Is There A Backup Registry File

May 28, 2011

W7 x64 ult OS. Something went wrong.My system will no longer boot - the error message lists registry corrupt. I am 99% sure it is not a virus.I have another drive with a W7 system on it in the same box and I can boot from that.It is just a basic clean install test system, but I can access all the drives.Is there a backup registry file I can use to replace the corrupt one........and which files are the registry?Is there anything else to do to recover othere than a clean install?I can't do a repair install because it has to boot to the system first.Unless. Can I do a repair install on the bad drive from a boot to the good drive?

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New Registry Backup Tool

Jun 1, 2012

I received Don's permission to tell you about this program. It is for the average user like me who cannot run ERUNT on Win 7 with a schedule and without the hard workarounds.It is being released from Beta Sunday June 3rd '12'.I have system restore and Acronis but sometimes you cannot get to system restore from within windows or for corruption issues and Acronis takes awhile.This can be found @ where the owner, Shane has developed this for the normal user. Read the threads about it, watch the videos etc. It is so ez with three tabs to backup, restore and settings. There are even shots to show you how to restore if youcan't boot up. The last part was too hard for me so he made it easier. I only know him because he replied to my request for an ERUNT replacement -he was the only one of ten people.It is going to have videos, tutorials and prntscns shots to make it ez.I asked around for along time because so many techs swear by ERUNT and I wanted it or a replacement. Unfortunatley the author of ERUNT developed it up to XP but Win 7 users were stuck unless very techy.This is what I was avidly looking for and he said awhile ago he woud do it.So, if you are like me and make errors you would like to erase, add another backup tool to your toolbox.It is freeware and he promises there are no nasties.

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Registry Settings For A Backup?

Oct 11, 2011

im needing to backup some applications, it would make things a whole lot easier when reinstalling windows. isnt there an application where i can either point it to the main executable of a program, or its shortcut in teh start menu and this program will read into the uninstall and grab all the registry data into a file, so that i can save this info along with the directory of teh application itself?

This way i can cut and paste the app over to the new location (another operating system of the same type) then run this application that will spit the registry entries in for the app. Then i can create a shortcut and when i run it i dont want it to complain about any registry problems, etc.

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Registry Backup In Windows 7

Nov 5, 2011

I have been using WIN 7 for some time now and , until lately , had no reason to backup the Registry. However due to a problem I had with MS Office , it became advisable to take the precaution of creating a Registry Backup before proceeding with some changes there. It seems the Registry Backup procedure described in these Forums is more involved than it was in XP if I have interpreted the instructions correctly. whether such a Backup can be done by simply going into Regedit and , assuming a full Registry Backup id desired, , right clicking on the "Computer" icon there and selecting "EXPORT" and then choosing a name for the resulting file and a destination to save it ?

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Registry - Backup And Restore

Feb 24, 2009

How to Backup and Restore the Windows 7 Registry ?

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How To Use The Revo Daily Registry Backup

May 4, 2012

i quite like this creates a full registry backup on the 1st boot of the day. i can see the files at the end of some horrendously long path. but have never been able to figure out a simple way of switching to the registry as backed up this morning.Can someone shed some light to this?

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System Restore Vs Full Registry Backup?

Apr 25, 2011

While System Restore usually does what it is supposed to do, sometimes it doesn't. When I am intending to do something a bit drastic or unusual on my desktop now, I routinely make a full registry backup. (Start/Run/type REGEDIT/OK/File/Export. Name and save the file in Documents) On my machine this takes 20 - 30 secs and results in a file around 200 MB. I have never had to use one of these backups to restore this machine so far

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Outlook 2010 Accounts Backup Without Editing Registry?

Feb 8, 2012

does anyone know how to backup and restore outlook 2010 accounts without using theHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows Messaging SubsystemProfiles registry key?

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How To Encrypt Registry File

Dec 11, 2011

I have one file with me its called test.reg i want to encrypt this file coz if some one want to open then he can open easily in notepad then he/she can see what it do.. so i want to to encrypt my reg file. if any one will double click on it it will save as to register.. so let me know how to encrypt my file..

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Default File Opener Through Registry

Nov 30, 2010

I am looking for a way to avoid the propmt or application list that pops up upon clicking a .pdc file. I would like to fix a default application to be the one to open all my .pdc files.
I would like to make this change through a registry entry preferably. Even a script solution is fine. I want to do this via modifications to registry or by running a script. I want these settings on my client machines, so there is no question of right clicking. These are silent steps. I am looking for preferably a VB Script that when run sets a default file opener for an extension.

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How To Force File And Registry Virtualization

Aug 16, 2011

I have a program which tries to write data to %windir%. I can make this program work if I open Windows Task Manager, right click the program's process and check the "UAC Virtualization". However, I dont want to do this every time I run the program, so is there a way to auto-enable the virtualization for this program?

I'm running Windows 7 pro/enterprise 64bit.

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Adding A String Value To The Registry With A .reg File?

Jan 31, 2013

I can't seem to get this to work: Code :Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeBlahBlah]"Installed Path"="BlahBlahBlah" If I delete the key and run the reg file, it recreates it, but it won't create the "Installed Path" string value. I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I can't imagine what since I'm using the same format that I've seen everywhere online. Running Windows 7 64-bit.

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Registry Keys And Residual File Names?

Apr 30, 2012

Previous suggestions for removing residual file names from "Save/Save As" dialog boxes involve deleting the following two keys from Registry (complete paths/strings omitted from this thread inquiry):

"LastVisitedPidlMRU", and


I noticed though that, in addition to those two keys in that Registry location, there is another & similar key entitled "LastVisitedPidlMRULegacy".

1) Is it advisable to also delete that third "...Legacy" key as well, and if not, why not?

2) What is the function of that third "...Legacy" key?

3) What would removing it do, or not do?

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How To Reset Registry Subkey For File Association

Sep 24, 2011

I need to reset my Registry Subkey for the file association of: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00.

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Deleted DAT File Type In Registry - Added It Again / Any Setback?

Jul 11, 2012

So, I was having problems with my .dat file type icon, and in frustration trying to get rid of the icon and start all over again, I deleted the file type in the registry. Will this cause problems in the future, even though I re-added it in the registry? I don't see any problems with them right now, but I didn't know if I might have troubles in the future due to this.

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Disabling Windows Defender By Registry File Script?

Nov 25, 2012

I know how to disable windows 7 defender, manually and through registry, but here I need a patch or registry file that can disable windows 7 defender by simply double clicking on that. Where to download it from or if there is a quick way to create such file?

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Windows Failed To Load Because The System Registry File Is Missing, Or Corrupt

Jan 21, 2012

installing Windows 7 on a virtual machine.I have 178MB RAM (which I know isn't enough), but it does the Starting Windows screen before the installation, but then it comes up with this error: File: windowssystem32configsystem Status: 0xc0000001 Info: Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing, or corrupt.

I have no other OS on the virtual machine.

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Driver Sweeper Can't Delete All Registry Files In Registry Editor?

Dec 6, 2011

I've unistalled Amd Driver from Device Manager, Unistalled Catalyst software and ran Driver Sweeper. There is only 3 registeries that the Driver Sweeper CAN'T delete and these are under SYSTEM folder. I've tried to change user privilegies but this far I've not succeeded.

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Registry After Windows Update And Registry Optimization Tool

Jun 16, 2012

While windows was uploading some updates yesterday, I cleaned my registry using Iolo's system mechanic tool and that's where the problems started. (I already read and understood your message: don't use those tools and stay out of your registry. A lesson I learned too late, unfortunately.)My computer rebooted and after a couple of minutes I noticed the message: " failure configuring windows features reverting changes ". I managed to bypass this loop by running in safe mode and recover my computer to a restore point in the past. This only worked partially: I get windows to run in normal mode but I get this message: "system failed while restoring the registry from the restore point. Restore point damaged or was deleted during restore". So it didn't restore but I can get into my windows now.So I don't get the 'reverting change loop' anymore, so I can access my computer but what's the mess? Well my computer is slow as hell.Like mentioned above, I already looked around on this forum and wrote down what I already tried. [code] My computer is terrible slow because of a registry defrag/optimization of a registry tool (in combination with windows update) --> I need to find a way to get back my old registry files but system recovery ain't working.

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Cannot Open Xp Backup Bkf File

Nov 4, 2012

i have an xp backup bkf i need to get some files from but im on a win 7 home premium latop (x64) and when i downloaded the restore utility from MS it wont allow to install it due to no "turn on removable storage" option in the programs . i need help because MS leads me in circles and these files are really important!

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"System Registry File Is Missing Or Corrupt"

Dec 10, 2012

I have a Windows 7 Installation Problem. Firstly my specs:i7 3820Rampage IV FormulaGTX 680 EVGA16 GB Corsair Veangence RAM (purchased today because i thought the old ram could have been the issue) I have a 120GB Intel SSD which i want to install windows 7 on, the installation is succsessful, but when it restarts automatically, Windows Boot Manager appears with this messege: WINDOWS FAILED TO START. A RECENT SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE CHANGE MAY BE THE CAUSE.TO FIX THE PROBLEM: (Just says steps to get into windows repair)Than says:FILE: Windoessystem32configsystemSTATUS: 0xc0000017INFO: Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing or corrupt. I have tried:Changing the SATA port for my ssdWindows RepairCopying the Windows 7 disc at 1x speed.Trying to install it again and again..

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Windows 7 Backup File Location?

Dec 6, 2011

Just wondering if it's possible to make Windows backup do it in another place besides the root of another drive.It's really annoying seeing those files all the time,so I move them to a folder anyways.. which ocfourse windows fails to see then, but since I dont have a schedueled backup it's ok for now... Just need the one master backup for now, and if i add something or change something I move the files back to root to do that.

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File And Folder Backup Software?

Apr 12, 2012

I am looking for software to back up my PC and Laptop.The criteria I would like are -

1) to be able to shedule backup sets at different periods (eg documents daily; photos weekly; etc)

2) to do the backups as incremental, rather than everything every time.

3) to be able to see each folder and file on the back up device (ReadyNASDuo) - not a single compressed file.

4) to leave any files intact on the back up which may have been deleted on the PC/laptop (in case they were deleted accidentally)

5) to be able to select folders in groups for a set of backups (eg user data which may be on seprate drives.

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UnableTo Move BackUp File

May 28, 2012

I have big file (133Gb) backup file on my hard drive and I wanted to move this to external hard drive (Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Drive). When I tried it to move or copy to the external I've got message: Error 0x8007045D: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. I was looking online for some help and I found some advice that I have to make chkdsk in cmd mode but when I tried I've got message: "Chkdsk" is not recognized as a internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I don't know how to solve this problem. Can someone help me? My OS is win 7 Enterprise x86.

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When Try To Use The Backup Tool Get The System32 File?

Jul 29, 2012

i want to make a backup but i click "backup" and i get the "system32" file

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Is Backup Schedule Just For File Backups ?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to determine what the use of the backup section of the Back up and Restore screen is for. Is it just for doing file backup or is it intended to be used also for Full System Image backups also?

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What File Extension Has The Image Backup ?

Nov 5, 2009

I make use of the Windows 7 Backup and Restore programs.

Automatically everyday a backup is scheduled.
This backup is configured to contain all user files and a system image.

Now I have tried to find the system image, but I don't know what file extension the image backup should have.

In my backup folder, below, only two .VHD files are present, and a bunch of XML Documents.
X:\WindowsImageBackup\XXXX\Backup 2009-11-04 160010

Can someone explain me in which files the backup and restore programs save the backups?
Also I like to know where I should look for, to know for sure my backup is done successfully.

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Easy FIle Transfer From A Backup Image?

Nov 2, 2011

Can I use easy file transfer from a hard drive back up image of XP? I can mount the image on my win 7 computer. Can easy file transfer pull the user profiles, data, pics, music,doc, etc from a mounted image in the same computer?The image is no longer restorable to any computer.

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Windows 7 Setup - File Backup Instead Of Image

Mar 22, 2012

One of my drives in raid0 crashed and fortunately I had windows 7 x64 backup activated and running daily. After recreating the array with the remaining drives, I tried to restore from the external usb drive but it didn't work. Apparently the problem is that I had been running "file backup" and not "image backup". Probably because when I configured backup for the first time, it asked to back up all my drives which was not possible and not needed so didn't check the image backup button.

Now the backup set is visible only from within windows (I set Windows 7 again up) but NOT from the restore part of Windows 7 setup / recovery disk. Files inside the backup set are not .vhd but zipfiles. All my c: drive files actually ARE inside the backup set, but running restore will restore all the crap folders (like c: vidia) except from the system folders like c:windows, c:program files (and x86), c:programdata etc.

Any way to restore these? I am thinking of the possibility of somehow restoring all the files and running windows repair on top of this to actually make c:drive bootable again. My users folder is not affected as I had moved it to d: but this presents the additional challenge of being able to actually make the system see the users folder....

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Protected Folders Batch File Backup?

Aug 19, 2012

So I am trying to create a batch file that will copy certain folders from the My Documents and Program Files 86 folders. Of course these are protected. I can make a batch file and use robocopy to copy other files just fine. How can I set admin privileges? Or whatever it is I need to do to make it work? I am using group policy editor to run the bat file on shutdown.


Robocopy C:Folder D:Folder

that works fine...but when I try copying files out of Program Files x86 or My Documents the batch fails

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Can't Backup Files: Unable To Access File

Nov 23, 2012

I have a Win 7 64-bit and yesterday, I got the black screen of death on boot. Black screen, blinking cursor right after I boot. I can access the Samsung recovery menu. I figured I'd just backup my data and do system restore or clean reinstall. After hours of backup, I looked to see the details on a popup dialogue and apparently, nothing was backed up because it was unable to access the files on my C: drive and transfer onto an external hard drive. I also tried to backup an image, but that also fails.

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