Changing Logon Screen Animation?

Aug 24, 2010

how to change the background of the logon screen however, I'd like to change the little blue ring animation. I'm familiar with resource hacker and restorator but haven't been able to find where this animation is stored to make the desired change.

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Changing The Logon Screen

Aug 25, 2009

RONIZ by ~007TINAR on deviantART Their is a totally cool background. But is it customizable? How can i change the text to make it say Windows Windows 7, instead of that windows xp stuff. And how can i remove that "water-mark"-like thing in the top left corner.

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Changing Logon Screen Background?

Mar 10, 2012

I'm trying to change the background for the log-on screen for Windows 7 Home Premium. I tried the method explained here [URL](and on other websites), but when I navigated to the backgrounds folder, I wasn't able to add a new picture or delete the current one.I downloaded the Logon Changer [URL], but it only gives me the choice between pictures in C: / Windows / Web / Wallpaper.And I can't add any pictures there either (nothing happens after I give administrator permission).

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Program For Changing Logon Screen

Sep 29, 2009

I used a very simple program in August when the RTM first came out to change the logon screen without having to deal with the registry. Now I can't find it; it was something that didn't require installation, because it doesn't appear in the start menu. Just needed to point to the jpg I wanted and it changed it for me. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Eh, I just found it online again: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer - Customize your Windows 7 welcome screen wallpaper.

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Changing Logon Screen To Classic Windows Look?

Oct 21, 2011

I have been looking for a way to change the logon screen to more of a classic windows look, without success. Then the other day I saw this image on a blog: [URL]. That is basically what I would like to have. DSurely that is a modified logon screen? It does say "Copyright 2008 Microsoft...", so maybe this is from one of the earlier builds of 7?

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Logon Screen User Picture Changing

Oct 12, 2012

How to remove win7 user account picture from logon screen.

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Changing Windows 7 Logon Screen To Only Show Second Account?

Sep 29, 2012

My father's girlfriend is giving this Toshiba laptop to my father, and I'm charged with setting this up.Starting off, the only (non-Guest) account has been:


I created:


So when you boot up Windows 7, it lands here:

[HerName] [HisName]
Administrator Adminstrator

1) To put [HisName] first, on the left?or better yet, 2) Remove [HerName] from the logon screen, keeping the account so it can be switched to?

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Changing Logon Sound In Windows 7?

Oct 29, 2011

I have the audio file witch is mp3 and i have converted it to wav file.I changed it in the sounds menu or whatever the right name is and when i test it then it plays.But when I actually log in then the sound wont play. Is it possible that the sound is too long?

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Windows 7 Logon Sound Not Changing

Oct 3, 2012

My windows 7 logon sound will just not change.

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Black Screen After The Animation?

Feb 19, 2010

I've assembled a new computer and everything is good, but when I put my Windows 7 Ultimate disk the Windows Loading is starting then the animation, but since then the screen is completely black. I waited at least half an hour. I tried to replace the disk drive and the IDE cable, but no change. I put the disk on another computer, and it works properly and displays the screen with the blue Windows 7 background where the installation begins (and asks for the installation language), instead of that black screen.

Processor: Intel E5200 2.6GHz Motherboard: Gygabyte G41M-ES2L Memory: G. Skill 2GB GPU is onboard

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Boot Screen Animation Change?

Oct 7, 2012

I don't know if this one can be done. I know how to turn off the ding sound it makes when my computer boots up but does anyone know how to change the boot screen animation? I would like to put one of my own animations on there instead of the windows logo popping up from 4 little lights.

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Difficulty Changing Secure Logon Text Prompt

Dec 8, 2012

All this was done on Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I've been trying to get the "Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE or use the Windows Security button to <log on/unlock this computer.>" text changed. I made a copy of the authui.dll.mui files from both System32/en-US/ and SysWOW64/en-US/ to another location. I opened them up in Resource Hacker , went to String Table/753/1033 and changed the text for items 12035 and 12036 , hit Compile Script , and then save. I then made backups of the originals, took file ownership so that I could delete them, and, finally, replaced them. To verify that this operation was successful, I opened the files, now in their respective en-US folders, back up in Resource Hacker . Each text field displays precisely what I set it to. However, when I lock the computer or log off, the text has not been changed at all. Even after a reboot, the text has not been changed. Afterwards, I went back into the en-US folders to make sure they didn't revert and found my changes in place.

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Boot Screen Animation Plays Freezes

Dec 25, 2009

The problem is that when the bootscreen is showing, the animation plays just a bit and then it freezes, but windows boots ok. How do I fix the bootscreen animation?

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Computer Screen Turns Off After The 'Starting Windows' Animation

Jul 23, 2012

I have an MSI a6205 laptop, and have recently reformatted my computer to reset everything in it. My problem is this: Ever since I re-installed Windows 7 my computer has been starting up, getting to the little 'Starting Windows' animation, then the screen turns off completely, with no back light (the fans and LEDs still function perfectly). The way I have been getting it to work is by turning it on, waiting for the screen to turn off, then tapping the power button and putting it to sleep, after a few seconds I hit the power button again to awake it, and the screen turns on and functions perfectly.

I know this isn't a hardware issue, because I also have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on the machine, and it works perfectly. It's just Windows 7 that is giving me this problem.

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Black Screen But Cursor After Crash, After Windows Start Animation

Feb 24, 2012

my system crashed yesterday due to gpu overheating. now it boots till windows animated logo but at the point right when welcome screen usually comes there is nothing now but a moveable mouse cursor on a completelly black i have following stuff to get back to normal: two very old restore points and a recently created macrium reflect system image but no repair disc. i will be very happy, if there is a way to use the image since i know that some of you prefer macrium reflect insted of microsofts system image solution. unfurtuntelly my restauration points are way to old (april 2011).

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Screen Saver Windows 7 Logon Screen Slideshow?

Jul 28, 2011

From Windows 7 logon screen how to run screen saver slide show. Try the hack here but it didn't work I have a lab of 30 systems and try it again on another two systems but it didn't work. I'm runing Windows 7 64Bit.

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Change From The Welcome Screen To The Logon Screen, Startup?

Apr 17, 2011

I am just a home user, and am not connected to any company network. ason JasonDiv11 has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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No Logon Screen With Black Screen And Mouse?

Apr 11, 2012

yesterday when i was making log out from my computer, there is no log out screen!! just black screen and mouse cursor, and when i did restart again , no logon screen appears or no any thing in screen , just black screen and mouse cursor too.I was tried every thing and no difference :safe modestartup repairrestore to some point (i dont have a point)upgrade windows or reinstall iti think the things maybe was made this poblem are :i was edited userinit.exe value from registry by deleting the comma from the end of its value. i used Windows 7 manager to make some clean and fixes some things on computer.

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Black Screen Upon Logon

Sep 5, 2012

My toshiba laptop screen is blank when I log on.

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Black Screen After Logon?

Aug 7, 2012

My Windows 7 started going to black screen after logon, I presume it started after my power went down suddenly.Anyway, I re-installed Windows 7 and it persisted. Then I installed Windows 8 preview to try something different and the same thing kept on happening.Also, half the time my computer won't even boot at all, I push the power button, hear the computer starting but the screen doesn't even turn on and it behaves like there is no input.

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Logon Screen For Windows 7?

Aug 28, 2012

So I was looking around the internet trying to customize my logon screen for win7. I was able to change the background but I've no clue how to get rid of the icon. Is there anyway to make it so there's just a place to type a password and no icon above it? Been poking around for awhile and I can't seem to find any info on it.

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Logon Screen After 1 Minute

Nov 1, 2009

If I don't move my mouse, or type anything for 1 minute, Windows 7 automatically brigs me to the log-in screen / change user screen (locks the pc).

I have set all the power settings for sleep, hibernate, dim, turn of HDD to none, or never. I also do not have a log-in password for my username (there is only one user).

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Change Screen Logon

Jul 3, 2009

I would like to change my logon screen (as the blueish one with "i think its supposed to be a Dove") looks total crap to me! but as i don't logon (only i use this Comp) is it possible to change it ?

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No Screensaver On Logon Screen

Aug 16, 2009

My wife and I each have user accounts and we "Switch User" back and forth all the time, and sometimes leave it at the logon screen with our two icons to click on.

In XP, the screensaver would run on the logon screen, but I'm noticing that nothing happens from the logon in 7. We have use the photo screensaver which makes it a digital picture frame of sorts, but if you leave it at the logon, you'll come back an hour later to see our two icons waiting for you.

Has the screensaver on logon been removed or is there a configuration I'm missing?

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Customizing Logon Screen?

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to minimalise my logonscreen, so far I have removed Windows Branding, every option but Start Task Manager, Ease of Access Button and the Shut Down button along with applying a custom wallpaper.Basically all I see is a Cancel button, wallpaper and Start Task Manager.However I would like to remove the arrow infront of Start Task Manager, theme the Cancel button so it does not look really glossy, and stop it automatically selecting the Top Item (Start Task Manager) automatically everytime I launch CTRL+ALT+DELETE.I would also like to remove the Switch User button from the Logon Screen and disable the loading wheel while shutting down and bootin

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Logon Screen Logo

Oct 7, 2009

Came across this site today, and would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you. I have already downloaded the thundercats clocks... big smile on my face lol

Anyway, back to my point. I have changed the logon screen background to an awesome image, I was just wondering, is there anyway of getting rid of the 'Windows 7' logo/word across the center bottom?

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Logon Screen Customization

Oct 22, 2009

Any advice if you can move the password bar in the main logon screen for Win 7. Another is if you can remove the picture on the logon screen. win 7 logon backround changer works for backround just wondering if there is a program for doing other tweaks.

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Customize Welcome / Logon Screen

Oct 26, 2009

Has anyone found a way to change the "Welcome" screen without downloading a "fix" from the inet?

I've tried creating a jpeg (the correct size) in windowssystem32oobeinfoackgrounds (saved as defaultBackground) and making a chage in the registry to:

HKLM>Software>Microsoft>Windows>Current Version>Authentication>LogonUI>Background... Key OEMBackground value 1 ... but to no avail.

What is interesting is that the original MS background file ((bitmap) in system 32oobe) that is the welcome screen has security permissions on it .... with Adminstrators only having Read/Read and Execute ONLY... O.O

TrustedInstaller has full rights to it .

Any suggestions?

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How To Skip Welcome Logon Screen

Nov 18, 2010

How to Skip the Welcome Logon Screen?

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Logon Screen On Second Monitor?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a dual monitor setup, with a 1280x1024 VGA monitor coupled with a DVI 1920x1080 monitor. I use the 1920x1080 one as primary, because I like to play a few videogames and they're much better on the widescreen (and higher res).

However, I'd like to be able to display the windows 7 logon screen on the secondary (vga) monitor, it's just a minor bug but I'd like it that way because whenever I wake up my computer, the vga monitor wakes up almost instantly but the widescreen seems to take a few seconds to wake up, and I'd like to be able to input my password and start using my PC right away - I use an nvidia card if that means anything (maybe the ati drivers support it but not nvidia I don't know).

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White Screen After Logon?

Oct 3, 2012

Recently I've been experiencing a white screen after I log in. It appears for about 2 minutes and then everything loads as normal, but everything does seem a little slow.

I got the white screen a few times, tried to boot in safe mode but it got stuck at 'classpnp.sys'. My laptop is working as normal right now, I left the white screen and it finally showed my desktop, but should I be worried about these white screens?

I'm using an asus a52f with 3gb ram. Sorry if this isn't enough info, I'll try to give any more details if you need them.

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