Turnon Computer Wouldn't Start

Mar 21, 2008

Wow...I have not been very happy the past couple of days...here's what happened: Yesterday afternoon, I turned on my computer, and it wouldn't start. Turns out it was a crcdisk.sys problem. To fix it, I went out and got a new HD (needed a new one, it was on sale, didn't want to lose the data on my old boot), installed Vista and SP1 clean, and now it works like a charm.

Today, I go to put my fourth gig of RAM in, and I tried to install the KB929777 update, but I got the "your system does not need this" error. So I tried to just put the 4th gig in, and low and behold, it froze at start-up. (Interestingly enough, I didn't get a BSOD, but I got a crcdisk.sys error...whether or not this was the initial problem, I'd rather not wonder). Took out the 4th gig again, and it starts up fine; slick, fast, and smooth. I would really like to be able to use all of my RAM, seems as how I did pay for it and all...I've got Mushkin XP2-6400 sticks that have been really reliable so far.

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Start Computer Get Nothing No Icons Start Menu

May 11, 2008

when i start my computer i get nothing no icons start menu or anything but i do get a my documents window and from there i have to ctrl alt delete then go to file run and run explorer does anyone know how to make it to where i dont have to do all that stuff to run explorer basically does anyone know how to make it where when i start my computer it is normal with explorer running?

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Computer Will Not Start

Jul 29, 2009

Have changed power unit but computer will not start at all. How should I diagnose from here? Could this be CMOS battery? M/B is socket 939 about 2 years old.

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Computer Won't Start Up

Jul 19, 2008

The computer(hp m9150f) just won't start up. I've tried running CHKDSK and startup repair but I keep getting an error message saying that it was unable to fix it. Let me just say that the computer with the problem is not mine but my family's. I rarely use it, so I don't know what they might have done to it. They told me they had some important files inside the computer so they don't want me to do an hp system restore before they saved the files. So, what I've came up with is to do a vista upgrade first, so then they'd have access to their files. Then I would use the hp system restore to restore everything back to the normal. Can anybody here tell me if this would work and also if there's any other way to fix it?

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Computer Won't Start

Jan 1, 2010

I tried everything possible doing all the research on the net as possible and seeking HP tech support. Basically, my laptop won't start anymore. When I startup the computer, it just abruptly shuts down after 2-minutes. I tried reseating the RAM, the Hard drive, other things HP told me but all to no avail.

I have basically given up I think...I had one of these sent in when I had my warranty and HP supposedly fixed it. My whole life is on this computer. I was thinking of getting another comp if I can't fix this (I don't know what is wrong with it?) but what would happen to all the valuable materials and software on it? I have the hard drive still? Is there a device they sell I can hook up my hard drive as an external hard drive if I plugged it in with a device or something?

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Computer Start Up Question

Aug 25, 2009

Is it normal when I turn on my computer that it first saids dell then the yellow greenish bar that got left to right then my screen go black with just the mouse pointer showing then to the windows logo then the welcom screen and finally my desktop? My main question is is it normal for the mouse pointer to be there for a few seconds before the circular windows logo appears? All together it take about a minute to a minute and a half to get to the desktop. Also sometimes when I do get to my desktop my sidebar gadgets are in the incorrect order. Is that a problem?

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Computer Restarting At Start-up

Oct 13, 2009

I am working on my mothers computer. She has a dell inspiron 1525 running windows vista basic.

She is having a huge problem. Whenever she starts her computer, it starts up normally, and goes all the way to the log in screen. You can log in and everything seems fine. It takes about 30 seconds from the time that it shows the accounts to choose from until it automatically restarts. I let the battery completely drain and am recharging it. It is still auto restarting. Her AV was up to date and no problems there.

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Computer Shuts Down At Start-Up

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Acer Aspire computer running on Windows Vista. I've had it set up for a week now, running every day without any problems. Today, I switched on the computer and before Vista loaded, the computer shut down on its own. I tried again and this time got a screen asking if I want to run a start-up diagnostic. I chose that and the computer shut down again. I switched on again and this time Vista loaded and everything was ok. Apart from installing daily important Window Vista updates, I haven't changed anything on the system.

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Computer Freezes At Start-Up

Mar 29, 2009

I've been having a problem with my computer for the last month. When starting up it freezes at the splash screen or the windows start-up screen. I may have to restart several times before it will fully start up. I ran the Western digital utility and the hard drive failed. So I installed a new hard drive and went from XP32 to Vista64. I still does it. I ran Memtest and the RAM is fine. I bypassed the surge suppressor and it still does it. Once it's running, it's fine. Other then leaving it on all the time,

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Computer Management Wont Start!

Jul 20, 2008

As the title says Computer management in Administrative tools refuses to start.

I double click on the icon and it comes up with the UAC popup i click yes and then nothing happens. i tried it like a half hour ago and still nothing.

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Computer Crashe And Wont Start

Apr 9, 2008

My vista run laptop will not eject once you've saved something, it says its finalising the disc, then the computer crashes and the CD just spins round for literally hours, the only way to stop this is to turn off the computer 'emergency like' as its frozen. This is really bugging me as I can't save anything to disc or read any discs without my computer crashing.

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Huge Bios Computer Won't Start Up

Dec 20, 2007

I own a Lanparty nf4 sli dr motherboard and have recently downloaded and flashed the latest bios from the manufacturer's website. As recommended by the manufacturer, I used winflash to flash the bios. Everything seemingly went well, and the program asked to reboot and I did. Now the computer won't start up. It will get as far as the motherboard logo, but not far enough for me to entire the bios. I don't know what to do. I tried to contact the manufacturer via the phone and have been put on waiting every time.? My computer does not have a floppy drive by the way.

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Start Computer Vista Won't Boot

May 2, 2009

I have put a new hard drive in my case, just for a bit of extra storage. It is set to a slave drive but when it is plugged in and i start my computer vista wont boot. I am stumped with this one.

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Computer Crashed, Won't Start Up Except In Safe Mode

Oct 9, 2008

Windows vista ultimate 32 bit crashed, bluescreens now and won't start up except in safe mode. safe mode with networking wont work either, so now im on my laptop. i tried restoring and it didn't work. am i screwed?

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Could Not Start The WLAN AutoConfig Service On Local Computer

May 15, 2010

Been trying all sorts to get a Toshiba laptop to see a wireless network. Network is definitely present. Lastly have checked WLAN AutoConfig settings: Setup is set correctly to automatic Service status is stopped. Clicking Start I get the following error Windows could not start the WLAN AutoConfig service on Local Computer. Error 0x0000003: One or more arguments are invalid.

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On Start Up :: Computer Freezes, Goes Black, And Tower Unit Beeps

Nov 14, 2009

On start up lately, the computer freezes, goes black, and tower unit beeps.

Unplug it and start up in safe mode, then back to normal start up OK.

First time, all Norton definanitions gone and Vista defender shut off. restored them,
all OK.

Tried to back up files and got i/o device error (Ox8007045D)...

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Computer Has Finished Its Start-up Routines The StartUp Folder Was Empty

May 29, 2009

This may be a rather simple question, but... How can I tell when my computer has finished its start-up routines? I used to have IE and OneNote in my StartUp folder. But, my computer seemed to take a long time to start up as compared to when the StartUp folder was empty. Now I just have a text file in it that only has the word "Ready" in it. So, that is when I know that my computer has finished its start-up processes. This is more curiosity than anything else. My computer (Dell Inspiron 1501 running Vista Home Premium) doesn't take that long to start up. I would just like to know when I can start opening apps after I boot up.

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Wouldn't Overclock

Sep 30, 2009

i bought a eVGA 9800gtx and it wouldn't overclock.I thought it was my power supply and bought a new one old PSU=420W and 900GTX requires 450 so I bought a 460 and still I cannot overclock. I use rivatuner and set my clocks and click OK then it reverts back to stock. And same with eVGA precision.

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3rd Party Defrag Software Can Affect Computer Start Time/performance

Oct 10, 2009

I read in one of the posts that 3d party defrager could mess up start speed and comp performance, whereas vista's built-in defrager keeps certain files in ceratin places to increase efficiency and speed.

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Dvd Drive Wouldn't Read

Jul 25, 2009

tried to install a game on dvd on my new computer and pioneer dvr-118lbk wouldn't read it. installed vista home premium 64, mb driver, controller driver, and some other drivers. tried to play a dvd on computer and it wouldn't read it either. device manager tells me it is up to date, but says it is a cd-rom drive. what should i try?

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Run As Admin Wouldn't Work

Jun 21, 2008

I reformatted the computer back to xp for now. Is there a way to shut off all the permissions to continue in vista. If there is I`ll put it back on. but I do alot of work on the computer and it got annoying have to give it permission constantly. I know vista is about security but it has gone alittle to far. Also I got tired of having to try and get a program working . Run as admin wouldn`t work or it was too hard to get permission set up as admin. I`m the only one that runs this computer and noone else touches. So if there was a way to change it.

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Permissions, Notepad Wouldn't Save

Mar 3, 2009

I have a program that installs as a subfolder of the Program Files (x86) folder. Inside the main folder of the application is a file, SpecDat.xxx. The application, when run, needs to change this file. If I run this application from an administrator account, it comes back with a Error '53': File Not Found error. After some extended debugging by both me and the author, we discovered it wasn't updating this file.

When I tried to update this file manually using Notepad, Notepad wouldn't save it either. After more research, I ran the application by right-clicking and selecting "run as an administrator". Now it works, even though I'm always running it from an administrator account.

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Wouldn't Boot Up, USB Auxiliary Harddrive

Apr 3, 2009

The Vista machine wouldn't boot up. So I got an adapter that allows you to attach the Vista hardrive to the XP machine as a USB device. I want to do this to tyr to save the files on the Vista drive. So I have it attached right now. The XP machine recognized a USB mass storage device on startup. But I can't find the drive or files anywhere.. I read somewhere to check disk manager but didn't see it there either. I did see it in "computer managment" under disk drives.. but couldn't seem to access it.

-I had an Ipod shuffle attached to the XP computer. I read somewhere this might cause a problem. But I don't know how to dfix it if that is the case.

-will the XP machine read the files from the Vista hardrive?

- do I have to put jumpers on the Vista drive I attached to make it a slave?

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System Restore, Wouldn't Boot

Jul 29, 2009

I downloaded a film ( a backup o one of my DVD's it has got scratched and I really wanted to see it as well. Anyway when I did I opened up the video file into windows media player, it asked me to get some rights/ acquisitions to play the file. As the message was coming from windows media player I guess hmm it must be true. Usually I wouldn't if anything asked me to download anything. As it finished windows media message came up with a message to say it was downloaded correctly. So I checked task manager making sure it was actually windows media player and it was. When I tried playing the file it wouldn't play.

Whatever it downloaded hadn't taken effect yet. Then I blue screened. My laptop wouldn't boot up normally. So I tried booting up with " last good configuration" it booted up but I found out what had happened. All my programmes were "corrupted" something to do with the registry according to the 60 pop up messages saying each and every programme had been corrupted.........

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Motherboard Wouldn't Work Preoperly

Dec 18, 2008

I recently added a NIC card to my comp because the one on my motherboard wouldn't work preoperly. Everything was fine for a few days but then my graphics card began to play up. The top of the display was fine, but the bottom three quarters was a cross between grey and odd colours. I took the NIC card out thinking I had overloaded the graphics card, turned it on and all was fine. Then after 5 minutes it began to play up again, but only when I was burning a DVD. I think it's the PSU as it's 2 and a half years old, I don't think it's pumping out enough juice for everything. The problem is gradually getting worst.

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Lenovo Clean Install Of XP And Wouldn't Boot

Mar 31, 2010

I got a Lenovo 3000 PC from friend who was tossing it ( wouldn't boot). Had no CDs for me, but I took it. I can mount drive in another system and the disk itself looks ok - but Vista is toast. I had already ordered win7 UPGRADE for another PC but now thinking - this will be my new box.So, I called Lenovo - ordered the original Vista home premium CD/DVD set and it will be here in a few days. I asked if it needs an oem partition to do a reinstall and was told 'no - these DVD's can be used in a brand new drive and will install fine.' I'd like to get the most from Win7 and it seems like to do that I need to upgrade from Vista and not XP. If I can I'd like to multiboot with XP too, so , could someone familiar with Lenovo as well as Vista/Win7 structure critique this plan:Partition drive - 4 partitions ? ( 1=XP, 2=Win7, 3=DATA and 4= Lenovo diag/utility partition)I install XP , then Lenovo Vista, then upgrade Vista to Win7Or will installing Lenovo disks wipe XP and leave disk with 2 partitions - one for me and one for diags ?

If I can have XP and Win7, any difference if I install all updates to Vista prior to win7 upgrade or will win7 end up the same either way if I wait until vista is installed , then go right to win7 then " windowsupdate" ?

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Wouldn't Auto Connect To My Wireless Router

Jan 10, 2009

HP TX1000 Laptop wouldn't auto connect to my wireless router (1 metre away). I remembered that on the bootup Wireless Assistant turned on Bluetooth but not Wireless. In the Network and Sharing Centre, "Manage Wireless Networks" isn't showing so I can't turn it on. In what may be a related issue, I can't get into Services - Vista says that either I don't have permission (I'm logged on as Administrator) or it can't find Windows/System32/Services.msc (which I can't see). I've done the obligiatory re-start and I've connected via cat5 but I need to resolve this

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Transparent Window Photos Wouldn't Open?

Apr 4, 2008

after I followed Robert's instructions to fix sending photos that wouldn't open...see thread below...I went back into WM and my inbox window is transparent and not functioning.

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Wouldn't Display Correctly Once Transferred To Vista

May 25, 2008

I just bought a new desktop yesterday and has just transferred most of my music and photos from my existing laptop to my new desktop. however i realized that most of my chinese songs wouldn't display correctly once transferred to vista (from xp system). how to fix the problem (instead of renaming each song manually) for your reference: (some displays correctly some doesn't, why?)

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Wouldn't Revert Back Windows Firewall

Jul 20, 2009

it wouldnt let me surf the web had to revert back to the windows firewall. even though it says 64 bit

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DVD-RW Drive: Windows Wouldn't Recognize Any Recordable Disks

May 14, 2009

I recently tried to burn a CD for the first time in a number of months. I'd always used Roxio software for burning with no real probs but this time I could not get the drive to recognize the CD-R disk. Decided to delete the Roxio software and use the built in Windows Vista burning program instead but kept getting same message asking me to insert a disk. Checked the DVD RW drive properties and found it was set up ok as a recordable drive. Decided that the drive must be kaput so I bought a new one. Installed that ok but still Windows wouldn't recognize any recordable disks of any form that I put in the drive. Installeed the Nero 8 software that came with the drive and still have the same problem using that!

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