Adding A String Value To The Registry With A .reg File?

Jan 31, 2013

I can't seem to get this to work: Code :Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeBlahBlah]"Installed Path"="BlahBlahBlah" If I delete the key and run the reg file, it recreates it, but it won't create the "Installed Path" string value. I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I can't imagine what since I'm using the same format that I've seen everywhere online. Running Windows 7 64-bit.

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Edit The Registry By Adding New Multi-string Values?

Oct 1, 2012

I am trying to fix an issue i am having, involving midi control through usb on win 7 64 bit, i think ive finally found a fix, but i am to inexperienced with using the registry editor to do it. Here it is (I edited the registry in the entries for 4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318. There I added a new Multi-String Value "UpperFilters" with data "ksthunk". it pertains to the sound and video game controllers that you can access through the control panel, but i need to be able to find that registry entry(4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318) and then add a new multi-string value(upperfilters) with data ksthunk.

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Adding Folders In Indexing Options Using Registry Or Command Line?

Jun 28, 2012

I'm trying to add folders in the indexing options by using either registry or command lines. This is for an unattended silent install.

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Magic ISO "ERROR: Added File Is Too Large." When Adding 4.29 GB File?

Jun 25, 2011

When I try to add a 4.29 GB file to a disk image I'm creating it says "ERROR: Added file is too large." Registered Magic ISO is supposed to support up to 10 GBs. What's the deal?

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Manually Adding A Ocx File?

Jun 24, 2011

Is there any way to manually add a ocx file . For some weird reason my ip camera when I go and try and view the video - I do not get a pop up to install the ocx file .

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Adding Text To A .pdf File?

Apr 8, 2012

I have an official document that I have scanned in to a .pdf file, and I want to add some text that says 'I certify that this is a true copy of this document' (I do not want to change the document itself, and this will save me having to write this text on 20 pages).

Is there a simple (and cheap) way of doing this, short of buying Acrobat Pro?

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Adding A Comment To A File Name?

Dec 10, 2012

I'd like to add comments to file names. Is it Possible?

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Adding .jpg File To Audio Cd With .wma Files

Oct 24, 2011

I have Windows Media Player Version 12.0.7601.17514. I am trying to create a CD with mostly music (.wma) files but would like to add a few .jpg files. I can move all this (.wma + .jpg) over to the "list" file and them burn to a CD but it will not play on a CD player. I can open the CD through the CD tray on my computer and make the CD play, but this is not what I want. I want to give these CDs to family and friends so they can play on their CD players and car CDs without the .jpg files interfering. The .jpg files are only on the CD for people to find a picture and message I have left for them should they drop the CD into a computer. I see on the internet where people are discussing adding "album art" to files but this is not what I want to do. I just want the .jpg files to be separate from the .wma files and for the .wma files to play. How can I do this? PS when I burn a CD with only .wma (music) files, everything works well and the CD will play in any CD player and car CD.

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How To Encrypt Registry File

Dec 11, 2011

I have one file with me its called test.reg i want to encrypt this file coz if some one want to open then he can open easily in notepad then he/she can see what it do.. so i want to to encrypt my reg file. if any one will double click on it it will save as to register.. so let me know how to encrypt my file..

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Is There A Backup Registry File

May 28, 2011

W7 x64 ult OS. Something went wrong.My system will no longer boot - the error message lists registry corrupt. I am 99% sure it is not a virus.I have another drive with a W7 system on it in the same box and I can boot from that.It is just a basic clean install test system, but I can access all the drives.Is there a backup registry file I can use to replace the corrupt one........and which files are the registry?Is there anything else to do to recover othere than a clean install?I can't do a repair install because it has to boot to the system first.Unless. Can I do a repair install on the bad drive from a boot to the good drive?

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Folder Customization Icon Changed When Adding To Setup File

Sep 24, 2011

Folder customization icon is changed when adding it to the setup file and installing it on another computer, how to keep changes? Program I am using Setup factory 9.

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Default File Opener Through Registry

Nov 30, 2010

I am looking for a way to avoid the propmt or application list that pops up upon clicking a .pdc file. I would like to fix a default application to be the one to open all my .pdc files.
I would like to make this change through a registry entry preferably. Even a script solution is fine. I want to do this via modifications to registry or by running a script. I want these settings on my client machines, so there is no question of right clicking. These are silent steps. I am looking for preferably a VB Script that when run sets a default file opener for an extension.

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How To Force File And Registry Virtualization

Aug 16, 2011

I have a program which tries to write data to %windir%. I can make this program work if I open Windows Task Manager, right click the program's process and check the "UAC Virtualization". However, I dont want to do this every time I run the program, so is there a way to auto-enable the virtualization for this program?

I'm running Windows 7 pro/enterprise 64bit.

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Registry Keys And Residual File Names?

Apr 30, 2012

Previous suggestions for removing residual file names from "Save/Save As" dialog boxes involve deleting the following two keys from Registry (complete paths/strings omitted from this thread inquiry):

"LastVisitedPidlMRU", and


I noticed though that, in addition to those two keys in that Registry location, there is another & similar key entitled "LastVisitedPidlMRULegacy".

1) Is it advisable to also delete that third "...Legacy" key as well, and if not, why not?

2) What is the function of that third "...Legacy" key?

3) What would removing it do, or not do?

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How To Reset Registry Subkey For File Association

Sep 24, 2011

I need to reset my Registry Subkey for the file association of: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00.

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Deleted DAT File Type In Registry - Added It Again / Any Setback?

Jul 11, 2012

So, I was having problems with my .dat file type icon, and in frustration trying to get rid of the icon and start all over again, I deleted the file type in the registry. Will this cause problems in the future, even though I re-added it in the registry? I don't see any problems with them right now, but I didn't know if I might have troubles in the future due to this.

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Disabling Windows Defender By Registry File Script?

Nov 25, 2012

I know how to disable windows 7 defender, manually and through registry, but here I need a patch or registry file that can disable windows 7 defender by simply double clicking on that. Where to download it from or if there is a quick way to create such file?

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Windows Failed To Load Because The System Registry File Is Missing, Or Corrupt

Jan 21, 2012

installing Windows 7 on a virtual machine.I have 178MB RAM (which I know isn't enough), but it does the Starting Windows screen before the installation, but then it comes up with this error: File: windowssystem32configsystem Status: 0xc0000001 Info: Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing, or corrupt.

I have no other OS on the virtual machine.

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String Of Errors Preventing From Doing Anything?

Apr 26, 2012

It has Windows 7 SP1 installed on it, when I try to start it up regular it haults right after the windows load screen and bsods, if I try to start it up in recovery, or any safe mode it starts up to a black screen with a cursor and will sit there for hours, and if I try to put a windows 7 disk in and start up from that it loads the files and then haults with a black screen and cursor. I have insured that everything is properly connected that could come loose to no avail and have pretty much expended every option that I have available to me.

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Invalid Class String?

Apr 8, 2012

I have an awesome fan app (FAN Xpert) that I have been using on my Rampage IV Rig. I recently did a re-install of Win 7 (about a week ago) and it has yet to run. It actually is part of suite of utilities that comes bundled with ASUS Mobo's. I have installed it a number of times in the past and have never had any problems. First thing I did was uninstall and re-install I used Revo Uninstaller in safe mode. The problem re-occurred so I then did a regular uninstall.Next I ran SFC.I got a bunch of errors (11) that were all Explorer.exe based. I then replaced Explorer with a fresh copy from the Windows 7 DVD. still Class not recognized. I don't use any of those Registry repair utilities as I have found them to be more detrimental then helpful. So far I have had no problems with any other Apps.

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Storing A String Of Characters Under One Key?

Sep 10, 2011

I have a few tediously long character strings which I frequently need to type - can I store them under a single key so that they are available in any application?

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Attributing String Of Character?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I attribute string of characters to a function key or a combings of ALT + Key

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How To Search For Test String Within PDF Files

Feb 26, 2011

I recently switched from XP to 7. Using XP, when I did a search for a test string, it would search within .pdf files. Now, using Win 7, it does not. It does search within .txt and .doc files, but not within .PDF files. This is a major pain-in-the-butt for me, since I have a lot of important data in .PDF file.

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Driver Sweeper Can't Delete All Registry Files In Registry Editor?

Dec 6, 2011

I've unistalled Amd Driver from Device Manager, Unistalled Catalyst software and ran Driver Sweeper. There is only 3 registeries that the Driver Sweeper CAN'T delete and these are under SYSTEM folder. I've tried to change user privilegies but this far I've not succeeded.

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Convert Output To A String In Batch Script

Mar 5, 2012

I am trying to run a dsget group cmd to view members of an AD group, then try and do a look up of that user and compare the logged in user to the output of the list. Need some help writing that script.I know this is not exactly a windows 7 question, but not sure what category this would belong too.

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Registry After Windows Update And Registry Optimization Tool

Jun 16, 2012

While windows was uploading some updates yesterday, I cleaned my registry using Iolo's system mechanic tool and that's where the problems started. (I already read and understood your message: don't use those tools and stay out of your registry. A lesson I learned too late, unfortunately.)My computer rebooted and after a couple of minutes I noticed the message: " failure configuring windows features reverting changes ". I managed to bypass this loop by running in safe mode and recover my computer to a restore point in the past. This only worked partially: I get windows to run in normal mode but I get this message: "system failed while restoring the registry from the restore point. Restore point damaged or was deleted during restore". So it didn't restore but I can get into my windows now.So I don't get the 'reverting change loop' anymore, so I can access my computer but what's the mess? Well my computer is slow as hell.Like mentioned above, I already looked around on this forum and wrote down what I already tried. [code] My computer is terrible slow because of a registry defrag/optimization of a registry tool (in combination with windows update) --> I need to find a way to get back my old registry files but system recovery ain't working.

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"System Registry File Is Missing Or Corrupt"

Dec 10, 2012

I have a Windows 7 Installation Problem. Firstly my specs:i7 3820Rampage IV FormulaGTX 680 EVGA16 GB Corsair Veangence RAM (purchased today because i thought the old ram could have been the issue) I have a 120GB Intel SSD which i want to install windows 7 on, the installation is succsessful, but when it restarts automatically, Windows Boot Manager appears with this messege: WINDOWS FAILED TO START. A RECENT SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE CHANGE MAY BE THE CAUSE.TO FIX THE PROBLEM: (Just says steps to get into windows repair)Than says:FILE: Windoessystem32configsystemSTATUS: 0xc0000017INFO: Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing or corrupt. I have tried:Changing the SATA port for my ssdWindows RepairCopying the Windows 7 disc at 1x speed.Trying to install it again and again..

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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Adding More Than 4GB Ram?

Aug 5, 2011

Ok, I'm using Windows 7 32bit. and currently have 4GB ram.

Question: Do I need to switch to 64bit to use more than 4GB ram? Or is there other ways or solutions that I don't have to switch to 64bit?

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Adding Second SSD?

Jan 27, 2013

One of my machines has been running XP Pro on a M4 x 256GB. I'm considering adding a second similar SSD for W7.

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Adding A 5th Partition?

May 23, 2011

I am going to be helping a friend who has an HP computer that has 4 primary partitions already. We need to add a 5th partition.

1. convert a partition to Extended and add logical partitions in it

2. Eliminate the System Reserved partition, mark the C: partition as active, and then run startup repair 3 times to recreate the boot files into the C: drive.Is this an accurate assessment, and if so, what are the tradeoffs of each method?I know that with #2 you would lose use of the system tools that are there, but a Win 7 Repair Disc would work for those purposes when needed.

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