Convert Output To A String In Batch Script

Mar 5, 2012

I am trying to run a dsget group cmd to view members of an AD group, then try and do a look up of that user and compare the logged in user to the output of the list. Need some help writing that script.I know this is not exactly a windows 7 question, but not sure what category this would belong too.

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Convert Csv To Xls With Batch File?

Nov 8, 2012

I am looking to convert cvs files to xls with a batch file.

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Batch File Command Output To Variable

Nov 9, 2011

Im setting up a batch file to run some adb commands on my android phone. I want to run a command and store the result into a variable for later use in the batch file.

Example command:
adb shell getprop ro.product.brand

That command outputs the brand of the device e.g. samsung. I want to capture that without displaying it into a variable that will be used later on in the script. I have the 3 adb files coped over to the scripts location so that it will run natively.

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Create A Batch File That Runs 3 Other Batch Files

Jul 1, 2011

I am trying to create a batch file that runs 3 other batch files. Right now, it works fine using the call command on each other batch file. However, these other batch files take awhile to run. and so the entire process takes a very long time, since each "sub" batch file is run only after the previous one is finished.I was wondering if there is a command or way to start a batch file fro the top-level batch file, then go on and start the next batch file before the previous one is finished. In other words, I want the sub batch files to run in parallel in the background. (similar to the '&' in Unix).

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String Of Errors Preventing From Doing Anything?

Apr 26, 2012

It has Windows 7 SP1 installed on it, when I try to start it up regular it haults right after the windows load screen and bsods, if I try to start it up in recovery, or any safe mode it starts up to a black screen with a cursor and will sit there for hours, and if I try to put a windows 7 disk in and start up from that it loads the files and then haults with a black screen and cursor. I have insured that everything is properly connected that could come loose to no avail and have pretty much expended every option that I have available to me.

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Invalid Class String?

Apr 8, 2012

I have an awesome fan app (FAN Xpert) that I have been using on my Rampage IV Rig. I recently did a re-install of Win 7 (about a week ago) and it has yet to run. It actually is part of suite of utilities that comes bundled with ASUS Mobo's. I have installed it a number of times in the past and have never had any problems. First thing I did was uninstall and re-install I used Revo Uninstaller in safe mode. The problem re-occurred so I then did a regular uninstall.Next I ran SFC.I got a bunch of errors (11) that were all Explorer.exe based. I then replaced Explorer with a fresh copy from the Windows 7 DVD. still Class not recognized. I don't use any of those Registry repair utilities as I have found them to be more detrimental then helpful. So far I have had no problems with any other Apps.

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Storing A String Of Characters Under One Key?

Sep 10, 2011

I have a few tediously long character strings which I frequently need to type - can I store them under a single key so that they are available in any application?

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Attributing String Of Character?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I attribute string of characters to a function key or a combings of ALT + Key

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How To Search For Test String Within PDF Files

Feb 26, 2011

I recently switched from XP to 7. Using XP, when I did a search for a test string, it would search within .pdf files. Now, using Win 7, it does not. It does search within .txt and .doc files, but not within .PDF files. This is a major pain-in-the-butt for me, since I have a lot of important data in .PDF file.

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Adding A String Value To The Registry With A .reg File?

Jan 31, 2013

I can't seem to get this to work: Code :Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeBlahBlah]"Installed Path"="BlahBlahBlah" If I delete the key and run the reg file, it recreates it, but it won't create the "Installed Path" string value. I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I can't imagine what since I'm using the same format that I've seen everywhere online. Running Windows 7 64-bit.

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Edit The Registry By Adding New Multi-string Values?

Oct 1, 2012

I am trying to fix an issue i am having, involving midi control through usb on win 7 64 bit, i think ive finally found a fix, but i am to inexperienced with using the registry editor to do it. Here it is (I edited the registry in the entries for 4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318. There I added a new Multi-String Value "UpperFilters" with data "ksthunk". it pertains to the sound and video game controllers that you can access through the control panel, but i need to be able to find that registry entry(4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318) and then add a new multi-string value(upperfilters) with data ksthunk.

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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CMD - How To Batch Print

Sep 13, 2012

I am new to CMD but I would like to make a batch printing solution.

I know that using:
Code: "C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe" /t "C:file_1.pdf"

I can print file_1.pdf but what I really need is to print multiple files, let's say file_2, file_3... file_n, therefore my instruction will change to:
Code: "C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe" /t "C:XXXX.pdf"

I thought about making a TEXT file where I could write the name of the files that I need to print. Then in a batch file make a loop that will read each line of the TEXT and change my variable XXXX for the name of the file specified in each row of the TEXT.

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Batch File In Windows 7?

Aug 21, 2011

Can someone show what a batch file would look like for use in Win7?Secondly the method for writing same batch file please.I want copy a file or files to the desktop before shutting down or rebooting and secondly copy same file/files to their original location after booting.

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Run Batch File As Administrator?

Mar 10, 2011

How could I run a batch file as an administrator without any user involvement. I just want when the file is clicked on to start running as an admin because it is copying files in the Programs directory and cannot do it without administrator privileges.

I have this... runas /noprofile /useran-SlateDan cmd but that requires me to have to type my password, and also just opens up a new shell and does not actually elevate the shell that it ran in.

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How To Uninstall A Batch File

May 27, 2011

To cut a long story short, I decided to try out a demo for a games which is coming out, and a friend gave me the file (it's a FREE demo mind you) and I didn't really like the game so I want to uninstall. How do I go about that?When I installed the game at first, it installed via one of those command prompt boxes.

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Batch File Renaming Possible?

May 4, 2010

is it possible to batch file name in Windows 7?

I have many videos and music that needs renaming often but i'm wary of 3rd party apps. I use to use rename-it! back when i had vista and xp but it hasn't been updated for Windows 7

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Batch File To .exe In Windows 7?

Sep 15, 2010

How can I convert a batch file (script) into .exe file in Windows 7?

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Tried To Run Batch File And Get No Results?

Oct 29, 2010

I tried to run this simple copy batch file and get no results. copy "c:aquariumaqrabases*.*" "N:"

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How To Always Run Batch File As Administrator

Mar 16, 2011

I've made a batch file, but i don't know how to make it to always run as administartor. In .bat's file properties the option "always run as administartor" is grayed out. I have to right click it and then choose "run as administartor" from context menu. But i don't want to do it every time because it's annoying, is there any way to make run as admin if option is grayed out in properties?

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Creating Batch File?

Nov 23, 2011

I have 2 files that are in the same directory which I want to start one after the other.I have created a simple batch file like this which opens 2 files at the same time. ExampleStart Server.exeStart Game.exeIs it possible to leave say a 10 second gap between opening the Server.exe and Game.exe? Also is it possible to quit Server.exe when I exit Game.exe?

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Creating .batch To Run At Shutdown?

Jan 15, 2012

I would like to know how to create a .batch file and have it run at the shut down of the computer,Here are the commands:

netsh int ip reset reset.log
netsh int ip delete arpcache
netsh winsock reset
ipconfig /flushdns

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Batch File To .exe Converter?

Dec 22, 2012

is there a simple program that converts batch file to .exe file? I found this: Bat To Exe Converter - CNET But some users say its virus/malware. Can someone confirm that or give a diffrent link?

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How To Get Batch File Run Daily

Mar 17, 2011

hei hava batch file that shutdowns my windows 7 pc at certain time everyday. (night). how can i get this to run daily. currently it runs on the day i "excute the batch file". for certain reason, i don't want to use the "Schedule Task" to do this.

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Batch File To Log In To SharePoint?

Jul 25, 2012

I am looking for a batch file to log in to SharePoint web site which has credentialsNot sure on how to pas the credentials using Batch file

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Change A Lot Of Icons With A Batch File?

Nov 24, 2012

I've got this folder. In this folder are 643 sub-folders. I want to change the icon of all of those folders quickly, because doing it manually would be horrible.
Each folder has to have it's own icon. Not all the same one.

Currently the .ico's are in a folder with all the exact same name as the folders they need to be matched with. (if I sort by name, they'll all be in the exact same order, if that helps anything)

example: Mainfolder/A/ needs to have icon "A.ico"

So I've been kinda searching around and it seems things like this can (or not) be done with a batch file, and the desktop.ini. Or something..

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Batch File To Run MMC As A Different Domain User?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a batch file that I used on XP to run an MMC that I created for common management tasks. In the MMC I have the ability to run regedit as a root forest domain privileged user (for remote system registry editing), password resets (using AD) remote computer management, and several web links for common sites the team uses. I did this so it was all in one place and it worked awesome in Win XP. When I run the batch file it reports that the directory could not be found.[CODE]

I have verified that runas is in the same place as in XP, as well as MMC. I have run the batch file with elevate access as well as run the command prompt with elevated access (in fact that was copied from an elevated command prompt). The account I'm running it on has admin rights on the box, though UAC is set, I own both the account this was run from and the "root forest" privileged account, this account is NOT a domain admin.This is all being done on Win 7 Pro in a large enterprise domain environmentthis batch file worked and still works on Win XP in the same environment.

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Batch File Error Windows 7 X64

Nov 17, 2010

Tried writing a batch file to open a few programs I use together regularly, but which I don't want all the time on startup.I've tried:

start �Maxivista� /d �C:Program FilesMaxiVista Pro ServerMaxiVistaAll.exe"
start �Netbeans� /d "R:Program FilesNetBeans 6.9.1in
start �OfficeTime� /d "C:Program Files (x86)OfficeTimeOfficeTime.exe"
Start "WampServer" /d "R:wampwampmanager.exe"


I've tried setting it to run as Admin, but the check-box is greyed out....

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Batch File To Start A Service?

Jan 15, 2011

if servicename is running, do nothing.if servicename is not running, then start servicename, then record the date and time.based on my search [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]online[/COLOR][/COLOR], here is what I have so far.


It looks like that the If statement is not working. Every time I run this batch file, it runs through all the command lines.and I got a error message said the service is already running.

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Delete / Rename Through Batch Files?

May 16, 2011

So I'm trying to make a personal shortcut on my computer to change a password using the shiftkeys .exe (C:WindowsSystem32sethc.exe) which can be done from setup.I'm looking to design this because I frequently deal with friends and family who have forgotten passwords, as well as my purchasing used computers.I want to automate the process, but I've hit a problem, which is making the batch file remove itself.I have a .exe file replace sethc.exe, with sethc.exe renamed to sethc.exe.I'm using the following lines Code: del sethc.exeren sethc2.exe sethc.exedel %0 The batch file deletes itself successfully (del %0), but it's completely failing at the removal of the .exe and the renaming. I've tried changing the targeting, checking the syntax, but as far as I can tell, everything checks out, yet it still fails.

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Portion From Batch To Power-shell?

Sep 16, 2011

Im starting to work with powershell and try to port my old batch files.

1)I got this lines of Code, and I dont know who to convert them to power shell.The goal is to uninstall a software using the string found in the registry.[code]

2) In former times I used PsExe to remotly execute scripts on remote positions.What would be the best practice for power shell.

3) Another question is if it is posible with power shell to tell the system (Windows 7 and/or Xp)to do a Windows System Update and install all critical updates?

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