Linksys Broadband Router Intent

Dec 14, 2009

Im running Vitsa home premium 32bit on the desktop and XP on the Laptop. My Internet is constently droping, and even when its there it wont let me through to the site im trying to get to about 99% of the time.

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Won't Connect To Linksys Wireless-g Router

Dec 26, 2008

My family and i just got a new dell laptop with vista on it, but it will not connect to our home internet connection. We use a Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router, Model WRT54G. I've tried various guides and searched high and low for an answer. When I try to connect to the network Linksys, It says
'Windows cannot connect to Linksys'.
Then, it says
"Make sure your computer is in range of "linksys" and that the network settings match the wireless router or access point settings"
All our other computers work fine with it, A laptop running XP, Our Home computer running XP, and even an iphone.
I'm not sure what that diagnostic is supposed to mean and I'm not familiar with vista at all.

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Not Connecting To Older Linksys Router

Mar 23, 2008

i have a new vista hp laptop and itis not connecting to my older linksys router. i have other wireless computers in my house that work just find. but my laptop the only vista computer in my house will not connect. i can find my router though "Connect to a network" but every time it says failed due to a unknown reson. my father tied to connect to and he is a computer specails. and on websites it said its a problem with vista sso can someone work me around it.

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Doesnt Connect To Linksys Router

Nov 29, 2008

I secured my network connection only to find out that my vista laptop couldnt connect to the wireless. it says "the setting saved on this computer for the network do not match the requirements of the network". My other MACs laptop could connect with no problems. my router: wrt54G the manual that i followed:Linksys Technical Troubleshooting Wizard v3 - Wireless Router Configuration - Security - WEP

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Connected Linksys WRT54G V.4 Router But Wifi Disabled

Feb 3, 2009

I have never run into this before. I have a dsl modem/gateway (actiontec) which i use to connect to the internet. when I connected a Linksys WRT54G v.4 router to my laptop thru RJ45, WITH wifi disabled on the router, I lose connectivity to the internet on the wifi connection.

I'm used to XP with independent connectoids. Looking at the properties on each connection, they appear to be correct. Has anyone run into this on Vista? I thought surely by disco'g the wifi on the Linksys Router it should just be a standard wired connection. both routers are setup for DHCP. Is that what's confusing Vista?

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Broadband Internet Connection Router Capabilities

Jul 28, 2008

As I've been enjoying Vista a LOT, I was looking in the Vista Tweaks section on & found that MS Vista's new TCP IP stack has the ability to autotune broadband internet connections due to packet load and or router capabilities/defiencies (much like a "gamer" would be trying to do w/ proggies like TCP Optimizer) except that Vista can do this on the fly while you're surfing, playing MMOG's, etc. Speedguide noted that in Vista this is usually turned off by default but in Server 2008 this is turned on by default.

Now why would Redmond do that? I can understand why turning this on for server usage but I'm a big time online gamer & this ability caught my attention--do y'all know what it means to have a stable connection when you're in the middle of a big intense furball w/ a LOT of others trying to shoot you down? This kind of usage is very much like a server being pinged by LOTS of users trying to get their presentations, budgets, timesheets, projects, etc & IT checking the server as well because Joe can't get his presentation files to run off PowerPoint cause the server is too busy so they're in there checking for malicious "content" that may be using up needed resources....

So I went in & checked thru "elevated command prompt" & sure enough it was turned off. So I just went in & enabled it & set all up according to Speedguide's recommendations to see what Autotuning would do....All I can tell you is this:If you do a lot of online gaming you will WANT this on!Check it out at :: Broadband · Cable · DSL · VoIP · Security · Network Tools I posted this here as I couldn't find any references to this tidbit here in this forum. Now if you just only surf the 'net & online shopping & such I really wouldn't bother w/ this as Vista's TCP IP stack in default configuration is more than enough.Hence why I posted this in the Gaming section.

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Firewall Disable: DHCP Address From Linksys Wired Dsl Router

Mar 23, 2008

As things stand right now: PC 1 - Windows Vista Business. Firewall disabled. DHCP address from Linksys wired DSL router. PC 2 - Windows XP Pro. Firewall disabled. DHCP address from Linksys wired DSL router. Both machines are in the same workgroup.

The XP machine can ping the router, ping the Vista machine by IP address, access the internet, access file shares on the Vista machine
by ip address (\addressshare). It cannot ping the Vista machine by name. The Vista machine can ping the router and access the internet. It cannot ping the XP machine by name or address (request timed out).

Vista Ipconfig output:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Dell1
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No.......

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Local Access Only: Connect To The Wireless Router (Linksys WRT110) Via Ethernet Cable

Mar 23, 2010

I just moved into a new apartment where there is already wireless internet set up in my office. I don't actually want/need wireless so I'm trying to connect to the wireless router (Linksys WRT110) via ethernet cable, but am getting "local access only". The other two computers that are connected to this router are connected to the internet and thus are NOT having this problem.

-I can not connect directly to the modem because then everyone else loses their internet access.
-firewall is off.
-ping test doesn't work, I can't ping anything since I can't get online AT ALL.
-I know my cable works; if I connect it to the modem, I can get online.
-I know the router works, because everyone else can get online. I tried to get help from Linksys, but they want $30 for one-time help, which, IMO, is BS.

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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VISTA And XP: "find" Each Other Over My Linksys Router But Neither Can Access The Other

Jun 3, 2009

I have a loptop running XP and just build a home machine with VISTA Home Premium. I've tried and tried but I am missing something. Both computers will eventually "find" each other over my Linksys Router but neither can access the other. I get "the network path was not found" on my VISTA machine and "access denied..." on my XP. I've tried everything except ramming the two machines together to make one monster mess of machinery.

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Networking With Linksys Can't See Each Other

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to network both of my desktop computors with a Linksys router,both are windows vista,my new one is vista premium and the older one is vista basic, I run through all of the installation and setup steps required on both computors and no matter what I do I can only get one of them to access the internet at a time and they can't see each other.

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New Linksys Wireless Connection, Basic.

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased WRT54G Linksys wirless adapter & WRT54G Linksys Router about 8-10 months ago. Router wired to my desktop pc running Windows XP & my wireless connection running Vista Basic on a desktop in another room..Everything has worked fine until about 3 days ago when I keep going in & out of internet connection on the wireless pc. Updated drivers from Linksys and was on the phone with them for 3 hrs. yesterday. They got my connection back up, but only for 15 mins. or so before losing my connection repeatedly. These are my current issues:

1. I have always had full signal streghth on the wireless pc.
2. I am connected to the network.
3. It says I'm connected to the internet but I can't surf the web.
4. Internet connection keeps turning on/off (Globe then no globe)
5. There are no issues at all with the pc with the router attached.
6. When diagnose and repair it says nothing wrong with my connection or sometimes check with my internet provider. (Internet on main pc working fine).
7. It's random but I have been able to browse a couple pages here & there, sometimes for a full hour.
8. Windows Update says there's been an update for my wireless adapter for months but I always get an Update Failed message. My pc has worked fine for all this time without it. There have been no changes to either pc. I don't know why I'm having issues now.

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Lost Broadband Connection

Aug 29, 2007

I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 OEM on a Q6600+4gb ram+Asus P5N-E SLI. My favourite browser is Firefox and I installed version and it runs fine. However I got prompted to upgrade to version and when I did I lost my broadband connection completely. I've tried it several times and the same thing happens every time. Obviously I have disabled the update prompt and am running version but I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if there is a way round it. I've tried to get onto mozillas forums but it keeps telling me I have typed in the fuzzy letter test thingy wrongly! Once again I've tried several times and been extra careful but they still won't let me register.

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Installing SP1 I Can't Establish A Broadband

Apr 11, 2008

Since installing SP1 I can't establish a broadband (DSL) connection after coming out of Sleep mode. Even if I log off and back on I still can't connect. I've tried disconnecting before going into sleep, but that hasn't worked. Diagnostics finds no problems and my power options are unchanged. I must either reboot or go into hibernation mode to get the connection back. There are no issues when I use hibernate. I've searched around and found no solutions,

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USB Broadband And WIFI Simultaneously

Nov 25, 2009

I have a Vista laptop which connects via wifi to my home network router and I can access all the PCs and Printers and internet no problem. I now have to do some work away from home and will purchase a USB Broadband modem which will give me mobile internet/email, but I will still want to move files and print when at home.

If I have my USB Modem and my Wifi enabled at the same time, can I access the Internet via the USB Modem, while accessing the PCs and Printers at home? How would my laptop know to access the Internet via the dongle modem and not through the router and modem on the home network?

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Multiple Linksys Products And Network All Three Computers

Jun 26, 2008

I have cable internet, that runs to a Linksys BFESR41 router, one hardwire goes out to the PC. One hardwire goes out to the internet connection for a Linksys WRT54G, which then provides the internet access for both laptops. Linksys tech support helped me get internet to all three computers. They had me do a MAC clone on the wired router and PC to get internet working on the PC. Then they had me hook the wireless router to the wired router via the wireless router internet "in" connection. I want to network all three computers so that I can access files on each computer, as well as share a printer that is connected to the PC. As of now I have internet on all three computers, but they do not "find/see" each other.

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Display On Desktop Of Broadband Speeds.

Sep 27, 2009

If I'm not in the right group I apologise in advance.

Broadband speeds. I know it's easy to learn what the current speed at a
particular moment is by using one of the many people on the web providong
that service. What I cannot find and would find useful if I had it would be a
display - rather like the clock at the bottom RH corner, for instance. A
display that would show constantly what the speed is, or failing that, by
reacting to the cursor being on it.

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Internet Users Dislike Broadband Cap

Oct 3, 2008

Surprise! Internet Users Dislike Broadband CapWritten by Kevin Parrish - 2:20 AM - October 2, 2008. It’s no secret that internet service providers are considering Broadband caps to cut down costs. However many U.S. consumers dislike the idea and will gladly change carriers if their current BSP implements the restrictions.

ZoomIn Zeugma Systems’ recent survey conducted for the International Data Corporation (source), 81 percent of the 787 U.S. customers polled proclaimed their dislike for a Bandwidth cap and the additional charges for internet use beyond the limit. However, 83 percent had no idea what a gigabyte was or just how much bandwidth they actually consume. 51 percent of those polled added that they would actually switch service providers if broadband caps were set in place. Some even claimed to actually pay for additional premium services if necessary.

"These results are both an opportunity and a warning for BSPs," said Kevin Walsh, Zeugma Systems vice president of marketing. "The opportunity is that consumers are signaling a willingness to pay more for dedicated bandwidth over and above basic high speed internet for such services as premium internet video, VOIP, gaming, and corporate VPN access. The warning is a clear distaste for bandwidth caps. At a minimum, providers moving forward with bandwidth capping schemes may want to consider a more intelligent and flexible application of caps.”

Starting today, Comcast residential customers are now limited to 250 GB per month. The company claims that the new limit is more than enough for its customers, and will more than likely never surpass the limit. But considering the consumers who purchases games and movies online, this restriction may feel more like a punishment than means to save money on behalf of the BSP. Online Gamers may face the largest setback, especially those playing on Microsoft’s Xbox Live service or MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and EverQuest II. Read more at the Source: Surprise! Internet Users Dislike Broadband Cap - Tom's Hardware

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Is Possible To Connect 2 System To The Internet Via A Broadband Cable

Mar 3, 2009

Is it possible to connect 2 laptops to the internet via a broadband cable wired connection. By this I mean, is there such a thing as a twin connection for the wired modem, that you could plug 2 computers into?

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Windows 7: Mail Drops Broadband Connection

Nov 10, 2009

Have a Dell Vostro laptop with Windows 7 Professional. I did download and install Windows Live Mail. I use Verizon Mobile Broadband (USB). Whenever I start to use Mail, my Broadband connection disconnects, after a short time? When I use the Internet Browser, I have no problems. Has anyone seen this before and are there any fixes?

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External Hard Drive: Slow Conection Although Using A Broadband

Jun 17, 2009

i need an external hd to go with my hp pavillon core 2 duo. could you gime some info about size(gb) and label. i am experiencing a slow conection although using a broadband.

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Wireless Broadband Without Having A Fixed Land Line Connected

Mar 23, 2008

it's possible and economical to have wireless broadband without having a fixed land line connected because i'm sick of paying the line rental on a phone that i just about never use. I sometimes think we pay through the nose for communication that's not really up to speed in Australia.

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Wireless Broadband: Connect To Internet Lose Network

Jul 5, 2008

I have VIRGIN wireless broadband with a Huwai e220 modem. It is connected to my Windows Vista Ultimate desktop PC via USB. I also have a small network comprising 1 x Linux Mandriva PC, 1 x Linux Mint PC, and an old desktop without g/card, monitor, mouse or k/board that I use to store files. My problem is that whenever I connect to the internet I lose my network. When I try to change the settings in the "network and sharing centre" i can get my network but no internet! I hav etried every possible combination of settings that i can do without being able to have both. The strange ting is that sometimes when I connect it all works for about 3 minutes then it falls over!

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Sprint Mobile Broadband Connection: Can't Access This Forum

Feb 21, 2008

I have a new Dell and am using a Sprint Mobile Broadband connection and can't access this forum (using my Cox connection now.) It displays that "Internet Explorer Can't Display the Webpage." Do you think that is Sprint's fault or something in my Vista settings causing this. Probably Sprint as I CAN access it using Cox. But I want to make sure before I call them....

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Uninstall A 3mobile Usb Broadband, Setup.exe Has Stopped Working

Aug 17, 2009

i'm trying to uninstall a 3mobile usb broadband and it keeps coming up with "setup.exe has stopped working" these are the problems that it says

*problem signature:*
problem event name: appcrash
application name: set43f2.tmp
application version:
application timestamp: 4178b4a2.....

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Linksys Wireless G USB Adapter: Lose Internet And USB Adapter Itself

Feb 9, 2009

I have a issue with my Linksys wireless USB adapter. I am trying to use it with Vista Home Premium. After installing software... I plug the adapter in (like directions say) and windows update goes to work. It updates the driver, installs correctly, I then connect to my home network and all is good. My prob is for some reason I lose internet and the USB adapter itself. One time I switched users and lost all. I have tried uninstalling adapter and tried reinstalling by pointing to my D drive (install CD) in hopes of using the driver that's on the installation CD. as soon as it saw everything.. windows update once again gave me the same buggy driver. I have tried to install with UAC disabled... no luck... the Linksys website/support for drivers has the same updated driver. I tried to use an older one but Windows keeps forcing this updated one down my

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Bad Connection W/ Broadband PPPoE Connection

May 2, 2010

I have a strange problem. I have AOL broadband and I'd like to connect to the internet without using the infamous bloated AOL software. I know how to do that using Vistas' "set up connection or network" wizard and I can successfully log in using by username and password. The problem is the connection is very poor when I use this method. The speed tests show the correct speed and downloads are full speed but pages seemingly randomly do not load (for long stretches of several minutes). For example my home page does not load ("page cannot load" error), google does not load, some pages load but not fully with many errors.

This isnt a browser issue (I tried firefox, IE, chrome), this isn't a modem/router issue (I have a laptop that works fine with a permanently logged in router), it's not an AOL issue I can still log in fine with AOL software and then browse fine with firefox, it's not a hardware issue, and it's not a firewall issue (it's off). Therefore it must be an issue with the way windows connects to my modem when using the built in PPPoE broadband connection. I really have no idea what could be wrong. Maybe one of you do?

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Fails To Get IP From Router

Jun 18, 2008

I just installed Vista x64 and found it failed to connect to my home network. Diagnostic indicates the Vista is failing to get IP from the router. This did not happen when I installed Vista x86 or XP x86, x64. Other machine running these OSes have no connection problem. What could be wrong with the Vista x64?

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Changing Name Of Router

Feb 12, 2010

Ref. Windows Vista. I have noticed that when viewing Network that my router displays its type and most of the password. I'd like to remove the password information from the icon information. File - Rename is greyed.

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, XP And Router Don't Work

Mar 27, 2009

3 PC's (Windows XP Home, Windows XP Pro and Vista Home Premium The two XP's work flawlwssly with simple file sharing and printer sharing - the Vista has a problem. All I care about having work, for now, is simple file sharing with no user restrictions and printer sharing.All Workgroups are the same. The two XP's use Zone Alarm The Vista uses the built-in Microsoft firewall Some login Usernames are different on the three machines. The router is a Linksys WRT160N

Situation: The XP's are fine. The Vista shows the networking map OK (I think). The reason I say I think is that, under the router icon is a switch icon. I have no switch that I know of. At least the Vista machine recognizes that there are three machines in the network. Internet works fine on all three machines. However, in Explorer, under Network, on the Vista machine, only the Vista machine shows up with its' shared folders.

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Router Not Showing

Mar 28, 2009

how do i get my router showing in my network folder ive turned network discovery

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