Sort Like Library In Windows Explorer - How To Omit The And A From File Names
Jan 11, 2012
Is there a way to sort 'like a library' in windows explorer (omit 'The ' and 'A ' from file names)? i.e. I have the files (sorted as windows would normally do with sort by name):
A File 4.ext
A File 2.ext
File 3.ext
File 7.ext
The File 1.ext
The File 5.ext
The File 6.ext
The File 8.ext
The File 9.ext
And I want:
The File 1.ext
A File 2.ext
File 3.ext
A File 4.ext
The File 5.ext
The File 6.ext
File 7.ext
The File 8.ext
The File 9.ext
I do not want to rename my files like this:
File 1, The.ext
File 2, A.ext
File 3.ext
File 4, A.ext
File 5, The.ext
File 6, The.ext
File 7.ext
File 8, The.ext
File 9, The.ext
Or this:
File 1.ext
File 2.ext
File 3.ext
File 4.ext
File 5.ext
File 6.ext
File 7.ext
File 8.ext
File 9.ext
The file name formats are actually 'The Film.avi' or 'The TV Show SXXEYY.mp4' (where XX is the Series andY Y is the Epesode as a double digit numbers). If there is anyway to do this or a 3rd party program that will work with network sharing (my files are not on the local machine but a file server running windows 7).
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Nov 12, 2011
I'm looking at a windows 7 laptop and trying to sort out the library feature - I don't have a copy of windows 7 so cannot emulate the issueBut on the library if you click on pictures or videos - it shows all the library's availableI know the library feature allows you to bring files and folders into one place - but by default I have not seen the library show all the livrarys, music, pictures, videos etc in each sectionSo if i click on pictures - I see all the picture folders and the music folder and the videos folder
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Feb 7, 2011
We recently installed Yahoo messenger and suddenly the Library folder isn't showing any folders/files under the Administrator account. When I go to create a new Library it reads the following error message: "Unable to create the new file 'New Library.library-ms' File System Error: (16389)." Not only is the library no longer accessible, but I cannot access any of the Music, Pictures or Documents from the Start Menu.I am only able to access the folders using the search bar by selecting "User Name" from the drop down box, then suddenly everything's there. It will not allow me to drag/drop anything into the Library folder or even create a new one.
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Apr 24, 2011
Can I sort the recycle bin on file extensions so I can easily find a file?
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Feb 22, 2012
The Network Drive volumes do not show up in Windows Explorer using Windows 7. The network drives appear with the assigned drive letter followed by Network Drive, for example, (Q Network Drive I've checked and the volumes are labeled correctly on the servers. Is there a registry entry that needs to be modified in order to correct?The system is a Toshiba R830 laptop running Win 7 64-bit
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Nov 5, 2009
Why is there a huge delay on the sorting of files/folders in windows explorer?
If I enter a folder that has many subfolders and extra files, it seems to load everything at once in alphabetical order, then there's a delay while it sorts the folders and the individual files separately, also in alphabetical order. This delay can be something like 5 seconds with just a few hundred items, and it just grows from there.
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Dec 14, 2011
I recently have moved some of my users documents to a newer server from our old server.This caused no real issues and was quite easy to manage. After the move on one particular system, I updated the document library to make sure it was pointing to the new location on the new server, made the files available offline, and let it synchronize.After the synchronization was complete, there were no issues.However, when they try to attach a file to either an email or to a web form through Internet Explorer, the document library from the 'Attach a file' window is still pointing to the old location. When I try to point that library to the new location, it says the folder isn't indexed, although I can have the library open in a windows explorer window and show that it is indexed and in the library.Is there any way I can have the library updated in both Windows and Internet Explorer?
The system is currently running Windows 7 Professional 32Bit.It was running Internet Explorer 8 when the error first appeared, but I updated to Internet Explorer 9 and it is still not working correctly.This is the only system where it is acting like this, I have checked other identical systems that have had this file switch done as well.
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May 6, 2012
When i opened my windows explorer to go to my pictures . there were no folders just 4 boxes that said " pictures.library-ms." ( documents.library-ms. etc ] . i deleted them and tried to restore them but it didnt work . when i go to upload a picture to tumblr it works but not if i want to just upload them to my computer and veiw them .when i tried to save an image to the computer it wouldnt let me it said : " can not save to this location "
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Aug 12, 2011
Is there a way to rename or create new sorting option with custom text ?there is a lot of categories, however i need to have my own custom labeled field then in the Detail view panel, by default, in the small size, there are these fields ready to edit:
- tags
- categories
- content status
the easiest way would be if i could rename those to my needs so it stays easily editable for the user?
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Aug 22, 2010
My setup: Windows 7 Pro (locale: Polish) and a NAS drive (D-Link DNS-323) attached via a router. Just recently upgraded from XP to 7. The NAS drive reports an NTFS partition.The problem I've just discovered: when copying files to the NAS drive, if a filename contains certain characters, such as curly quotes, angle quotes, bullet characters, subscript characters, em-dash etc., only the short 8.3 filename gets copied to the NAS drive.(I would not sweat it if the troublesome characters just got dropped, but what happens is that meaningful filenames are replaced with gibberish as above.)I use the NAS drive as a backup/mirror location for the local drives, so this is a big issue, since my backups are now severely clobbered. I discovered the problem while testing my backup regime, then found out the filename change occurs no matter how the files are copied - whether it's the backup application, a file manager or just Windows Explorer.And (of course) the problem did not occur when I was running XP, and nothing on the NAS drive changed since I installed 7 a week ago. Files that were previously copied onto the NAS drive (under XP) still show up fine, which tells me that 7 is actively interfering with the copy operations.
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Aug 29, 2010
When I do a search on how to sort, I get a Tutorial that tells me to open the "View" Menu item. However, as you can see from the attached, I don't have a VIEW menu on my Folder. I would like to sort these by file type so that I can save them to a CD. What am I doing wrong here?
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Nov 3, 2011
About 3 weeks ago I deleted two .avi files from the video folder on my PC, and for a few days afterwards they continued to reappear there. They still turn up occasionally in Explorer Resources, but when I try to delete them again, I am told that they cannot be found, so they actually have been deleted. Is there any way to get rid of these entries completely? I cannot use standard removal tools since I cannot eliminate a file that 'no longer exists' (!) on the computer.
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Sep 6, 2011
i'm having a problem not with installing soundpools on my system, but with actually getting all of the samples recognised within the library of magix music maker. i know for a fact that it has something to do with it's inability to pick up on long file names that don't have an underscore for spaces on many of them.i did at one point see a video that explained how to use a program called advanced renamer to actually put the underscore in those filenames, without having to trawl through all of them and manually putting_the_underscores_in_cause_it_would_drive_anybody_barmy (the number of times i just hit the bracket key in that alone was almost enough). so i've tried looking through the forums on the ar website, and i looked for any useful 'how to' vid on Internet, but they're all about just clicking on 'adding styles' which isn't what i'm looking for. so i was wondering (as well as hoping and praying), if anyone with the voice of experience (if not expertise), could actually tell me how to do this with advanced renamer, cause i'm afraid logic isn't exactly my strong point.i get filenames in my sound samples from the soundpool in subfolders which are in turn in folders given a name to indicated their 'style' (rock, chillout etc).the filenames might look something like
grand piano a.ogg
grand piano c.ogg
grand piano f sharp.ogg
but they need to look like
i am using windows 7, and magix music does work on 7, it just refuses to handle long file names like it should. magix has been asked about this numerous times, and nothing has been forthcoming from them, so i really have come here as a last resort to finding out how to get this sorted out.
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Mar 20, 2011
I'm trying to create a set of directories that show art from various eras. I want them to appear in chronological order. Thus, I want the BC years to proceed backward to 0 and then forward again after AD. I've tried putting negative numbers in front of the dates but this doesn't seem to help.
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Apr 9, 2011
In the Start / Search box is it possible to set up a serach that only brings up file names and not text in every file / document? I'm looking for a document with medical in the file name but when I search fo it I come up with every email, document, website etc that has the word medical somewhere in the text / content. I'm trying to narrow the search to file names only.
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Jul 25, 2012
I generally have pretty long File names on files on my pc. Not sure what the limit in digits is, but generally no problem. But, if I try to download many of these with a particularly long file name to a USB memory stick, it comes back with an error MSG. That the name is too long. But, it wasn't too long on my pc. Why is this happening ?
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Apr 7, 2011
This function used to work. Now it has disappeared from the right click list of actions in Explorer. I'd like to restore it.
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Feb 28, 2011
Windows 7 64 bit SP1 - Clean Install. I have found an incredibly annoying problem. I have external USB drives on my laptop, both esata and USB 3. I store a lot of HD video clips that I take on them. It is very important that I set the sort order to Date Created (due to the naming convention on my camcorder). Before doing a clean install from Windows 7 64bit to Windows 7 SP1 64bit, if I changed the order in explorer it quickly changed and then remembered the sort order, so next time I went into the folder on my external drive the files were in the correct order.
Now, whenever I go into the folder it takes up to 5 minutes to sort the files (there are some 4000 files in the folder). If I go to other folder on my laptop, then back to that folder, it takes another 5 minutes to sort them again! At the moment I am tempted to go back to pre-SP1. I have taken the external drive to another laptop i have with SP1 on it, and it does the same thing. I can't wait around for windows to re-order my files whenever I go into that folder, especially as it takes such a long time.
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Nov 1, 2009
Can anyone tell me how to display the filenames along with the photos I've included in my customized wallpaper and screensaver?
It would come in useful if I particularly liked a photo currently being displayed and wanted to locate it so that I could maybe print it out. I was able to do this with my screensaver in XP.
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Apr 30, 2012
Previous suggestions for removing residual file names from "Save/Save As" dialog boxes involve deleting the following two keys from Registry (complete paths/strings omitted from this thread inquiry):
"LastVisitedPidlMRU", and
I noticed though that, in addition to those two keys in that Registry location, there is another & similar key entitled "LastVisitedPidlMRULegacy".
1) Is it advisable to also delete that third "...Legacy" key as well, and if not, why not?
2) What is the function of that third "...Legacy" key?
3) What would removing it do, or not do?
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Jun 21, 2012
When I go to open a file in Windows Media Player (and indeed many other programs), there is a box to put in (or click on) the file name. On the right end of this box is a little down arrow which, when clicked, provides a drop-down list of previously opened files. A picture of what I am talking about is below:is there a way to delete this list? I cannot really find a way to do it in the Options settings for the program. Alternatively, is there a setting somewhere that can be adjusted to not store these settings?
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Oct 3, 2011
regarding the contacts being synchronized with Outlook. All my contacts have their first names under 'First Name', but their last names under 'Middle Name'. I want to copy the middle names of everyone to the 'Last Name' box. There are more than 700 contacts and I can't be doing this individually for each contact.
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Jan 19, 2012
I am running Windows 7 and have been using Asian fonts in the titles of files for over a year with no problems. Something in the latest service pack update (which automatically updated this week) turned these all to boxes. (The Asian fonts still worked just fine in documents and on the internet, but not on file/folder names on my computer desktop and libraries.) I backed out of the entire update and everything is fine again. How do I identify which of the multitude of updates is causing the problem so that I can ditch just that portion?
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Mar 14, 2012
Is there a workaround for the inability to use:" * / : < > ? | in file/folder names..?
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Feb 17, 2012
I periodically get notices from Windows 7 that I need to run the disk check utility. This is usually after a BSOD. These events have been occurring from the day I bought this laptop and I have posted them here in the past. This time, the disk check utility changed names on at least 12 files. I don't know WHAT files, because the utility said the file names were corrupted. After the reboot, I found that my Libraries were missing from the file manager. My Documents, Pictures, Videos and Music were gone. If I looked by clicking on C: and then navigating to them, I could find them, but the file manager could not. Also, clicking on the Start button, then All Programs, gave me an empty screen. All the shortcuts were gone. Many of the shortcuts on my Task Bar are missing their Icons, but they work. Many of my music files will not play because the file extension is now m4p. Changing the file extension to mp3 or mp4 does not work, the system sees them as an unknown file type. I ran Microsoft Security Essentials, a FULL SCAN, and it scanned about 86,000 files. That was all it could find. I have attached images that show the start menu and virus scan results as well as the usual dump files. The images show a black desktop, but I corrected that by re-choosing the custom theme I had made. I tried to use Restore, but the restore points have disapeared, and I cannot restore to before this event.
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Jan 24, 2011
Is there a way I can have the full file names displayed with the desktop icons without having to click on the icon?
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Aug 31, 2012
how can I assign permission to change file names to a program? If I want to rename a file manually, I am asked to provide administrator permission, if I want a program to rename files, the access is denied.
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Apr 16, 2012
By mistake I changed the two pst filenames within windows explorer (Windows7 and Office 2010) instead of just changing the names in the navigation pane of outlook. Now send/receive no longer works. After trying to rechange the names in windows explorer to the previous verion I get the message: operation can not be executed because windows search Protocol host ist open.
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Jul 7, 2012
I have in my WPM 12 library where if an album has songs with two different file types they get there own album with the file type on the icon (for example I have Circus Animals by Cold Chisel shown twice one being m4a file type and the other mp3 file type). I have before fixed it so the file type is removed and all songs go in the one album but have forgotten how to do. How to change it?
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Jan 17, 2009
I installed Win 7 and if i try to open my computer of click on desktop and open up screen resolution etc. I get "Explorer.exe -Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." I did a search but could not find anything related to this error in Win 7. I have found some others attached to Win XP but have to do with the installation of some software which prevents access to explorer.exe. When I boot in safe mode this issue does not appear...
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Apr 11, 2012
Yes, I've tried several things on-line listed elsewhere but, everyone else has no idea what they are talking about.
Essentially there are folder types. I don't care about changing the types or whatever, I'd actually rather keep them. I just want Windows 7 to force the option to sort by file type in ANY folder, no matter what type.
It's a pain because when I right-click to sort the files, it is not even in the list and I have to click more and add it to the list, and once I click more, there's about 10 billion useless organization options and I have to dig way down to find the "file type" (which seems like the most important/useful to me).
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