Samba Devices / Computers Can't Access Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I have a sort of file/media server setup on one of my boxes as I need a few programs running on it that can't be run on anything else (Well XP, but I'd rather have 7 running on the system).Well the problem is that none of my other computers can access it other then my main rig and another laptop which are both running Windows 7.My Macbook and Android can't connect to the Server.When I restart the Server, the Macbook and Android can connect to it for 30 minutes or so. As long as it's always running, it'll stay connected such as when I'm streaming a movie, but if it's inactive it'll cut the connection and will be unable to reconnect.If my Macbook can't connect, my Android device can't and vice versa. I don't want to have to restart the Server every time I have to reconnect so any help? I've tried changing the Local Security Policies, changed the network settings to not use 128bit encryption, but nothing is working.On the Server it just has Windows Firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials.

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No Network Access To Samba

Aug 16, 2009

I have a major problem. My Windows 7 RC Build 7100 can't suddenly connect to my linux server via Samba at all. It's been running for month doing just fine.

It's a wired connection. I can logon via SSH, browse public web folders, and ping host <-> client, both IP address and netbios name. However Samba is dead silent when trying to map a share.

I have checked the LAN configuration + Local Security Policy. Turning off the Windows firewall doesn't do a thing either.

When checking network, "net view", it returns "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found."

Googling the above message mentions a "DNS problem", but I don't have a clue what to do next.

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Missing Network Devices/Computers

Sep 6, 2009

Irritating problem: When I fire up my systems, about 30% of the time one or more of the computers or the Network drive will be missing from the list of devices on the LAN and be inaccessable except from some programs. I have to power down all three computers then power them back up to get everything to show up and be accessable.

Configuration: Linksys router, WD Worldbook 1T drive connected via Ethernet, Toshiba laptop connected via wireless, two desktop systems connected via Ethernet. One desktop running Win 7 MSDN distro, other two running RC 7100. Computers use WD network drive for backup and Outlook 2007 mail. Computers and WD have fixed IPs. It appears that the cause was too tight settings on the COMODO firewall running on the desktop and the laptop, and possibly a delay in the wireless connection being established with the router and other systems.

I had restricted "system" and "taskhost" from accessing the Internet. When I changed the settings to allow all input and output from any IP, and delayed looking at the network devices for a minute or so, the problem went away. (So far - fingers crossed it stays away.)

Bottom line - if you're running COMODO, let it make the access decisions initially, then check the Network Security Policy rules after a few days to see if any of the system programs need a more relaxed setting. If you have a wireless system in the mix, it may help to wait a bit, until the router lights stop flashing at least, before checking on the Network.

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Streaming Music To Other Computers And Media Devices On Network

Oct 29, 2011

I'm trying to stream music to other computers and media devices on the network. I have 2 x W7 PC and 2 x W7 laptop. Laptops can push music to other PCs and to media player, but PC's won't, although they can receive from laptop. When I select 'Play To' in Media Player, the dialog box does not appear - well is does for a split second then disappears. PCs are 64bit with IE9, laptops 32bit with IE9. All settings checked and the same. Laptops are wireless, PCs on ethernet.

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Can't Access Other Home Computers Drives Since Windows 7 Reinstall

Oct 16, 2011

I recently did a complete reinstall of Windows 7 64-bit on my desktop computer and now I can't access shared drives on my wife's Windows 7 computer (home ethernet network). I was able to install and use the shared printer attached to her computer. I am able to add her shared drives to my Windows Explorer as mapped network drives, but if I click on one an error box pops up: "J: is not accessible. Access is denied."

Her computer and all of her drives show up in the Network section of Windows Explorer, but if I click on one, I get a Network Error popup saying "Windows cannot access \Wife-pcc. You do not have permission to access \Wife-pcc. Contact your network administrator to request access." I am able to control her desktop and transfer files using UltraVNC...that's actually the only way I can transfer files at the moment.

If, from her computer, I right-click her C: drive, select Properties -> Sharing, it shows the drive is shared. If I click the Advanced Sharing button, and then click the Permissions button, under "Group or user names" it shows "Everyone", and shows the permissions as Full Control, Change, and Read. What else do I need to do so that I can access her drives as Mapped Network Drives? I was able to do so prior to reinstalling Windows 7 on my computer, and nothing has changed on her computer.

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Two Windows 7 Computers - Full Access To Hard Drives On Home Network?

Oct 6, 2011

I have two win 7 computers on a home network and I would like both machines to have full access to the hard drives on either machine, not just share folders. How is this done?

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Can't Access Devices And Printers

Feb 1, 2011

I've got a brand new Asus G53jw-A1. I took some settings from my old Asus m50vm-B1 when I bought it. Now when I try to print, the G53 is using the settings of the m50vm and gives me an error saying it can't find a computer named m50vm-B1.

I'm hooking up the G53 to a HP Deskjet 6988 via USB and it won't print or even let me go to Devices and Printers so I can delete all the printers and let Windows recognize them fresh.

I tried searching my registry for all keys "m50vm-B1" and deleted them, then restarted.

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Allow Access To Two Computers From Each-other?

Feb 20, 2012

I have two computers - both in the same Homegroup. They both show up in my network map - but I don't know how to allow access to each from the other one. Also, I have a networked printer which does not show in the map.Shouldn't it? It works from both computers.

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Can See XP Computers, Can't Access Them

Oct 25, 2009

I have a home network using the KEYSOFT workgroup. There are several XP computers on this network and everything has worked great. I just got a new Windows 7 laptop. I'm using a WiFi network to connect to the other computers. I set the Win 7 computer to use the KEYSOFT workgroup, and I can actually see the other computers on the network, but when I try to access them, Win 7 makes me log onto the other computer.

This has two problems:

1. I have never before needed to log onto other computers to access them.

2. The logon window says that I must log onto the other computer in the domain LAPTOP (which is the name of the new Win 7 computer). Since I'm using a workgroup and not a domain, I can't log on successfully. The logon dialog shows no way to change either the domain name or change it to a workgroup name.

How do I access the hard drive of one of the XP computer?

PARTIALLY SOLVED -- If I ignore the erroneous domain and just put in a logon name and password for the other computer, I can get in. But is there a way on this trusted network to access the other computers without logging in?

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Access Denied On All USB Storage Devices

Oct 31, 2012

I recently started seeing a problem on one of my laptops where all USB storage devices would mount but when I try to access them through explorer I get a warning saying the location is not accessible and access is denied.The system can see the usb device, derive the name and file system type of the volume be it a pendrive or a kindle but I cannot access the files.All of these devices work without issue on my other Windows 7 laptop.I get this regardless of being logged in with a user has administrative permissions or standard user permissions.The laptop is a DELL Latitude XT2 running Windows 7 Ultimate fully patched.

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No Access To Networked Xp Computers

May 10, 2009

I have upgraded my vista home premium to Win 7. I now cannot access the Xp computers on my home network but I can access my other Vista computers ok. I can ping all by ip and name ok. But file access just comes up with error 0x80070035 'the network path was not found'. All the computers can access the Windows 7 computer and read files ok.

All the computers are on the same workgroup, Nothing been changed on any other computer as it all worked before this upgrade! Tried disabling the firewall, set to Home network, no homegroup set. The original vista drive which I 'ghosted' before I upgraded to 7 still works with full access to all networked computers.

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Unable To Access Computers In Workgroup

Nov 29, 2011

I've added a new laptop to my home network (now 3 computers, all of them with win 7 ultimate 64) . I didn't use home group because i don't like it, so i configured everything manually and everything worked great, file sharing. printer sharing, everything. And then I added a password to my user on the new laptop to protect it and the sharing between the laptop and the two other computers stopped working. when i try to access the laptop from another computer it reports i have no access, and when i try to access one of the computers from the laptop it asks for a user name and password.i uninstalled firewall - didn't help. reinstalled. i removed the password - problem solved. added password again - problem returns.

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Restrict Network Access To Certain Computers?

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to allow only certain computers on my HomeNetwork to access a network drive. My router is a BT HomeHub 3 and thecomputers are all connected by ethernet cables, the computer I don't want tohave access is wireless. The network drive is connected to the network using aUSB on the HomeHub. I can access the network drive OK on all the computers, butI don't want the wireless computer to have access. I have tried and tried towork it out, nut the more I look the more confused I get. I'm sure there mustbe an easy way to this problem. Any help will stop me having sleepless nightsthinking of how to do it.

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Cannot Access Other Computers When IPv4 Turned On

Aug 19, 2012

I have a brand new desktop running Win 7 64 bit and a laptop running Win 7 Ultimate.

The laptop uses IPv4 to connect, verified via ipconfig. The desktop uses IPv6. Each can see one another on the network, but cannot access one another. If I uncheck IPv4 on the laptop, I can then access the desktop PC, but cannot surf the internet. Once I click it back on, I lose access to the desktop.

I have tried connecting to both with and without homegroups enabled, but I think it's the IPv4 on the laptop that's causing the issue.

How can I get these two to play nice? The laptop hooked up wirelessly with an Aetheros AR5007EG adapter via Realtek PCIe FE Ramily controller. Can I force the laptop to use IPv6 somehow?

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Group Policy To Deny Write Access To USB Devices?

Jun 19, 2012

I am looking for a way to prevent writing to all removable devices. I have found the setting in group policy and enabled it. However, admin credentials are requested and if entered correctly, the user can write to the external drive. I want to configure this to allow writing to a removable device ONLY if the user is in the correct security group or a member of the domain administrators. In other words, this policy would apply to all users and be denied to the security group. We are still in a 2003 domain, although most of our DCs are now Windows 2008 R2. This policy would apply only to users logging in to our Windows 7 machines.

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Can't Get 2-way Access To Computers On Work-group Network

Jan 31, 2012

I am running Windows 7 on six computers. I can see all of the six and they can see mine. I have finally figured out through some internet research, how to get their computers to access mine. However, when I go from my computer to theirs, I get asked to enter a network password. All of the password protection is off. It's saying something I'm not understanding underneath the user name and password request boxes. It says Domain: and has my PC name on it. How can I get the access to go on their PC's?

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Want To Access Some Files From Other Computers Using Wireless Connection

Nov 17, 2012

I use wireless network in school, and i want to access some files from other computers using the wireless connection.i use by toshiba c675 windows 7i have no clue on special tricks other than common knowledge of computer.

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Enter Network Password To Access Computers?

Aug 23, 2012

I created a vpn 'server' on a XP pro machine...I am using a Win 7 Home machine as the Client...I vpn in...goes thru perfect...I cant actually see the computer or get to it by name, I only can if it input the ip \10.0.0.? when I do this i get a Enter Network Password...I have tried the user/pass I created for a shared folder on the target machine...i have tried the admin user/pass on the target machine...i made my user/pass on my Windows 7 machine the exact same as the taget machine and nothing works.

whats jacked up is....I have a laptop with Windows 7 on it and it works great...and another XP machine that goes thru perfect as well.. the Windows 7 machine in question I just did a complete factory restore on it and still same thing

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How To Give Access To Internet On Connected Computers?

Dec 11, 2009

how to share internet between two pcs through wifi.

i connected both pcs through wifi adhoc connectivity.

all data has been shared but no internet access.

how can i give internet access on Windows 7 ?

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Sharing Files Between Two Computers On Same Network - No Access To Folder

Aug 28, 2011

Whenever I Click on the folder of next network computer on Network of my Computer then it says 'windows cannot access to saurav-pcphotoshop" both the computers are mine.. how can i share that file between these two computers?

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Network Performance - 4 Computers Sharing An Access Database?

May 2, 2012

I am working on machines at a local car lot heres the system details.Verizon DSL wireless router, don't know the exact model but all 4 computers are hard wired to it with newer cat5e.4 newer desktop computers, within months. all 4 same specs. They are HP systems with 8gb of ram running Win 7 x64 They use a program called car lot manager, it basically is installed on 1 machine and creates an access database. Then that folder is shared. The other 3 computers install the software and access the database file through that share.The database file was about 100mb which I figured was probably the issue, so I cleaned it up and compressed it. Its now down to around 40mb and has the exact same issue.-- The issue is, if more than 2 computers have the car lot manager open (not even using, just open) it begins to move extremely slow to where windows take 2-3 minutes to open and the application hangs. And I'll add we have tried different combinations of which computers are running the software, trying to see if maybe 1 certain machine was the issue.I have been on the phone several times with the programmer of the software and he claims it is ran at several large car lots as well with 10 or much more computer systems and he verified everything is setup correct and looked through his software.The original setup was the Verizon modem into a netgear 8 port gig switch, then the 4 computers into it. I removed the switch just to see if anything changed, it didn't seem to make a difference.

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Windows 7 Connect To Old Samba 3.0 Server But Not 3.5?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm experiencing a curious issue. I've installed a second Samba server on our network and I've imported all the users from the original over, along with smb conf files, etc... All PC's are access both servers without an issue except for 1 Windows 7 64-bit OS machine. Oddly enough, the virtual pc on the Win7 box connects without an issue. To add another twist, the win7 box connects to the older Samba without issue. When trying to browse to the new server I get.... "Windows cannot access \NewServer" Check the spelling of the name..... Error Code 0x80070035 The network path was not found.

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Windows 7 Home - Unable To Connect To Samba Server?

Feb 16, 2011

I am currently installing a Win 7 box. When I first set things up I was able to get onto my Linux server in Network -> [server name], by logging in to Win 7 using the same user name and password set up on the Linux box.A short while later I am unable to connect - I get a dialog prompting me to enter a user name and password and a message "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password". If I re-enter my user name and password the dialog comes back again.

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Cant Read Samba Share From Windows 7 Command Prompt?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a conceptronic CHD3NET network drive in my home network. It runs the latest firmware (v014 - which includes Samba version 3.2.14). In the network there are linux, winxp, vista and just recently win7 machines. All can map drives on the CHD3NET. All the versions of windows can read the files on the mapped drives from windows explorer. All can access the mapped drive from a command prompt EXCEPT win7. Using dir on a win7 machine displays a listing where all the filenames (and folder names) are blank. with a bit of experimentation (by doubleclicking batch files on the mapped drive), it seems win7 thinks there is an unprintable character at the beginning of the filename. It seems to misunderstand the chads at the end as well and concatenates several filenames into one.

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Unauthorized Samba Server On Pc?

Nov 19, 2010

how I might have ended up as part of a Samba sever on my WAN...until now I would have considered myself to be a pretty computer savvy chick but in this case I find myself becoming more and more confused because someone hasn't printed the Samba for Dummies handbook yet! So here I sit, (this being my first forum post ever fyi) needing to know how the heck I became part of this Samba server (Belarc Advisor has informed me of this by accident, I thought it could magically tell me the Creative chip i had on my rocketfish soundcard but thats an entirely different sob story that I'll just have to hash out myself Ive searched everywhere to try to find info on this but everyone seems to want to get it to work with Windows 7 and not about any security measures we can take against it. I just really need to figure out how to

a.) find out if it really is on my pc

b.) get tangible proof so I can go open a can...

c.) get it off of my pc and then go open another can...

The name of the server is FREENAS... yes I am aware thats some sort of file sharing thing what I am concerned about is the stuff I was reading about SWAT and password monitoring.

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2 Computers Say " Internet Access" On Ethernet For ~15 Minutes After Startup

Sep 11, 2011

Both my laptop and desktop are running Windows 7 64 bit. They both have the same issue through wired ethernet, but not through wireless connections. The reason I do not use wireless is because I only have 2-zero bars in my room. I am at a college campus and they have said the problem is mine and not theirs. The problem is that whenever my computer turns on or awakens from sleep, the ethernet connection is gone and for about 15 minutes it says "Identifying... No Internet Access." The wired connection starts after about 15 minutes, but this is insanely difficult and frustrating to maneuver around since I often don't have 15 minutes to wait.

I have tried various things from forums to no avail. These things include disabling IP 6, updating my ethernet driver from the website, manually setting the IP, and disabing Avast. I do not have any firewall other than Windows Firewall and only have basic programs like Office, Itunes, Firefox.... I am convinced the issue is with the college network, but they have said their test computer was unable to duplicate my problem in my room.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:UsersMudkip>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration


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Power Outages, Then No Samba Connectivity?

Aug 24, 2011

Night before power went out twice, there was no network issues, everything was recognized normally and I had connection with windows explorer. However now it doesn't allow any regular connectivity (by that I mean I can use a third party program jftp and it finds/opens the samba shares correctly, but that doesn't have integration in a way that I need.I have tried several registry fixes from several forums, as well as rebooting each system, and the entire network several times and there has been no resolution.Using 'net use \' nets a result of 'The specified network name is no longer available' however it can still successfully ping (and SSH) to the box.Windows explorer spews out 0x80004005 error unspecified and has turned up nothing useful after a couple hours of googling.The server -does- show on the network places but when clicked it says the path is not valid.

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Samba Network Share Issue

Feb 9, 2009

Was having an issue here and was hoping someone could offer some assistance.

I have a Linux Box (debian) running with Samba installed and hosting a network share.

I can access the share on a 2 Windows XP machines, a windows Vista machine, AND a modded Xbox with Xbox media center with SMB support. However, for some reason, windows 7 comes up with an error box when I try to connect and says


More Data is available. being my sharebox/router.

I went into gpedit.msc and then to "Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options" and selected a variety of the choices here but none seem to do the trick.

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Can't Connect To Samba Share Via Name; Ip Works

Apr 30, 2009

I'm unable to connect to a samba share on a FreeBSD (via FreeNAS) box when using the machine name.

The message it gives me is "The account is not authorized to log in from this station".

The share is in anonymous mode; there's on restrictions.

If I try to connect to the same share via it's IP, things work.

Connecting via name worked previously on this same machine from XP and after I first installed Windows 7.

I can also connect to it via a Popcorn Hour machine.

Any ideas?

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Home Premium Samba Authentication Failure

May 27, 2012

I've been trying for several months to solve this problem. I have a home office network with a Debian Linux server, which I'm using as a calendar/file/print server, two Linux laptops, one XP machine and one laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium, which came preinstalled on the laptop.When I try to access the shares on the Debian machine, I keep getting authentication failures. I've tried my Windows username/password, my Linux username/password, and even created new users on both systems to try different solutions. All the computers are able to print through the Debian server. However, file sharing using the Debian machine as a Samba server does not work on the Windows 7 laptop. It works fine with all the other computers in the house. I've tried a registry hack, setting LMCompatibilityLevel to both 1 and 2, checked and rechecked my Samba configuration, even tried resetting the clock?

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Linux Samba File Sharing Issue

Mar 20, 2009

It seems that Seven doesn't like a lot file sharing with a Linux file server using Samba.

That was already the case with Vista but samba get up to date, and some issues where fixed.

Now I would know if some here have issues with Seven.

If yes can you please give some details:
Linux distrib
Samba version
Seven Build
And a short explaination.

My case:

Linux Debian R4
Samba 3.024
Seven 7000 x64

My issues:
Network share are well discovered, but really slow for navigate into. For the video films it's impossible to open one. Copying long files (video) crash the server (samba), need to restart it.. sometimes, need to restart all the server because the storage drive is like locked.

All work very fine with XP (but not from and guest virtual Machine with the seven host), and work great with Vista.

When trying to access the network share all my network get slow and I have disconnection (MSN, web, etc).

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