Lost Network Connection After Installing SP1

Mar 23, 2008

I just installed Vista SP1 today & after installing I lost not only network connection but I dont even see my network card in the Divise Manager. I am at loss right now. I am running Vista Ultimate.

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Lost Network Connection

Mar 23, 2008

Running Vista and can no longer open my Maxtor III external hard drive. It appears as working properly in device manager. My Computer does not show 'G' or 'P' drives any more - the 'G'used to be pick up the USB connection.

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Lost Network Connection: Unidentified Ntework Limited Connectivity

Aug 21, 2009

I lost connection thinking it was the laptop i tried switching off the wireless card and deleting teh settings however it did not help. I only realised i had just lost connection completely. Now every time i connect i get unidentified ntework limited connectivity.

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Lost Sound After Installing Webcam

Mar 24, 2009

I bought a logitech webcam it had a built in mic and all that jazz, before I installed it I had a Sound Blaster XFi Xtreme Audio sound card in there, it worked fine no issues. When I hooked in and installed my logitech webcam my microphone no longer works on my headset I dunno if i disabled somethign or what I tried doing a system restore but to no avail.

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System Lost Sound After Installing Updates

May 3, 2010

Sometimes, after installing MS updates or other apps, I lose my sound. The only way I get it back is to use System Restore to a point where the sound worked. However, then I don't have the updates or apps. This tells me that it's a software problem with Vista - not a hardware problem. Now, I am about 11 MS updates behind - and no sound. Also, the System Restore doesn't work anymore (I no longer have a Restore point where the sound worked). I've Googled and have found that many people have similar problems with their HP laptops. I am using Vista, SP-2. I am now going to ionstall the updates since I can't go back to get the sound. I've checked in Device Manager (no problem) and made sure I'm using the most recent signed driver. I can't find any text indication that I have a problem but when I go to Playback Options and try the sound Test, I get a message which says the sound didn't play. Hope I included all the relevant information. If not, please tell me. I've tried everything I know of. I have a full backup of my hard drive

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Lost Broadband Connection

Aug 29, 2007

I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 OEM on a Q6600+4gb ram+Asus P5N-E SLI. My favourite browser is Firefox and I installed version and it runs fine. However I got prompted to upgrade to version and when I did I lost my broadband connection completely. I've tried it several times and the same thing happens every time. Obviously I have disabled the update prompt and am running version but I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if there is a way round it. I've tried to get onto mozillas forums but it keeps telling me I have typed in the fuzzy letter test thingy wrongly! Once again I've tried several times and been extra careful but they still won't let me register.

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Lost Connection To Internet And Can't Restore It

Sep 14, 2009

I am writing now from a different computer. My computer lost connection to the internet. It was working yesterday. I tried to restore to restore point but vista won't allow me. It says
"Restoration Incomplete. Your computer cannot be restored."

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Wireless Connection Continually Lost

Apr 25, 2009

I have an HP z6000 laptop with a wireless connection to my home network. I have a Netgear Wireless Firewall Router, Model - WGT624 v3. I have two desktops that are hard wired to the Router. All settings for the Wireless laptop are correct. The problem is that when the laptop is not in use, which can be several days at a time, the wireless connection is lost, and it is almost impossible to restore the connection. I periodically backup the laptop to my external hard drive over the network, backup specific files from the one desktop to the laptop over the network, and need to have access to files on the other desktop via the network. I also need to work on the laptop in other areas of the house, so I need the wireless capability.

This has been going on for several months, and is something that is recent, having been using the laptop wireless with the same hardware for more than 2 years. Once the connection is finally made, it does ok, until the next time I have to shut it down for a few days, and then the connection is lost again. It would not be so bad, but, getting it to reconnect can take hours, if not days. I have it set to automatically detect, so not sure what is not working now

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Lost Remote Desktop Connection

Jun 16, 2008

In error, I unistalled Remote Desktop Connection when I was having EXTREME problems with VPN. Now I can't reinstall it. I found a link at MS, Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP (KB925876), but when I try to run or save it, I get an error message "Not enough storage is available to process this command." I then saved the program to my desktop which it readily accepted, but it wont let me run it.

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Lost Network Mapping

Apr 19, 2009

I have two laptops and a desktop. The desktop is running Windows XP and the two laptops are running Vista. I have all three on the same network and there is no problem there. I recently had my laptop at a local school and connected to the network there (not sure it is relevant, but I thought I would throw that in there). After I got home, I have been unable to re-connect to my network drives. I tried to remap them, but the other computer, drives, etc, aren't showing up in the My Computer or the Network area, or when I try to map them.

My wife's laptop is having no problems. The drives still show up on hers without a problem and nothing has changed on her computer. So, I know it is the laptop with Vista that is the problem (don't want anyone telling me to download the patch for the XP). I am thinking this is a simple stupid little setting glitch that I am over looking, but I am at my wits end. If memory serves me, it did this before when I had the computer at the same school and I don't remember how I fixed it.

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Internet Connection Is Lost, Security Center Is Off, Error Code: 0x6D9

Jan 1, 2010

1.Internet connection is lost.

2. Security center is off.

3. The Windows Firewall service is not running. When try to turn on get prompt: "Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not Running. When try to restart Windows Firewall sevice: "Wimdows cannot starts the Windows Firewall service. Same in the Safe mode and from Adnministrative Tools. Also failed to load Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in. Error code: 0x6D9. When try to use systen restore: "System Restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system. The volume Shadow copy service used by Systen Restore is not working."

4. When I tried to shrimk files for Vista reinstallation, in Computer Managenemt / Storage: "Unable to connect to Virtual Disk Service" and this all happend at once, after i was trying IObit Security Scanning option "Network security" Is anything possible and what and in what order I have to try to do?

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Lost Of Network Printers On Reboot.

Jun 19, 2008

I have just installed a TrendNet TE100-P21 Print server to handle a few printers on a small home network. It's a mix of XP and a Vista (Business) machine. The XP machines communicate with the printers fine. However I have a problem with the Vitas machine.
After reading many reports here is as far as I get:-

Add a local printer, first click on "Add a Network,wireless etc. printer". This gets Vista to list/register the print server ports. Cancel, then go to "Add a local printer", Use an existing port, On the dropdown menu the Print server and ports are listed.
I picked :- \Print_serverPS-70284F-P3 (Client Side Rendering Provided)........

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Loaded Windows Ultimate And Lost Drivers Of Network Adapters

Feb 6, 2009

I just loaded Ultimate and lost the drivers for all my network adapters. Ethernet controller and every thing.

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Setup Network Not Installing Drivers

May 30, 2009

Today, I've re-installed Vista about 4 freakin times from scratch. Every time, I have setup my network (not installing any drivers) and download these two apps: VMWARE Workstation 6.5.0 (full version, not pirated, etc), and Alchohol 52%. Every time I install Alcohol 52% and restarted my computer, it would always go into an endless loop, or give me the Blue Screen of Death. On Alchohol's website, it said that it is 100% Vista compatible. I know that it is, because I've installed it on Windows 7 and in Windows Vista (vmware install) before. When I install Ubuntu Linux, however, I get no BSOD's. Alchohol runs perfectly under WINE (hahaha). Vista sucks. 4 times. Called M$ and they said (in other words, obviously), that they don't give a crap what runs under vista.
yes, i've right-clicked, run as admin, etc, all vista sh*** that we need to do to install a program. So, 4 BSOD's in one day. M$. Windows Vista; A life without walls. yeah, right.

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Installing Applications On Network Shares

Feb 24, 2009

In a Windows 2003 Domain, AD, using a Vista Ultimate 64bit machine. I am trying to run installation programs from a network drive or mapped drive. When I execute for example a program.msi file I get an installation error: "This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package." The program is valid, since I am able to install it by copying the files to the local machine. I am logged in as a domain admin.

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Network Connection Together

May 15, 2010

At my office we have 2 computers (both Vista version 6.0) networked together. I'll call them computer A and computer B. I can access, modify, and save Computer B files from computer A - I can save them directly to B or A. However, when I'm on computer B, it will only let me access files on computer A, which I then have to save to computer B if I want to save any changes I've made. I get a message saying they're read-only files and I don't have authorization to save to computer A.

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No Network Connection

Mar 27, 2009

I can't seem to find the drivers i need to astablish a network connection. I went to ASUS's website typed in my GPU's model and couldn't find a driver for network connection anywhere. EDIT: LOL! not gpu i mean mainboard as i have an inbuilt networking card.

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Network Connection Cannot Communicate With Each Other

Apr 17, 2008

Two vista home premium computers, desktop and laptop, are connected to a private network(Netgear router). Both can use internet through router and dsl modem. The two computers cannot communicate with each other. Each shows up on the other's full map, but not in the list of computers and devices. Network discovery, file sharing,public file sharing, printer sharing,media sharing are on, password protected sharing is off. Also Desktop prints to wireless printer, laptop can not. Laptop has drivers installed from disk, not over network from desktop since they do not communicate.

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Disabled Network Connection

Sep 24, 2009

i was connected to the internet at uni and i went to the network and internet thing and noticed i was connected to 2 networks, i then disabled one of the networks that i was connected to by accident and am unable to connect to the internet now. i have tried to find out how to enable that network connection that i disabled but am unable to find out how to, please can you help me fix it so i can connect to the internet.

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Loosing Network Connection

Apr 7, 2008

Periodically I lose my network connection within Vista Ultimate (only since SP1). I tether my cell phone to my laptop PC. The cellular connections remains ON using 3G network. The connection drops for maybe 45 seconds and I can hear the laptop hard drive churning away. Based on another discussion I unchecked the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) but that has not solved the issue.

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No Network Connection After Wakeup

Aug 3, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium on a Levono 3000 N100 laptop. Whenever I use the Sleep or Hibernate feature, the wireless connection is disconnected whenever the laptop is awakened from Sleep or resumed from Hibernate. When awakened from Sleep or resumed from Hibernate, it shows that there is a connection briefly, then it disconnects. The ThinkVantage Access Connection (Version 4.31) will not reconnect automatically or manually. The only way I can reconnect to the Internet is to reboot the laptop. The Network Adapters are Realtek RTL 8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIV (Version 5.640.630.2006) and Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter. The Wireless Router is Netgear Rangemax WPN824NA.

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Network Connection Failure

Jun 11, 2008

I am running Vista x86 Business edition andhave a rater irritating problem with the network. Every time I try to browse the Network folder from within Vista, it seems to reset that LAN connection to all machines on the network. It only seems to happen when I try to access the network though, I have not experienced this problem anywhere else. It is also worth noting that browsing the vista shares from another PC on the LAN works fine. I read up on what this guy did ( Random disconnects while browsing - Microsoft Windows Vista Community Forums - Vistaheads ) and disabled TCP/IP 6 and TCP autotuning but am still getting the problem. I have a feeling that it may be something to do with our old(ish) Belkin router; however, according to the Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool from MS, my router is all set to go with Vistas new networking features.

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Windows Network Connection

Mar 28, 2008

My Desktop Windows Vista machine will not connect to the network. My router (Apple Airport Extreme) works fine and I can connect with my Macbook (macbook booting Vista) and my other Vista laptop. These connections are wireless. My desktop is wired to the router. My motherboard is an Asus Striker Extreme with two Gigabit ethernet ports. I have one disabled currently. Neither of the ports will connect to the network and they are both giving me the same type of error... making me think that this is software. Also, my PC worked fine the other day and then just began to not connect in the middle of nowhere.

Problem: Network adapters are stuck identifying network - local only. I pull Ipconfig and get that their IPv4 is set to Subnet mask is I also found that I have three tunnel adapters for some reason. I have tried to create static IPs with both adapters, create my own subnet with both of them, I have tried to renew IP, release IP, delete & reinstall the adapters, reboot the PC many times, take each adapter out of BIOS individually, shut one down and work on them individually, try to have Vista repair the connections to absolutely no avail.

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Network Printer Connection

Jun 25, 2008

Is there a way to connect to network printers in Vista without using Active Directory for mulitiple users?

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Internet Not Working After Installing 64 Bit, Unidentified Network, Limited/noconne

Sep 12, 2009

I just installed an OEM windows vista home premium onto my computer so that I could take advantage of my 6GB ram. Unfortunately I don't know too much about building systems and I have an internet problem. After I installed the OS, when I plug my computer into my router, I always recieve "unidentified network..limited or no connectivity". I've done everything that the internet company has asked me to do as far as my modem/router is concerned, and Acer wants to charge me a buttload for their help.

Am I missing something simple that I need to do with my 64 bit software? I downloaded the 64 bit drivers for my LAN, audio etc from the acer website but it seems to still do no good. I even downloaded the driver directly from my Lan ethernet controllers brand website. I've been stuck here for days without much help and the wierd thing is that my girlfriend can plug her computer (32 bit vista home premium) right into the router and it connects fine. I'm downloading SP2 now if that makes any difference.

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Network: Unable To Restore Any Connection

Dec 13, 2009

I am currently running Vista home on my main PC. I have a router plugged into it. The router is working fine (my son's laptop accesses wirelessly, and I am able to hit the net using a virtual PC that I have set up on it.) However, my main computer is not recognizing the router and is returning an APIPA address when I run ipconfig. I have tried to ping the router but am not able to hit it. I have replaced the cable (even though I do not think that is the issue as I am able to access via the virtual PC). I am unable to restore any connection.

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WiFi Network Connection Dropping

Oct 20, 2009

My home is such that all my broadband to myPCs has to be wireless (the only place they could connect the cable was in an obscure, upstairs bedroom). In general this has worked just fine. I have 3 PCs currently connected to the network, One desktop and a laptop running XP and my new laptop running Vista (new is relative, I've been having this problem since January 2009 when I got the Vista laptop).

The two XP machines connect to the network just fine. Occasionally, when I work on the desktop, I'd see a notification icon that it has connected to the network, but in general I have no interruptions to my network connections. The Vista machine (Vista Ultimate, SP 2) is a nightmare. the WiFI connection keeps dropping. Additionally, often it would report that the network is connected, but in reality, nothing is reachable and I have to disconnect/connect to the network before any Internet site is reachable......

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Network Connection: Occasionally Not Connect

Mar 23, 2008

I got a new computer which I successfully connected to my home network. However, occasionally it does not connect. If I restart the computer and reset the router it works fine, but in a few days it crops up again. The technique I am using at the moment works fine, but gets a bit wearing. Is there a solution to this short of hibernating the computer instead of shutting it down.

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Virtual PC 2007, Network Connection In The VM

Jun 1, 2008

I have a strange little quirk I ran into that maybe one of you may know something about with Virtual PC 2007 SP1. I have Vista 64 bit Ultimate w/SP1 installed as the host computer. If I use the 32 bit Vista Ultimate as a Virtual Machine (VM), I have no problems with the network connection or anything else in the VM. If I use the 32 bit Vista Home Premium as a VM, everything works fine except the network connection in the VM. The settings are the same on both.

I wanted to use Home Premium since it is the only one that I have a spare product key number for. Does anyone know of a reason why the network connection will not work with the Home Premium edition over the Ultimate with the exact same VM settings? I hope it's not simply because I have Ultimate installed as the host.

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Sleeping Computer But Still With Network Connection

Nov 2, 2008

I'm sharing my PC internet connection to my Apple Mac Pro now i am starting to use the mac a lot more and was wondering if there was a way to put my PC to sleep but still have the connection alive for my mac pro to stay connected to the internet.

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Slow Startup, Network Connection

Dec 18, 2008

my startups have recently slowed down. I have disabled stuff from the startup selection, and still had no luck. I think the problem lies with the network connection. It seems to be taking a while before it connects to my router. not sure why this started happening usually used to be alot quicker.

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