Boot Screen Animation Change?

Oct 7, 2012

I don't know if this one can be done. I know how to turn off the ding sound it makes when my computer boots up but does anyone know how to change the boot screen animation? I would like to put one of my own animations on there instead of the windows logo popping up from 4 little lights.

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Boot Screen Animation Plays Freezes

Dec 25, 2009

The problem is that when the bootscreen is showing, the animation plays just a bit and then it freezes, but windows boots ok. How do I fix the bootscreen animation?

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How To Change Menu Animation From Slide To Fade In Windows 7

Oct 14, 2010

How to change the menu animation in Windows 7 from slide to fade?

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Won't Boot, Just Plays Boot Animation?

Jul 22, 2012

My Windows 7 has stopped booting after a restart, the system would just endlessly play the boot animation and not boot properly... system restore won't work, startup repair won't work, chdsk and sfc won't work. I have yet to try and see whether a Registry fix works. Windows loads the WRE VERY slowly.

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No Windows Boot Animation After Asrock Instant Boot

Aug 1, 2012

I have an Asrock Extreme6 Z77 motherboard, and of course it comes with their signature Instant Boot.I have a Crucial m4 so booting wasn't an issue but I enabled it anyway to test it out. It didn't really do anything so I disabled and uninstalled it. However, now when I reboot there is no Windows loading screen, it just goes black after the Mobo splash screen and then shows the Windows login.This isn't a huge deal but I can't seem to figure out why this is happening. When the screen goes black, my USB keyboard and mouse go off too (the back-lights go off). I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but I thought I would mention it.Also, in msconfig the option for No Boot GUI is not checked.

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Black Screen After The Animation?

Feb 19, 2010

I've assembled a new computer and everything is good, but when I put my Windows 7 Ultimate disk the Windows Loading is starting then the animation, but since then the screen is completely black. I waited at least half an hour. I tried to replace the disk drive and the IDE cable, but no change. I put the disk on another computer, and it works properly and displays the screen with the blue Windows 7 background where the installation begins (and asks for the installation language), instead of that black screen.

Processor: Intel E5200 2.6GHz Motherboard: Gygabyte G41M-ES2L Memory: G. Skill 2GB GPU is onboard

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No Windows 7 Boot Animation

Oct 14, 2010

Every time I would boot up instead of the boot animation of windows 7. I get a loading bar instead how do I change this?

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Boot Animation Freezes

Oct 5, 2009

I am sure everyone recognizes this: at almost every startup, you see the boot animation. Windows 7 uses those 4 colors that merge into a Windows flag.

But the animation freezes at a random moment, then after 3 seconds it disappears and there we have the normal menu where you choose a profile to login with.

I want to see the animation completely, so making use of those 3 seconds where the OS is loading to continue the animation.

You have this in Windows XP too, where the loading bar freezes.

Are there any solutions for this? It would be fantastic to see the Windows flag at the end, and not just those 4 colors about-to-merge.

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Changing Logon Screen Animation?

Aug 24, 2010

how to change the background of the logon screen however, I'd like to change the little blue ring animation. I'm familiar with resource hacker and restorator but haven't been able to find where this animation is stored to make the desired change.

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Windows 7 Animation Boot Not Working?

May 21, 2011

I cannot find an answer to this, why this is happening, done several installations of Windows 7(32 or 64 bit) but it will never show correctly the boot animation. It only does show it when it wakes up from sleep, which the computer fails to hibernate or enter sleep mode.

An example of what happens on boot is in this video:

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Computer Screen Turns Off After The 'Starting Windows' Animation

Jul 23, 2012

I have an MSI a6205 laptop, and have recently reformatted my computer to reset everything in it. My problem is this: Ever since I re-installed Windows 7 my computer has been starting up, getting to the little 'Starting Windows' animation, then the screen turns off completely, with no back light (the fans and LEDs still function perfectly). The way I have been getting it to work is by turning it on, waiting for the screen to turn off, then tapping the power button and putting it to sleep, after a few seconds I hit the power button again to awake it, and the screen turns on and functions perfectly.

I know this isn't a hardware issue, because I also have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on the machine, and it works perfectly. It's just Windows 7 that is giving me this problem.

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Black Screen But Cursor After Crash, After Windows Start Animation

Feb 24, 2012

my system crashed yesterday due to gpu overheating. now it boots till windows animated logo but at the point right when welcome screen usually comes there is nothing now but a moveable mouse cursor on a completelly black i have following stuff to get back to normal: two very old restore points and a recently created macrium reflect system image but no repair disc. i will be very happy, if there is a way to use the image since i know that some of you prefer macrium reflect insted of microsofts system image solution. unfurtuntelly my restauration points are way to old (april 2011).

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Whenever Boot Windows Startup Animation Stops Until Press Enter

Apr 30, 2011

I have been getting problems when booting. Whenever I boot the windows startup animation stops until I press enter. Then it spots again for a couple minutes until I press enter. I tried clean boot and safe mode which did not help.

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Change Minimal Boot Screen?

Jun 14, 2012

My Windows 7 came with a minimal boot screen that only shows bars going across (like XP but without logo). I opened msconfig to see if the No GUI boot was selected, but it wasn't. I tried change the boot screen with Win7BootUpdater, but that didn't work, either.

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Change Windows 7 Boot Screen?

Jun 26, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible (will be possible) to change the Win 7 boot screen?I have read that MS have built Win 7 so that the boot screen cannot be fiddled with, thus protecting the PC against changes more than earlier windows version have done

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Change Boot Logo / Screen

Jun 2, 2009

I find the boot screen for Windows 7 to be very ugly. How can I go about changing it to this image?

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Any Way To Change Default Log On And Boot Up Screen?

Dec 2, 2011

I own Windows 7 Enterprise N, and was wondering, is there any way to change the defaut log on and boot up screen? Everything from when it boots from off to on basically? I have seen stuff on but the boot screen software is not supported by windows 7 and I'm not sure if the logon screen software is free or buggy even.

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Change The Boot Screen To Vista?

Sep 14, 2012

How to change without any 3rd app, the boot screen of win 7 to be like vista? (I like the green progress bar)

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Change Boot Screen On Intel Server Boards?

Dec 15, 2012

Does anybody know how to change the boot screen on an Intel S5520HCT serverboard?

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Change Windows 7 Boot-screen To Old Vista Style?

Aug 28, 2010

I want to know whether or not it is possible to change the new windows 7 boot screen (like the flashy logo thing) to the old vista-style running green bar?I've looked on the internet but only found fixes that turns the vista-style running bar back to the flashy logo windows 7 boot screen...

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No Windows 7 Boot Animation On Fresh Install Windows 7 32bit?

Jul 14, 2010

I have just installed (and reinstalled) Windows 7 Pro (32 bit) on my system, and get no boot animation... the number 7 morphing from the Windows logo.Instead I get the text Starting Windows and a small red dot in the centre of the screen!Windows does boot correctly and there seem to be no related issues, so I am not overly worried, though it is certainly od

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How To Change The Screen Resolution In Windows 7 When It Is Not Allowing To Change

Oct 3, 2011

i'm not able to change the resolutions in win 7

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Changing The Windows 7 Boot Screen Back To Vista's Boot Screen?

Nov 18, 2011

I find that the Windows 7 boot screen slows down the boot process on my machine. Is there a way to restore the old Vista scrolling loading bar? I know it's there as my netbook uses it.

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Screen Resolution Can't Get It To Change Back To Full Screen

Dec 9, 2008

i'm having some trouble with my screen resolution . i set it at (800x600) cause i'm using a 51 inch big screen hd tv. it go's full screen but then for no reason it puts the bars back on the sides of the screen. i checked and it still reads (800x600) and i can't get it to change back to full screen until i reboot. works fine in vista . i'm not seeing anything about drivers failing so i'm not sure what's happening.

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Dual Boot - Change OS Name In Windows Boot Manager

Mar 11, 2009

How to Change the OS Name in Windows Boot Manager ?

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Change From The Welcome Screen To The Logon Screen, Startup?

Apr 17, 2011

I am just a home user, and am not connected to any company network. ason JasonDiv11 has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Screen Resolution Change, Border Around Screen, Etc

Jun 30, 2012

for the past month i have had an issue where before the log in screen would show, it would be a blank screen with a cursor, that i could move. (It worked normal in safe mode) I normally would just ignore this problem and it seemed to go back to normal after a little while. Well yesterday it didn't go away, so i went online looking for a solution, in safe mode. I've read to disable/enable drivers, re-install drivers, just plenty of things. And the result of all this is that my screen resolution wont go back to normal, and there is a black border around my screen, around a half inch. Also, my computer has been running EXTREME slow lately.

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Change From Dual Boot To Windows Boot?

Aug 6, 2012

I have installed a year before UBUNTU on my pc with dual boot (i.e. use either window 7 or ubuntu).the NTFS partition that contains the UBUNTU was corrupted and i wanted to take the dual boot from my PC. I used the instructions from the web site: the disk management tool would not let me delete the NTFS partition.Could any one help me delete the NTFS partition and use just windows 7 as the only boot. step by step help would be great.

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Windows 7 Startup Animation?

Oct 6, 2009

I have installed Win 7 RTM on several PCs and I like the new Win7 animation (the windows colors rotating then merging into the logo symbol). For some reason on my HP Mini 5101 this animation is replaced by the older Vista animation (the line of dashes moving left to right over "Microsoft Corp".. Is this "normal" or is there something I can do to change it to the Win 7 animation?

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How To Make Own Exit In Animation

Mar 14, 2012

it is possible right?

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10 Second Delay Before Startup Animation?

May 6, 2011

When it came back I installed everything and whenever I start it up there is a 10 second delay before the startup animation starts. then it takes its normal course. When my bootup starts now it seems as if it has a much longer bootup than before I rmaed it and it is quite annoying seeing as I have to shut it down because it will not resume from hibernate or sleep.

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