Deleted DAT File Type In Registry - Added It Again / Any Setback?

Jul 11, 2012

So, I was having problems with my .dat file type icon, and in frustration trying to get rid of the icon and start all over again, I deleted the file type in the registry. Will this cause problems in the future, even though I re-added it in the registry? I don't see any problems with them right now, but I didn't know if I might have troubles in the future due to this.

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Added/Deleted Fonts Mishap?

Dec 15, 2011

She decided to add some 6000 fonts to the system by dropping them in the font folder. I come to realize this when i notice the entire system intermittently freezing & running slow as molasses. Suspecting the obvious (and in an attempt to spare myself hours of sifting through fonts!) I figured i could simply delete all of the fonts and the system would retain the required ones (like they would on a mac)...

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Registry Entries That Cannot Be Deleted

Jul 17, 2010

I have deleted Zone Alarm but 2 entries remain in the registry that can not be deleted - this stops my cloning program from working.

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Deleting A Registry Key That Won't Be Deleted

Nov 15, 2011

I recently got a program install package (ThumbsPlus, so reputable.) that will NOT install. Cerious support, BTW, is tragic, but at one point in this ongoing saga they suggested getting the MS Install CLeanup utility - ran that, and the original install error was then replaced with one about a registry key it apparently needs to open but can't. I located the offending key from the error message, but it can't be deleted (or opened). I have tried everything - given myself full permissions, added a new Admin account using the elevated command prompt and so on, as per another thread. I couldn't follow the MS information referred to in that thread.

how can I delete a squatter key that is determined to live in my registry?

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Deleted Winsock From Registry Windows 7?

Oct 15, 2012

Deleted winsock from registry windows 7?

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Getting A .bat File To Run When A File Is Added To A Folder?

Dec 23, 2012

getting a .bat file to run when a file is added to a folder.. E.G When a file is downloaded to the downloads folder the .bat file runs and is moved to a separate location.

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Magic ISO "ERROR: Added File Is Too Large." When Adding 4.29 GB File?

Jun 25, 2011

When I try to add a 4.29 GB file to a disk image I'm creating it says "ERROR: Added file is too large." Registered Magic ISO is supposed to support up to 10 GBs. What's the deal?

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[IE8] Deleted A Registry Key On Accident And Now Internet Doesn't Work?

Dec 7, 2011

While struggling to get rid of the win7 security 2012 virus I believe I accidentally deleted a registry key that had to do with my internet instead of one of the ones for the virus. I am not very tech savvy but I can navigate around a computer fairly well with the right guidance. I did not make a copy of the registry keys before attempting to edit them, and for some reason I have no restore dates before I made this mistake to use system restore. Now whenever I open my internet browser (internet explorer 8) I receive a: internet explorer cannot display this webpage. I have connectivity with my router but limited access. I tried trouble shooting and got a message saying there was an error with the DNS. Possibly just a list of what registry keys could possibly cause just my internet to go down. If I can find out which one I deleted I should be able to manually type it in.

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Deleted Registry Entries In An Attempt To Repair CD-Rom Drive

Jun 15, 2012

My CD/DVD-Rom drive is unresponsive (it opens and closes normally) and does not show up on Device Manager.I read a guide that suggested that I have corrupted registry entries. It told me to delete UpperFilters and LowerFilters.I deleted the two entries (and possibly others in the same location).

Good news: I backed up my registry
Bad news: I backed up my ENTIRE registry (oops)

So far, everything appears to be the same... Except when I open iTunes I get an notice that says the registry settings needed to burn and import CDs are missing.I've been told that I can import the entire .reg backup and "hope that all goes well". It sounds rather sketchy and I am seeking better help.I've also been told that a wire could have come loose but I want to fix this registry problem before opening up my PC. I hope it doesn't come off as leaching by coming here solely for making a help thread.

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64 Bit App Stalls / Freezes, Dump File Added?

Mar 11, 2012

App takes a long time to load and generally runs slow when in use. As far as I know it was designed for Vista 64 bit. BTW the cmd "cscript adplus.vbs -crash -nodumponfirst -minionsecond -quiet -pn dpeg.exe" needed to be changed to "cscript adplus_old.vbs -crash -nodumponfirst -minionsecond -quiet -pn dpeg.exe".

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Deleted Registry Entry To Fix Code 31 / Network Adapters Won't Work

Jan 12, 2013

The comp started BSOD'ing out of nowhere, a new adapter I think called ISATAP or something like that shows up under network adapters in device manager which had a yellow exclamation icon. (Code: 31). Disabling or uninstalling its drivers resulted in BSOD's. Googled around and found the only way to fix it was to delete some registry entries, so without backing up the registry I deleted some keys. I don't remember which keys but the image above is the result. I got Ubuntu live booted up and using it to post this because my Win 7 installation obviously can't connect to the Internet.

*I tried reinstalling drivers (Marvel Yukon & Belkin), disabling and enabling stuff but nothing seems to be happening.

*Got some registry fixing tools or whatever, still the same.

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Create A Batch File That Will Move Files Based On The File Type?

Oct 30, 2010

How to create a batch file that will move files based on the file type?My Requirement : I need a batch file to copy all .doc files in all my HardDisk to aremovable disk say (Z: drive) . Can anyone make it possible using a batch file

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DNS Client Ignores Hosts File Unless Network Service Permission Added

Oct 3, 2011

I've recently restored my Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OS on to a new SSD using Macrium Reflect. My hosts file has always contained entries for local websites and has always worked until now. After much hair pulling and reading of forums, the only way that I could get the DNS Client to read and process the hosts file was by adding the "NETWORK SERVICE" user permission to it. It already had "SYSTEM", "Administrators" and "Users" (my user account). This was never required before, so I'm confused as to what has happened to require it now?

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.asx Video File Type 'WMP Cannot Play File'

Jun 4, 2012

[code] I get the following error message when trying to view a video file *.asx."Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."Plus, I also get a similar error msg with WMC.However if I select VLC to play the video, it plays just fine. Plus I get the following information. [code] Why can't WMP or WMC play this native MSFT video format?

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Deleted File Mapped Onto Existing File?

Sep 4, 2011

I'll give an example: two files, names 1st_file.avi, 2nd_file.avi, nearly same size, at different locations. Now I deleted 1st_file.avi and 2-3 weeks after deletion, I open 2nd_file.avi (which wasn't deleted) and find that instead of the original 2nd_file.avi, the contents of 1st_file.avi are being played.How can the contents of 1st_file.avi mapped onto the the contents of 2nd_file.avi?

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Pps File Type Not Listed

Jul 24, 2012

My problems continue with Win 7's faulty 'file associations' subroutine. Have a friend with a new Toshiba Core i5 on which he has MS Office 2003 Professional fully installed, including PowerPoint. Three weeks ago, he complained that he could not open .pps files attached to e-mails, so he brought the computer to me. I opened the file associations subroutine, found .pps in the list of extensions, and ultimately (tha'ts another whole story) got MS PowerPoint registered as the default program to open such files.Today he claimed he got another e-mail with a .pps attachment, and could not open it, so brought the computer to me again. I don't know why he wasn't able to open it, because I called up the e-mail, clicked the .pps attachment and it opened perfectly. However, I opened the /Default Programs/Set Associations list and scrolled down to see what the .pps entry said was the current default.

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Associate A File Type?

Mar 19, 2011

I accidentally associated the .lnk (shortcut) extension with a program. Now all my desktop icons open that program (Picassa). I tried to change it back to Unknown Program using "set associations - change programs" but it does not give the option to change it to "Unknown Association"

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How To Hide Some New Extension File Type

Apr 26, 2011

I found some file extensions (.modd and .moff) that I didn't want to be viewed in the folder, so I need to make them hidden.So, would someone here tell me how to make those two extension to be added to type of extension that automatically hidden by windows 7?

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How To Change Icon Of Particular File Type

Jul 6, 2011

So I'm trying to change the icon of a particular file type. i.e., pdf icon is gone for some reason so I want to put one there. All i can find on the net is 'open up file types manager' but how it will be done? I am using Windows 7 x64 home premium.

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Set A Certain File Type To Open With Certain Program

Mar 6, 2012

I used to be able to open replays of a certain game (Warcraft 3) just by simply double clicking on them. I reinstalled Windows 7 2weeks ago, along with the game. Now when I double click them, it doesnt know what program to use --> I go through the standard "open with" and find my war3.exe. Now when I go to double click the replay file, it openes warcraft3 not the replay itself (like it used to, and like how I want it).

Ive done alot of digging around and trying to find how to fix it, but Im still unable to fix this. What I've found out that I basically need the replay files (.w3g) to open in E:Program filesWarcraft IIIwar3.exe -loadfile "%1"
The problem is, that with windows7 I am unable to find the place where I can insert this, all I was able to find was ways for XP/Vista but they are different from Windows 7.

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List Of Associated Programs For File Type

Aug 30, 2010

On XP there is a facility to add programs to a file type - you can add more than one program, and each one has a name (which appears in the pulldown list), and a program location, which can have options added to it, e.g. an html file could have a browse function, and an edit function (I want to use SeaMonkey with a -compose option, assuming I can do this). I don't want to have to pick one program as the default unless the other one is easily accessible. I'm sure Windows 7 wouldn't kill a very useful XP facility... would they?!

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Changing *.exe File I Created To Non-exe Type

Jun 18, 2011

I've created a slideshow file, using FastStone Image Viewer 4.3, and pictures I took myself in our back yard. The file is *.exe and self-executes correctly on my computer. I've scanned it with MSE and it's clean and virus-free.I want to send it to our daughter, using my Hotmail account, as a normal attachment to a normal email msg. But Hotmail blocks it completely since it's an executable file type.So I tried to just rename a copy of it on my hard drive, first, to *.txt. But when I select the *.exe filename and then click Rename, I can't seem to get access to the extension part of the current file name; the exe after the dot. So is there a way I can change the file type in windows from "application" to a type Hotmail so windows won't block as an email attachment? Then tell the recipient to change it back to *.exe on her end?

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.lnk Extension And Shortcut Type File?

Aug 5, 2012

I have a document that has acquired a .lnk extension and shows a Shortcut type file and I cannot open.I was suggested to go to Sart > Control Panel > Programs > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protrocol with a program > Set Assocations I did that and chose Word to open the document. The result was that almost all programs including IE and Systems Tool tried to open with Word.I had to run a System Restore from the Control Panel and all is fine now. However, can someone give me an idea how the document got the .lnk extension and Shortcut type? Also, is there a solution to this being that the above didn't work?I still cannot open the document and the program associated with .lnk reverted to unknown application.

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WMP 12 - How To Configure File Type (WMA / MP3) In Album Art

Nov 17, 2010

I have seen this pop up a few times and have no idea why and/or how to make it stick. Occasionally, the file type is in the lower-right corner of the album art. This has been added on the fly by WMP12. How to configure this?

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File Type Identification Tool

Jan 6, 2012

could someone please recommend me a few good file identification tools that can be used under windows ?

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How To Encrypt Registry File

Dec 11, 2011

I have one file with me its called test.reg i want to encrypt this file coz if some one want to open then he can open easily in notepad then he/she can see what it do.. so i want to to encrypt my reg file. if any one will double click on it it will save as to register.. so let me know how to encrypt my file..

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Is There A Backup Registry File

May 28, 2011

W7 x64 ult OS. Something went wrong.My system will no longer boot - the error message lists registry corrupt. I am 99% sure it is not a virus.I have another drive with a W7 system on it in the same box and I can boot from that.It is just a basic clean install test system, but I can access all the drives.Is there a backup registry file I can use to replace the corrupt one........and which files are the registry?Is there anything else to do to recover othere than a clean install?I can't do a repair install because it has to boot to the system first.Unless. Can I do a repair install on the bad drive from a boot to the good drive?

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Associating File Type Or Protocol With Program?

May 19, 2012

In Default Programs, When I select 'Associate a file type or protocol with a program'. When I select an extension and click the Change Program button, the program I want is not on the list, So I select [Browse] and select the program I want then nothing happens. How do I add a program to the list ?

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Hide All Of A Certain File Type In A Folder Tree?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a media library with, surprisingly enough, media in it! Videos to be exact. Each of the sub-folders have in them videos as well as .nfo files for displaying data awesomeness in the likes of XBMC. However, I do not like the way it makes my folders look when I browse to them in explorer.

Is there a way to hide all my *.nfo files only in the Video folder and subfolders?

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How To Revert A File Type Back To Unknown

Jul 29, 2010

I've accidently set another .cnf filetype to be known, as well. It's just so aggravating to see them have an icon as if they're good to can I make them to open with nothing once again..?

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Printing Multiple Files Of Different File Type?

Jan 10, 2011

In Windows XP, Explorer I was able to select multiple files of different file types, right click and select print. In Win 7 64 bit print is not a choice when I select multiple files of different types. Is there a way to make this work or is it just an option that was left out of Win 7 for some reason?

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