BSOD When Computer Auto-locks, Error 1000007e

Jul 13, 2012

I purchased an HP dvt6-7000 laptop about a month ago - Windows home premium 64 bit. Am using it for work, but recently it's started crashing whenever I leave the computer and it auto-locks. I tried disabling sleep but it still crashes. I called HP support and they had me test the memory and hard drive in Bios, and update the BIOS, but it still crashed.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033


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BSOD Playing Assassins,error 1000007e

Nov 3, 2011

this is the error I get everyday one or two times a day for the past week now. I have a HP Pavilion dv9000 with Windows 7 on it for about one year with no problems until now.I have know idea what the problem could be, does anyone know what it could be?


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BSOD Playing Skyrim, Now Won't Stop; Error 1000007e

Jan 24, 2012

My computer has been working fine for almost a year now, and the BSOD just started two days ago while playing Skyrim. I thought it was just Skyrim, so I stopped playing that and just left it for a while. Today, my computer got the BSOD during normal flash gaming, and then again 30 or so minutes later when I was trying to post here.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033


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Screen Auto Locks

Oct 22, 2009

i installed this windows 7 manager and now when i go to screensaver options the "on resume, display login screen" is checked and i cannot uncheck it. now my computer locks after 3 minutes of idle even though the screensaver is disabled.

i looked through windows 7 manager and i cant find it anywhere so does anyone know how i can change this back manually?

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Computer Locks Up Playing Several Games KERNEL ERROR In Event Log?

Jun 27, 2012

Dell XPS 9100 with Windows 7 pro X64. Dell support is no help, they just keep saying it is a software issue because their boot diagnostic doesnt show any problems. It quite often makes me do a system restore before i can get back into windows after it happens. Event log says Critical type, Kernel Error. System is less then 6 months old. I have had this problem for 3 of those months for a total of about 8 times.

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BSOD Playing Reckoning BCCode: 1000007e

Mar 20, 2012

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:


My computer is 2 years old and I only use it for gaming. This problem just started after installing Reckoning 2 weeks ago. Sometimes the comp runs for hours without a BSOD other days its every 15 minutes. This same thing happened when I was playing World of Warcraft AFTER i installed Reckoning.

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Getting BSOD (1000007e) Crashes Intermittently - Mostly When PC Is Idle

Jun 15, 2012

I'm getting BSOD crashes intermittently, but strangely enough only when my PC is idle.
Error log below, and dump file attached.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.
Locale ID:7177

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7600
Service Pack:0_0

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BSOD When Snap My Laptop Shut BCCode: 1000007e

May 9, 2012

sometimes when i snap my laptop shut i get a blue screen, what can i do?

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Old Republic Beta, Error 1000007e

Nov 25, 2011

Not very tech-literate but here is what I got (+ uploaded required files)

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Error 1000007e Graphic Intensive Applications

Jul 16, 2012

I'm having problems with running any graphic intensive applications(World Of Warcraft, Skyrim, GoT, it Occured once during Windows Memory Diagnostic, and when i tried to flash Windows Expirience Index. In 3-10 minutes after starting graphic applications laptop fails to blackscreen and on next log message appears.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057


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Windows Cannot Start The WLAN Auto-config Service On Local Computer, Error 1068

Aug 12, 2012

I am unable to connect to the Internet on wireless home network.I have carried out the following:'Click Start, type services.msc, then press Enter. Scroll down to "WLAN AutoConfig" and right click on it and select Properties. Set it to Automatic and not Disabled, and press the Start button, then click OK.That should start the service.'I received the following message:"Windows could not start Wired AutoConfig Service on local computer.Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start."

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Bsod, System Locks Frequently During Games?

Apr 10, 2012

my computer has been experiencing frequent bsod events mostly during gaming but often while streaming video as well. I recently installed several new components in my pc including a new mobo, ram, and an hdd. The system's memory was tested, the bios have been updated, and the display drivers have been wiped and updated.Nevertheless, I've received the following error messages:[CODE]

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Computer Locks Itself?

Dec 12, 2011

Ever since i changed computer case, PCU and GPU on my computer it started to lock it self.Either the screen goes black and the sound is on for like 5-10 sec or it becomes like thisand then i locks it self, and i have to press the power button to restart it.I've been trying a lot of different things to try to solve it but i cant fix it :SSome of the things are disable C-state in bios, disabling audio. Cant even remember all the different things i tried :S[CODE]

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Software Which Locks Computer?

Mar 30, 2011

I tried to google for software which locks WHOLE computer for period that I can decide before locking.Ideal program would be : I can make hotkey--and when I press hotkey computer will shutdown and I wont be able to use my computer for X time I configured.Basically I want to disable my computer fully with hotkey. And I wish there are'nt any way to bypass (at least easy) this lock.If someone knows program which is exactly what I described or something to that way

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Computer Locks-up While Downloading?

Sep 1, 2012

My computer consistently crashes while downloading a Torrent (Don't patronize me about the merits of downloading, I'm more worried about it being a hardware fault.)

My specs are:
Windows 7 Home Premium x64
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E6750 @2.66Ghz
Asus P5E-VM HDMI mobo
6 gb Ram (2gb Patriot DDR2-6400, 4gb Ballistix DDR2-6400)
GeForce 9500 GT (1gb DDR2)
80gb Maxtor HDD (I just ordered a 1tb Seagate Constellation to replace this)

I bought this computer from a friend a week ago, it had no HDD, so I used dban to wipe the one from my old broken system. Also, this system has been in his garage for maybe two years, and I live in Washington so we've had the full spectrum of temperature.I am not getting BSOD, the system simply locks up and has stayed there for 20 minutes until a flipped the back switch on the console. If a sound was playing through the speakers when it happens, the sound stalls on the current note. I only have about 11gb of space of this HDD and it seems that it only happens when I cross the 10gb of free space line.

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Computer Locks Up Under Heavy Load?

Jun 3, 2012

windows 7
intel core i7 860
asus p7p55d-e
2x 1 tb hd
8gb of ram
radeon 7950 vga card

so it started about a month ago, i would be playing eve online or minecraft.. and all of a sudden.. i would get a blue screen of death OR a computer lock up.. bac then i had 2x radeon 5770 cards... i replaced that with a radeon 7950 (amazing card btw) computer still keeps locking up, so i run memtest to see if its the ram, it passed, . so i turn off the pc. the next day... i get a startup failure in win7, i tried to repair it many times but it wouldnt.. so i took out my SSD hard drive and bought a traditional spin hard drive.. so far..only 1 blue screen .. something to do with ATi.. so i stopped running catalyst control center (i like to keep an eye out for my vid card temp) as well as speedfan (just in case) doesnt run anymore... so now my computer doesnt randomly freeze... ever.. HOWEVER.. when my computer is under heavy load (i run 8 clients of a game called EVE Online).. it will freeze.. no mouse movement.. freeze.. this also happens when i load up the universe map in eve online (i guess that only goes to people who play eve)otherwise.. computer now runs stable if i avoid those 2 things and 1 more thing to add.. i obviously had to reinstall windows 7 on my new hd so it is a fresh install?

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Computer Locks Up During Games - Not Temps?

Mar 17, 2012

I have an older Gateway 7811fx with an Nvidia 9800M GTS. Usually about 5-20 minutes into a game, it will hard lock, the screen turns black, and it has to be shut down manually. It is NOT temperatures as far as I can see. I'm running monitoring software, and the GPU is only getting up to 70 or so, the processor is also running cool. That being said, it used to overheat all the time before I got wise and fixed it, and I'm afraid the video card is just damaged after being run hard for 5 years. I just reinstalled Windows 7 and freshly updated my video drivers and the problem persists.

Is there anything else I can check to try to figure out what's going on? Everything seems to be perfectly fine until it hard locks; nothing is overheating.

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Computer Stays On, But Computer Locks Up

Jun 21, 2012

This is for my sister's computer and she keeps telling me the computer crashes. Recently she had a similar issue where the computer screen would go black after weird artifact flashing and whatnot so I thought it was driver related, or GPU related. I swapped her old card for a new 285 GTX, but it's still doing it. Testing out several drivers as well as programs to test if the GPU is faulty it gives no clear sign that it's the GPU. I tested out the CPU as well, and the RAM sticks but to avail they're all healthy fully function parts.

I did a complete OS reinstall for her to rule out if it's any software related issues, but yet again the computer crashes. It doesn't give any errors when turning back on and acts like normal and this happens at random times, sometimes in an hour, or in a couple days. Lately it's been getting worse, and I've come to suspect it might be her motherboard, but that's just my guess after ruling out the other hardware related things.

EDIT: Oh and I got her a power supply too, so it can't be it.

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[CRASH] Computer Locks Up Totally Randomly?

Jul 18, 2012

I've been getting random lockups for quite some time however here is the kicker,it ONLY happens with more than 4GB of RAM installed...anything less than 4GB I am perfectly fine but anything more my computer locks up totally randomly.Random bits of information: Tested all of my RAM sticks individually and in any combination I can think of,as long as the total is nothing more than 4GB I'm fine and dandy but soon as I hit 6,8,10(Due to what sticks I have I can only go up in multiples of 2GB) I get random lockups.Lockups can happen on desktop when I'm afk and the computer is completely idle,after 2 hours of intensive gaming killing splicers in Bioshock 2 or just while I'm transcoding a movie on the fly(This actually seems to be relatively safe,does not happen often)On the lockup whatever sound that was playing repeats(The last 0.2 seconds of it or something) so it sounds like BZZZZTTTTTT no matter whatNew motherboard,new PSU and hard drives passed a chkdisk recently(Albeit with some grumbling from them about bad sectors)SFC scan completed,no problems to report with my file integrity.PSU has plenty of power for the systemJust recently installed SP1(After the problem started) in an attempt to fix it,to no avail by the looks of the recent lockup and now I have no updates pending so windows is fully updated.

Obviously checkSUR ran with no problems before installing SP1Booting into an Ubuntu liveCD and running random stressy things for the computer does not produce the same effects,it runs perfectly fine.Computer temp is high but within an acceptable range most of the timeOnce it crashes/locks up once it sometimes does the same on boot again and again till I just leave the thing alone for an hour or two and try booting it up againEvent Viewer just shows this for each event when it locks up and I'm forced to reboot it manually:[CODE]

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Icon Notification Area Locks Computer?

Feb 25, 2012

No matter how I try to access the Icon Notification Area to customize hidden task bar icons, Win 7 freezes to a great extent. I am running 64 bit Win 7 SP1.

Under these conditions, when I put my pointer onto the task bar it changes into a hand with a pointing index finger. The Icon Notification Area will not show icons and all I get there is an interminable spinning blue circle.

The Task Manager will not correct this condition and I have to close my windows session manually with the power button. It seems something has been corrupted but I am at a loss. I have run chkdsk /f and sfc to no good effect.

I am running some 32 bit programs including MS Office Pro.

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Computer Locks Up And Won't Turn Off - Clock Loses Time

Apr 20, 2012

I have desktop that is less than 2 years old and it is having two problems: First, if I step away from the computer for a few minutes and come back to the computer, the screen is black and none of the keys will wake up the monitor. Also, I am unable to turn off the tower, even when holding down the button for 10 seconds. The only way to turn it off is to unplug the tower. When I plug it back in, I get everything back on the screen just like it was before I walked away.

The other problem is that the system clock will not keep time. This just happened a week or so ago. Whenever I manually update the sync, it resets, but won't keep time for long. From reading other posts on this forum, it seems that the CMOS battery may be an issue. Since the computer isn't that old and isn't used constantly, does that still seem reasonable? Is that normally covered under a warranty? I have never had a problem with other computers.

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Screen Shuts Off And Computer Locks Up Whenever Launch A Game?

Apr 29, 2012

I was playing through the walking dead game fine no problems then I had to go eat dinner so I paused the game (hit the esc key) and my monitor shut off and said no signal whenever I turned it back on. My mouse and keyboard also started shutting off and on and nothing I pressed (alt+F4, ctrl+alt+delete, etc) nothing got any response. So I shut off my computer booted it back up tried to play the same game again got the same issue. Then I tried to play something else and I got the same problem so whenever I launch any game my screen shuts off and computer essentially crashes. When Windows boots back up it says that it has recovered from a serious error similar to when you encounter a BSOD but doesn't ask you to send a report to MS. Also whenever I come back from the error windows for some reason attempts and fails to re-install the wireless receiver for my 360 controller. However it works fine again once I unplug and plug it back in again.

1. Uninstalling the game that started this.

2. Re-installing my video drivers.

3. Wiping my video drivers with driver cleaner in safe mode then re-installing my drivers.

4. Re-installing direct x using a setup file from a random steam game.

5. Doing a system restore from as far back as I had (April 25th)

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Computer Locks On Startup After Installing M/s Digital Image Suite 10

Feb 14, 2010

Is M/S Digital Imagesuite 10

compatible with Win 7?. Mine never gets past the startup screen F1 and F12 at bottom.


Microsoft Digital Imagesuite 10 supported Platforms are: Windows 98 / 2000 / Me / XP. However it runs on Windows 7.

If Microsoft Digital Imagesuite 10 hangs during startup visit this article.

If your computer doesn't get past POST(Power On Self Test) screen, it is more likely a hardware related problem.

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BSOD When Booting Computer Error 0x000000ed

Jan 4, 2013

When I try to boot my windows 7, it fails and a blue screen appears, stating that the error message "Stop: 0xed". I try to repair windows, but it fails.So, I reinstall my windows 7. And it works fine in several days, but the blue screen occurs again. I have encountered this situation several times. Reinstall, blue screen, reinstall.I found that before the blue screen occurs, my computer shut down normally.

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Computer Randomly Freezes During Gaming (BSOD Error)

May 22, 2011

When i play league of legend while using skype, my computer tend to freeze and stops functioning. This is a recent problem which has not happened before in the past.

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BSOD - Streaming Video Error On Windows 7 Computer

Apr 4, 2012

when my girlfriend was trying to watch a Internet video, the computer would freeze and go to a blank screen. this also happened when she tried to sign into myspace? when i was putting 7 on, there was no problem. i updated flash, java, etc. is windows 7 . . . - x86 (32-bit) - the original installed os on the system? no, vista was - an oem or full retail version? full retail - what is the age of system (hardware)? 4-5 years old? - what is the age of os installation (have you re-installed the os?) 1 month, no.

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BSOD Error Message - The Computer Has Rebooted From A Bug-check

Jun 1, 2012

Computer has rebooted a couple of times in the last month. Added details from event viewer and also updated dump files. Critical Error - Event ID 41 Source Kernel-PowerThe system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

BugcheckCode 244
BugcheckParameter1 0x3
BugcheckParameter2 0xfffffa8005d0e710
BugcheckParameter3 0xfffffa8005d0e9f0
BugcheckParameter4 0xfffff800035e1510
SleepInProgress false


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BSOD Randomly After About 30 Minutes Of Computer Use, Error 0x0f4

Sep 11, 2012

I am also using BlueScreenView but I don't understand the codes for this to know what is the cause. SEQUENCE OF SYMPTOMS: First application I am on freezes, cursor is waiting (cursor freezes and resumes, then freezes again). Windows Explorer freezes as well (turning white and then disappearing to only desktop wallpaper). All application closes as if it were restarting. Error windows pop up for applications, such as C++, security programs, browsers...

[B]Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.


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Random Restarts / Freezing On Computer - BSOD With Error Messages

Aug 5, 2012

I've been having a strange issue with my computer for a while now. A strange combination of random restarts, freezing but most commonly BSOD all with different error messages. I've tried a lot even removing some RAM and changing my keyboard. I've also had it checked 4 times with still no results.

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BSOD - Probably Happened By Auto CPU Overclock

Aug 22, 2012

I think this BSOD happened by auto CPU overclock, because otherwise I haven't done any overclocking by my self. I posted here images and even video. How can I maintain default clock and heat temperature < 50C. My CPU temperature increases usually from 35+ to 55+. And no overclock was done. CPU is AMD FX-4100 - 3.6 Ghz; Or maybe its thermal paste. Voltage is messed up, what needs to be corrected. In Bios ASUS M5A97 AM3+ Motherboard with UEFI BIOS OC Demo made easy Part1 (for my M5A97)

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Auto-log On, But Still Have A Password Or Lock Computer?

Nov 2, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to Auto log on but still have a password.I want it to log in and not stop at the log in screen. So it will do a full boot with out user intervention, but still require a password to access the computerReason being is my netbook takes forever to log in to. But I still want the added security of a password. was thinking about a script file that will lock the computer, placed in the start up folder, but it would be annoying to be on the desktop doing stuff then get sent to the lock screen, when the start up scripts finely runs. (being one of the last things to run). It would be simple to by pass, by deleting the script before it has a chance to run when the computer logs in.

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