Failed To Boot After Booting In Fail Safe Mode?

Feb 11, 2012

i had an issue with a PC after trying to change the memory on an Windows Vista PC..however the PC was not booting up so i put back the original RAM and when i booted i got the Blue screen of death error. after booting into safe mode and running diagnostics on the PC i rebooted again but still same error. i then when into the BIOS and rebooted in failsafe mode. this then caused the PC to not boot up at all, and the HDD light is not blinking

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Failed To Start / Boot Not Even In Safe Mode

Dec 11, 2011

Yesterday I have installed Mirrors edge to my laptop Asus k50ab, I have windows 7 64 bit, after playing the game, I restarted pc, and then it just failed to start and pc restarted, same thing in all safe modes. I think its problem with graphic card update, i have ATI , and probably installed Nvidia update...

Always writes this error: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000007B (0xFFFFF88009A9928, 0xFFFFFFFFC0000034, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)"

I tried almost everything, but i think if i will delete that update or something , it will run..

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Windows Crashes & Now Req Phoenix Fail Safe Key On Booting Up Laptop

Sep 10, 2011

My sister laptop since yesterday is Now Req Phoenix Fail Safe Key on booting up Samsung N130 Laptop.

She said the laptop crashed while she was browsing the net and when she turn it on and off over night she was display with a Black Screen asking her for a "Phoenix Fail Safe Key"

She has no idea what the key is and does not remember taking the service out. So we decided to try and get some support from Phoenix but on there website the service in now closed down Failsafe

So im not sure how to get rid of this i cant enter bios or boor up and reinstall windows etc is there any way to get rid of this? What if i take the CMOS Battery out will this restart the system? and get rid of the key request?

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BSOD Booting Into Full Mode, Safe Mode Works Stop Error 0x0000003b

Feb 8, 2012

I have been getting BSOD errors whenever booting into regular mode. Safe mode is fine (I have tweaked the registry so I have sound in safe mode) My system specs are in my profile, but used Winaudit for full specs. The winaudit report in formatted text is too big for an attachment. I have 2 attachments to this post, including zipped up minidumps. Could my registry tweak for sound have something to do with this? Perfmon /report was run, but it says:

An error occured while attempting to generate the report. The system cannot find the path specified.

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Booting Up Not In Normal Mode But Only In Safe Mode

Apr 11, 2012

I have a HP Probook 4430s and under device configurations in the F12 options, what does "Numblock on at boot" mean and what does it do. I'm still having troubles booting up.I can start up in safe mode and w/networking and have been trying to figure out how why it dosn't want to work right. When I'm in safe mode everything works fine but when i shut down and try to power back up i can only do it in one of the safe modes, also it takes a really long time to even do that.So I was just wondering what Numblock on at boot ment and what it does.

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Tried Booting In Low-resolution Mode And Safe Mode?

May 6, 2009

I have installed the RC build of Windows 7 as a second OS on the machine.I am finding it incredibly difficult to solve the display driver issue that I have. Currently in Device Manager my display adapter is listed as:Standard VGA Graphics AdapterI believe that, since this is occuring, any ATI graphics drivers that I try to install aren't recognising the x700 as my graphics card and so are failing to update any drivers.At the moment I'm stuck with the standard Windows display drivers which limit the resolution of the screen and disable graphics acceleration etc..If anyone has an idea of how to soI wondered whether it would have anything to do with updating chipset drivers etc...but since I've never had to do that before (and since I am still using XP on the laptop) I didn't want to start messing things up.

edit: I should add that, on my first install of Windows 7 I used Windows Update to install an 'ATI Technologies Inc. driver update for ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700' - once installed, after rebooting the screen was completely black and there was nothing I could do to get the picture back. I tried booting in low-resolution mode and safe mode but neither helped. I wondered whether it was because I had the screen set to the highest resolution possible before installing and rebooting the drivers.

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Booting To Safe Mode?

Nov 9, 2011

Pavillion p6310y with Windows 7 Home.Is there a way to get to the recovery section of the above mentioned computer? I tried to get to the recovery from the boot up but it goes straight to the regular boot. It is infected with the W32/blaster worm

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Cannot Access Safe Mode But Can Boot In Safe Mode With Networking?

Jun 3, 2012

After attempting to start my Laptop in Safe Mode, it loaded drivers normally only to crash a few seconds later. A prompt message appears but is impossible to read because Windows immediately reboots upon showing the prompt.

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Safe Mode Won't Run - Computer Just Keeps Booting

Nov 19, 2009

I have recently run into some issues on my machine that runs Windows 7. I can't run Windows Media Player; it just says the file name and then "Server Execution Failed".

I was advised to go into safe mode and type a command into cmd. However, safe mode would not work. At first I thought it was an F8 problem, so I was advised to go into msconfig > boot and change the system to boot into safe mode. I did that to find that safe mode gets into the driver loading screen and stops at windowssystem32driversClassPnP.sys and seems to load.

It shows the cursor, but then disappears and my computer reboots. However, since my computer is set to load into safe mode, it constantly tries to log into safe mode, which doesn't seem to work, so it just restarts, tries to go into safe mode, but can't, so it restarts again, going through the process again and again.

I have tried pressing "Delete" key at the beginning of boot up, but it does not show any thing else I can boot from. When I do get the F8 thing working, I select "Boot Windows Normally" but it just goes straight to the bootup of safemode.

I have an Acer Aspire M3800 that only has the factory restore discs that Acer eRecovery Management has asked me to make when I first bought my computer. I obtained Windows 7 through the "free upgrade" program Acer is running.

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Laptop Not Booting Even In Safe Mode

Jun 10, 2012

I cant boot my laptop even in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Booting Only In Safe Mode?

Jan 28, 2013

I have read about this problem a lot, still no solution. Windows 7 Professional is not booting in normal mode, only in safe mode. I have tried the following things -1) in msconfig, have seen under the boot tab and everything is unchecked including safe boot.2) have disabled all services and startup, left only microsoft services and startups checked, actually tried a lot of combinations as well.3) restored system to an earlier date when it was confirmed to be working.4) have reset the BIOS settings to BIOS defaults.Everytime, it is not booting in normal mode, only in safe mode

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Reboots - Booting In Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2009

Reboots and Reboots, Tryed dual boot, Have too revert too prev Installation, Tryed everything Booting in safe mode, safe mode Comand prompt ect...

I Have a AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ 3.0 gigs of ram Radeon HD 3870 X2,, Dam It And They Want us 2 pay for this &*(%(*&^( &&^^^%%6 Sorry But I still Can't get my Vista &^%$#@$#$%^ Running either,Thank god the beta is free,Maybe ill try a Mac with linux....

Should i try i install it over Vista Instead,Last vista Beta fried my HDD.

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Cannot Run In Safe Mode And Any Start Up Repair Attempts Have Failed

Jan 24, 2012

Have an Advent laptop here, BSODing when booting with the error message above.Cannot run in safe mode and any start up repair attempts have failed.I have run disk checks both in the Windows start up tool and in Linux and they both say no problems but when I try a system restore it says there is one. Here is the .dmp file and the laptops specs.I also ran sfc /scannow but everytime I do I get a message saying there is a repari waiting for me to restart the laptop and that's all I ever get.[code]

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Blocked Connections Booting Normal, Fine In Safe Mode?

Jan 5, 2013

A few of my programs are unable to communicate with their servers now and I can't figure out why as they were find two weeks ago and I haven't made any changes since then. The issue lies with a service/program within Windows as all the programs communicate fine in Safe Mode. Windows Firewall and ICS are both disabled within Services. Malwarebytes (my only AV right now) is disabled also.I know this is an ongoing and repetitive subject but the numerous searches are all resulting in pointing fingers at an AV program, which I am sure is completely disabled.

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Windows Restart Loop While Booting, Safe Mode Crashes

Jan 15, 2013

The problem is that when I boot my PC it will go black and restart after getting to the windows logo boot part. If I try Safe mode it will get to SYSTEM32DRIVERSDISK.SYS and then just bluescreens and restarts again.Before it got to CLASSPNP.SYS but I tried to rename it to CLASSPNP.OLD and now it didn't really change much. I also tried using this code but it just tells me that some files are corrupt and it cannot repair it.If I try the automatic repair option it will just try and repair for a couple of hours and then say it cannot repair and rebooting the PC.

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Windows Restart Loop While Booting. Safe Mode Crashes

Jun 18, 2012

The problem is that when I boot my PC it will go black and restart after getting to the windows logo boot part. If I try Safe mode it will get to SYSTEM32DRIVERSDISK.SYS and then just bluescreens and restarts again.Before it got to CLASSPNP.SYS but I tried to rename it to CLASSPNP.OLD and now it didn't really change much. I also tried using this code but it just tells me that some files are corrupt and it cannot repair it.If I try the automatic repair option it will just try and repair for a couple of hours and then say it cannot repair and rebooting the PC.

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Blocked Connections When Booting Normal But Fine In Safe Mode

Jan 6, 2013

A few of my programs are unable to communicate with their servers now and I can't figure out why as they were find two weeks ago and I haven't made any changes since then. The issue lies with a service/program within Windows as all the programs communicate fine in Safe Mode. Windows Firewall and ICS are both disabled within Services. Malwarebytes (my only AV right now) is disabled also. I know this is an ongoing and repetitive subject but the numerous searches are all resulting in pointing fingers at an AV program, which I am sure is completely disabled.

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Windows 7 Frozen At Start Up - Repairing In Safe Mode Failed

Jun 10, 2011

Loading up the computer and it had frozen at windows start up, so I switched off tried the starting up using safe mode, managed to get onto safe mode and then it froze, so I then tried repair my computer and it failed. So now I'm stuck.

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Keyboard And Mouse Do Not Work When Booting/Desktop Freezes/Safe Mode Does Same?

Aug 23, 2011

really have never seen anything quite like this. When I boot up my PC and it gets to the desktop, a program window pops up and the mouse and keyboard will not work.Therefore, I cannot clear the program from the desktop or go anywhere to run scans or the like to see if the problem is virus related. When I go into safe mode, it does the same thing. I tried restoring to last known configuration with no System Restore shows no restore points. I can't do anything including get you information on my PC. I am running Windows 7 32 bit on a HP/Compaq DC 7600 C/PD 950. I am running Avast Anti-Virus Suite Pro. Regardless once on the desktop, I can not go anywhere. What the heck? Right now I am working on my laptop.

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Blocked Connections Booting Normal, Fine In Safe Mode (No AV/Firewall)

Jan 5, 2013

A few of my programs are unable to communicate with their servers now and I can't figure out why as they were find two weeks ago and I haven't made any changes since then. The issue lies with a service/program within Windows as all the programs communicate fine in Safe Mode. Windows Firewall and ICS are both disabled within Services. Malwarebytes (my only AV right now) is disabled also.

I know this is an ongoing and repetitive subject but the numerous searches are all resulting in pointing fingers at an AV program, which I am sure is completely disabled.

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64bit Laptop Crashed And Won't Start On Safe Mode, System Repair Failed?

Jul 17, 2012

i just crashed som1 64 bit lennovo laptop while i opperate a 32 bit pc dont have any windows system with me,it wont start on safe mode,and system repair has failed many times.the laptop was running on low battry and it shut itself,when i tryed to reboot it,it automaticly went to system repair which failed

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Can't Boot Computer In Normal Mode Or Safe Mode

Oct 5, 2012

I can't boot my computer in normal mode or safe mode. When I try to do so, after the "starting windows" page the only things that come up are my mouse, a black screen/background, and a "logonui.exe-bad image- Authui.dll isn't designed to run on windows" error/message (not the exact message). I can't use a system restore (it can't find a restore point), the image recovery tool finds no image to restore from, system repair either doesn't find a problem or can't fix the problem, and basically nothing else works (none of the advanced boot options or other various buttons and tools do anything noticeable). I've even tried to use sfc in command prompt, but whenever I do any sfc things at all (/scannow, verifyonly, verifyfile, etc.) it says there is a system repair pending that requires a reboot. I've restarted 7-8 times and the exact same message keeps coming up. I'm looking for any general help I can get right now, [I can post my computer specifics in an hour when I have time](posted a few). I have an HP pavilion dv6-6135dx wiht Windows 7 x64.Processor: AMD a8-3500m APU, raedon graphics bios vender/version: insyde, f. 20.I'm having trouble getting more info because my computer is still crashing occasionally and I don't really know what else is relevant; if you need more, I might need directions on how to get it. Especially if it involves command prompt.I should also add that it has been crashing more often than I think is normal ever since I got it, but recently it BSODed 3-4 times a day. I have antivirus and also ran a full malwarebytes scan yesterday, and it only found one little issue which was resolved.

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Computer Can't Boot Through Safe Mode Or Normal Mode

May 24, 2012

I seem to be having quite the problem on a computer of mine. After recently installing the directx sdk I am unable to logon through normal or safe mode. When I try to boot up normally, I log in but then the monitors go black but everything else seems to run. Pressing ctrl alt delete works and brings up the screen again but if I try to select task manager for example the screen goes black again. When I boot up through safe mode the computer restarts seconds after loading the windows logon screen.

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Can't Boot In Safe Mode - F8 Brings The Advanced Boot Options

Oct 10, 2011

I bought the bleeping Dell Inspiron 560, was to rapidly tap F8 during startup to bring up the "Advanced Boot Options." I saw the guy at Best Buy do it but it did not work on my machine when I got home. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium. The computer came without a manual or any disks.

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Way To Boot Into Safe Mode By Accessing Boot Options In Msconfig

Dec 24, 2012

I have a laptop with broken lcd. So im using it now as desktop, connecting it to an external lcd monitor.Last night I suspected a worm and tried to boot up in safe mode by pressing F8 but couldn't make it work because windows only activate the external monitor by the time it has finished loading drivers. The result was it keeps booting into normal mode.So, I remembered there's another way to boot into safe mode by accessing boot options in msconfig...Now I'm stuck with safemode and cannot do anything because safemode doesnt enable external monitor. I know for sure that I could enter password and get into safemode but I can't tell what should I press or click to access to that msconfig windows again to return boot options to normal state.

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Boot In Safe Mode In XP Mode

Nov 22, 2009

How to boot in Safe Mode in XP Mode?

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Boot To Safe Mode?

Mar 9, 2012

I have Windows 7 Home Premium in a laptop. How do start it in Safe Mode? I have malfunctioning antivirus program that won't uninstall nor shutdown, and I'd like to try fixing it with Safe Mode.

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Trying To Boot Into Safe Mode?

Aug 8, 2011

So the other day I boot up my computer and try to login under my user account. I get a "The user profile failed the logon. The user profile cannot be loaded" error message. After looking inline i find out how to fix this. The problem is I can't seem to boot into safe mode. It's an Asus motherboard P8H67-M series. I've tried hitting F8 and F5 (as was suggested with Asus boards), but neither of them work. I login under another use and type msconfig form the start menu to try and manually set the computer to boot into safe mode. I get asked for the admin password (my user account is the admin account), so I type is the password and I get a "windows cannot find C:windowssystem32msconfig.exe" error message.

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Cannot Boot-up In Anything But Safe Mode?

Jan 26, 2013

Cannot Boot up in anything but Safe Mode on an Acer Aspire X1430.

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Won't Boot Normally Will In Safe Mode

Jul 3, 2012

Toshiba laptop hangs at pick user screen when booting normally. Tried creating new user acct, same result. Boots up in safe mode. Re-seated memory sticks, hard drive, no change. Tried updating drivers too. AV scan finds nothing.

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Could Not Boot Into Safe Mode

Jan 2, 2011

The driver is mismanaging system PTES, and another one I think. So I could not boot into Safe Mode or Normal Mode. Eventually I got through and I cleaned out the registry and had it reinstall video drivers as well. Now all seems to work fine, except that the taskbar refuses to keep Use Small Icons checked, and when I click on Pin this program to taskbar with any random shortcut it does nothing at all.Both these things worked fine before the BSOD spam I had. It's an HP Workstation xw3100 running on the default VGA (video card died, getting a new one) with 2GB of DDR400 RAM (1GB factory RAM from HP) a SATA DVD/RW Drive and a Seagate 80GB 7200RPM HDD, everything else is as it was from the factory.

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