change these for all but the account you are logged on as.
Shutdown and restart the PC. Log on as adminmove.


type set and make sure the USERPROFILE shows the new location.

Move the administrator folder from documents and settings to the new location. Go into regedit again and change the profileimagepath for the administrator account.

Job done. If you want you can delete the profile for the adminmove account and delete the user. Use My computer/properties to delete the profile though. Do not use windows explorer

P.S. If you are determined to move the localservice and networkservice folders, boot in safe mode

This was posted by badass - Move the entire Documents and Settings folder to a different partition?

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How To Stop Explorer From Moving The Folder List

Apr 3, 2010

This has been a pet peeve of mine on Win7 ever since I upgraded months ago.

I'm real big on using Windows Explorer to navigate around my drives, looking at files, photos, movies, whatever. There are two things that the folder list, on the left side of the screen, does differently from it's XP predecessor that bug me:

1) It doesn't auto-expand a folder when I click on it. I have to double-click. Years upon years of doing things one way, and they suddenly change it.

2) This is the one I'm posting about... As I'm browsing down the list on the left, burrowing into sub-folder after sub-folder using the arrows.. right as I'm about to click on a folder that I want to view.. Suddenly the list will SNAP back to the top of the page as if it still thinks I want to be looking at whatever other folder I used to be in (usually the default Libraries folder). So I'll sit there and flip my mouse wheel a few times to get back to where I was.. and it'll SNAP BACK TO THE TOP AGAIN. It also happens when I've selected a particular folder, but I'm trying to navigate to one of the many sub-folders. It'll SNAP back up without warning, putting the root folder that I've selected at the very bottom of the screen, forcing me to scroll down. Again. Also happens when I'm trying to use Explorer to open a file from inside of a program.. File>Open, search, scroll, SNAP, scroll, SNAP, scroll, STOP IT, scroll, there it is. Frankly, it's pissing me off.

If there's one thing that bugs me the most about computers these days, it's when they try to do something "helpful" that I honestly don't want it to do. I know better than Windows what I'm trying to do when I'm using this computer. I am not the AOL-using end user that doesn't know what he's doing.. Technical Support? Yeah, been there, done that.. now I train tech support.. believe me, I know what I'm doing.

Is there some option somewhere to tell Windows to leave Explorer the hell alone when I'm browsing my drives? Get it to play the way I want it to play?

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Moving Documents Renames Target Folder Itself?

Nov 10, 2011

I want to move the My Documents onto a separate partition, which appears very straightforward in 7.

However, the first time I called the partition (as that was all it was going to be used for) 'My Documents' and just wanted to move the sub folders there.

Unfortunately, having moved the first item 'Desktop', the partition itself became 'Desktop' and behaved like that folder. The only way I could get it back was by creating other users and deleting the initial profile.

Subsequenty, every time I try to move 'My Documents', the folder selected is renamed by Windows to whatever folder I'm moving and the path afterwards reflects that, irrespective of my instruction.

i.e. I want to move 'My Documents' so create a folder called 'Information' (either before or during the move dialogue makes no difference. I confirm the notification to move files and receive confirmation of success.

Bizarrely, the new folder, previously 'Information', is now called 'My Documents'.

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Moving My Documents Folder To Another Partition Safe?

Dec 16, 2010

I want to move My Documents folder to another partition (D:) but I'm wondering if I do will other users on the computer now be able to access the contents?

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Moving Documents Folder To Another Hard Drive?

Jan 15, 2013

This might be a bit of a dumb question but I just want to check is it safe to directly cut and paste the my favorites, documents, pictures, music and video folders to another hard drive on my PC or I should do them manually through properties of each folder. Currently I'm using windows 7.

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Moving Users Folder On Physically Different Drive?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm somewhat confused over correct way to achieve something.I have only just upgraded to Windows 7Previously I had OS on my C drive and 'user' folders on a physically different drive.I have done a little googling .. some results show multiple pages on text on how to do this, another use 'mlink'another using robocopy & whole load of cmd line stuff, another says do it within users profile setting.hat is the simple way of moving the 'users' folder (with the number of sub user folders) to a different drive, and removing the original folders ... i.e. keeping the house clean.Purpose is to keep user data such as my documents etc

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Have To Manually Refresh After Renaming/moving/creating New Folder Etc

Nov 14, 2011

I'm running the 32 bit version of Windows 7 and it's fully up to date in terms of patches. This issue only affects libraries. The issue started out of the blue a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't installed any new software or changed any settings and I also tried using System Restore to go back to a couple of days before this issue started?

1. I go into my library called "Videos" and right-click and choose New - Folder. The new folder does not appear.

2. I either press F5 or right-click - refresh and then I can see the new folder I created.

3. I give the new folder a name, for example "test". The folder shows the name "test".

4. I rename the folder to something else, for example "renamedtest". The folder still shows the name as "test".

5. I either press F5 or right-click - refresh and then the folder name changes to "renamedtest".

Basically, any time I create a folder, rename a file or folder, delete a file/folder, move a file/folder etc. I do not see the effects of my actions until after I've manually refreshed. This only affects libraries.

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Monitor Not Letting To Have A 1920x1080 - Resolution

Sep 27, 2012

I have a new computer and monitor. It worked perfectly and the monitor was installed emmediately without me doing anything. So it all worked perfectly - until one day my SSD broke. So i had to send the SSD back - and got a new one. Great, I thought, now it will all work perfectly again. But, as I have finished everything and be happily in my account, my monitor wont let me set the 1920x1080 setting...its not even listed. OK, I thought, then I will install the driver. So I installed it from the CD delivered together with the monitor when i got it, but theres still no 1920x180 - setting listed. I tried nearly every driver download for my monitor and searched nearly the whole internet for solutions, but it was all the same. as highest the highest two are 1856x1392 and 1920x1440 - which looks horrible. So, the best resolution is 1400x1050 - which is just too wide. My monitor is the Samsung SyncMaster S22A300 LED-Monitor with, as said, 1920x1080 Shall i contact the management?

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Media Files Not Letting Me Edit Info

Sep 22, 2011

Recently my music files [it might be with other types of files too, I haven't checked] have somehow changed the security setting so that I can't do anything with them, I can't edit the info in iTunes and I can't delete the files. About the only thing I can do is move the file. I have figured out how to fix this problem one by one with each file (going into properties, security tab, and changing the permissions), however, I've only been able to do this one by one and with each new file the same problem persists. Is there any way I can change some sort of setting or something that allows me to have full control over all files? I am the sole user of the computer, therefore I am the administrator.

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