Windows 7 Taking Unwanted Images And Storing Them In Pictures Library

May 13, 2011

I have noticed that my computer is taking images from the internet and saving them in my 'Pictures Library'. I have also noticed that most of the images saved are from websites I have visited. There are hundreds and hundreds of these images stored in my Picture Library folders. I need to know how to remove them and how to stop the programme that's creating them in the first place.

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Documents Library In Windows 7 No Longer Working ( Music + Pictures +

Jan 14, 2013

i have an issues with my library file my library its looking like this and i cant open it !and there is no " users "folder in the c:

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New Items Vanish From Pictures Library

Jan 12, 2011

I keep my photos in the Windows 7 Pictures Library on my laptop. The library is copied to a portable hard drive.

I recently collected some new photos on the portable drive and later dragged them to the corresponding folder on the computer. All OK until the computer was rebooted, when the new photos apparently vanished from the folder. A search showed that they were still there, and they became visible when the folder was dragged to the desktop. But they vanished again when it was replaced in the library.

I deleted the whole folder from the library and replaced it with the copy on the portable drive. All was well, including the new photos. But further photos imported from the portable drive still vanish as described.

This only seems to happen with the hard drive: individual photos imported from an SD card or copied to the library from other applications are OK.

Maybe I'll just have to collect new photos in a different way, or import the whole folder each time, but I'd be grateful for advice.

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Deleting A Folder With No Path In Pictures Library?

Mar 4, 2012

I just loaded Win 7 pro and in my pictures library I have a folder path that goes to no where. It was a folder in my external drive that no longer exists . The problem is when I tried to do a back up it failed and said it was because the folder path was missing. I tried to delete the folder but it will not let me.

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Images In My Pictures Folder Getting Dark (Tinted Brown)?

Mar 9, 2011

I downloaded some microsoft updates and all the pictures in my picture file are tinted brown. Is there a cure?

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Document Folder Found In Pictures Library - Could Not Access?

May 30, 2012

My mother just told me about a problem she's been having accessing her documents folder. I looked into it and could not access anything from the documents library. This is the error I get when I try to open the library: But I found the documents folder in the Pictures library: It won't let me put the documents folders back in the library. How can I do this?

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Pictures.library-ms Is No Longer Working Error Message

Mar 1, 2009

I had the Pictures library no longer working error happen yesterday, it's still the same today.

Is there an 'easy-to-follow' cure for this, as I'm puzzled as to where my imported pictures will go when I next transfer pics from my digital camera?

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Missing Pictures In Library - Folder Showing 0 Bytes

Apr 1, 2012

Some picts in my library have gone missing, sort of. One of the folders holds 11 subfolders and the picts in these don't show. The folders show 0 bytes. If I open Kodak Easyshare these picts show for a split second so I know they are somewhere. What can I do to restore them to the original location?

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Property "Title" In Pictures Folder/library: More Than One Tag Read?

Dec 25, 2011

On various pictures, I've seen it read the XMP "Title" tag, the EXIF "Description" or "User Comment" tag, the IPTC "Caption" tag, even Keywords or Sub-categories.

So my question is, what's the limit to it all? I would think that "Title" would only display a metadata tag with a similar name, like XMP DublinCore Title, or, if it could only find its IPTC counterpart in a file, Fixture Identifier. I suppose that when you don't give yourselves all that much space to work with, as is the case with the bottom panel of a Windows 7 Explorer window, doubling- and tripling-up like this can be considered practical. Maybe I haven't looked far & wide enough. All the same, I think that a tooltip or some easily-gotten-at description of the fields in that bottom 3/5 of the window would be more than enough to satisfy one's curiosity.

I won't add mischief to misery and ask "Why was this done?" as I've already partly come up with a reasonable answer myself (available space within the bounds of the window). I'll just ask if anyone else has been curious about this, and if so, invite them to comment here on this thread.

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"pictures.library-ms" Is No Longer Working?

Dec 6, 2010

et me start off with saying I know next to nothing about computers but googled my problem and was lead to this site. I received this message while trying to access my picture library."pictures.library-ms" is no longer working. This library can be safely deleted from your computer. Folders that have been included will not be affected.

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Storing Email From Windows Live

Oct 13, 2011

In Outlook Express I was able to save desired email to a folder on my C Drive, as well as put it in the left-pane set of Outlook folders. But they had to be emptied on occasion (I saved a lot of email)But in Windows 7,

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Set Large Images As Defult Setting When Browsing For Images?

Sep 12, 2011

Using an image posting website and I've recently updated to windows 7. I used to be able to have my images come up as thumbnails without having to Right Click > View > Large Icons everytime. Also I used to have filmstrip's where prob isUploaded with ImageShack.usevery time i go to upload a picture it comes up as a list.Now when I explore the folder via Desktop > b > Girls the images come up as thumbnails as i've set it for all folders already. How can I set it for when I'm in IE and uploading?

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Why Is Windows 7 Storing ISO Files In Virtual-store Folder

Nov 13, 2009

I'm using DVD Shrink to make iso's from DVD's and I've noticed that my ISO files are being stored in the VirtualStore folder. The file is fine and I can burn it back to DVD w/ no issues just strange how it doesn't store it in my root c: directory.

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Storing Data On A Drive?

Aug 15, 2012

August issue 2012 of The Costco Connection it states " When using a high-capacity hard drive, it's best to create a complete copy of your computer. That way, if your computer whirs its final whir, you can restore your exact working environment onto a replacement computer". Am I expecting too much to think if my computer takes a dump that all I have to do to restore my computer completely is upload all the info on the external hard drive? Is this a mirror back up of my computer? If I had to format the hard drive will everything be normal after recalling the info from the external hard drive?

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Storing A String Of Characters Under One Key?

Sep 10, 2011

I have a few tediously long character strings which I frequently need to type - can I store them under a single key so that they are available in any application?

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Storing External Hard Drive In A Safe?

Oct 16, 2011

I'm planning to buy an external hard drive to back up some of my files. I have also considered some good measures on keeping my back in a good location. I have seen that a lot of stores carry safes for the storage of what ever is important. Is it okay to store an external hard drive along with other digital media in a safe? Will the external drive wear down with it being in such an enclosed place?

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Imported Pictures Using Picasa 3 - The Pictures Became Grey Boxes?

May 23, 2011

I imported my photos from my SDCard to my PC using Picasa 3, and everything was going smoothly... until I tried to take a look at the photos! all of the photos that I've imported using this method for some reason all became greyed out! Viewing them on Picasa3, all you can see is a grey rectangle, in place of the photos. However, when using the windows explorer folder, i can see that the photos were imported correctly (it's not just a grey box, but the actual photos), but when I try to open it (using any program: Paint, Picasa3, etc), it is still a grey rectangle instead of the photos. I tried to upload the image and send it via email, and I get the same result.In my mistake, I chose to "delete the uploaded photos after uploading"'s my vacation photos from Croatia I'm not sure if there were any errors when I imported it... i stepped out for a bit while I was waiting for it to import. I looked around my SD card, and looked at the "Lost.dir" folder, and copied all of what's in there.I did use Glarysoft to recover the images, and I'm using a Windows 7 laptop as my computer. Also, are there other alternatives? I did save the lost.dir with all of the photo files in it, both in my SD Card, and on my laptop.

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"Unable To Create The New File 'New Library.library-ms' File System Error: (16389)"

Feb 7, 2011

We recently installed Yahoo messenger and suddenly the Library folder isn't showing any folders/files under the Administrator account. When I go to create a new Library it reads the following error message: "Unable to create the new file 'New Library.library-ms' File System Error: (16389)." Not only is the library no longer accessible, but I cannot access any of the Music, Pictures or Documents from the Start Menu.I am only able to access the folders using the search bar by selecting "User Name" from the drop down box, then suddenly everything's there. It will not allow me to drag/drop anything into the Library folder or even create a new one.

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When Look At Pictures In A Folder And Arrange By Day See Three Pictures

Jan 9, 2011

Why is it when you look at pictures in a folder and arrange by day you see three pictures.

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Unwanted Windows Live Messenger?

Aug 21, 2010

When I boot up W7 Home Premium I always get the Windows Live Messenger log-in panel.

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Unwanted Japanese Characters Appear In Windows Media Player

Jan 1, 2012

Ripping CD's - Lately I've been having a problem with WMP giving some track titles in Japanese characters instead of English - what's going on? How can I stop this?? Is there some setting? Now it seems to have changed a lot of titles in the library.

(FWIW it may have begun when I ripped a Japanese music CD, which appeared in WMP in characters.)

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Unwanted Japanese Characters Appear In Windows Media Player?

May 18, 2012

I recently had to restore my computer back to the shop settings and when I was done, my windows media player suddenly turned Japanese?

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Unwanted Japanese Characters Appear In Windows Media Player?

Jun 8, 2012

When I insert a cd into Windows Media Player the album and track info comes up in Japanese.

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Windows Explorer Automatically Creates Unwanted Folders Who Can't Recognize

Mar 4, 2011

I have a problem with the folders in windows explorer in windows 7.Often windows explorer automatically creates unwanted folders who I cant recognize. Often some folders have been splitted in 2 or more folders. One example is that it had been created 2 folders of my "bon jovi"-folder. One of them has the original name "bon jovi" and the new folder has the name "jon bon jovi". Strange behaviour by windows explorer.Or just one file is saved in a folder and a subfolder, which have names based on the files name, often the artist and album. If I download one file, I want it saved in "my music"-folder "bare", not hidden in 1 or 2 folders.Suddenly, after 15 mins or so, a lot of new unwanted folders appeared in "my music" with subfolders and just one mp3-file. The new folders were created just some minutes ago. The numbers of folders in "my music" has increased much.Many of the mp3-files are downloaded from dc++, but the settings in dc++ is correct. The files are saved in "my music"-folder.Ive tried to change the foldersettings in windows explorer, f.ex organise -> reset folders, but it doesnt help

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit - Unwanted Dual Boot?

Jan 3, 2012

I am running Windows 7 home premium 64bit. When the notebook boots up, I get two options: Windows XP Pro 64bit 2003 setup and/or Windows 7. How I could remove the unwanted Windows XP boot? which is the {identifier} of Windows XP Pro 64bit 2003 that I should delete?in MS-DOS command: bcdedit/enum I found

"Boot Manager"
resumeobject {7ef9cf4c-22d�-11e1-9497-c3b9ceb2d7b8}
"BOOT Loader"
recoverysequence {7ef9cf4e-22d�-11e1-9497-c3b9ceb2d7b8}
resumeobject {7ef9cf4c-22d�-11e1-9497-c3b9ceb2d7b8}


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Storing Data On Data Drive?

Jun 2, 2011

forum i have a question. I have a kingston 30 gb ssd i use as my windows drive, and a 750 gb wd hdd for data/game storage. I have heard that you can ghost a file on the data drive into the x86 folder so that all new installs go there and then you still recieve most of the benefits of your ssd w/o clogging it up. I have an amd based system (dont know if that matters or not)

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Unwanted Close Down?

Mar 10, 2012

My PC used to be on 24/7 until I decided that I wasting power however now it seems to want to close down at 23:15 unless it is actually working on something - This is annoying me and I would like to know what is causing this shutdown

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Delete Either "My Pictures" Or "Pictures" Folder In Windows 7?

Jan 1, 2012

The frustration has been for more than 2 years now. I tried to move the photo folders & files from "My Pictures" to "Pictures" but Window's geniouses did not give us that option. I do not need to click to "My Pictures" since they are ALL MY pictures. So are we stuck with this decision or is there a way which I can get rid of 1 of the folders? Same with "Documents" & "Videos".

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Way To Delete Unwanted Tabs

Sep 16, 2012

I recently got a laptop from my uncle that was used in his company. When I log into the internet there are 3 extra tabs at the top connected to websites i have no use for. How do I get rid of them?

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Unwanted Files Appearing?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a collection of mp3 files which I save in E:MusicMP3 Files and then in sub directories by artist.Inside some of the particular artist folders there keep appearing files called folder.jpg which are obviously album coverart for the artist.My question is where on earth these are coming from, I do not put them there in fact I delete them when I find them but they often re-appear soon afterwards.

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How To Delete Unwanted Drivers

Dec 30, 2011

How do I delete drivers left behind by an uninstalled application in various directories?

Even with the UAC off (fully down) I cannot delete them. [Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP-1]

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