String Of Errors Preventing From Doing Anything?

Apr 26, 2012

It has Windows 7 SP1 installed on it, when I try to start it up regular it haults right after the windows load screen and bsods, if I try to start it up in recovery, or any safe mode it starts up to a black screen with a cursor and will sit there for hours, and if I try to put a windows 7 disk in and start up from that it loads the files and then haults with a black screen and cursor. I have insured that everything is properly connected that could come loose to no avail and have pretty much expended every option that I have available to me.

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Invalid Class String?

Apr 8, 2012

I have an awesome fan app (FAN Xpert) that I have been using on my Rampage IV Rig. I recently did a re-install of Win 7 (about a week ago) and it has yet to run. It actually is part of suite of utilities that comes bundled with ASUS Mobo's. I have installed it a number of times in the past and have never had any problems. First thing I did was uninstall and re-install I used Revo Uninstaller in safe mode. The problem re-occurred so I then did a regular uninstall.Next I ran SFC.I got a bunch of errors (11) that were all Explorer.exe based. I then replaced Explorer with a fresh copy from the Windows 7 DVD. still Class not recognized. I don't use any of those Registry repair utilities as I have found them to be more detrimental then helpful. So far I have had no problems with any other Apps.

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Storing A String Of Characters Under One Key?

Sep 10, 2011

I have a few tediously long character strings which I frequently need to type - can I store them under a single key so that they are available in any application?

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Attributing String Of Character?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I attribute string of characters to a function key or a combings of ALT + Key

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How To Search For Test String Within PDF Files

Feb 26, 2011

I recently switched from XP to 7. Using XP, when I did a search for a test string, it would search within .pdf files. Now, using Win 7, it does not. It does search within .txt and .doc files, but not within .PDF files. This is a major pain-in-the-butt for me, since I have a lot of important data in .PDF file.

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Adding A String Value To The Registry With A .reg File?

Jan 31, 2013

I can't seem to get this to work: Code :Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeBlahBlah]"Installed Path"="BlahBlahBlah" If I delete the key and run the reg file, it recreates it, but it won't create the "Installed Path" string value. I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I can't imagine what since I'm using the same format that I've seen everywhere online. Running Windows 7 64-bit.

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Convert Output To A String In Batch Script

Mar 5, 2012

I am trying to run a dsget group cmd to view members of an AD group, then try and do a look up of that user and compare the logged in user to the output of the list. Need some help writing that script.I know this is not exactly a windows 7 question, but not sure what category this would belong too.

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Edit The Registry By Adding New Multi-string Values?

Oct 1, 2012

I am trying to fix an issue i am having, involving midi control through usb on win 7 64 bit, i think ive finally found a fix, but i am to inexperienced with using the registry editor to do it. Here it is (I edited the registry in the entries for 4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318. There I added a new Multi-String Value "UpperFilters" with data "ksthunk". it pertains to the sound and video game controllers that you can access through the control panel, but i need to be able to find that registry entry(4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318) and then add a new multi-string value(upperfilters) with data ksthunk.

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How To Know The Program That Preventing From Shutting Down

Sep 19, 2012

how to know the program that preventing from shutting down

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Boot Loop Preventing OS Installation?

Sep 8, 2011

I have been spending the last 2 days trying to reinstall the OS on my Area 51. I had to take out the HDD and reformat it in another PC as I was getting a boot loop that would start right after the "windows is loading files..." screen and then loop back to the Alienware boot screen. So, since then.. I put the HDD back in and unplugged all USB connections, 1394 and everything besides the keyboard and monitor. I was able to get to the OS installation screen and then at the end of the install, the PC restarted and told me that windows has encountered an error and gave me choices to restart in safe mode and on down the list, but no attempt to repair. It did ask me to put the disk back in and boot from the DVD drive, which I did, but it never goes back to the installation.

So, I then took out the battery on the motherboard and put it back (also took out the GPU and put it back in). I was then able to get back to the Windows installation screen, but after the PC had to restart, I ended up back in the same place with the Windows error and safe mode options (none of which work). So, am I looking at an issue with the MIO by chance, the MOBO battery maybe or what? I'm not sure why I'm having these issues while just trying to reinstall the OS on a clean drive.Also, could this be because I'm using 2 x 4GB RipjawsX RAM rather then the triple channel (which I am getting today)? Can I just remove the memory and try to boot without it in? Or is it possible this could be due to the MOBO battery starting to go?

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A Patch Is Preventing The System From Starting

Jan 2, 2013

Windows 7 machine says a patch is preventing the system from starting. There are no system restore points either. System restore error code 0x0.

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Hard Drive Preventing Booting

Oct 19, 2012

My friend asked me to fix her laptop, which has been failing to boot, getting as far as the blue Windows 7 login screen then hanging. The login UI doesn't load, it's just the blue background.I tried to re-install Windows from the boot disc, but when I put in the disc, I wasn't able to boot from it. Instead the computer booted from the hard-drive again and hung at the same place. This is after changing the boot priority in the BIOS.Since the laptop is out of warranty, and is to all intents and purposes a brick, I removed the Hard-drive, and connected it to my computer to see if I could reformat the drive from there. The thing that has really puzzled me though, is that my computer wouldn't boot when this hard drive was attached, despite running fine before I attached the drive, and after I removed it.

Which leads me to think there's possibly a really malicious virus or something on the drive, which makes it the default boot device, despite having a corrupted operating system installed that won't boot.

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Network Preventing Windows From Booting?

Apr 9, 2012

I get the black screen with only the cursor after typing in my password.It seems to be related to my network though. When i disconnect my LAN cable or boot into safe mode (without networking) it boots fine, then i plug in my LAN cable once windows has finished booting.I noticed this because over the past few days (when i could sometimes boot with the LAN cable connected) it wouldnt connect to the network without the cable being disconnected and reconnected.Im also having issues connecting to in my browser (yes this is my router address and i can connect using another computer).I have had a quick browser through the event viewer but cant find anything obvious that it could be. I will save todays events and upload if anyone needs to see them.I have ran a scan with malwarebytes and MSE and both come up clean.I am running a custom build which has been fine since building it in January. Im running windows 7 Professional x64 with 8GB RAM and a Crucial M4 SSD with the OS on.

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Taskbar Preventing Operations On Windows 7

Oct 31, 2012

I lost the connection and so I started to shut down my computer. I had programs running that required the Internet to work, and when it went off, they had faded, which is what occurs when you try to shut down a program and it's lagging. Well, the computer took forever for me to pull up the Start Menu because of all these programs lagging, so I had to turn it off manually by holding the power button, which apparently threw it into Sleep Mode (the prompt comes up whenever I turn off my computer, though, since I usually leave my monitor on).Now, even after five or six attempts at restarting the computer, it will let me put in my password to gain access to my account, and then that's it. I will see the desktop and the icons, and the taskbar, but that's where the problem is. The taskbar won't stop loading, nor has it stopped lagging. I can't access anything from the taskbar and whenever I try, it won't let me do anything on the desktop, either. This morning I tried again, and it was still having loading issues. The cursor will turn into the spinning circle whenever I go to the taskbar, but back to the normal pointer whenever I move it away from the taskbar.I'm able to open the computer in Safe Mode and operate as normally.

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Boot Configuration Problem Preventing Install

May 4, 2009

I'm attempting to dual boot Windows7x64 7100 with the Vistax64 i currently have installed on my Acer Aspire 5100. I have created a new simple volume partition of 16GB on my drive and have attempted to do a clean install on this drive using the Windows 7 iso DVD I made.

The files are all extracted, updates are installed and everything runs smoothly until after the system has restarted during the installation, launching Windows 7 where it attempts to "finalize" or "complete" installation. The progress bar gradually makes its way towards completion when all of a sudden it tells me that

"Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed."

I have read many forums offering advice on this error with no success for my problem. I have attempted the registry fix with PartMgr, which didn't need to be fixed in the first place and have also attempted installation with Norton Antivirus uninstalled. Each with no success.

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Preventing Automatic Removal Of Broken Desktop Shortcuts?

Aug 29, 2012

I have two external harddrives which I'm using for archiving purposes, because of that they are turned off most of the time. I have some shortcuts on the desktop to some directories on these external harddisks.Windows occasionally removes these desktop shortcuts. It happens when the harddisks are turned off. I think it thinks that the shortcuts are broken and no longer needed, and tries to clean the desktop up.

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USB Flash Drive Preventing POST, Others Work Fine?

Mar 5, 2012

I have three flash drives, one a 1gb HP flash drive, one a 2gb Sandisk Cruzer, and one a 16gb Patriot XTWhen the HP 1gb drive and Sandisk 2gb are plugged in during boot, nothing happens. It POSTs fine and starts windows.When the Patriot drive is plugged in during boot, the BIOS hangs 2/3rds of the way through POST.I have tried multiple formatting schemes. Also note that there is absolutely nothing on any of these drives, they are empty and freshly formatted.1gb formatted to FAT works, FAT32 works, exFAT works, all regardless of allocation size.2gb formatted to FAT works, FAT32 works, exFAT works, all regardless of allocation size.16gb formatted to FAT32 fails, exFAT fails, regardless of allocation size. have tried a full (non-quick) format to check for bad sectors, to no avail I have tried HP format tool rather than windows format tool, to no avail.So at this point I'm thinking it's the Dell BIOS at fault here, and I'm going to have to dualboot instead of making a multiboot drive.

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Download's Consume Bandwidth, Preventing Internet Browsing?

Nov 27, 2011

When ever I start a download it eats up my internet bandwidth, making browsing a normal web page take forever to load. When I'm not downloading a file i get about 12Mbps down, and 1Mbps up. When i start a download the numbers drop close to 0. The program performing the download seems negligible; whether its chrome, or IE, or a DL manager the download results are the same.This only happens on this computer, running windows 7 ultimate, my laptop running windows 7 is exempt from this problem. no other programs, excluding the download,

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Preventing Installs From Accessing (startmenu, Desktop, Msconfig)?

Feb 18, 2012

These programs have updaters that constantly reinstall themselves and programs. I usually prevent these things from booting in my startup folders, msconfig and the task scheduler. The problem is that when these updaters update programs they reset themselves to start in msconfig etc.Which is ridiculous. I don't ever wan't or need itunes helper. I shouldn't have to constantly disable it as a startup itemAlso, I wan't to prevent programs from ever installing desktop shortcuts or items in my startup folder unless they explicitly ask me. I feel like my computer is constantly being attacked at these location and I need a way to control them:

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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Install .EXE Files / Change Security Feature Preventing Install?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a few small .exe files that I received by e-mail. When I click on them to install the program I get a message saying Windows is preventing running the file for security reasons. I know the file is free of viruses and want to install it. I am told there is a setting somewhere to turn this security feature "off"--I am the only user of my PC and want this annoyance turned off.

I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit on a stand-alone PC with a hardwired Internet connection (no router).

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Preventing Windows 7 From Putting Game Shortcuts In Game Folder?

Jul 10, 2012

When I install a game in Windows 7 and Windows recognizes it it dumps the game's shortcut in the Game folder of the Start Menu. That wouldn't be a problem except Windows 7 prevents the game from creating the shortcuts it would have created had the operating system not been Windows 7- things like the game's Read Me, Uninstaller & Configuration options.

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Sata Drive Recognition Preventing Addition Of 2nd Drive

Dec 8, 2012

Have XP on C drive and looking to install Win 7 on 2nd Sata drive for dual boot. However, when installing a 2nd Sata drive my XP bios identifies it correctly as a Sata drive but my PC Disk management recognises it as a Removeable disk preventing me from installing Win 7. I have tried a couple of different Sata disks with the same result.

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Laptop Won't Recognize Wireless Usb Cos Sierra Wireless Is Preventing

Apr 12, 2012

my new laptop will not recognise telstra broadband usb wireless! i have gone into device manager and then network adaptorsand it has an explanation mark on sierra wireless!!

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Preventing "Users" Folder From Being Shared?

Mar 8, 2010

Ive been using an official release of Win7 before it was even available on the main market (Deal through the science departments of my and other universities) and this problem has been bothering me for a while. Windows 7 INSISTS on sharing my "Users" folder all the time. It states explicitly, when you click on the "What are the public folders?" link within the Network Sharing center in CP, that it wont allow you to immediately share Windows System folders (It mentions the Users folder as being one) or an entire Drive such as C: and it doesn't recommend doing this either. It says this, but it still decides to share the Users folder without asking.

Heres the specifics::I can right click on the Users folder and go to properties and then the sharing tab. It will be listed as Shared. I then go to Advanced Sharing. I go to Permissions and completely Remove "Everyone" from this list and then uncheck Share this folder and hit apply. It successfully becomes unshared and is unlisted on my network.I can then choose another folder such as one on my desktop, in my "My Documents" folder, or something similar, and go to its sharing Tab and choose to share it. Works just fine and only that folder becomes shared and is listed.HOWEVER - If I choose a folder in a location such as those previously mentioned and right click it and go to share with and choose "Homegroup (Read)", it shares my ENTIRE Users directory. Not just that folder.

I want to make it so Users folder NEVER becomes listed on the network EVER unless I explicitly tell it to. This is one of the ways I feel WinXP was better , I didnt do this crap. I do have password protected sharing turned on, yes - and no one will be able to just access it on a wim. But I still am cautious (I connect on campus networks all the time) and granted a little OCD about things doing stuff I didnt request to be done, but I feel like it shouldn't be this hard to make work.On a side note: Im checking it using my laptop to see this happen. The thing is, they both have the same login ID and password (though the computer-name is different). Because of this when I go to open Users on my desktop from my laptop, it doesnt request the PW where as it would if my brother tried it from his desktop. Im thinking maybe the listing of ALL folders under Users is showing up for this reason? But the permissions are set for (Administrators (NAME-PCNAME)) where as my laptop is (NAME-LTNAME) for example. So Im reluctant to think thats part of the reason since I feel it should be differentiating folder list options because of differing computer-name IDs.

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SM Bus Manage And Three USB Errors

Oct 28, 2011

This is my first build so please excuse any greenhorn stuff... My week old ASRock Z68 PROFESSIONAL GEN3 has SM Bus Manager/Controller errors. Just did a fresh build and installed WIN7 64 bit three days ago. Got around to getting other software installed as time allowed at night. Something gave an error alert today and I went checking at device manager to see what it was.

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Getting TCP / IP Restict Errors

Apr 8, 2012

Been having strange connectivity issues as of late, they started about a month ago, and its only now during Easter break that I'm taking the time to tackle them. The problem I'm experiencing is that during online game sessions, I would experience sudden disconnects. Thing is when I only use my browser everything seems fine. The internet connection to my house is pretty stable, nobody else is experiencing the same issues as me when it comes connectivity. I've made sure to run virus checks to see if it was a nasty virus, nothing has been found. Drivers are all up to date as well. So I checked my Event Logs and found this: TCP/IP has chosen to restrict the scale factor due to a network condition. This could be related to a problem in a network device and will cause degraded throughput.

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How To Check For Errors In OS

May 31, 2011

I have a dell lattitude lap top running windows 7. I had picked up a virus that seemed to shake up norton AV. I think I have it settled, but still can not have anyone webex in. Norton did not think this was the virus and suggest I search the OS or whatnot. Before reinstalling Windows 7, is there a program I can run similar to the old scan disk, to check for errors?

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IE Certificate Errors

Dec 24, 2009

I'm running Windows 7 64bit. I regularly access a work website that has a self-signed certificate. I got tired of the warning message that always pops up regarding the untrusted certificate, so I installed the certificate. When I used to run XP, that solved the issue. However, for Windows 7 64-bit, that did not fix the problem.

I've also tried installing the certificate into the "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" store for both my user account and for the computer. That didn't fix it either. Finally, I tried changing the security zone for the site to be in the Trusted Sites list. That also didn't fix the problem.

I find it very irritating that a website that has a "trusted" certificate is giving me a warning message about an untrusted certificate. I wonder if this is related to the Windows 7 64bit driver signing nazi-ism (i.e., you can't load device drivers signed with non-Microsoft certificates, even if you install the certificate). Just for grins, I tried disabling driver signing enforcement, but that didn't change anything either.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Sudden BEX Errors In IE 8

Mar 31, 2012

Crash data:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: iexplore.exe


I haven't downloaded any toolbars, and although this is my wife's computer and she has gotten a couple viruses from visiting hacked blog sites recently ZA Pro caught those immediately so I don't think it's related to this.

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Different BSOD Errors

Aug 29, 2012

i've been having bsod on win 7 for over a week, i have had these problems previously, win 7 32bit to 64bit reinstall worked last time. this time i have tried installing win 8 pro 64bit to separate ssd drive. clean install, also having similar issues. i've started debugging some of the dumps. a few have pointed to avg and the gpu. i uninstalled avg and used driver sweeper to remove video, sound and ethernet drivers. this had only made the bsod take slightly longer to happen. sometimes the are happen under load (utorrent and playing bangbang racing), other time just Internet, and even while idle(just utorrent). i have stress tested the gpu, cpu, and run check on ram and hdd. i am leaning to faulty motherboard but i don't want to fork out for a new one until i cam be 100%.

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