Windows 7 - Moving Favorites Folder For IE To D Drive

Dec 13, 2012

Using Windows 7, my "C" drive is a small solid state drive and all I wish to have on it is my Win 7 operating system. My "D" drive is mechanical and 500 Gig so I would like to have as much as possible on that drive. How do I move my Favorites folder to my "D" drive and have it always available when I open my Internet Explorer?

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Windows 7 / IE 9 - Moving Favorites To Another Computer?

Oct 22, 2011

I have Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9 on my computer. How to save and move my Favorites to another computer?

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Import Favorites Saved In The Folder In D Part Of Hard Drive Into Mozzilla Firefox?

Dec 23, 2011

How to import favorites saved in the folder in D part of hard drive into Mozzilla Firefox?

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Moving The 'Users' Folder From C: To Another Drive

Jul 24, 2009

I want to move the users folder from C: to D:.

i read, on another forum, that this could be done like so...
Lets imagine you have a PC with 3 accounts.

One is a plain admin account, (administrator) another is an account you have created for the move (adminmove) and the other is a boggo ussr account (user)

Shut down PC (important)

Fire up PC, log on as administrator. Run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList

Change profilesdirectory to the new location. Any new users will now have their profiles go there.

go to your documents and settings folder. copy the adminmove and user folders to the new location. You will not get errors about files being locked UNLESS you have services using any of these user accounts to log on. To find out if you do go start>run>services.msc and make sure the log on as section uses no user accounts there.

Leave the S-15-18, S-15-19 and S-15-20 subkeys alone. Those profiles take up next to no space and I wouldn't risk changing them.

You will see some S-15-XX-blah subkeys. These are for the user accounts that exist on the computer. Within each key is a ProfileImagepath REG_EXPAND_SZ

Change these for all but the account you are logged on as.
Shutdown and restart the PC. Log on as adminmove.


type set and make sure the USERPROFILE shows the new location.

Move the administrator folder from documents and settings to the new location. Go into regedit again and change the profileimagepath for the administrator account.

Job done. If you want you can delete the profile for the adminmove account and delete the user. Use My computer/properties to delete the profile though. Do not use windows explorer

P.S. If you are determined to move the localservice and networkservice folders, boot in safe mode

This was posted by badass - Move the entire Documents and Settings folder to a different partition?

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Moving Documents Folder To Another Hard Drive?

Jan 15, 2013

This might be a bit of a dumb question but I just want to check is it safe to directly cut and paste the my favorites, documents, pictures, music and video folders to another hard drive on my PC or I should do them manually through properties of each folder. Currently I'm using windows 7.

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Moving Users Folder On Physically Different Drive?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm somewhat confused over correct way to achieve something.I have only just upgraded to Windows 7Previously I had OS on my C drive and 'user' folders on a physically different drive.I have done a little googling .. some results show multiple pages on text on how to do this, another use 'mlink'another using robocopy & whole load of cmd line stuff, another says do it within users profile setting.hat is the simple way of moving the 'users' folder (with the number of sub user folders) to a different drive, and removing the original folders ... i.e. keeping the house clean.Purpose is to keep user data such as my documents etc

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Favorites Hide Sub Folder?

Nov 18, 2010

For Favorites Hide SubFolder.

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How To Put Favorites Into A Separate File Or Folder

Aug 30, 2011

how to put favorites into a separate file or folder

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How To Get Personal Folder Favorites Into Firefox Bookmarks

Dec 19, 2012

Reformatted & added Win 7 to #2 PC. I imported "my Favorites" from internet explorer by FF browser, bookmarks > Import & Backup. The favorites from i.e. were mostly held in 20 folders with sub folders then the rest, loose individual sites. The entire list - folders & loose sites now appear in the Private folder config: START > AaLF personal folder > Favorites. But in the firefox browser, I now see only half the folders from i.e. and also not the loose individual sites. How do I get My Personal Folder Favorites into FF's Bookmarks for easy use??

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Moving Windows Mail Contacts Folder

Sep 16, 2009

How can I point Windows Mail to the new location of my Contacts file?

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Renaming Folder And Moving Files In Windows 7?

Jul 11, 2010

When I try to rename a folder, I get a comment like something open in another folder or program and I know of nothing that it is open - Hence I cant make a rename. Also if I move a File to another folder, it just copies it and then it wont let me delete the original folder --- Doing this kind of stuff used to be so easy on XP , but I guess one has to learn it all over again.

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Copy Old Favorites From Old Drive To Windows 7 Drive

Jul 14, 2009

This is very frustrating now...Yes, I know it´s because of my lack of knowledge about Windows 7 and security/permission rules and settings. But still.

Hopefully someone is kind enough to help me out a bit here and maybe I´ll understand better (hopefully)

I´ve just installed Windows 7 and this is what I want to do:

Copy my old Favorites-folder (Win Explorer 8) from the old harddrive to my new folder in Win 7.

I had some problems accessing my old folder in My Documents on the old harddrive but i changed permission and ownership and finally I could access it and copy the folder. But. It seems impossible to copy it into c:UsersxxxxxFavorites

It just says "You´ll need to provide administrator permission to copy this folder"

I´ve disabled the built in admin account and tried every fix I´ve found but I still receive the same message. How can I fix this??? Seems like a simple thing to do but i just cant get it to work.

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Prevent Windows 7 From Letting Accidentally Moving A Folder?

Jun 1, 2011

our emloyees click on a folder to highlite it and at times it gets moved into the folder below it. How do we stop the from happing?

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Moving A Folder Of Files

Mar 2, 2012

Can any one tell me a good reason why when I move a folder of folders and files any executables in those folders loose their compatibility and administrative settings?

Is there any way to prevent this happening?

If not, is there any way to apply this setting for a collection of files rather than one by one?

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Moving Files From Shared Folder

Dec 28, 2012

Whenever I move folders from my shared folders ( Users/public/public documents for example) it copies the files instead of just simply moving them. The folders are on the same hard drive/partition so there does not seem to be any reason it should start doing this. I dont know what I could have changed on the computer to cause this to happen either. it is quite a frustrating problem however because large files take a while to transfer when they should be moved instantly.

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Moving/Copying The AppData Folder?

Mar 22, 2012

I made a really dumb mistake last night while setting up a VPN. Long story short I deleted my user account. Now, I did not lose any data at all (the account's folder still exists, untouched, in the /Users folder), it is just the user account picture and log in information that are gone. I have no way (that I know of) of re-referencing it so that it appears on my log-in screen again.My issue is that I effectively lost some programs and all configuration files that were exclusively associated with that account. Which is years of config data that I would HATE to have to do again. My questions are as follows (which are two sides of the same coin really).

Is there some way to re-reference this user account so it shows up and loads up like normal on windows login once again? (The system displays it as "User Unknown")f not, is there something that I can do with the /AppData folders of the new (recently created) and old ("deleted") accounts to make my new account be just like the old one?

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Moving The Location Of The Program Folder

May 26, 2009

I'm soon to be installing RC1, and I was thinking of abandoning my raid array and using the two discs thus:

Disc 1 ( ; system and page file

Disc 2 ; Programmes

I had my other discs organised thus:

Disc 3 ; my user's disc

Disc 4 ; My partner's users disc

Disc 5 ; storage / backup / and music stuff.

My question is this, how does one change the location of the programs folder so that it would read:

D:programs instead of C:programs?

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Hide The Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, And Contacts Folders (just The Folder, Not Contents)?

Nov 2, 2011

Is it at all possible to hide the Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, and Contacts folders (just the folder, not contents)? I've tried just hiding it like any other folder but it won't work.AND if possible, have explorer open in my home folder instead of libraries.

PS: I tried disabling libraries entirely, but it opens to My Documents instead of my home folder.

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How To Stop Explorer From Moving The Folder List

Apr 3, 2010

This has been a pet peeve of mine on Win7 ever since I upgraded months ago.

I'm real big on using Windows Explorer to navigate around my drives, looking at files, photos, movies, whatever. There are two things that the folder list, on the left side of the screen, does differently from it's XP predecessor that bug me:

1) It doesn't auto-expand a folder when I click on it. I have to double-click. Years upon years of doing things one way, and they suddenly change it.

2) This is the one I'm posting about... As I'm browsing down the list on the left, burrowing into sub-folder after sub-folder using the arrows.. right as I'm about to click on a folder that I want to view.. Suddenly the list will SNAP back to the top of the page as if it still thinks I want to be looking at whatever other folder I used to be in (usually the default Libraries folder). So I'll sit there and flip my mouse wheel a few times to get back to where I was.. and it'll SNAP BACK TO THE TOP AGAIN. It also happens when I've selected a particular folder, but I'm trying to navigate to one of the many sub-folders. It'll SNAP back up without warning, putting the root folder that I've selected at the very bottom of the screen, forcing me to scroll down. Again. Also happens when I'm trying to use Explorer to open a file from inside of a program.. File>Open, search, scroll, SNAP, scroll, SNAP, scroll, STOP IT, scroll, there it is. Frankly, it's pissing me off.

If there's one thing that bugs me the most about computers these days, it's when they try to do something "helpful" that I honestly don't want it to do. I know better than Windows what I'm trying to do when I'm using this computer. I am not the AOL-using end user that doesn't know what he's doing.. Technical Support? Yeah, been there, done that.. now I train tech support.. believe me, I know what I'm doing.

Is there some option somewhere to tell Windows to leave Explorer the hell alone when I'm browsing my drives? Get it to play the way I want it to play?

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Moving Documents Renames Target Folder Itself?

Nov 10, 2011

I want to move the My Documents onto a separate partition, which appears very straightforward in 7.

However, the first time I called the partition (as that was all it was going to be used for) 'My Documents' and just wanted to move the sub folders there.

Unfortunately, having moved the first item 'Desktop', the partition itself became 'Desktop' and behaved like that folder. The only way I could get it back was by creating other users and deleting the initial profile.

Subsequenty, every time I try to move 'My Documents', the folder selected is renamed by Windows to whatever folder I'm moving and the path afterwards reflects that, irrespective of my instruction.

i.e. I want to move 'My Documents' so create a folder called 'Information' (either before or during the move dialogue makes no difference. I confirm the notification to move files and receive confirmation of success.

Bizarrely, the new folder, previously 'Information', is now called 'My Documents'.

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Moving My Documents Folder To Another Partition Safe?

Dec 16, 2010

I want to move My Documents folder to another partition (D:) but I'm wondering if I do will other users on the computer now be able to access the contents?

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Have To Manually Refresh After Renaming/moving/creating New Folder Etc

Nov 14, 2011

I'm running the 32 bit version of Windows 7 and it's fully up to date in terms of patches. This issue only affects libraries. The issue started out of the blue a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't installed any new software or changed any settings and I also tried using System Restore to go back to a couple of days before this issue started?

1. I go into my library called "Videos" and right-click and choose New - Folder. The new folder does not appear.

2. I either press F5 or right-click - refresh and then I can see the new folder I created.

3. I give the new folder a name, for example "test". The folder shows the name "test".

4. I rename the folder to something else, for example "renamedtest". The folder still shows the name as "test".

5. I either press F5 or right-click - refresh and then the folder name changes to "renamedtest".

Basically, any time I create a folder, rename a file or folder, delete a file/folder, move a file/folder etc. I do not see the effects of my actions until after I've manually refreshed. This only affects libraries.

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Moving Windows 7 Ent OS Drive To Another PC?

Sep 28, 2010

My Dell Optiplex 740 (AMD) is dying, and my company's IT has given me a Optiplex 745 (Intel) as a replacement.I'm a very lazy person , so naturally, I tried moving the drive with Windows 7 Enterprise x64 to the new machine.It didn't work: * Shortly after boot up, it will restart itself and go into repair mode * It will not be able to repair itself * Starting in Safe Mode also failedAs far as I know, the two PCs are completely different, except the graphic card and hard drives are the same.Is there anyway to "repair" this so it will work on the new machine? I'm avoiding reinstall since I really want to preserve my settings.

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Moving Windows 7 To Another Drive?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm wanting to move my copy of Windows 7 OEM Ultimate x64 to a new drive, with all the programs and that without reinstalling. I'm wanting to move it from my WD Black SATA2 drive to a SATA3 drive, which will be done via a PCIe Card. If this isn't possible to do, I'm fine using a fast SATA 2 drive.

I'm wondering if copying all the required folders Windows needs, putting them on a same-sized drive, unplugging the WD Black and doing a boot with that in the same SATA port.

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Saving Favorites From Old Drive To New Drive?

May 29, 2012

i got a newly built system with windows 7 pro and i want to transfer my favorites from my old system with windows XP. can it be done? or can i install the old drive into the new system and leave windows XP on it, that is the question?

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Moving A Windows 7 Partition To A New Drive?

Jan 17, 2012

I currently have a WD 120GB drive that i installed my win 7 on, but this drive is old and very slow.I have a brand new 1.5 TB drive and i was wondering if there is an easy way to move the win 7 installation to that new drive without much hassle.

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Moving Windows 7 & Apps To Another Drive

Feb 14, 2011

I would like to move windows 7 and some of my games and apps to my new faster HDD, how would i go about doing this correctly? (so it is the boot drive and games run from the new drive)

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Difference Between Start / Favorites And Favorites Toolbar

Mar 21, 2011

I have Windows 7 on my computer. Can anyone tell me the difference between Start/favorites and the Favorites toolbar which is the third toolbar on top of the screen?

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Moving To New Hard Drive With Windows 7 And Vista

Jun 1, 2010

I currently have a hard drive with two partitions dual booting Win 7 and Vista. I need to move both OS's to a new hard drive. I've made a full backup of the drive with the Macrium Reflect program, but I don't know if restoring it on a new hard drive using the recovery CD will work. Will there be any problems booting the operating systems afterwards? Is there a better way or better program to do this? Does the type or brand of the new hard drive make a difference?

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Deleting Windows Backup And Moving It To New Drive?

Aug 31, 2011

I want to either move or restart Windows Backup to a new drive. So I'd like to wipe the current Backup off the drive it is currently on. I really don't care that much about saving older recovery points. Is there a way to just switch where the recovery is saved and once a new restore point has been created on the new drive I could just delete the old files on the other drive?

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Moving Laptop Hard Drive To Computer With Windows 7?

Aug 28, 2011

So I just moved my laptop hard drive To my desktop to run windows 7 but it keeps stopping at the starting windows and running system boot repair but it can't fix it or somthing. Im probably guessing it's the drivers causing the problem cause it's Moved to my desktop but any way to get around it?

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