Lost Broadband Connection

Aug 29, 2007

I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 OEM on a Q6600+4gb ram+Asus P5N-E SLI. My favourite browser is Firefox and I installed version and it runs fine. However I got prompted to upgrade to version and when I did I lost my broadband connection completely. I've tried it several times and the same thing happens every time. Obviously I have disabled the update prompt and am running version but I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if there is a way round it. I've tried to get onto mozillas forums but it keeps telling me I have typed in the fuzzy letter test thingy wrongly! Once again I've tried several times and been extra careful but they still won't let me register.

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Bad Connection W/ Broadband PPPoE Connection

May 2, 2010

I have a strange problem. I have AOL broadband and I'd like to connect to the internet without using the infamous bloated AOL software. I know how to do that using Vistas' "set up connection or network" wizard and I can successfully log in using by username and password. The problem is the connection is very poor when I use this method. The speed tests show the correct speed and downloads are full speed but pages seemingly randomly do not load (for long stretches of several minutes). For example my home page does not load ("page cannot load" error), google does not load, some pages load but not fully with many errors.

This isnt a browser issue (I tried firefox, IE, chrome), this isn't a modem/router issue (I have a laptop that works fine with a permanently logged in router), it's not an AOL issue I can still log in fine with AOL software and then browse fine with firefox, it's not a hardware issue, and it's not a firewall issue (it's off). Therefore it must be an issue with the way windows connects to my modem when using the built in PPPoE broadband connection. I really have no idea what could be wrong. Maybe one of you do?

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Windows 7: Mail Drops Broadband Connection

Nov 10, 2009

Have a Dell Vostro laptop with Windows 7 Professional. I did download and install Windows Live Mail. I use Verizon Mobile Broadband (USB). Whenever I start to use Mail, my Broadband connection disconnects, after a short time? When I use the Internet Browser, I have no problems. Has anyone seen this before and are there any fixes?

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Broadband Internet Connection Router Capabilities

Jul 28, 2008

As I've been enjoying Vista a LOT, I was looking in the Vista Tweaks section on Speedguide.net & found that MS Vista's new TCP IP stack has the ability to autotune broadband internet connections due to packet load and or router capabilities/defiencies (much like a "gamer" would be trying to do w/ proggies like TCP Optimizer) except that Vista can do this on the fly while you're surfing, playing MMOG's, etc. Speedguide noted that in Vista this is usually turned off by default but in Server 2008 this is turned on by default.

Now why would Redmond do that? I can understand why turning this on for server usage but I'm a big time online gamer & this ability caught my attention--do y'all know what it means to have a stable connection when you're in the middle of a big intense furball w/ a LOT of others trying to shoot you down? This kind of usage is very much like a server being pinged by LOTS of users trying to get their presentations, budgets, timesheets, projects, etc & IT checking the server as well because Joe can't get his presentation files to run off PowerPoint cause the server is too busy so they're in there checking for malicious "content" that may be using up needed resources....

So I went in & checked thru "elevated command prompt" & sure enough it was turned off. So I just went in & enabled it & set all up according to Speedguide's recommendations to see what Autotuning would do....All I can tell you is this:If you do a lot of online gaming you will WANT this on!Check it out at SpeedGuide.net :: Broadband · Cable · DSL · VoIP · Security · Network Tools I posted this here as I couldn't find any references to this tidbit here in this forum. Now if you just only surf the 'net & online shopping & such I really wouldn't bother w/ this as Vista's TCP IP stack in default configuration is more than enough.Hence why I posted this in the Gaming section.

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Sprint Mobile Broadband Connection: Can't Access This Forum

Feb 21, 2008

I have a new Dell and am using a Sprint Mobile Broadband connection and can't access this forum (using my Cox connection now.) It displays that "Internet Explorer Can't Display the Webpage." Do you think that is Sprint's fault or something in my Vista settings causing this. Probably Sprint as I CAN access it using Cox. But I want to make sure before I call them....

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Lost Network Connection

Mar 23, 2008

Running Vista and can no longer open my Maxtor III external hard drive. It appears as working properly in device manager. My Computer does not show 'G' or 'P' drives any more - the 'G'used to be pick up the USB connection.

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Lost Connection To Internet And Can't Restore It

Sep 14, 2009

I am writing now from a different computer. My computer lost connection to the internet. It was working yesterday. I tried to restore to restore point but vista won't allow me. It says
"Restoration Incomplete. Your computer cannot be restored."

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Wireless Connection Continually Lost

Apr 25, 2009

I have an HP z6000 laptop with a wireless connection to my home network. I have a Netgear Wireless Firewall Router, Model - WGT624 v3. I have two desktops that are hard wired to the Router. All settings for the Wireless laptop are correct. The problem is that when the laptop is not in use, which can be several days at a time, the wireless connection is lost, and it is almost impossible to restore the connection. I periodically backup the laptop to my external hard drive over the network, backup specific files from the one desktop to the laptop over the network, and need to have access to files on the other desktop via the network. I also need to work on the laptop in other areas of the house, so I need the wireless capability.

This has been going on for several months, and is something that is recent, having been using the laptop wireless with the same hardware for more than 2 years. Once the connection is finally made, it does ok, until the next time I have to shut it down for a few days, and then the connection is lost again. It would not be so bad, but, getting it to reconnect can take hours, if not days. I have it set to automatically detect, so not sure what is not working now

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Lost Network Connection After Installing SP1

Mar 23, 2008

I just installed Vista SP1 today & after installing I lost not only network connection but I dont even see my network card in the Divise Manager. I am at loss right now. I am running Vista Ultimate.

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Lost Remote Desktop Connection

Jun 16, 2008

In error, I unistalled Remote Desktop Connection when I was having EXTREME problems with VPN. Now I can't reinstall it. I found a link at MS, Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP (KB925876), but when I try to run or save it, I get an error message "Not enough storage is available to process this command." I then saved the program to my desktop which it readily accepted, but it wont let me run it.

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Lost Network Connection: Unidentified Ntework Limited Connectivity

Aug 21, 2009

I lost connection thinking it was the laptop i tried switching off the wireless card and deleting teh settings however it did not help. I only realised i had just lost connection completely. Now every time i connect i get unidentified ntework limited connectivity.

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Internet Connection Is Lost, Security Center Is Off, Error Code: 0x6D9

Jan 1, 2010

1.Internet connection is lost.

2. Security center is off.

3. The Windows Firewall service is not running. When try to turn on get prompt: "Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not Running. When try to restart Windows Firewall sevice: "Wimdows cannot starts the Windows Firewall service. Same in the Safe mode and from Adnministrative Tools. Also failed to load Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in. Error code: 0x6D9. When try to use systen restore: "System Restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system. The volume Shadow copy service used by Systen Restore is not working."

4. When I tried to shrimk files for Vista reinstallation, in Computer Managenemt / Storage: "Unable to connect to Virtual Disk Service" and this all happend at once, after i was trying IObit Security Scanning option "Network security" Is anything possible and what and in what order I have to try to do?

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Installing SP1 I Can't Establish A Broadband

Apr 11, 2008

Since installing SP1 I can't establish a broadband (DSL) connection after coming out of Sleep mode. Even if I log off and back on I still can't connect. I've tried disconnecting before going into sleep, but that hasn't worked. Diagnostics finds no problems and my power options are unchanged. I must either reboot or go into hibernation mode to get the connection back. There are no issues when I use hibernate. I've searched around and found no solutions,

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USB Broadband And WIFI Simultaneously

Nov 25, 2009

I have a Vista laptop which connects via wifi to my home network router and I can access all the PCs and Printers and internet no problem. I now have to do some work away from home and will purchase a USB Broadband modem which will give me mobile internet/email, but I will still want to move files and print when at home.

If I have my USB Modem and my Wifi enabled at the same time, can I access the Internet via the USB Modem, while accessing the PCs and Printers at home? How would my laptop know to access the Internet via the dongle modem and not through the router and modem on the home network?

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Display On Desktop Of Broadband Speeds.

Sep 27, 2009

If I'm not in the right group I apologise in advance.

Broadband speeds. I know it's easy to learn what the current speed at a
particular moment is by using one of the many people on the web providong
that service. What I cannot find and would find useful if I had it would be a
display - rather like the clock at the bottom RH corner, for instance. A
display that would show constantly what the speed is, or failing that, by
reacting to the cursor being on it.

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Internet Users Dislike Broadband Cap

Oct 3, 2008

Surprise! Internet Users Dislike Broadband CapWritten by Kevin Parrish - 2:20 AM - October 2, 2008. It’s no secret that internet service providers are considering Broadband caps to cut down costs. However many U.S. consumers dislike the idea and will gladly change carriers if their current BSP implements the restrictions.

ZoomIn Zeugma Systems’ recent survey conducted for the International Data Corporation (source), 81 percent of the 787 U.S. customers polled proclaimed their dislike for a Bandwidth cap and the additional charges for internet use beyond the limit. However, 83 percent had no idea what a gigabyte was or just how much bandwidth they actually consume. 51 percent of those polled added that they would actually switch service providers if broadband caps were set in place. Some even claimed to actually pay for additional premium services if necessary.

"These results are both an opportunity and a warning for BSPs," said Kevin Walsh, Zeugma Systems vice president of marketing. "The opportunity is that consumers are signaling a willingness to pay more for dedicated bandwidth over and above basic high speed internet for such services as premium internet video, VOIP, gaming, and corporate VPN access. The warning is a clear distaste for bandwidth caps. At a minimum, providers moving forward with bandwidth capping schemes may want to consider a more intelligent and flexible application of caps.”

Starting today, Comcast residential customers are now limited to 250 GB per month. The company claims that the new limit is more than enough for its customers, and will more than likely never surpass the limit. But considering the consumers who purchases games and movies online, this restriction may feel more like a punishment than means to save money on behalf of the BSP. Online Gamers may face the largest setback, especially those playing on Microsoft’s Xbox Live service or MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and EverQuest II. Read more at the Source: Surprise! Internet Users Dislike Broadband Cap - Tom's Hardware

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Linksys Broadband Router Intent

Dec 14, 2009

Im running Vitsa home premium 32bit on the desktop and XP on the Laptop. My Internet is constently droping, and even when its there it wont let me through to the site im trying to get to about 99% of the time.

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Is Possible To Connect 2 System To The Internet Via A Broadband Cable

Mar 3, 2009

Is it possible to connect 2 laptops to the internet via a broadband cable wired connection. By this I mean, is there such a thing as a twin connection for the wired modem, that you could plug 2 computers into?

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External Hard Drive: Slow Conection Although Using A Broadband

Jun 17, 2009

i need an external hd to go with my hp pavillon core 2 duo. could you gime some info about size(gb) and label. i am experiencing a slow conection although using a broadband.

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Wireless Broadband Without Having A Fixed Land Line Connected

Mar 23, 2008

it's possible and economical to have wireless broadband without having a fixed land line connected because i'm sick of paying the line rental on a phone that i just about never use. I sometimes think we pay through the nose for communication that's not really up to speed in Australia.

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Wireless Broadband: Connect To Internet Lose Network

Jul 5, 2008

I have VIRGIN wireless broadband with a Huwai e220 modem. It is connected to my Windows Vista Ultimate desktop PC via USB. I also have a small network comprising 1 x Linux Mandriva PC, 1 x Linux Mint PC, and an old desktop without g/card, monitor, mouse or k/board that I use to store files. My problem is that whenever I connect to the internet I lose my network. When I try to change the settings in the "network and sharing centre" i can get my network but no internet! I hav etried every possible combination of settings that i can do without being able to have both. The strange ting is that sometimes when I connect it all works for about 3 minutes then it falls over!

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Uninstall A 3mobile Usb Broadband, Setup.exe Has Stopped Working

Aug 17, 2009

i'm trying to uninstall a 3mobile usb broadband and it keeps coming up with "setup.exe has stopped working" these are the problems that it says

*problem signature:*
problem event name: appcrash
application name: set43f2.tmp
application version:
application timestamp: 4178b4a2.....

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Internet Connection: Secure The Connection Permanently

May 20, 2009

my computer is not holding it's internet connection, even when i refresh it just wont reconnect and i end up having to restart and then the connection is fine. I'm running Vista Home Premium, Defender, ZoneAlarm (free) and Avast (free). Broadband connection. is there anyway to secure the connection permanently (which it should be) Have i, a setting wrong? At all times my internet icon says i am fully connected?

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Wireless Connection Works, Cable Connection Does Not!

May 15, 2009

I am having the worst problems connecting using a cable connection, which I need because as I am in Europe at the moment, many sites or private homes are not equipped with wireless. Now, when I connect with cable, everything seems to be working fine, the Toshiba connectivity doctor tells me I am connected, the diagnose program assures me that the problem has been resolved etc. etc. and yet whenever I try to connect (IE, Mozilla, Google, I have tried them all), I get an error screen. I have tried everything I could think of, checking my settings etc. Nothing works.

Let me emphasize that:
1) wireless connection works fine
2) it is a problem with my computer, not the host, since I have encountered
the same problem everywhere (libraries with password protected access,
private homes without password protected access etc.).

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Wireless Connection Without Selection The Connection

Mar 24, 2008

With Vista, I can get internet for my new Dell XPS laptop over the wireless connection without doing anything other than selecting the connection. No user name or password is needed. But to plug in directly into my cable modem, it does not work. Seems to require user name and password. But I use Verizon and a Motorola SB5101 modem and while it is broadband, I did not think it is pppoe. I don't even know of any user name or password for my account. Am I wrong, is all broadband pppoe? My internet connection works just fine without asking for pppoe login info when I use my desktop with Windows XP. So, it seems to Vista specific problem.

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Lost Cd But Have Cd Key

Feb 17, 2010

i am using vista home edition and i lost my cd but i have cd key behind my laptop as everyone have that one. So i dont know in this situation how do i re-setup my vista or repair. Now the problems that i am facing.I am using the hidden adminstator account.It was good but i guess i was effected by some virus. I was using bit deffender antivirus with all the latest updates. Also i use to update my windows regularly.But now i cant update my vista or run any programs properly.At first problem that i faced which is when i click any program it comes with the choose promt i mean when a program does not have the extention like for example .exe like .zip etc dont have then a choose promt come so same thing happen in everything even songs videos programs that i need to choose from the promt again the same file even i go though the program files i need to choose. Also i lost my admin rights i dont know why that thing happen.

Then i clear my pc with advanced system care 3 pro and fixed 2424 registry problems. But the problem didnt stop yet.Now when i click any programs or anything a message comes with: this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the set associations control panel. But this when i click right mouse button and run as start it works Like open run as adminstator then start button and this is happening to every program No program is running in the time of start up. even not antivirus or any program i need to click start to run any program

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Lost Sound

Sep 20, 2009

I have a Sony VAIO laptop with Windows Vista Home premium and I have a problem with my sound.

When I unplug my computer from the back to move to another room I lose my sound and I have to restart my computer to get it back. Can anybody help me to stop this from happening or how to fix without restarting my computer.

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Feb 6, 2009

On my desktop, i recently found that there was an entry in my ALL PROGRAMS, that was "Programs". I thought i would not need it so shift deleted the "Programs" and now i cannot find anything under ALL PROGRAMS. :cry: There used to be alot of items like Windows Defender, Windows Updates, Fax and Scan, Mozilla Firefox, Yahoo Messenger, etc... Now its just blank. I tried system restore and recuva but nothing changed

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Lost Password !

Oct 18, 2009

My daughters forgotten her password on her laptop, i have tried all the usual methods to get in to it but to no avail, in both normal and safe mode, we don't have the XP disc as she bought the laptop from a friend, i have even thought about downloading ophcrack but it seems a bit long winded and a little confusing.

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Lost Volume Bar

Sep 6, 2008

All of a sudden I went to up the volume with the up volume button and the volume bar is gone. The sound increases but to what level I don't know visually. I tried updating driver and that came back with best driver is all ready installed.

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20.2 GB Lost On My C Drive

Dec 4, 2008

This is what I see on my C Drive with Vista Home Premium

1. 48.3 GB used space on Local Disk (C When I Click Local Disk C then Properties, Blue Red Pie (51,940,466,688 bytes)

2. 28.1 GB Size on Disk When I Open C & Select All, Then Click Properties (30,206,545,173 bytes)

3. That's a Difference of 20.2 GB & I Checked Show hidden files and folders & Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files.

4. 33.2 GB is the size of my Compressed Backup on my Acronis TrueImage11 C Drive Backup to an External HD, so I think the 48.3 GB is true. Where could the 20.2 GB be hiding?

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