Cannot Access Other Computers When IPv4 Turned On

Aug 19, 2012

I have a brand new desktop running Win 7 64 bit and a laptop running Win 7 Ultimate.

The laptop uses IPv4 to connect, verified via ipconfig. The desktop uses IPv6. Each can see one another on the network, but cannot access one another. If I uncheck IPv4 on the laptop, I can then access the desktop PC, but cannot surf the internet. Once I click it back on, I lose access to the desktop.

I have tried connecting to both with and without homegroups enabled, but I think it's the IPv4 on the laptop that's causing the issue.

How can I get these two to play nice? The laptop hooked up wirelessly with an Aetheros AR5007EG adapter via Realtek PCIe FE Ramily controller. Can I force the laptop to use IPv6 somehow?

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IPv4 No Internet Access?

Jan 9, 2012

I have a laptop dell inspiron with W7, I tried to get online but it say no proxy server found. First I thought it might be my internet provider, then I tried with another computer andthe internet worked fine. The net-bios say no while in the other computer it says yes. my computer had a virus but now it completely clean

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IPv4 And IPv6 Not Connected - No More Internet Access

Nov 3, 2012

I recently had a sound problem on the internet in google chrome ( no sound at all although the system sound worked fine). Installed shockewave and reinstall chrome on my pc and reboot my pc all remotely. At this stage my problem with chrome was not solved (although the sound in Explorer and firefox worked). After the remote reboot I could not reconnect to the internet. The local area connection status shows that ipv4 & 6 is not connected anymore.

I tried to turn on and off my network adapter, turn off my firewall and connect my pc directly to my cable modem( instead of being connected to my cisco 4200 v2 router) but nothing! I also tried to restart the DNS Client service and the DHCP client service: still nothing. The windows troubleshoot indicate a problem with the network adapter driver but I doubt it. I am running windows 7 ultimate.

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IPv6 With No Internet Access - IPv4 Working Fine

Jun 13, 2011

I am using Windows 7 Pro and I can't access the Internet My IPv4 is working but I get this:
IPv4 : Internet
IPv6: No Internet Access

But when I open Browser I get white page but on vBulletin forums I get a 404 error on Every Forum site I go to. So I have a laptop, my brothers computer, xbox360, and my own pc all connected wired to the same router. Recently my PC is unable to get any internet at all from anything, even though it says:
ipv4 internet
ipv6 no internet access

It shows I am receiving and sending packets but not very often. All my other computers on my network except my one PC, I thought maybe it was my integrated network card on the computer but it seems I am not the only one who has had this problem.

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Windows 7 - No Network Access / IPV4 And IPV6 Not Connected

Jul 16, 2012

I am on an aspire one netbook and can no longer connect to the internet via wireless or a wired connection. I typed ipconfig/all in command prompt and all I got was..:

Host name:
Primary Dns Suffix:
Node Type: Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled: No
WINS Proxy Enabled: No

I do have a desktop and when I ipconfig/all this is what comes up
C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>ipconfig/all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name: your-9k1ay6x2a2
Primary Dns Suffix:
Node Type: Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled: No
WINS Proxy Enabled: No

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How To Access Files Which Turned Green

Jul 20, 2012

I kept a few hidden files in a USB drive and later in my machine windows 7 OS was reinstalled..when I tried to access it again, all files and folders coming as green and not accessible.

I tried a few things like right-click and turn off "Encrypt content to secure data", or adding my account and giving full permission. But nothing worked.

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Allow Access To Two Computers From Each-other?

Feb 20, 2012

I have two computers - both in the same Homegroup. They both show up in my network map - but I don't know how to allow access to each from the other one. Also, I have a networked printer which does not show in the map.Shouldn't it? It works from both computers.

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Can See XP Computers, Can't Access Them

Oct 25, 2009

I have a home network using the KEYSOFT workgroup. There are several XP computers on this network and everything has worked great. I just got a new Windows 7 laptop. I'm using a WiFi network to connect to the other computers. I set the Win 7 computer to use the KEYSOFT workgroup, and I can actually see the other computers on the network, but when I try to access them, Win 7 makes me log onto the other computer.

This has two problems:

1. I have never before needed to log onto other computers to access them.

2. The logon window says that I must log onto the other computer in the domain LAPTOP (which is the name of the new Win 7 computer). Since I'm using a workgroup and not a domain, I can't log on successfully. The logon dialog shows no way to change either the domain name or change it to a workgroup name.

How do I access the hard drive of one of the XP computer?

PARTIALLY SOLVED -- If I ignore the erroneous domain and just put in a logon name and password for the other computer, I can get in. But is there a way on this trusted network to access the other computers without logging in?

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No Access To Networked Xp Computers

May 10, 2009

I have upgraded my vista home premium to Win 7. I now cannot access the Xp computers on my home network but I can access my other Vista computers ok. I can ping all by ip and name ok. But file access just comes up with error 0x80070035 'the network path was not found'. All the computers can access the Windows 7 computer and read files ok.

All the computers are on the same workgroup, Nothing been changed on any other computer as it all worked before this upgrade! Tried disabling the firewall, set to Home network, no homegroup set. The original vista drive which I 'ghosted' before I upgraded to 7 still works with full access to all networked computers.

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Unable To Access Computers In Workgroup

Nov 29, 2011

I've added a new laptop to my home network (now 3 computers, all of them with win 7 ultimate 64) . I didn't use home group because i don't like it, so i configured everything manually and everything worked great, file sharing. printer sharing, everything. And then I added a password to my user on the new laptop to protect it and the sharing between the laptop and the two other computers stopped working. when i try to access the laptop from another computer it reports i have no access, and when i try to access one of the computers from the laptop it asks for a user name and password.i uninstalled firewall - didn't help. reinstalled. i removed the password - problem solved. added password again - problem returns.

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Restrict Network Access To Certain Computers?

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to allow only certain computers on my HomeNetwork to access a network drive. My router is a BT HomeHub 3 and thecomputers are all connected by ethernet cables, the computer I don't want tohave access is wireless. The network drive is connected to the network using aUSB on the HomeHub. I can access the network drive OK on all the computers, butI don't want the wireless computer to have access. I have tried and tried towork it out, nut the more I look the more confused I get. I'm sure there mustbe an easy way to this problem. Any help will stop me having sleepless nightsthinking of how to do it.

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Can't Get 2-way Access To Computers On Work-group Network

Jan 31, 2012

I am running Windows 7 on six computers. I can see all of the six and they can see mine. I have finally figured out through some internet research, how to get their computers to access mine. However, when I go from my computer to theirs, I get asked to enter a network password. All of the password protection is off. It's saying something I'm not understanding underneath the user name and password request boxes. It says Domain: and has my PC name on it. How can I get the access to go on their PC's?

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Want To Access Some Files From Other Computers Using Wireless Connection

Nov 17, 2012

I use wireless network in school, and i want to access some files from other computers using the wireless connection.i use by toshiba c675 windows 7i have no clue on special tricks other than common knowledge of computer.

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Samba Devices / Computers Can't Access Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I have a sort of file/media server setup on one of my boxes as I need a few programs running on it that can't be run on anything else (Well XP, but I'd rather have 7 running on the system).Well the problem is that none of my other computers can access it other then my main rig and another laptop which are both running Windows 7.My Macbook and Android can't connect to the Server.When I restart the Server, the Macbook and Android can connect to it for 30 minutes or so. As long as it's always running, it'll stay connected such as when I'm streaming a movie, but if it's inactive it'll cut the connection and will be unable to reconnect.If my Macbook can't connect, my Android device can't and vice versa. I don't want to have to restart the Server every time I have to reconnect so any help? I've tried changing the Local Security Policies, changed the network settings to not use 128bit encryption, but nothing is working.On the Server it just has Windows Firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials.

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Enter Network Password To Access Computers?

Aug 23, 2012

I created a vpn 'server' on a XP pro machine...I am using a Win 7 Home machine as the Client...I vpn in...goes thru perfect...I cant actually see the computer or get to it by name, I only can if it input the ip \10.0.0.? when I do this i get a Enter Network Password...I have tried the user/pass I created for a shared folder on the target machine...i have tried the admin user/pass on the target machine...i made my user/pass on my Windows 7 machine the exact same as the taget machine and nothing works.

whats jacked up is....I have a laptop with Windows 7 on it and it works great...and another XP machine that goes thru perfect as well.. the Windows 7 machine in question I just did a complete factory restore on it and still same thing

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How To Give Access To Internet On Connected Computers?

Dec 11, 2009

how to share internet between two pcs through wifi.

i connected both pcs through wifi adhoc connectivity.

all data has been shared but no internet access.

how can i give internet access on Windows 7 ?

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Update Turned Off Sound In Windows 7, Can't Get It Turned Back On?

Sep 14, 2012

i recently got an update from microsoft on win 7, and immediately after it had finished updating i had no sound in any application (aim, skype, chrome, firefox, Internet, etc.). this has happened before, and i ran microsoft's sound problems wizard and it always said that an option had been clicked off and that it had restored it.this time when i ran the wizard it says it detects no problems. i am sure it is the software, as it happens a lot with ms updates. will downloadi can't go back to a previous configuration, i don't have one to go to

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Sharing Files Between Two Computers On Same Network - No Access To Folder

Aug 28, 2011

Whenever I Click on the folder of next network computer on Network of my Computer then it says 'windows cannot access to saurav-pcphotoshop" both the computers are mine.. how can i share that file between these two computers?

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Can't Access Other Home Computers Drives Since Windows 7 Reinstall

Oct 16, 2011

I recently did a complete reinstall of Windows 7 64-bit on my desktop computer and now I can't access shared drives on my wife's Windows 7 computer (home ethernet network). I was able to install and use the shared printer attached to her computer. I am able to add her shared drives to my Windows Explorer as mapped network drives, but if I click on one an error box pops up: "J: is not accessible. Access is denied."

Her computer and all of her drives show up in the Network section of Windows Explorer, but if I click on one, I get a Network Error popup saying "Windows cannot access \Wife-pcc. You do not have permission to access \Wife-pcc. Contact your network administrator to request access." I am able to control her desktop and transfer files using UltraVNC...that's actually the only way I can transfer files at the moment.

If, from her computer, I right-click her C: drive, select Properties -> Sharing, it shows the drive is shared. If I click the Advanced Sharing button, and then click the Permissions button, under "Group or user names" it shows "Everyone", and shows the permissions as Full Control, Change, and Read. What else do I need to do so that I can access her drives as Mapped Network Drives? I was able to do so prior to reinstalling Windows 7 on my computer, and nothing has changed on her computer.

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Network Performance - 4 Computers Sharing An Access Database?

May 2, 2012

I am working on machines at a local car lot heres the system details.Verizon DSL wireless router, don't know the exact model but all 4 computers are hard wired to it with newer cat5e.4 newer desktop computers, within months. all 4 same specs. They are HP systems with 8gb of ram running Win 7 x64 They use a program called car lot manager, it basically is installed on 1 machine and creates an access database. Then that folder is shared. The other 3 computers install the software and access the database file through that share.The database file was about 100mb which I figured was probably the issue, so I cleaned it up and compressed it. Its now down to around 40mb and has the exact same issue.-- The issue is, if more than 2 computers have the car lot manager open (not even using, just open) it begins to move extremely slow to where windows take 2-3 minutes to open and the application hangs. And I'll add we have tried different combinations of which computers are running the software, trying to see if maybe 1 certain machine was the issue.I have been on the phone several times with the programmer of the software and he claims it is ran at several large car lots as well with 10 or much more computer systems and he verified everything is setup correct and looked through his software.The original setup was the Verizon modem into a netgear 8 port gig switch, then the 4 computers into it. I removed the switch just to see if anything changed, it didn't seem to make a difference.

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Two Windows 7 Computers - Full Access To Hard Drives On Home Network?

Oct 6, 2011

I have two win 7 computers on a home network and I would like both machines to have full access to the hard drives on either machine, not just share folders. How is this done?

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ADSL IPv4 And IPv6 Not Connected?

Dec 6, 2011

I'll try my best to explain all the issues clearly.from very above downto the third line are:IPv4 connection : not connected (Not OK, it wasn't like that)IPv6 connection : not connected (No public IPv6 connection in China, this is OK)Media State: connectedBut as you can see below, network is OK (Yeah, it seems that). The problem is, this ADSL connection is not showed in 'Avtive Networks'.Most online activities are OK, but somw applications like EA Origin are malfunctioned(I'm sure it is because of the problem in network connection)I've tried reset my winsock, LSP, netsh int ipv4,also reinstalled drivers. All above didn'you may wanna have a look at my Network and Share Center. Here it comes.Area 1 shows that there is no active networks except a 'unidentified network'(this refers to Local Area Conncetion. Since I don't neither have a router nor use LAN, that don't matter). When ADSL was OK, I got a active ADSL network there.

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IPV4 &V6 Not Connected But Have Internet Connection

Mar 29, 2011

first my connection recently started cutting out at random times. Restarting sometimes helped, but disconnecting from the wireless network or rebooting the network adapter didn't help(atheros ar9285). If i go under status in available wireless network it says i have not connected to ipv4 or ipv6. I get this message even when i can get on the net. If i press details nothing shows up. i have pinged Google and have 0% loss he is my ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Mike-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


recently the connection rarely fails, but i bridge my internet with my Xbox 360 so i don't have to pay for a wireless adapter, and when i do that sometimes the connection fails, or when watching netflix through Xbox it says i have lost signal or the signal strength has dropped, when nothing has changed on my laptops internet connection in terms of strength?

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Can't Ping Localhost Over IPv4 Only IPv6

Apr 14, 2011

I have a QNAP NAS and several devices (mostly Windows 7 and iOS devices)The vast majority of my networking setup seems OK - however on one Windows 7 laptop I am having problems. The Laptop can 'see' remote shares, access the Internet and ping other devices on the network - however remote devices cannot ping the laptop. Whilst trying to ascertain what could be the cause I thought that I would ping 'localhost' on the laptop - after all, it should be able to see itself!


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No Internet Connectivity (ipv4/ipv6)

Sep 27, 2012

My wifi was working fine a few days ago but i think the windows update has messed up my wifi adapter or connection. I did do a system restore when this happened a few days ago but since the restore is more then 1month old it is no more.So far i have tried the following:restarting/rebooting router,updating/reinstalling drivers,and many other things but nothing seemed to work i dont understand why it is scanning for wifi but on the mapping it says adapter isnt connected.I have shown a few pics to help you:


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2 Computers Say " Internet Access" On Ethernet For ~15 Minutes After Startup

Sep 11, 2011

Both my laptop and desktop are running Windows 7 64 bit. They both have the same issue through wired ethernet, but not through wireless connections. The reason I do not use wireless is because I only have 2-zero bars in my room. I am at a college campus and they have said the problem is mine and not theirs. The problem is that whenever my computer turns on or awakens from sleep, the ethernet connection is gone and for about 15 minutes it says "Identifying... No Internet Access." The wired connection starts after about 15 minutes, but this is insanely difficult and frustrating to maneuver around since I often don't have 15 minutes to wait.

I have tried various things from forums to no avail. These things include disabling IP 6, updating my ethernet driver from the website, manually setting the IP, and disabing Avast. I do not have any firewall other than Windows Firewall and only have basic programs like Office, Itunes, Firefox.... I am convinced the issue is with the college network, but they have said their test computer was unable to duplicate my problem in my room.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:UsersMudkip>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration


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Windows 7 Pro 32 Won't See Network, Won't Honor Static IPv4

Mar 18, 2012

We set up three new terminals this week at the office; they're all running Win 7 Pro 32-bit. I set them all up simultaneously (literally sat at a desk and entered the same keystrokes at each of them), so I don't see any obvious reason that one is behaving differently from the other two. The essential problem is that the terminal doesn't see the Internet.

Here are all the particulars that I think might be interesting, listed in no particular order:

- The terminal ran fine for several hours. Email access, Internet access, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. At that point, the user called me to show me a dialog box. I used System Restore to go back in time to 9 a.m. in case the user had somehow managed to do anything (though she's not an admin).

- IPv6 is disabled.

- The workplace uses Static IPs. The IP address is entered correctly in the IPv4 properties (x.x.x.213), but at cmd / ipconfig, I get this result: "Autoconfiguration IPv4 address:"

- In Network and Sharing Center, the network (which is only known as Unidentified Network) is set to type Public. When I reset it to type Work and reboot, it resets to type Public.

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Windows 7 Doesn't Work With Different IPv4 Gateway

Mar 9, 2012

i have Windows 7 ultimate 64bit and XP Pro 32bit, and here is my issue: i have a huge network and i have to set my IPs

IP Adress
Subnet M:

This settings work on all XP OS but doesnt work with all Windows 7. It works for 5-10 min then it says no connection. After set IP it works then doesnt work. If i ping -t it pings as much as i want until i stop and if i restart ping it doesnt work, while first ping i can access to internet after stopping the ping no internet also, That win 7s works with normal ip configurations like: ip: gateway:

Does windows 7 have problem with different gateway problem? or is it a bug?

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Windows 7 Pro 32 Won't See Network - Auto Configuration IPv4 Address

Mar 16, 2012

We set up three new terminals this week at the office; they're all running Win 7 Pro 32-bit. I set them all up simultaneously (literally sat at a desk and entered the same keystrokes at each of them), so I don't see any obvious reason that one is behaving differently from the other two. The essential problem is that the terminal doesn't see the Internet. Here are all the particulars that I think might be interesting, listed in no particular order:

- The terminal ran fine for several hours. Email access, Internet access, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. At that point, the user called me to show me a dialog box. I used System Restore to go back in time to 9 a.m. in case the user had somehow managed to do anything (though she's not an admin).
- IPv6 is disabled.
- The workplace uses Static IPs. The IP address is entered correctly in the IPv4 properties (x.x.x.213), but at cmd / ipconfig, I get this result: "Autoconfiguration IPv4 address:"
- In Network and Sharing Center, the network (which is only known as Unidentified Network) is set to type Public. When I reset it to type Work and reboot, it resets to type Public.

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HomeGroup Detected But Can't Join - Discovery On / IPv4 And IPv6 Running

Aug 31, 2011

I have a desktop that is connected to my Belkin router via wire. I have 3 laptops that are all connected to the router wirelessly. All computers have Windows 7 64bit and synched clocks. All are connected to a Home network. All 3 laptops detect that a Homegroup has been created on the wired desktop. I'm using the correct Homegroup password. All computers have discovery on. All computers have IPv4 and Ipv6 running. All services are running. Everything else I've read and tried regarding troubleshooting this issue haven't worked. All computers can see each other on the Network, but can't connect to the Homegroup.

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Internet Connections: Connected To Two Computers, One "No Internet Access"

Jun 29, 2012

I am running a modem and wireless router which is working fine. I have my home computer up and running (Windows 7)- no problems at all. However, my work laptop (windows 7 professional) will connect to my wireless network but will not 'access' the internet. I have set up a connection from scratch; changed the network settings; restarted (everything) plugged in wth Ethernet cord; run a router check... and honestly I am way out of my league in figuring this one out.I tried several of the solutions for forum threads around the problem of 'connected to internet but no internet access', but part of my confusion is that one computer works fine, but the other simply won't allow access. When I use a when I use an open network it won't allow me on at all. But when I set up my private network it will connect and show internet access for 10 SECONDS at a time and then No access... like a constant flicker...

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