Deleted Registry Entries In An Attempt To Repair CD-Rom Drive

Jun 15, 2012

My CD/DVD-Rom drive is unresponsive (it opens and closes normally) and does not show up on Device Manager.I read a guide that suggested that I have corrupted registry entries. It told me to delete UpperFilters and LowerFilters.I deleted the two entries (and possibly others in the same location).

Good news: I backed up my registry
Bad news: I backed up my ENTIRE registry (oops)

So far, everything appears to be the same... Except when I open iTunes I get an notice that says the registry settings needed to burn and import CDs are missing.I've been told that I can import the entire .reg backup and "hope that all goes well". It sounds rather sketchy and I am seeking better help.I've also been told that a wire could have come loose but I want to fix this registry problem before opening up my PC. I hope it doesn't come off as leaching by coming here solely for making a help thread.

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Registry Entries That Cannot Be Deleted

Jul 17, 2010

I have deleted Zone Alarm but 2 entries remain in the registry that can not be deleted - this stops my cloning program from working.

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Cannot Delete Registry Entries?

Mar 2, 2011

My Wacom Intuos tablet needs a new driver but after removing the old one my Windows 7 Pro 64bit registry still has this old driver mentioned in many lines of all the CurrentControlSet, ControlSet001 and ControlSet002.I am the Administrator and in CurrentControlSet have changed the Administrator permissions to Full and the owner to Administrator for all of the following[CODE]I have read all that I could find about changing inherited and non inherited permissions and ownership but I'm no further forward.

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Registry Entries Keeping From Installing Program

May 24, 2012

I have a fresh install of Windows 7 Pro 32 bit and all my software is installed and working well except for one. Following a problem with the initial install attempt, I'm trying to re-install LotusSuite 9.8.2 but the previous attempt seems to have resulted in some "Lotus" registry entries that now direct things to a non-existent "F" drive. When I try to re-install from the CD, it doesn't allow me the option of choosing the destination location. Instead, it automatically tries to install in this non-existent drive. I've opened RegEdit and searched and found many references to Lotus and to F:Lotus.

How can I edit the registry to get rid of the F:Lotus entries or change them to C: ? Or just get rid of all references to Lotus? BTW, this software works perfectly on my Win 7 laptop.

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Remove Registry Entries For Adobe Creative Suite?

Oct 12, 2011

I recently installed a crap copy of Adobe CS5 that I was told was good, and would like to install a new one but have been told that I might want to delete any traces of the old copy before proceeding, this includes deleting any entries that have been made in the registry.

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No Boot: Attempt To Repair, Or Retrieve Data/reformat?

Feb 3, 2013

Dualbooting Ubuntu Lucid and W7 on a home-built box with a WD 500GB SATA HDD. Well, except today, no boot. Have connected the HDD to my spare box to retrieve the ext3 files from the Ubuntu partition, mostly some flac, mp3s, and pngs and jpgs, without success.

Firstly, how can I access those files? My spare box is also running Lucid. Seems that this would be easier, idk.

Secondly, should I attempt to repair? Or is a clean reinstall/reformat/repartition a better alternative?

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Disk Check Accident During BSOD Repair Attempt?

Oct 7, 2012

I have a Lenovo z360 laptop that runs Windows 7 Home Premium x86 on an Intel core i3 processor. When I turned it on last Friday, the Windows logo showed for around 5 minutes then the BSOD flashes. Technical information:UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME 0x000000ED (0x87E0D798, 0xC0000183). I put in a repair disk and chose to use cmd so that I can chkdsk /r C:. After it successfully checked, I decided to also chkdsk D: so I wouldn't need to go past the recovery options menu again. It took around 5 hours before my maid unplugged it while cleaning, so it died while I was eating. I charged it somewhere else when my brother discharged it to use the desktop computer. He said that it said "Deleting index entry from index $0 of ... 25" when it died again. When I booted it again, it still shows the windows logo for 5 minutes but restarts with no blue screen

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Using Autorun.exe Should Empty Entries Be Deleted?

Apr 8, 2012

Boot is very slow (> 4 minutes) so trying 'autorun.exe' to check out 'entries' that may be causing slowdown.(msconfig has been used to reduce grossly unwanted items from starting.)

Under the Scheduled Tasks tab there are many 'entries' that have no Description or Publisher and in the Image Path field has 'File not found'.

Can (or should) these 'entries' be deleted?

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Registry Entries To Set Default Folder / Control Panel View For User Profile?

Oct 29, 2010

I would like to set the default folder view to be set to details, and control panel view set to small icons. I would like this set for the default user profile. What the relevant registry entries are ?

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How To Remove "Take Ownership" Registry Entries

Feb 24, 2013

Let me see if I can explain this. Since installing a registry editor called "Context Menu Take Ownership" a couple of days ago, I have had problems saving files to my desktop and accessing files located on my When I choose to save a file .. save as>desktop, It takes a full two minutes for my desktop to load in my "save as" dialog box. I can't change to say "documents" until the desktop has fully loaded into the "save as" dialog box.I then downloaded the remove "Take Ownership" reg editor at the same website above. Ran it and sure enough, there is no more option to "take ownership" of a file/directory when I right click.

However, I still have the same problem saving to or accessing a file located on the desktop, from a program (any program, on my computer, or on a website such as a "upload images") using the "save as" or trying to access the desktop to retrieve a file.This makes me think there are some registry entries that need to be deleted. I don't know what though.I should also point out, I did a system restore and system restore could not complete because of a registry issue.Couple screen pics attached.One showing a blank "save as" dialog box with desktop selected. The other is the desktop fully loaded after about 2 minutes.I originally installed take ownership because I could not get "read only" changed on a directory. It didn't even fix that. Rebooting did though.

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Deleting A Registry Key That Won't Be Deleted

Nov 15, 2011

I recently got a program install package (ThumbsPlus, so reputable.) that will NOT install. Cerious support, BTW, is tragic, but at one point in this ongoing saga they suggested getting the MS Install CLeanup utility - ran that, and the original install error was then replaced with one about a registry key it apparently needs to open but can't. I located the offending key from the error message, but it can't be deleted (or opened). I have tried everything - given myself full permissions, added a new Admin account using the elevated command prompt and so on, as per another thread. I couldn't follow the MS information referred to in that thread.

how can I delete a squatter key that is determined to live in my registry?

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Deleted Winsock From Registry Windows 7?

Oct 15, 2012

Deleted winsock from registry windows 7?

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Hard Drive Check Disk And Attempt Recovery Of Bad Sectors?

Nov 22, 2012

My external hard disk has been acting up i.e it would take time to load some documents. So I decided to perform the Check disk options. This has been going on for the last 3 days and am thinking of cancelling the process because it seems to be stuck and it is not even 20% done. What will be the consequences of cancelling it?

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[IE8] Deleted A Registry Key On Accident And Now Internet Doesn't Work?

Dec 7, 2011

While struggling to get rid of the win7 security 2012 virus I believe I accidentally deleted a registry key that had to do with my internet instead of one of the ones for the virus. I am not very tech savvy but I can navigate around a computer fairly well with the right guidance. I did not make a copy of the registry keys before attempting to edit them, and for some reason I have no restore dates before I made this mistake to use system restore. Now whenever I open my internet browser (internet explorer 8) I receive a: internet explorer cannot display this webpage. I have connectivity with my router but limited access. I tried trouble shooting and got a message saying there was an error with the DNS. Possibly just a list of what registry keys could possibly cause just my internet to go down. If I can find out which one I deleted I should be able to manually type it in.

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Deleted DAT File Type In Registry - Added It Again / Any Setback?

Jul 11, 2012

So, I was having problems with my .dat file type icon, and in frustration trying to get rid of the icon and start all over again, I deleted the file type in the registry. Will this cause problems in the future, even though I re-added it in the registry? I don't see any problems with them right now, but I didn't know if I might have troubles in the future due to this.

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Deleted Registry Entry To Fix Code 31 / Network Adapters Won't Work

Jan 12, 2013

The comp started BSOD'ing out of nowhere, a new adapter I think called ISATAP or something like that shows up under network adapters in device manager which had a yellow exclamation icon. (Code: 31). Disabling or uninstalling its drivers resulted in BSOD's. Googled around and found the only way to fix it was to delete some registry entries, so without backing up the registry I deleted some keys. I don't remember which keys but the image above is the result. I got Ubuntu live booted up and using it to post this because my Win 7 installation obviously can't connect to the Internet.

*I tried reinstalling drivers (Marvel Yukon & Belkin), disabling and enabling stuff but nothing seems to be happening.

*Got some registry fixing tools or whatever, still the same.

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Registry Repair Program?

Dec 31, 2011

Can anyone recommend a good registry repair program?

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How To Repair Corrupted Registry

Mar 15, 2012

how can I repair corrupted registry keys? Many people told me not to use Registry Cleaner! But if there a good Registry Cleaner please tell me! I use Revo uninstaller to full delete uninstalled programs registry! But there are old registry I have.

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Repair The Registry From Another Partition?

Sep 4, 2011

i have a corrupted registry on a windows 7 partition and I have another on working, so i wanted to know if there was a way to restore/fix/repair the registry of the corrupted partition from the partition working. Apparently the system protection wasn't on so I don't have saved files in "regback" and "system32/config".  I'd be glad to give more informations if needed.

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How To Repair Corrupted Dlls And Registry

Sep 9, 2010

Got a BSOD with STOP error C00021a. Unplugged all peripherals except mouse and KB. Ran an sfc scan, but not all file corruptions could be repaired. Looked at the cbs.log. Three entries keep repeating, but I cannot find the files to replace them with the original ones from the CAB folder on the installation disc. ps1xml exists in several places in the Registry. The value is Microsoft.PowerShellXMLData.1.

The �offenders� are as follows:

2010-09-05 23:18:25, Info CSI 000001b6 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:44{22}]"Registry.format.ps1xml" of Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch


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Startup Repair Loop / Error 0xc0000225 Corrupted Registry?

Nov 11, 2012

my computer, a toshiba satellite L655D-S5159, has been broken recently. At first, I got an infinite startup repair loop, because of a corrupted registry. I checked the registry files and they are all 256kb. I tried to run sfc /scannow and chkdsk /f /r, but that didn't do anything. Then I tried to run bootrec rebuildbcd, and now I'm getting error 0xc0000225 at startup.

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Will The Shrinked Drive Be Deleted After Formating C: Drive

May 30, 2011

There is single drive in my laptop i.e. C drive and suppose I shrinked that drive through disk management and made two partition (C drive and D drive)Now, if i have to format the C drive to install new windows , will the D drive remains or it will also be deleted?

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Driver Sweeper Can't Delete All Registry Files In Registry Editor?

Dec 6, 2011

I've unistalled Amd Driver from Device Manager, Unistalled Catalyst software and ran Driver Sweeper. There is only 3 registeries that the Driver Sweeper CAN'T delete and these are under SYSTEM folder. I've tried to change user privilegies but this far I've not succeeded.

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Registry After Windows Update And Registry Optimization Tool

Jun 16, 2012

While windows was uploading some updates yesterday, I cleaned my registry using Iolo's system mechanic tool and that's where the problems started. (I already read and understood your message: don't use those tools and stay out of your registry. A lesson I learned too late, unfortunately.)My computer rebooted and after a couple of minutes I noticed the message: " failure configuring windows features reverting changes ". I managed to bypass this loop by running in safe mode and recover my computer to a restore point in the past. This only worked partially: I get windows to run in normal mode but I get this message: "system failed while restoring the registry from the restore point. Restore point damaged or was deleted during restore". So it didn't restore but I can get into my windows now.So I don't get the 'reverting change loop' anymore, so I can access my computer but what's the mess? Well my computer is slow as hell.Like mentioned above, I already looked around on this forum and wrote down what I already tried. [code] My computer is terrible slow because of a registry defrag/optimization of a registry tool (in combination with windows update) --> I need to find a way to get back my old registry files but system recovery ain't working.

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Stuck On Attempt To Resume Again

Aug 9, 2011

my laptop is stuck on the screen attempt to resume again & i can't get off of it. it won't let me move throughout both options. not sure where to start with this one.

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On Hard Drive Drive Only Windows 7 Mirror Image "Some Smart" Deleted All

Oct 11, 2012

On hard drive drive only Win7 mirror image."Some Smart" deleted all. Motherboard was bad - change motherboard & memory.Start resoring windows and when it start setting for first time say config error.

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Windows 7 - Attempt To Resume From Its Last Location Failed

Aug 17, 2012

Left my computer on overnight, came in this morning and rebooted from sleep mode and it started to load then I got a black screen with the message "the last attempt to resume from its last location failed - attempt to resume again? The message continues - "continue with system resume" or the other option is to "delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu" - this is highlighted but the enter key or arrow will not activate. I have the original Windows 7 ultimate disc but it will not boot it up, also cannot access safe mode with f8. I have an accounting package for my business on this computer and cannot lose it.

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Cannot Find Optical Drive - Configuration Info In Registry Incomplete Or Damaged

Feb 21, 2012

I don't see my optical drive on my computer window box. I uninstalled the driver for my optical drive and reinstalled it (HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T50F). I still do not see the optical drive listed. In the device status window, under the general tab of the device manager window, is shown this message:

"Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)"

When I uninstall and allowed the computer to find the driver online, the same failure is shown. The computer window box still doesn't show my optical drive.

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Deleted Contents Off USB Drive

Aug 7, 2011

I had it plugged into my laptop when I was blowing it off and putting a copy of XP Pro on it. When it said to delete the partition, I clicked on the USB drive on accident. Now plugging it into Win 7 computer, it wants to format it. Is there any way to get my files? I have one word document in particular that has been my life's work. I had not backed it up in over 2 months.

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How To Undelete Deleted Drive

Jan 10, 2012

how to undelete deleted driver showing unallocated space

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Program That Will Auto-retry A Failed Wifi Attempt?

Jul 3, 2011

Its gotten kinda annoying to cancel out of that windows error msg and retry a wifi connection, is there something that can auto-retry it?

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