Computer Frozen At Start Up Screen?

May 6, 2012

I have a windows 7 advent laptop. When I turn my laptop on, it works and comes up with the option either to "launch startup repair" or "start windows normally". Whichever one I select, the same thing happens. It goes to the blue screen as normal where I would select my user but that option doesn't come up. It's just the blue screen. I have tried rebooting it, and waiting for it to load for over 10minutes but it doesn't change from that screen. The cursor still works but no keys work on it and there is nothing to click.

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Black Screen With Blinking Cursor Frozen At Very Start Of Startup

Sep 6, 2011

Sometimes when I turn on my computer, the screen will turn on as usual, and there is like a cursor that blinks in the top left corner of the screen, again, as usual. However, it will sometimes stop, and stay on this screen for upwards of a minute or more. The laptop sounds like it's still working, as the fan is going pretty fast and everything sounds like it's spinning, however it doesn't show anything on the screen. After around the minute duration, the screen will go black and the normal boot up process is proceeded with. From what I've read of other people, they can't even get past this screen, which is why I think my problem is slightly different, or the same, just not as severe. Does my problem also sound like it's the MBR, as indicated by other people's questions on the Internet?

If so, is there any easy way to repair it without having to use a windows 7 disc, as I have a laptop and didn't get a disc with it...

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Computer Frozen At Login Screen?

Feb 17, 2011

I turn on my computer and it will take me to the log in screen but the mouse is stuck in the middle of the screen and my keypad wont work. So I can't log in and get to my desktop. I've turned my computer off and retried several times. It was doing this yesterday too. I've tried restarting it in all the different types of safe modes, and still nothing.

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Computer Will Not Boot - Frozen On Starting Screen

Oct 24, 2012

I turned on my computer today and it stayed frozen at the starting windows screen for. Long time, but it would not move on. Then it jumped back and started booting the computer again but hung at the same spot. I tried starting my computer in safe mode, but it won't boot into safe mode either. I can not do any of the system recovery options. Also by BIOS has a password on it and I have no clue what it is, So I can't not access my BIOS.

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Computer Mouse And Keyboard And Screen Are Frozen

Nov 26, 2012

My sons computer has frozen, the mouse and the keyboard are unresponsive . what can I do to fix his computer ? desk top windows 7

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Computer Is Frozen, Black Screen With Movable Mouse After Splash Logo?

Jun 8, 2012

Computer is frozen, black screen with movable mouse after splash logo. Same happens in safe mode. The log in screen never shows up. The computer sounds like its loading at that point, but nothing ever comes up. I can get into ubuntu. This happened after updating my graphics card nvidia. I have dual monitors. Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium, HP Pavilion p6107c Desktop.

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Windows 7 Frozen At Start Up - Repairing In Safe Mode Failed

Jun 10, 2011

Loading up the computer and it had frozen at windows start up, so I switched off tried the starting up using safe mode, managed to get onto safe mode and then it froze, so I then tried repair my computer and it failed. So now I'm stuck.

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Screen Is Frozen?

Dec 1, 2011

The measurement must be between -22'' and 22". My screen is frozen, this is the only message that comes up but it won't let me format the picture..

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Windows 7 Frozen At Loading Screen

Aug 31, 2012

I don't know much about computers, so when I tried installing iTunes, and the computer completely froze, I shut it off manually, and upon restart, accidentally set all of the BIOS settings for my motherboard to defaults, now when trying to boot my computer, it gets stuck at the loading windows screen, I already tried reinstalling Windows 7..


Intel Processor Sandy Bride-E Intel Core i7-3820 3.6GHz (Quad Core)
Intel Motherboard 2011 [x-fire,SLI] ASUS P9X79 [SATA III, USB 3.0]
Quad - Channel Memory 16GB (4x4GB) DDR3 1333MHz
Primary Hard Drive 1TB 7200 RPM
Graphics Card AMD Radeon 7950 3GB (Min. 650 Watt Power Supply)
Power Supply Standard 800 Watt
Operating System Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit

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Normal For The Screen To Be Frozen While Doing A Startup Repair?

Jan 4, 2013

Ok windows stucks on welcome, it will not boot so i am doing a startup repait but its stuckIt asked meif i want to do system recovery and i clicked no cancel , (only repair) but the blue bar that moves while its repairing it doesnt move its frozen and it says attempting repairs... nothing moves

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Frozen Advent Screen After Windows 7 Crash

Jan 22, 2013

I have an Advent T9102 and Advent T9308, due to the Advent T9102 being really old and having a few problems and consistently crashing, I decided to take the Hard Drive out of it and make use of it in my Advent T9308 and reformat the whole machine and install Windows 7. Due to my Advent T9308 being Windows XP I first upgraded it to Windows Vista to get all the necessary Windows 7 drivers. Everything worked great once upgraded to Windows Vista. I then used my USB stick to install Windows 7.

When I restarted the Advent T9308 I booted the USB stick and it started loading the Windows files, I deleted all the partitions on the hard drives and reformatted the drives. The installation screen came up and I followed the screen prompts. When it got to the installing Windows part it shot the percentage straight up for the "Copying Windows files" which was odd, but then the "Expanding Windows files" it froze at 1%, I knew it froze because I left it for 30mins and it didn't go up a percentage. I decided to hold the power button for 5 seconds and restart the machine.

On restart the machine got stuck on the very first Advent screen, it currently has "Press DEL to run Setup, Press TAB to display BIOS POST Message", but it doesn't matter what button I press on the keyboard nothing loads up? Obviously no Windows will load up as I deleted the Windows partitions. I am just trying to get the machine to boot up the USB, or, CD so I can install Windows 7, but the machine wont get past the first screen, just before the post bios screen. The machine fans are spinning, the motherboard light is on, no beeps at start up, if you just listened to it it sounds like everything is ok, but its not getting past the Advent first screen?

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Web Video = Frozen Computer (all Browsers)

Oct 21, 2009

I've been having this issue since I installed Windows 7 x64 RC, basically any time I view a web video my computer is liable to freeze up completely, with the sound producing awful static, needing a hard reset.

I've tried all browsers and it makes no difference. I've tried a variety of solutions others have posted about frozen computers =I've tried reinstalling browsers and flash. I've tried updating GPU drivers, downgrading GPU drivers. I've tried the windows lan driver, I've tried my manufacturers windows 7 driver. None of it makes any difference. I can otherwise browse and download fine. I can play games fine and I ran a stress test and it found no issues with the CPU/RAM.

And the damnedest thing is, I can go to one of those flash game sites and boot up 20 games and my computer doesn't even slow down, let alone freeze. I'm at a loss here, I can't single any component out, not even flash itself.

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Computer Frozen After Memory Check

Aug 25, 2012

I recently upgraded my computer ( which is working fine ) and some of my old computer parts would now belong to my brother. When assembling my brothers computer I didn't remove the cpu or RAM once. The only things that were switched from my computer to his were graphics card, PSU, HDD and CD-DVD Driver.Now when starting my brothers computer, it will recognize the cpu and the amount of ram, but after that it stops. It still is answering because if I press DEL or f11, I will acess either bios or boot menu. After that it tells me that the HDD hasn't been recognized. Another weird thing is that it only shows the bios startup screen if the CD-DVD reader is connected, otherwise the computer will start but it will remain full black screen.

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Why Does Computer Start Up With A Green Screen

Mar 31, 2012

When I started my computer, it started with a green screen then the picture is distorted. What do I do to fix this

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Computer Hangs Up On Start Screen?

Dec 29, 2012

Its my office comupter, it worked fine yesterday. when i came in today i just locked up on the start up screen. I ran a smart extended test on the drive it passed. I even purchased a new hard drive and replaced. I put in the install disc and wait for the recovery window, it starts with loading fles then starts windows and hangs up in same spot. I switched out the Ram and did the same thing. dont know what else it would be or to do.

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Computer Screen Goes Black When Trying To Start Windows?

Oct 10, 2012

My friend was having problems with her computer. So I ran a few programs to check it out and clean it up.. (AVG, CCleaner, AntiMalware...) But then after running the last one and rebooting, the screen goes black once Windows starts to load. Then the mouse appears but still nothing. I tried safe mode and still nothing... Not sure what to do, but just gaining access to copy files to an external hard drive is important. I was planning to reformat anyways..

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Computer Won't Start Up/stuck On Blue Screen?

Dec 26, 2012

I can not get my computer to start up. I have gone through the recovery start up, pressing F8 to get to the screen, after pressing system recovery, it just takes me to a blue screen and then back to the page that tells you windows failed to start up normally. I have tried safe mode, the same thing happens and then I tried last known good configuration. That led me back to a blue screen with nothing happening except the lights on the front of the computer blinking white several times, then orange back and forth. At one point it did go to a black screen with the lights on the front blinking, but it did that forever and nothing happened

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Computer Frozen On Restore System After Power Outage

Aug 18, 2012

Computer frozen on restore systems after power outage. I cannot use disc 2 reboot - all keyboard actions frozen. All I want to know is - would I have lost what's on my hard drive and how to be able 2 get it running again.

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Computer Runs So Slow After Startup It Is Practically Frozen

Oct 28, 2012

I have a PC with an AMD Athalon II x2 255 processor 3.11 GHZ, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 5670 Graphics card running on windows 7 32 bit OS.Every time I startup the computer; whenever i try to do anything (access files or the Internet) it runs very slow and then eventually just freezes with the little blue circle just spinning around. Sometimes a browser window will open and I can access a page or a folder will open, but then it will eventually just run so slow it is practically frozen (with little blue circle still spinning).I think it might be linked to my wireless Internet, the little Internet icon in the bottom right hand task bar is just stuck searching for a signal every time i start up (even if I wait 10 minutes).I am using my laptop right next to the computer and it is picking up the wireless single fine.

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Computer Restarted Unexpectedly - HDD Password Frozen In F2 Mode

Nov 16, 2012

My acer aspire 5472Z won't open windows. I keep getting a message that says "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows click ok to restart". The thing is I have had windows 7 for two years installed and I click restart or ok I keep getting the same message. When I go into F2 it says HDD Password Frozen I don't have a password. When I turn it off and turn back on and go to F2 it says HDD Password Clear.

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Dell Latitude--Loud Noise From Fan/Excess Heat And Screen IS Frozen?

Aug 21, 2012

When booting my Dell Latitude E6410, there is a really loud noise coming from the left side of the computer (what i think is the fan?). It's also very hot and the login screen freezes and I am unable to login)I am however able to login in safe mode no problem and there is no noise or excess heat.I thought that maybe the problem was related to my use of the Anti-Virus program Avast, so I uninstalled and used their uninstall utility.I'm copying my list of installed programs below---I allready cleaned out all of the temp files and deleted anything that seemed iffy or not in use.

32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer
Adobe AIR
Adobe AIR
Adobe Community Help
Adobe Community Help
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX


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Computer Won't Start And Stuck At Flashing _ Cursor Screen

Dec 23, 2011

My computer was working fine a couple days ago and all of a sudden got a terrible Trojan that would spam me with random IE ads. So I ran ad-aware and it got rid of the problem. I went to bed relieved but woke up to my computer in a black screen with just a single cursor "_" flashing. I figured it was a fluke and restarted. same problem.

So I decided to open up the computer and check the SATA drive connections. Everything looked fine but the problem still persisted. I decided that it could just be slot number 1 and moved it to slot 3. The computer would start up and go to desktop but all of my icons disappeared and the computer would just hang if I tried to open any file or go on the internet or any program.

Obviously, it was because the SATA drive was now in a new slot?? I'm not sure. But I put it back into slot 1 and went into the BIOS setup and sure enough, it was a "not detected" for slot 1. The main HDslot.

I tried to reset the BIOS using the jumper method and it still just hangs on black screen with cursor "_" flashing...

- windows 7 ultimate edition
- Intel duel core @ 3.2ghz
- 4gb RAM
- Asus P5Q-PRO motherboard
- geforce 8800 GTX graphics card

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Computer Stuck On Black Screen - Wont Start In Safe Mode?

Feb 13, 2011

Like the title says, my computer is stuck on a black screen.I downloaded an update and was instructed to restart the computer. After restarting the computer it went to a black screen. It won't do anything past that. I've tried starting it in safe mode but always with the same result. I have no idea what to do with this short of taking it to Best Buy to have the geek squad take a look at it and frankly I don't feel like doing that.

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Start Computer From Last Known Good Configuration Stuck On Starting Windows 7 Screen

Jan 5, 2013

my laptop will not load up. I can get it to the screen where it says repair computer, safe mode and all that. (advance boot options) but anytime I click any off them it goes to a screen where it says I need to put in the windows installer disk. I do not have any disk but I downloaded the repair disc from my other laptop. I put the disk in the computer and restart it and it just goes back to same screen. It does not automatic rebot, or ask me to rebot from disk.

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Acer 5733Z Frozen Screen "this Programme Cannot Display The Webpage"

Aug 16, 2012

Tried control alt delete and task manager but if flashes up then disappears Can access Boot menu via F2 but no idea what to do with that

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Windows 7 Hangs On Start Screen And Cannot Run Start Up Repair

Nov 3, 2012

My dell n5030 laptop isnt getting past the windows start up screen. It boots up fine up to the part where the four balls become the windows logo, but then freezes there everytime. When i try to select the windows start up repair it blacks out the screen and I cant do anything.

I know its not a faulty hard drive because its newly fitted and this problem occured previously on a different hard drive aswell.

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Computer Doesn't Start Can't Get Into Bios Or Advanced Start Up Setting

Sep 17, 2012

When i got home today didn't my computer work, my girlfriend has been the last one using it. So don't know how things were just before the shutdown or anything.when i turn on the computer i get to the screen where "touch bios" is and where i can see the options like Bios settings, boot menu, xpress recovery.but i cant press anything, and after about two seconds on that screen the PC shuts down again.The keyword lights up so there is a responds on it, but just doesn't work to press anything before it shuts down.I've got BSOD upto several times a day for a few months time.believe that my computer is affected by some virus or something is delaying my computer. might be an combination of several things.I got no external things hugged up to the stationeer computer right is a windows 7 x64 machine.
usually when i get issues i can access advanced boot up or bios, but can neither in this case..I wonder if it might be a hardware issue.

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Blue Screen At Start Up, Wont Start At All?

Feb 25, 2011

using windows 7, have a blue screen at start up issue, memory dump. Sadly the PC wont start so unable to try too much, it lets you select user, attempts to ,log onto the user then just goes to mthe blue screen and starts the cycle again. It will not start in safe mode either, basically the same result although sometimes it loads and you are in but when you try to do anything it goes to the blue screen again. I did get the error code (not always the same on the blue screen but this one comes up most time), "driver IRQL not less or equal"

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When Reboot, The Screen Eventually Goes To A Black Screen Saying "Windows 7 Failed To Start?

May 12, 2012

My wife did something on her PC (she doesn't know exactly for sure what & can't explain it completely me), and now she can't boot up her PC. She says it had something to do with changing the security settings for a program she uses a lot so it wouldn't keep asking her if she wanted to launch it, and that's when it told her to restart the PC, then it wouldn't boot up anymore.When you reboot, the screen eventually goes to a black screen saying "Windows failed to start. A software or hardware error may be the cause" or something to that effect. It offers me the option to "Launch Startup Repair" or "Start Windows Normally".If I Launch Startup Repair, nothing much happens --- it says it's adding files, then it looks like Windows is about to boot up, then it goes to a black screen for a long time & nothing happens.

If I choose Start Windows Normally, it simply reboots & eventually brings me back to the same screen again.I've tried using rebooting and selecting ESC to get to the boot menu, then installing the Win 7 installation disc & selecting the DVD drive, then I select thelanguage, then I click Repair, but it sits there forever with nothing happening.I also tried an outside boot disc I found on the web & it doesn't launch.

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Black Screen After Windows Start Up Doesn't Go To Login Screen

Nov 12, 2011

I have an Acer aspire 5732Z. I turn my laptop on and it shows the starting windows screen then just goes to a black screen with a cursor. I tried to do systems restore but it said that I did not have a system restore point. I cannot start in any safe mode. I have all my pictures, uni work etc., and I am terrified I've lost it all. I've only had the laptop a year.

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Start Up Windows 7 Screen And Then It Freezes On This Screen?

Nov 4, 2011

Acer Aspire AS5741-5763 15.6" Laptop (2.26 GHz Intel Core i3-350M Mobile Processor, 4 GB RAM, 320 GB Hard Drive, Super-Multi Drive, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit) Mesh Blackmy acer laptop gets to the start up windows screen and then it freezes on this[URL]his is a picture of how it freezes)

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