Boot Loop Preventing OS Installation?

Sep 8, 2011

I have been spending the last 2 days trying to reinstall the OS on my Area 51. I had to take out the HDD and reformat it in another PC as I was getting a boot loop that would start right after the "windows is loading files..." screen and then loop back to the Alienware boot screen. So, since then.. I put the HDD back in and unplugged all USB connections, 1394 and everything besides the keyboard and monitor. I was able to get to the OS installation screen and then at the end of the install, the PC restarted and told me that windows has encountered an error and gave me choices to restart in safe mode and on down the list, but no attempt to repair. It did ask me to put the disk back in and boot from the DVD drive, which I did, but it never goes back to the installation.

So, I then took out the battery on the motherboard and put it back (also took out the GPU and put it back in). I was then able to get back to the Windows installation screen, but after the PC had to restart, I ended up back in the same place with the Windows error and safe mode options (none of which work). So, am I looking at an issue with the MIO by chance, the MOBO battery maybe or what? I'm not sure why I'm having these issues while just trying to reinstall the OS on a clean drive.Also, could this be because I'm using 2 x 4GB RipjawsX RAM rather then the triple channel (which I am getting today)? Can I just remove the memory and try to boot without it in? Or is it possible this could be due to the MOBO battery starting to go?

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Boot Configuration Problem Preventing Install

May 4, 2009

I'm attempting to dual boot Windows7x64 7100 with the Vistax64 i currently have installed on my Acer Aspire 5100. I have created a new simple volume partition of 16GB on my drive and have attempted to do a clean install on this drive using the Windows 7 iso DVD I made.

The files are all extracted, updates are installed and everything runs smoothly until after the system has restarted during the installation, launching Windows 7 where it attempts to "finalize" or "complete" installation. The progress bar gradually makes its way towards completion when all of a sudden it tells me that

"Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed."

I have read many forums offering advice on this error with no success for my problem. I have attempted the registry fix with PartMgr, which didn't need to be fixed in the first place and have also attempted installation with Norton Antivirus uninstalled. Each with no success.

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Installation Stuck In Loop

Dec 20, 2012

I'm trying to install Windows 7. I've tried a full format and once it saves files and reboots it doesn't continue further it just starts from the beginning again. The HD has come from another PC that was working. Where can I start?

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Reboot Loop During Installation

Oct 15, 2009

I'm trying to install windows 7 on my laptop through a USB key, but so far I've been unsucessful. What's been happening is that everything goes fine until the installer needs to reboot itself, then the computer reboots, but installation process begins again from the beginning. No error messages or anything like that. I've begun the installation process 3 times now, each time the installer thinks it is installing a new copy.

For reference, I have an IBM Thinkpad T43, and I'm installing Windows 7 Professional.

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'Windows Cannot Complete The Installation' Loop

Aug 17, 2011

My sister has a miniHP 110, which was experiencing virus troubles, so I offered to do a factory restore. I have used that option several times on my regular HP laptop with no issues, but on her's, it's giving me the error message 'Windows cannot complete the installation in safe mode. to continue installing windows, restart the computer.' It goes on in a loop. I've tried booting it in safe mode, but to no avail. I've been playing around with it for a couple of days, and got to the screen where you choose accounts from. It said the account had been disabled, and to check with my administrator. I would go through the trouble of getting a windows 7 disk, but with this version of HPmini, there is no disk drive. I'm at a complete loss, is there anything I can do?

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Windows 7 X64 Installation Loop OOn New Computer

Nov 5, 2011

I have Windows 7 x64 Enterprise installed on a slightly older mother board (Asus MB 775 Intel with 2 GB of RAM) and has worked well for a couple of years or so. I am passing this MB/CPU/RAM combo to my son's computer and have purchased an upgraded MB/CPU/RAM.I've purchased an ASRock H61/U3S3 MB, 2x2GB RAM, Intel i7 2600. In swapping out the MB, I just attempted to plug my hard drive into this MB without doing any installation/upgrade. Unfortunately, when I plugged in the hard drive and turned it on, the computer froze on startup and more specifically, on loading the file CLASSPNP.SYS. So I figured I would have to do a fresh install of Windows. I have an identical hard drive for mirroring and deleted the partition, created new one, formatted, then attempted the reinstall. I began the installation, it copied over all of the files, installed, restarted, then when it was starting it restarted (apparently prematurely). When it restarts after locking up, I receive the error: "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encounter an expected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click 'OK' to restart the computer, and the restart the installation." and so the loop goes on. I've clicked OK many times, but without restarting the installation this error comes up each time. During the final stages of completing the installation of Windows, the computer appears to randomly restart. I'm pretty much stuck and will contact the store that sold me the MB as a last resort.

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Windows 7 Installation Loop At Bootup

Aug 6, 2011

I bought a new pc from, it came in good nic and works fine. I booted up the pc, noticing a very strange lack of any motherboard logos or bios buttons, and proceeded to insatll windows 7. I chose the 64 bit version, I got to the part where it says it is going to restart windows in 5,4,3 etc. It restarted, only for the windows installation to start back at the very first setup screen. I looked at the partitions in custom install and it said that both partitions had installed correctly, my problem was getting to the oncluding install option. I shut down the pc, and took out the windows disc and restarted it. Again no bios options, just a black screen saying "loading operating system" and then "windows did not start correctly" , it took about 20 seconds for the screen to change and then immediately restarted itself taking another 20 seconds? It loaded the windows files and I was releived to get to the final setup screen. After finishing the installation it told me it was going to restart windows, which it did, only for it to reset itself about 3 times, again saying "loading operating system"..... I had a play around with pc, altering the resoluton and stuff, and shut it down for about 5 minutes. When I turned it on it told me "windows did not start correctly" and took me system repair, in which it found a problem and couldn't fix it. The hardware was fine, but it said "a patch stopped the system from starting". It is very hit and miss and sometimes starts normally and sometimes takes me directly into system repair. I managed to get into the bios once by pressing delete rapidly at boot up, and hardrive was selected as priority, so that couldn't be the problem involving windows.

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Windows 7 Stuck In Rebooting Loop During Installation?

Jan 27, 2011

Okay so i have this machine, acer m3100, that originally had windows vista. I tried to do a clean install of windows 7, with an original windows 7 installation cd.Everything would go okay until right after the computer restarts and goes to the part of COMPLETING INSTALLATION. At that moment my screen suddenly flashes with the blue screen of death. i wasnt able to right the error that shows up though. Then the computer restarts and goes to setup devices and right after that an error message appears saying, windows did not complete installation, due to an unexpected restart, restart the computer and restart the installation. If i click okay it will go into an endless loop. Restarting one time after another. So i thought i would install windows vista again. Try to make things the way they were before, but i get the same error. i'm only able to install xp. With XP everything works fine. I do want to be able to install windows 7 though.

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Windows 7 - Restart Loop During Complete Installation / Unexpected Error

Sep 22, 2009

I attempted to install Windows 7 x64 RC version on my new desktop, and about 20 minutes into the "Complete Installation" section my computer crashed for a reason of which I'm not aware (I saw a blue screen with writing for about a second or two before my computer restarted). I now get the following error after windows attempts to "start services":

"Install Windows. The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation".

I've now clicked "OK" about 10 times, with my computer restarting properly each time, and the same error pops up every time.

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Setup Starting Services Loop - No Repair Or Installation Disk

Feb 8, 2012

My laptop Specs below:
Acer Aspire 5742
Intel i5-480M
Intel Graphics

It started when I needed to take the computer back to factory default with a fresh install. It was going back to Acer to have the charger point fixed (charger socket had become loose but still charged when it was held in). I used the control panel interface to reinstall windows, all was going well until the laptop power died, I restarted the laptop and the screen displayed:

"Setup is starting Services" a pop up box then appeared with "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer and then restart installation."

I have searched around the net and found a few guides but most require a repair disc or Installation disk. I have neither. Is there any way of starting the install again? For example from Command Prompt?

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Windows 7 64 Bit Boot Loop?

Nov 24, 2012

I was trying to remove some Malware and trojans on my Grandmas computer and sort of crashed it. I was using iObit and I remember seeing something about a rootkit something or another and boot.img file and I did not remove the file as it had the boot.img file, and thats kind of an important file. Anyways after trying to restore and completely reformatting the rd drive, I've had no luck getting the computer past the Windows Splash screen without getting restart windows normally or windows repair options.

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How To Fix Windows 7 Boot Loop

Sep 24, 2012

I used to think I was pretty decent at computer stuffs until a couple of days ago.I sold my old ATX mobo and replaced it with an ASRock M-ITX motherboard because I wanted a smaller system.However, I didn't really know that I had to delete the old mobo drivers before setting up a new rig. Upon pushing the power button, I am greeted with a black screen stating that W7 can't boot properly. If I press "Start Windows normally" it bootloops. Thus, I downloaded Hiren's boot cd and followed the instructions from this thread:


I've found the Fix HDD controller program, but my 500GB HDD (which stores my W7) is not recognized. It is recognized in the UEFI BIOS, but not in miniXP.

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Startup Repair Boot Loop?

Dec 26, 2011

I get into startup repair everytime i boot my pc which is never successful. I am definitely goin to explain it in detail but dis is basic problem nd plz dont mind typing coz m typing fast on iphone which may cause errors in typing!Yesterday,i used my pc for 7-8 hrs continuosly which is not big deal but due to it i can't figure out my action which caused problem. I kept it on for downloading at night nd when in morning i got boot screen which comes when pc is directly turned off. I did Start Windows Normally nd i got usual windows 7 loading animation for a secong nd den it started startup repair after that everytime i boot it takes me to startup repair resulting in continuos failure. I hv googled nd found many threads but none matched my exact one. Startup infinity loop didn't work. Below r given few conclusions nd obstacles-1.) i can't get into advanced boot options using F8. But i can get into recovery menu using install dvd nd view advanced options frm startup repair.

2.) System restore din't work. I mean its not successful in restoring.3.) bootrec.exe didnt work4.) imp point to be noted is my last update was on 23 dec while pc worked fine on 24 th & 25th dec means dont knw wat happened 25th night that caused this problem on 26th morning.5.) sfc/scannow says "a startup repair is left to be completed." it says to complete that first then use sfc/scannow.6.) chkdsk results in last line saying failed to transfer log......7.) i also get a report like many others about that problem signature.8.) repair install not possible coz windows can't start only.9.)i hv made a backup using cmd but is there any way without clean install?

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Windows 7 64 Bit Machine Stuck In Boot Loop

May 24, 2011

I have a windows 7 pro 64 bit HP desktop computer that will not load windows. I have tried safemode, safemode w/ networking, and last know good config. I've run startup repair both from windowsRE and an original windows 7 pro disk. I have attempted multiple system restores (non destructive) to a number of different dates. The system restores say that they work but the machine still loops.

I know it's just some small windows corruption. I would have no trouble backing up my files with a linux distribution live flash drive and restoring the OS but I REALLY don't want to do that. How can I identify and repair the problem without starting from scratch. I'm familiar with msdos cli, but don't know which commands (if any) will help. I also don't know of any live CD's/ tools that will allow me to fix this problem. My problem here is simply lack of information.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Caught In Recovery Loop

Dec 23, 2011

I was in the middle of reinstalling Windows 7 and the power went out. The computer Dell Inspiron 1440 is caught in a continuous loop. I have 3 options to choose from when I power up the computer:

Windows 7
Windows RollBack and
Another Windows 7.

Regardless of what option I choose (I tried all 3) it goes to a second screen where I have 2 options: Launch Start up repair or start windows normally. Regardless of which of those options I choose it goes back to the first 3 choices (Windows 7 Windows Roll setup rollback or Windows 7). I can't make any progress. I have tried booting from safe mode (F8) and it still will not boot. It blinks safe mode for a few seconds then reboots and goes through the same continuous loop.

I am trying to boot from the CD; I am using an external CD drive as the internal drive does not work properly. The boot sequence it set to the CD drive first. I have tried everything I can think of and I have been searching the internet for days and I cannot figure out how to get this system back up. I do not care if I lose everything on the drive. MI have all the discs from Dell.

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STOP & Boot Loop At Random Times

Jan 21, 2012

Something similar has happened before (about half a year ago) but it got fixed when I did a system repair through command promt, until these few days...the loop came back again, sometimes it would boot like normal, at times it would get stuck or it'll go into a "checking file system" screen. It first started when I was browsing the web like usual, the comp suddenly froze and popped out a blue screen, it was too quick for me to capture it tho...In the past few days its gotten the BSOD a few times ive managed to take down a couple of the STOP codes 0x0000003D and 0x0000003B, im sure Ive gotten other ones too but i only remembered these 2.I've tried system repair & restore and command prompt but none worked...i have no idea whats wrong (hardware or software?) so im hoping someone can help me find a permanent fix if possible?

I have attached the dumb files through jcgriff2.Im using a Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit which my friend installed for me so i could use the 4gb ram i had. It used to be Windows 7 Home Edition 32 bit.My system is about 3-4yrs old now and OS is about 2yrs old i think.

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BIOS Boot Loop, Error When Try To Re-install

Feb 21, 2012

I have a laptop with Windows 7 x64, I re-partitioned my drive in Disk Management (shrink) and now my system won't boot.

Here is what happens:

1. Acer Splash Screen
2. Small blinking cursor.
3. Rinse, repeat (Acer screen again!)

When I try to boot from Windows 7 DVD, I get CDBOOT: Could not find BOOTMGR.

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Windows 7 OS In Boot Loop Wont TSart

Sep 4, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate on a HP Pavilion M9080N. About a week ago the computer went into a Startup Repair loop and Windows would not start. The message I kept on getting was "Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically". I performed numerous system restores back to the first restore point, but it stil went into the Startup Repair loop. One of the lines in the Repair details said "Root cause found: Boot critical file C:Windowssystem32driversatapi.sys is corrupt. and another said "Root cause found: Boot critical file C:ataport.SYS is corrupt. I tried replacing it with a good file from the Windows 7 install disc by going into command prompt and typing "copy X:WindowsSystem32Driversacpi.sys C:WindowsSystem32Driversacpi.sys" and copy X:WindowsSystem32Driversapaport.sys C:WindowsSystem32Driversapaport.sys I now get the OS restart loop without actually starting. When I restart with the Windows 7 with the install disc it continually searches for the problem and seems to fix it but when I restart it goes back to the OS restart loop without actually starting.

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Windows 7 / Mac OS X Dual Boot - Endless Loop

Nov 16, 2010

How To: Dual Boot Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Windows 7 on a PC. Now I have the usb stick all set up perfectly and I know it works because it begins to boot. unfortunately it does begin and says Darwin for a split second but then it resets to the HP logo and restarts again. I am able to switch the directory to boot from so my Windows 7 side is unaffected. But I cannot get the OSX side to start. I have been able before I choose the boot site to have on the bottom like a command prompt it seems like where it just says BOOT: and I can type what ever I like into it.

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Dell / Windows 7 Stuck In Infinite Boot Loop?

Jun 16, 2011

A Dell Inspiron E1705, w/ 2x2gb mem, 500 gb hd, ATI Radeon x1400 vid and Win 7.There were no Dell drivers or programs and the system BIOS was ver A01. Checking the Dell website against the Service Tag, I found 22 drivers and programs specific to the computer. Most of them ran and installed under Win 7 with no trouble. The last one was the bios flash utility program to update the bios to ver A10. The bios flashed, seemed to go ok. But on system reboot, after the initial screem about resetting the memory sticks, the computer is stuck in an infinite reboot loop.It loads the initial POST screen, completes the POST, seeks for its boot device and when it finds and starts to access the installed HD it reboots. I have reset all the bios settings to factory default settings. I have pulled the system battery and "cleared the cmos", but no joy there. I have created a bootable usb flash drive with another Dell laptop, and the computer will boot from that. I have other bootable cd's, and the computer will boot from them. I can use the bootable cd's to determine that the programs they run (freeware backup programs and a copy of bart pe) can access the installed hd,and see the files there, so the installed hd is intact. But i still can't get the computer to boot from it.My first thought was to reinstall the ver A01 bios, but it would not complete the process and remained at ver .A10. I was able to flash bios A09, and then A07, etc, all the way back to ver A04. But after that I could go back no further, A02 and A01 flash utilities returned an error message. If I found some compatible mem sticks and a smaller hd, installed them, could I reflash bios ver A02 or A01? Would that do me any good? (I have 2 x 256 mg mem sticks from a dell inspiron 5100 which I upgraded to 2x1gb, and a 40 gb 2.5in hd that also came out of the 5100, so I could use those parts in the e1705 to reflash the earlier bios)

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Windows Stuck In Boot Loop / Safemode Included

Oct 11, 2011

i installed LibUSB-Win32- drivers so i could use iRecovery on my iPhone,on completion of installation of LibUSB my keyboard and mouse turned off, well all of my USB was disabled. so i was forced to restart, sadly same thing, login screen no keyboard or mouse, i tried in safemode, same thing. however my keyboard works in CMOS and BIOS so i know its a OS issue. and this only happened when i installled LIBUSB, i looked it up and tried manually removing LibUSB using the Win7 setup disks command prompt. i deleted LibUSB0.sys out of Windows/Systen32/Drivers so that LibUSB wont be called upon during start up, however doing this has now meant my PC will reboot after loading Windows even in safemode, the Starting Windows screen appears. fades and riight before it goes to the login screen it restarts, Safemode too. i have no Restore points and i cannot and i mean Cannot Format this harddisk, its not backed up and i have over 400GB of data i absolutely NEED.Im so stuck its not funny i have no idea what to do to get windows booting again and without this silly LibUSB stuff! i dont have aany PS./2 Ports on my mobo either!, what can i do >? Please ive asked everywhere and no one knows what i can do except reformat.

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System Stuck In Boot Loop In Safe Mode

Jul 23, 2012

My system is stuck in a boot loop while booting in safe mode,I was updating the drivers on my video card. I used driver cleaner pro to remove my old drivers. I then used msconfig to boot in safe mode with the minimal option selected. When the computer reboots I get to the screen to type in my password for 5 seconds an the computer reboots itself.

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Formatted HD / Infinite Boot Loop - BootMGR Missing

Jun 4, 2012

Basically what originally happened was that I tried installing windows 7 off of my hard drive and during the "completing installation" phase the computer lost power and was shut down. Turning the computer back on iIhad a screen which said something of the likes of set up is starting. From then on I was in a infinite boot loop where it would give me a set up screen and restart. I desperately needed to backup my files which I did not bother to do so.

I used my secondary desktop running vista, plugged in my other hard drive and backed up all my files successfully. I thought I would format the disk since I was done backing up all my data and I would go right on ahead and install a fresh windows 7 via the CD. I go into bios and set the windows CD to boot and I unplug my vista hard drive and leave only the formatted 1TB HD plugged in. And now I get the "BOOTMGR is missing" error. As I have read it's due to deleting everything off the hard drive including the...bootmanager.

Now with the tools that I hold (mobo with bios access, windows 7 installation CD, another hard drive with Vista). How shall I go about getting my hard drive ready to install a fresh copy of windows 7. I have the retail cd, I have another HD with vista if needed, and I have the clean hard drive which i would wish to install windows 7. I set my bios to boot via the CD first and put in the disc and let it work it's magic, I would like to point out that it still gives me a BOOTMGR error. It asks me to press a key to load from the CD and then I get the error that I know is coming.

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Refurbished Asus G74sx Is Stuck In A Boot-up Loop

Oct 29, 2012

My refurbished Asus g74sx is stuck in a boot-up loop. Because it is refurbished I have no back up discs. I have tried all the advanced boot options with zero success or headway. It has been suggested that I may have corrupted windows files, but I lack the funding to pay for a new disc or professional tech support When I run start up repair the I get a Problem signature reading Problem Signature 04: -1?

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Windows 7 Boot To Safe Mode - Now Stuck In Reboot Loop

Oct 13, 2011

I have windows 7 home premium 32 bit dell laptop. Lately, it takes more than 10 minutes before it boots before the windows logo appears). From there the computer works normally. I got a suggestion to check for malwares or viruses so that is what I did. I started by going to msconfig and edited the boot options to start automatically to safe mode with networking, then rebooted my system. After booting, it loaded up the initial screen of safe mode, but then it restarted by itself.

I am now stuck on this reboot loop going into safe mode, it won't even let me go back to normal mode. I went to startup repair, but it didn't find anything, so had to reboot again onto the same situation. I have searched for possible answers, and the best that I could get was to remove the safe boot options and go back to normal mode. The syntax to type was bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safe boot but it didn't work, same with bcdedit /deletevalue safe boot.

I am getting this : "An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified data element. Element not found."

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Laptop Stuck In Boot Loop - Can't Enter Safe Mode

Sep 22, 2012

i just bought an asus u31s laptop a couple of weeks ago for school and all was great until today. it suddenly crashed and gave bsod. i was just on Internet or something, nothing special, but it had been running for a few hours. so now it won't boot up, it simply reboots constantly. i can't even get into safe mode. bios i can get into, but i'm unable to do anything, since it appears to freeze, when i get in there.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Infinite Loop

Dec 14, 2012

I have the Asus A55A EB71 (although I can't find it on Asus website itself, probably known under another name) So long story short, this is what I did that is causing my current problem:

F8 Boot, repair mode, restarted during the middle of "loading files" (yes, I know, bad idea) If I try the safe modes or repair, it says windows is loading files, then it says to repair etc etc (recommended), and start windows normally. Start windows normally sends me to Reboot and select rproper boot device.

Anyway, I get the reboot and select proper boot device screen. I checked BIOS, boot option 1 = "windows boot manager...", #2 = dvd, so not boot option priority issue I tried F9 Boot (to do this: URL], however, only option is Windows 7, and windows memory diagnostic.

The laptop did not come with a recovery disk, nor did I make one. I had a system restore file on an external hard drive, but I just formatted the drive today for a Mac thinking, "hey, I never have those problems, I'll just make a system restore when I get home."

What can I do? It's a relatively new laptop so i can factory reinstall, although I dont know how. I tried this: [URL], but there is no recover windows to entire HD option.

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String Of Errors Preventing From Doing Anything?

Apr 26, 2012

It has Windows 7 SP1 installed on it, when I try to start it up regular it haults right after the windows load screen and bsods, if I try to start it up in recovery, or any safe mode it starts up to a black screen with a cursor and will sit there for hours, and if I try to put a windows 7 disk in and start up from that it loads the files and then haults with a black screen and cursor. I have insured that everything is properly connected that could come loose to no avail and have pretty much expended every option that I have available to me.

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How To Know The Program That Preventing From Shutting Down

Sep 19, 2012

how to know the program that preventing from shutting down

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A Patch Is Preventing The System From Starting

Jan 2, 2013

Windows 7 machine says a patch is preventing the system from starting. There are no system restore points either. System restore error code 0x0.

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Hard Drive Preventing Booting

Oct 19, 2012

My friend asked me to fix her laptop, which has been failing to boot, getting as far as the blue Windows 7 login screen then hanging. The login UI doesn't load, it's just the blue background.I tried to re-install Windows from the boot disc, but when I put in the disc, I wasn't able to boot from it. Instead the computer booted from the hard-drive again and hung at the same place. This is after changing the boot priority in the BIOS.Since the laptop is out of warranty, and is to all intents and purposes a brick, I removed the Hard-drive, and connected it to my computer to see if I could reformat the drive from there. The thing that has really puzzled me though, is that my computer wouldn't boot when this hard drive was attached, despite running fine before I attached the drive, and after I removed it.

Which leads me to think there's possibly a really malicious virus or something on the drive, which makes it the default boot device, despite having a corrupted operating system installed that won't boot.

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