Storing A String Of Characters Under One Key?

Sep 10, 2011

I have a few tediously long character strings which I frequently need to type - can I store them under a single key so that they are available in any application?

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Storing Data On A Drive?

Aug 15, 2012

August issue 2012 of The Costco Connection it states " When using a high-capacity hard drive, it's best to create a complete copy of your computer. That way, if your computer whirs its final whir, you can restore your exact working environment onto a replacement computer". Am I expecting too much to think if my computer takes a dump that all I have to do to restore my computer completely is upload all the info on the external hard drive? Is this a mirror back up of my computer? If I had to format the hard drive will everything be normal after recalling the info from the external hard drive?

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Storing Email From Windows Live

Oct 13, 2011

In Outlook Express I was able to save desired email to a folder on my C Drive, as well as put it in the left-pane set of Outlook folders. But they had to be emptied on occasion (I saved a lot of email)But in Windows 7,

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Storing External Hard Drive In A Safe?

Oct 16, 2011

I'm planning to buy an external hard drive to back up some of my files. I have also considered some good measures on keeping my back in a good location. I have seen that a lot of stores carry safes for the storage of what ever is important. Is it okay to store an external hard drive along with other digital media in a safe? Will the external drive wear down with it being in such an enclosed place?

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String Of Errors Preventing From Doing Anything?

Apr 26, 2012

It has Windows 7 SP1 installed on it, when I try to start it up regular it haults right after the windows load screen and bsods, if I try to start it up in recovery, or any safe mode it starts up to a black screen with a cursor and will sit there for hours, and if I try to put a windows 7 disk in and start up from that it loads the files and then haults with a black screen and cursor. I have insured that everything is properly connected that could come loose to no avail and have pretty much expended every option that I have available to me.

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Invalid Class String?

Apr 8, 2012

I have an awesome fan app (FAN Xpert) that I have been using on my Rampage IV Rig. I recently did a re-install of Win 7 (about a week ago) and it has yet to run. It actually is part of suite of utilities that comes bundled with ASUS Mobo's. I have installed it a number of times in the past and have never had any problems. First thing I did was uninstall and re-install I used Revo Uninstaller in safe mode. The problem re-occurred so I then did a regular uninstall.Next I ran SFC.I got a bunch of errors (11) that were all Explorer.exe based. I then replaced Explorer with a fresh copy from the Windows 7 DVD. still Class not recognized. I don't use any of those Registry repair utilities as I have found them to be more detrimental then helpful. So far I have had no problems with any other Apps.

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Attributing String Of Character?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I attribute string of characters to a function key or a combings of ALT + Key

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Why Is Windows 7 Storing ISO Files In Virtual-store Folder

Nov 13, 2009

I'm using DVD Shrink to make iso's from DVD's and I've noticed that my ISO files are being stored in the VirtualStore folder. The file is fine and I can burn it back to DVD w/ no issues just strange how it doesn't store it in my root c: directory.

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How To Search For Test String Within PDF Files

Feb 26, 2011

I recently switched from XP to 7. Using XP, when I did a search for a test string, it would search within .pdf files. Now, using Win 7, it does not. It does search within .txt and .doc files, but not within .PDF files. This is a major pain-in-the-butt for me, since I have a lot of important data in .PDF file.

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Adding A String Value To The Registry With A .reg File?

Jan 31, 2013

I can't seem to get this to work: Code :Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeBlahBlah]"Installed Path"="BlahBlahBlah" If I delete the key and run the reg file, it recreates it, but it won't create the "Installed Path" string value. I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I can't imagine what since I'm using the same format that I've seen everywhere online. Running Windows 7 64-bit.

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Windows 7 Taking Unwanted Images And Storing Them In Pictures Library

May 13, 2011

I have noticed that my computer is taking images from the internet and saving them in my 'Pictures Library'. I have also noticed that most of the images saved are from websites I have visited. There are hundreds and hundreds of these images stored in my Picture Library folders. I need to know how to remove them and how to stop the programme that's creating them in the first place.

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Convert Output To A String In Batch Script

Mar 5, 2012

I am trying to run a dsget group cmd to view members of an AD group, then try and do a look up of that user and compare the logged in user to the output of the list. Need some help writing that script.I know this is not exactly a windows 7 question, but not sure what category this would belong too.

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Edit The Registry By Adding New Multi-string Values?

Oct 1, 2012

I am trying to fix an issue i am having, involving midi control through usb on win 7 64 bit, i think ive finally found a fix, but i am to inexperienced with using the registry editor to do it. Here it is (I edited the registry in the entries for 4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318. There I added a new Multi-String Value "UpperFilters" with data "ksthunk". it pertains to the sound and video game controllers that you can access through the control panel, but i need to be able to find that registry entry(4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318) and then add a new multi-string value(upperfilters) with data ksthunk.

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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Storing Data On Data Drive?

Jun 2, 2011

forum i have a question. I have a kingston 30 gb ssd i use as my windows drive, and a 750 gb wd hdd for data/game storage. I have heard that you can ghost a file on the data drive into the x86 folder so that all new installs go there and then you still recieve most of the benefits of your ssd w/o clogging it up. I have an amd based system (dont know if that matters or not)

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Non-unicode Characters

May 8, 2009

I successfully installed Windows 7 RC 7100 as a second OS in addition to XP Pro. I never had Vista, so this system is totally new to me. My questions:

- I have a problem with a correct codepage for non-unicode characters in russian language. In XP there was a special setting that allowed to select the proper language to show non-unicode characters under Regional settings. Will russian LIP or MUI solve this ? BTW, whats the difference between them? If I prefer to have english menus, what do I need to get?

- I installed Windows 7 to the separate drive. During installation I had some known problems with my bad memory sticks and had a BSOD. I changed them and Windows 7 was installed successfully. Now I have to change boot sequence in BIOS to switch between XP and Windows 7. Is it a way to edit boot.ini on XP to include Windows 7?

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Special Characters Instead Of Alphabet?

Oct 8, 2011

Strange problem about a month ago maybe once every 4 to 10 days the PC boots up and all the characters are strange, instead of the usual alpabet they are spercial characters. I do a system restore and all is fine. If anyone has any thoughts on this as how to solve this short of reloading windows. I included a screen shot to help with understanding what happens.

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Japanese Characters Do Not Always Show?

Dec 12, 2011

About 1/3 of the time Japanese characters in filenames, itunes, etc do not show. They show the square boxes. The characters show in the internet browser all of the time. Restarting the computer makes them work again.I can turn off my computer, turn it on the next day, and they will work. Then I can turn it off, turn it on the day after that, and they won't work again.Also, in the volume mixer, applications have the same squares at the end of the word

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Customize Special Characters Map?

Feb 25, 2012

I am trying to customize special characters map and make a list of favorites to use (just like mac characters viewer). Is this possible ? it is a pain to keep scrolling through the characters when I have to use them constantly in different applications (word, excel, indesign, etc.

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Rip Cd Japanese Characters In Title?

May 15, 2012

how do i prevent this?

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Keyboard Characters Are Mixed Up?

Jun 30, 2012

when i press question mark it shows the plus sign and all character functions are mixed up.. i tried pressing the CTRL and SHIFT but no justice.

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Wrong Characters Being Displayed

Sep 24, 2012

I have a Toshiba laptop running windows 7.The keyboard all of a sudden is not working well. when i press a character it brings something else. some keys are working well but others are displaying wrong characters liker 'r' and 'f' displays '[f' 'y' displays 'hy' etc

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White Box With Different Characters Overlaying Desktop?

Oct 24, 2011

For the past two weeks I have had a strange white box overlay my desktop. I see nothing in task manager that is associated with it. I killed every process that I could and it is still there. Reboot doesn't help. I have Norton and Windows Defender, neither show any spyware or virus. I have run msconfig and disabled everything in startup with no luck. It appears about 2 minutes after logging in. I've watched the task manager as it appears and there are no new tasks that show up when it appears. If I alt-tab it goes away, other than that it is always there and always on top of any program I open. I've tried every display setting I can think to try.

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Japanese Characters Not Displayed In Windows 7?

Jan 6, 2012

[URL] But I couldnt write in that thread. It was closed for some reason.

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Unprintable Characters In File Name / How To Rename

May 11, 2011

I have a bunch of files/folders that were recovered from a failed disk drive. Some 80% of the files are good but many are named with characters outside the standard ANSI set. I am unable to rename the files or delete them using standard Windows commands.

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Strange Characters While Typing In Word

Oct 11, 2011

I recently bought a new Asus laptop with Intel I5, Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64 bit installed. Using Microsoft Office 2003 Professional, I get intermittent errors while typing. Mostly with the? key and the ' key. Occasionally it will show a peculiar character and the only way I can avoid it is to find another ? I typed in the document prior to the error and cut and paste it in.I also updated to Office Professional Edition 2010 with the same results.

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How To Search For Special Characters In Windows 7

Jun 28, 2011

I am puzzled by how to search for special characters in W7. I have some files that start with the Greek letter t I don't seem to find a way to make WS recognize characters like these for searches. When I type get no results at all. I have already tried with the advanced query filename:without getting any results.When I use Total Commander for searching for et all the results I am looking for, and I know that all these files are included in the Windows Search Index because they can be found if using some other parts of the file name, like for example searching for torrent it finds files with the name torrent.

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Keyboard Typing Incorrect Characters

Oct 31, 2011

. My "3edc" keys are typing incorrect characters. They display different items each time I press the keys. I replaced the keyboard and it solved the problem for a few weeks, then the same problem returned. I do not have the original Windows CD. Moderator note: Log removed and topic moved BACK to Windows 7. In this topic: (url)member was told that the problem is not malware related and instructed to post in the Windows 7 forum OR External Hardware.

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Display CHINESE Characters In Programs?

Jun 2, 2009

i installed the chinese language pack through the update, and changed the setting of "non-unicode" program in regional settings to chinese. yet when i open windows media player, all my chinese songs are in symbols.

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Remove Last Seven Characters From Multiple Filenames?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a bunch of documents in a data base, all associated with TIFF images, and all having unique DOCIDs. When I batch-print several of the TIFFs to PDFs, the stupid program, instead of just naming them by their DOCIDs, appends a seven-digit serial number to the DOCID, thus: ABCD0000789 --> ABCD00007891234567.PDF I want to delete those last seven digits before the dot.

I know there are free utilities that make this stuff easy, but I'm at work, where I'm not allowed to install programs; so I have to use native DOS or Windows 7 functions. I'm sure it can be done quickly and easily with the REN command in a DOS window, but I don't know how to identify the last seven digits for REN and tell it to delete them.

Unfortunately, what comes before the last seven digits is variable--it's always some letters followed by some numerals, but the number of each can vary, there might be a hyphen or a space among the letters, and there might be a space between the letters and the numerals; so I can't just tell DOS to delete everything after the first n digits, which I gather would be easier.

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Asian Characters Not Consistently Showing?

Jan 30, 2010

I have this weird problem where my computer will sometimes show Asian characters (Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc.) and sometimes it'll show them as blocks. It's really annoying because I can't see what the song names are in iTunes and some of my folders in Chinese are just blocks. I've already tried installing the language packs but that didn't help. I've also asked this on Microsoft's forum but they didn't help much either. I can see the fonts clearly on webpages and I can type in Chinese perfectly but I can't see the characters in places like folder names, file names, etc. I currently run Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

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