How To Put Favorites Into A Separate File Or Folder

Aug 30, 2011

how to put favorites into a separate file or folder

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Possible To Create Separate Folder In WMC For TV

Jan 16, 2012

My issue is that I have a separate folder on my storage drive for tv shows, and I want to be able to watch them in another room via my Xbox 360. I've added the folder to the library list for both recorded tv and videos but none of the shows appear. I don't really want to add them to the movies area (where my movies do show up) since I prefer keeping them separate. Can I create another folder for these tv shows or is there a way to make them appear in the recorded tv folder?

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Open Each Folder In The Same Or Own Separate New Window

Sep 22, 2009

How to Open each Folder in the Same or Own Separate New Window in Windows 7 ?

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Favorites Hide Sub Folder?

Nov 18, 2010

For Favorites Hide SubFolder.

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How To Import Contacts To A Separate Contact Folder In WLM

Jan 12, 2013

I use Outlook 2003 and have a separate e-mail contact list for a club. A new club person is going to manage/maintain the e-mail list but they use Windows Live Mail. I know how to import contacts into WLM, but I can't figure out how to import them to a sub folder under Contacts. The Import contacts option doesn't allow selecting where to import the contacts.

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Windows 7 Duplicating Users Folder On A Separate Partition

Nov 16, 2011

I have a 2TB drive that is split into 2 partitions, Partition A has a fresh install of Win 7 Ultimate on it, Partition B is a copy of all the info from my old hard drive. For some reason the Windows 7 install Users folder with all the data in it is being copied to the WindowsDocuments & Settings folder of the old data. Also another weird thing is if I delete any of the mirrored files from Partition B x:WindowsDocuments & SettingsXXXX on they will also be removed from Partition A's x:UsersXXXX. Its driving me a little crazy, if anyone knows what could be happening please let me know whats going on. One more thing, I have unmounted Partition B to see if the files are sym linked from Partition A, but it doesn't seem like the folders are sym linked as the files still accessible while Partition B is unmounted. One more thing is that the only data being replicated is the Primary User account and everything that resides in it.

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Changing Default Installation Folder To Separate Drive?

Sep 4, 2011

If you have a small but fast (or maybe not so fast) drive that you would like to ONLY run Windows off of and a larger separate HDD that you want to use as the install drive for all programs.In my case I have a 50GB SSD and a RAID0 array of 2TB. With space being limited on the SSD the best option for me is to install everything to the RAID array and leave the OS on the SSD. Mind you, you don't have to be running a RAID array to do this. That's just how my system is set up. You'll probably be better off just using a larger single HDD for stability reasons.And if you are doing a fresh install you should give this tutorial a look: User Profiles - Create and Move During Windows 7 Installation So the first step is to open REGEDIT. Simply click the Start Menu, type REGEDIT in the search bar and hit ENTER.Next look for the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Once opened go to "SOFTWARE". There are two folder in this directory we will be editing. Note that the second folder "WOW64" is only for 64-bit users. If you are running 32-bit then the "WINDOWS" folder is all you will need to make changes to.Now from the "WINDOWS" folder you want to select "CURRENTVERSION". Simply click the folder itself not the arrow next to it. This is what you should see in the main window to the right of the directories. Now my registry settings have already been changed. Note that my secondary drive is "D:". Originaly everything here was set to "C:".

Once this is finished the 32-bit users are finished and can restart their systems. 64-bit users have one more step. Now you want to go to your "WOW64" folder. While I just realized I forgot to cut a snippet for this step it's fairly simple. Once in the "WOW64" folder you once again want to click the "CURRENTUSER" folder and observe the main window to the right.Just like in the "WINDOWS" registry you will make the same changes. Once you have implemented your drive your registry should look like this.Now restart your system. Though there is a chance you are completely finished I highly suggest running a command prompt session and typing "sfc /scannow". This will allow your system to scan for any conflicts in the internal settings and fix them.

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Windows 7 - Moving Favorites Folder For IE To D Drive

Dec 13, 2012

Using Windows 7, my "C" drive is a small solid state drive and all I wish to have on it is my Win 7 operating system. My "D" drive is mechanical and 500 Gig so I would like to have as much as possible on that drive. How do I move my Favorites folder to my "D" drive and have it always available when I open my Internet Explorer?

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How To Get Personal Folder Favorites Into Firefox Bookmarks

Dec 19, 2012

Reformatted & added Win 7 to #2 PC. I imported "my Favorites" from internet explorer by FF browser, bookmarks > Import & Backup. The favorites from i.e. were mostly held in 20 folders with sub folders then the rest, loose individual sites. The entire list - folders & loose sites now appear in the Private folder config: START > AaLF personal folder > Favorites. But in the firefox browser, I now see only half the folders from i.e. and also not the loose individual sites. How do I get My Personal Folder Favorites into FF's Bookmarks for easy use??

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Partition - Separate The File System

Apr 30, 2009

So after 0 signs of problems I restart the computer and get the bsod after windows loads everytime. I decided to order a new hdd and i'm going to install 7000 on it so I can download 7100 on it next week. I decided to try putting windows on a seperate partition but I have a couple questions and concerns. First, is there a way to seperate the file system (program files, documents, etc.) so that I can install into these places. Because I'd still like to have the start menu programs and also, many programs just automatically install things into my documents automatically and I don't want anything other than drivers and system files on the partition so it doesn't become fragmented. Is there any way these issues can be addressed?

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Write Results From 2 Separate Files To One Log File Via .bat?

May 31, 2012

I am in need of assistance. I have a batch file that runs nightly to restart machines in a specified list (restartmelist.txt) which works flawlessly. What I am looking to do, is have another file (restartmenames.txt) with a list of usernames, so when I look at the results file, I can not only see the results from each machine, but also whose machine it is. The names correlate in order with the machines. So restartmelist.txt looks like this:


And restartmenames.txt looks like this:

Bob Lastname
Bill Lastname
Jason Lastname

Right now, my log-file writes like this:


What I would like to see, is this:

.Machine1 (Bob Lastname)
.Machine2 (Bill Lastname)
.Machine3 (Jason Lastname)

What I don't know how to do, is call that 2nd file to write the log entries, or if it's even possible. Here is what my code currently looks like:

Code :@ECHO OFFFOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('TIME/T') DO SET Now=%%A>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo Restarting of machines STARTED on %date% @ %now%>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo.set _=c:scripts
estartmelist.txtfor /f %%i in (%_%) do (>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 SHUTDOWN /r /m \%%i /t %1 /c "This machine is forcibly restarting in %1 seconds!" /f>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo . %%i)FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B IN ('TIME/T') DO SET NowDone=%%B>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo.>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo Restarting of machines COMPLETED on %date% @ %nowdone%>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo ------------------------------------------------------------------>>c:scriptsRestartme.log 2>&1 Echo.Copy c:scriptsRestartme.log \seaappsappslogfiles /y

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Import Favorites Saved In The Folder In D Part Of Hard Drive Into Mozzilla Firefox?

Dec 23, 2011

How to import favorites saved in the folder in D part of hard drive into Mozzilla Firefox?

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Dual Boot Two Separate Harddrives, 2 Separate Operating Systems?

Aug 28, 2012

I have got two separate hard drives one running Windows 7 one running xp. I need to be able to chose which os to run but currently I can only do so by pressing F12. I have tried EasyBCD but it wont work - does anyone know how I can do this?

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Hide The Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, And Contacts Folders (just The Folder, Not Contents)?

Nov 2, 2011

Is it at all possible to hide the Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, and Contacts folders (just the folder, not contents)? I've tried just hiding it like any other folder but it won't work.AND if possible, have explorer open in my home folder instead of libraries.

PS: I tried disabling libraries entirely, but it opens to My Documents instead of my home folder.

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Difference Between Start / Favorites And Favorites Toolbar

Mar 21, 2011

I have Windows 7 on my computer. Can anyone tell me the difference between Start/favorites and the Favorites toolbar which is the third toolbar on top of the screen?

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Minimizing Folder Is Showing As File Copy Folder In Taskbar?

Mar 3, 2012

During multiple file coping(file transferring) from one folders to other folders while minimizing all the folder at the time, check the status in taskbar, it showing all folder as file coping folder. is it expected in aero themas or its issue.

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Getting A .bat File To Run When A File Is Added To A Folder?

Dec 23, 2012

getting a .bat file to run when a file is added to a folder.. E.G When a file is downloaded to the downloads folder the .bat file runs and is moved to a separate location.

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Cannot Open Folder Or Continue Task Because File Or Folder Is Open?

Sep 14, 2011

I just got a new Samsung RC420 laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium edition OS. When I was installing a software last night, a message pops up and tells me I cannot continue installation until I close a certain program (in this case it was Adobe Updater, which was not opened at all).Today, I am trying to open "my briefcase" from a USB thumb, but a message pops up telling me I cannot open "my briefcase" as it appears a file in it is already open. But nothing else is open on my computer. It was my first time opening anything from the USB thumb.

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Folder Turned Into A 0KB File?

Apr 22, 2011

On my FreeAgent 250GB Hard Drive, set up as a network hard drive, I have a folder with 60+GB of movies (avi. mp4. etc) and all of a sudden in turned into a 0KB file.

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Cannot Copy A File To Folder

Aug 2, 2012

I can not copy a file to either the Program Files or Program Files(x36) folders.My account is suppose to be administrator. How do I set up sharing so I can use my computer and not be told I can not do certain things. I am on a home group what ever that is. When I try to share the folders I am told I do not have permission to share that folder. And I do not have permission to share or stop sharing the folder.

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File With First Name In Users Folder

Jan 9, 2011

File with my first name has been created in the "Users" folder. (my name is the one that appears as the computer owner and administrator) This is something that I've never seen before and I want to delete it.

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Cant Create CON Folder/file?

Jul 13, 2011

why cant we create CON folder/file ??? for what it refers to

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How To Set Folder To Select A File

Sep 26, 2011

I recently started working with Windows 7 and I haven�t figured out yet how to set a folder to select files to download.When I go to a web form and I want to upload files from my hard drive, in all previous versions of Windows that I worked with, I used to select once the desired folder, pick a file to upload and for all subsequent file uploads, pressing the "Examin" or "Select file" button would take me to the same folder, saving me a lot of mouse clicks if I manually need to upload several files.Since I switched to Windows 7 everytime I want to upload a file, it takes me to the Documents Library and I need to navigate to the desired folder again.

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2nd 86x Program File Folder

Jan 2, 2010

I have 2 program folders listed as x86 on my 64 bit machine. This 2nd x86 program folder contains games that were downloaded and installed from Big Fish games (and those are the only programs that ever go into that 2nd x86 folder).

Other info (that may be important?): I recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7. This 2nd 86x program folder was also on my Vista install. I upgraded using the method here to create the windows .old folder process... and that 2nd 86x folder installed into my C drive automatically. (I also used the HP upgrade assistant as directed by HP.

It really drives me crazy that I don't know why I have 2 of these folders. Doesn't seem to cause any issues at all, but wanted to get advice/opinion as to why I have 2 of these and if I'll ever run into issues because of it.

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How To Delete An Undeletable File Folder

Aug 11, 2012

Here is some of my system information:

OS Name, Microsoft Windows & Home Premium
Version, 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
OS Manufacturer, Microsoft Corp.
System Manufacturer, HP
System Model, HP G61 Notebook PC
System Type, x64-based PC
Processor, AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M300, 2000 MHz, 2 Cores, 2 Logical Processors
BIOS Version/Date, HP F.13/25 Jan 2010
SMBIOS Version, 2,6
Hardware Abstraction Layer, Version = "6.1.7601.17514"

My computer came with Internet Explore already installed, but I use only Firefox and Safari. So, I wanted to uninstall IE. But after I did that, I was looking through my program files, and the IE file folder was still in there. So, I tried to delete it but it said I needed permission from "TrustedInstaller". So, I gave full permission to myself but it still didn't work. Then I downloaded LockHunter and it said that the file folder was unlocked but when I went to it, it said that I still didn't have permission to delete. Then I thought that if I opened the IE file folder, I could delete the stuff in it one-by-one but I only got to delete 13 out of 27 items. I closed the file folder and tried to delete all again in the hope that I deleted something that would unlock this option for the IE file folder but it didn't. I then downloaded Unlocker but when I clicked on it to start it up, it wouldn't open. Finally, I added "Take Ownership" to my Explorer right-click menu, and that worked. But now it says, "Folder In Use: The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program." So I opened Task Manager and looked but no .exe or .dll or anything else pertaining to the IE file folder was running. Sometimes when I get this message I can restart my computer and it will work but it didn't do anything this time. I'm running out of ways that I know how to fix this. I usually don't need to ask questions, especially ones so long-winded, about computers but I'm feeling kind of lost here.

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File Explorer, One Corrupt Folder?

Aug 30, 2012

There is one specific folder in the Documents library, which when opened directly (like from a shortcut on the dekstop) only shows "corrupted" files with unusable strings for all file names and extensions.However, when opened in tree view, the files appear as they should. So at least it's reassuring that the folder contents are still there and can properly be read and changed. But the issue is still inconvenient and worrisome.I have already tried chkdsk /f on the partition and even mirrored the whole volume to a new harddrive, but that didn't help. I also tried copying the whole folder to another location, it shows up just fine that way as well.

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Rar File 'folder Access Denied'?

May 26, 2011

I'm the administrator of my computer But for the first time I am unable to unpack a rar file There are 7 of them each part of a 2 GB file. Every time I try to unpack the rar file any one of them I get a message at the end saying 'file access denied' I need permission from the administrator to make changes to this file

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Copying A File To A Web Folder In Windows 7?

Jan 21, 2011

copying a file to a Web Folder in Windows 7.I am able to connect to the web folder and see the subfolders. I am able to copy a local folder to the web folder as well. The only I am facing is when I am trying to copy a file. I am getting the error 0x80070057(The Parameter is incorrect). I have checked with fiddler and it does not look like its a server side issue. And I have also tried stopping most of the services as I read on the net that having 'Kaspersky' enabled and running interfered with the I/O for webdav.

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Rar File 'folder Access Denied'?

May 26, 2011

I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

I'm the administrator of my computer But for the first time I am unable to unpack a rar file There are 7 of them each part of a 2 GB file. Every time I try to unpack the rar file any one of them I get a message at the end saying 'file access denied' I need permission from the adminstrator to make changes to this file. But I am the administrator

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Set A Particular Folder As The Default When Open Up A File?

Jun 10, 2011

I would like to know how to set a particular folder as the default when open up a file for eg how do I set "My Documents" folder as the default folder?

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Create A TXT File Under WINDOWS Folder?

Feb 24, 2012

I wanted to create a TXT file under the WINDOWS folder and the only thing on the context menu was FOLDER.I get the same context menu for any folder under the windows folder.

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