Network: Unable To Restore Any Connection

Dec 13, 2009

I am currently running Vista home on my main PC. I have a router plugged into it. The router is working fine (my son's laptop accesses wirelessly, and I am able to hit the net using a virtual PC that I have set up on it.) However, my main computer is not recognizing the router and is returning an APIPA address when I run ipconfig. I have tried to ping the router but am not able to hit it. I have replaced the cable (even though I do not think that is the issue as I am able to access via the virtual PC). I am unable to restore any connection.

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System Restore Not Working: Unable To Make A Restore Point

Apr 11, 2008

I have a recent problem installing Windows updates on Vista Ultimate as the update process stays on 'creating restore point' forever. I've let it run as long as 7 hours in this state, with no change. It looks like the system is unable to make a restore point sucessfully. I know it has worked in the past, as I'm fairly up-to-date on Windows updates. Reading some other threads, I've tried using Disk Clean-up to remove all by the most recent restore points, and then try to disable/re-enable system restore - this part without success. When I check the system properties for System Restore, the System Restore button is greyed out. I've attached a screenshot of the screen for reference. I've checked the group policies to verify the System Restore is not disabled there.

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Unable To Use Restore

Dec 12, 2009

My Vista system crashed and I was unable to use restore so I borrowed a restore disk from a person that had Dell. When Purchased, my system was HP. The restore worked but now I don't have any progroms. The only thing that came up was the recycle icon and clock. How can I retrieve my original programs or any programs?

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System Restore, Internet Connection

Jan 25, 2010

I have recently upgraded my vista sp1 to sp 2. and since than having many problems:

1.System restore does not apper to be functioning correctly on this system. The volume Shadow Copy service used by system restore is not working 0x81000202.
2. NTI Shadow says Error;0x80040154. Class not registered.
3.My internet connection stopped working. It says: WLan autoconfig has faild, class is not registered.event id 7023, local id: 6153.

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Lost Connection To Internet And Can't Restore It

Sep 14, 2009

I am writing now from a different computer. My computer lost connection to the internet. It was working yesterday. I tried to restore to restore point but vista won't allow me. It says
"Restoration Incomplete. Your computer cannot be restored."

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Unable To Create VPN Connection

May 3, 2008

I'm running Vista Sp1 and am frequently using VPN connections to our clients. All of a sudden, I'm unable to create a VPN connection. If I look in Event Viewer under administrative events, I read the following message: 'The initial Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol request could not be successfully sent to the server. This can be due to network connectivity issues or certificate (trust) issues. The detailed error message is provided below. Correct the problem and try again. The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.

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Internet Connection :: You Are Unable To Connect

Sep 21, 2009

I am unable to connect to any wireless network. When diagnosing why i cant connect, i am simply told 'you are unable to connect'. additionally, when directly connecting through a cable, I still cannot use internet, however my AOL instant messenger will work fine. I have tried restarting my computer and router with no success. All settings have been set to match my home network. I am lost as to what the problem could be.

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64 SP1 Wireless Connection Unable The Internet

May 2, 2008

I've just purchased a new PC, running Vista Home Premium, with a built- in PCI Wireless adapter, but am unable to connect to the internet. I have emailed my supplier's technical support, but I don't think the problem is straightforward, nor do I know whether it is a hardware of software issue, so I thought I'd try elsewhere in the meantime.

The symptons are as follows:
I have an old Netgear DG824M wireless router/ADSL modem. I have a laptop running Vista Home Premium. This was able to connect to the router and hence to the internet straight away with virtually no configuration - just entered the WEP key and it all worked. This has recently been upgraded to SP1, and still works okay. I have my old desktop running XP. This has no connection problems. The new PC has an Asus WL-138GE (or 138G V2 - not sure which) PCI adapter. Initially, it was identified as a Broadcom adapter. The new PC had problems right from the start connecting to the router and the internet. Most of the time, it appears to be unable to get a DHCP address. The signal strength is always excellent, and it correctly identifies the router as a Netgear DG824M. When it does manage to connect to the internet, the connection only seems to last a few seconds, or is extremely slow. I cannot connect to the router at all using the new PC. It comes up with the username and password very quickly, accepts that, but then seems to hang loading the home page. I usually give up after about 5 or 10 minutes. When connected, I can ping the router and I can also ping websites, even though I don't seem to be able to connect to them using IE. I have no antivirus running, and the only firewall software is windows firewall

I have tried the following:
Checking DHCP client service running, Disable WEP, Disable Windows Firewall, I upgraded the wireless driver by downloading one from Asus. It now recognises the adapter as an Asus 802.11g Network Adapter (driver c:windowssystem32driversBCMWL664.SyS, Broadcom, but this doesn't seem to have made any difference. I deleted the adapter and let it recreate itself. It loaded up the same drivers. I've removed IPv6 ,I've set up the PC with a static IP address (, set up the router as the gateway, and my ISP's DNS servers as the DNS servers. I added an =93ArpRetryCount=94 DWORD key to the registry as recommended somewhere. I made some further registry changes as recommended by Microsoft KB 928233. I reset TCP/IP and Winsock using netsh as administrator. I tried "netsh interface tcp set global rss=3Ddisabled autotuninglevel=3Ddisabled" None of these changes seem to have made any difference, and I've run out of things to try!

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Unable To Create Restore Point

Jul 31, 2009

Vista 64bit has been running really well on my desktop after a clean install in March. Suddenly, Windows update is failing to install, because it can't create a systen restore point. When I try to create one in System Restore, manually, it fails also, citing the shadow file timeout, or some such.....I am worried, because I can't use backup, either! Anyone know what's going on?

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Network Connection Together

May 15, 2010

At my office we have 2 computers (both Vista version 6.0) networked together. I'll call them computer A and computer B. I can access, modify, and save Computer B files from computer A - I can save them directly to B or A. However, when I'm on computer B, it will only let me access files on computer A, which I then have to save to computer B if I want to save any changes I've made. I get a message saying they're read-only files and I don't have authorization to save to computer A.

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No Network Connection

Mar 27, 2009

I can't seem to find the drivers i need to astablish a network connection. I went to ASUS's website typed in my GPU's model and couldn't find a driver for network connection anywhere. EDIT: LOL! not gpu i mean mainboard as i have an inbuilt networking card.

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Unable To Create System Restore Point

May 30, 2009

when i tried to create a restore point an error message is being displayed. it says " could not create the scheduled task for the following reason task image is corrupt or has been tampered with (0x80041321)" what does it mean. i am running on vista ultimate x64

pc config
dual core 2.8(intel)
intel 965board
80gb hdd

what i did was under system properties page, i clicked system protection tab on the left side checked the boxes( all system drives ie hard disk drives) and clicked apply then the message i described was popping out and when clicked create also the same message is being displayed.

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Unable To Send Email :: Connection To The Server Has Failed

Jul 1, 2008

I am also receiving the following error message when I try to send an email.

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Fw: Emailing: don 041', Account: 'Work', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I have been on the phone with my service provider and they have checked everything on their end and said that it is a problem with Microsoft. I have also, after reviewing other posts, changed my port from 25 to 80 & 587 and neither have fixed the problem. I have also uninstalled my antivirus program. Still nothing.

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Unable To Send Emails - Connection To Server Has Failed

Mar 23, 2008

I'm experiencing a similar issue to a number of people on this forum where I am unable to send emails on my Vista Home Windows Mail. I have followed the advice shown to others and so far have: Downloaded the patch 941090 from Microsoft (32 Bit) Turned off email Scanners on Norton Antivirus Changed the Outgoing Mail Port to 80,

But I still get the message: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Re: Test', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol:
SMTP, Port: 80, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Network Connection Cannot Communicate With Each Other

Apr 17, 2008

Two vista home premium computers, desktop and laptop, are connected to a private network(Netgear router). Both can use internet through router and dsl modem. The two computers cannot communicate with each other. Each shows up on the other's full map, but not in the list of computers and devices. Network discovery, file sharing,public file sharing, printer sharing,media sharing are on, password protected sharing is off. Also Desktop prints to wireless printer, laptop can not. Laptop has drivers installed from disk, not over network from desktop since they do not communicate.

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Disabled Network Connection

Sep 24, 2009

i was connected to the internet at uni and i went to the network and internet thing and noticed i was connected to 2 networks, i then disabled one of the networks that i was connected to by accident and am unable to connect to the internet now. i have tried to find out how to enable that network connection that i disabled but am unable to find out how to, please can you help me fix it so i can connect to the internet.

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Lost Network Connection

Mar 23, 2008

Running Vista and can no longer open my Maxtor III external hard drive. It appears as working properly in device manager. My Computer does not show 'G' or 'P' drives any more - the 'G'used to be pick up the USB connection.

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Loosing Network Connection

Apr 7, 2008

Periodically I lose my network connection within Vista Ultimate (only since SP1). I tether my cell phone to my laptop PC. The cellular connections remains ON using 3G network. The connection drops for maybe 45 seconds and I can hear the laptop hard drive churning away. Based on another discussion I unchecked the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) but that has not solved the issue.

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No Network Connection After Wakeup

Aug 3, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium on a Levono 3000 N100 laptop. Whenever I use the Sleep or Hibernate feature, the wireless connection is disconnected whenever the laptop is awakened from Sleep or resumed from Hibernate. When awakened from Sleep or resumed from Hibernate, it shows that there is a connection briefly, then it disconnects. The ThinkVantage Access Connection (Version 4.31) will not reconnect automatically or manually. The only way I can reconnect to the Internet is to reboot the laptop. The Network Adapters are Realtek RTL 8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIV (Version 5.640.630.2006) and Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter. The Wireless Router is Netgear Rangemax WPN824NA.

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Network Connection Failure

Jun 11, 2008

I am running Vista x86 Business edition andhave a rater irritating problem with the network. Every time I try to browse the Network folder from within Vista, it seems to reset that LAN connection to all machines on the network. It only seems to happen when I try to access the network though, I have not experienced this problem anywhere else. It is also worth noting that browsing the vista shares from another PC on the LAN works fine. I read up on what this guy did ( Random disconnects while browsing - Microsoft Windows Vista Community Forums - Vistaheads ) and disabled TCP/IP 6 and TCP autotuning but am still getting the problem. I have a feeling that it may be something to do with our old(ish) Belkin router; however, according to the Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool from MS, my router is all set to go with Vistas new networking features.

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Windows Network Connection

Mar 28, 2008

My Desktop Windows Vista machine will not connect to the network. My router (Apple Airport Extreme) works fine and I can connect with my Macbook (macbook booting Vista) and my other Vista laptop. These connections are wireless. My desktop is wired to the router. My motherboard is an Asus Striker Extreme with two Gigabit ethernet ports. I have one disabled currently. Neither of the ports will connect to the network and they are both giving me the same type of error... making me think that this is software. Also, my PC worked fine the other day and then just began to not connect in the middle of nowhere.

Problem: Network adapters are stuck identifying network - local only. I pull Ipconfig and get that their IPv4 is set to Subnet mask is I also found that I have three tunnel adapters for some reason. I have tried to create static IPs with both adapters, create my own subnet with both of them, I have tried to renew IP, release IP, delete & reinstall the adapters, reboot the PC many times, take each adapter out of BIOS individually, shut one down and work on them individually, try to have Vista repair the connections to absolutely no avail.

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Network Printer Connection

Jun 25, 2008

Is there a way to connect to network printers in Vista without using Active Directory for mulitiple users?

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WiFi Network Connection Dropping

Oct 20, 2009

My home is such that all my broadband to myPCs has to be wireless (the only place they could connect the cable was in an obscure, upstairs bedroom). In general this has worked just fine. I have 3 PCs currently connected to the network, One desktop and a laptop running XP and my new laptop running Vista (new is relative, I've been having this problem since January 2009 when I got the Vista laptop).

The two XP machines connect to the network just fine. Occasionally, when I work on the desktop, I'd see a notification icon that it has connected to the network, but in general I have no interruptions to my network connections. The Vista machine (Vista Ultimate, SP 2) is a nightmare. the WiFI connection keeps dropping. Additionally, often it would report that the network is connected, but in reality, nothing is reachable and I have to disconnect/connect to the network before any Internet site is reachable......

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Network Connection: Occasionally Not Connect

Mar 23, 2008

I got a new computer which I successfully connected to my home network. However, occasionally it does not connect. If I restart the computer and reset the router it works fine, but in a few days it crops up again. The technique I am using at the moment works fine, but gets a bit wearing. Is there a solution to this short of hibernating the computer instead of shutting it down.

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Virtual PC 2007, Network Connection In The VM

Jun 1, 2008

I have a strange little quirk I ran into that maybe one of you may know something about with Virtual PC 2007 SP1. I have Vista 64 bit Ultimate w/SP1 installed as the host computer. If I use the 32 bit Vista Ultimate as a Virtual Machine (VM), I have no problems with the network connection or anything else in the VM. If I use the 32 bit Vista Home Premium as a VM, everything works fine except the network connection in the VM. The settings are the same on both.

I wanted to use Home Premium since it is the only one that I have a spare product key number for. Does anyone know of a reason why the network connection will not work with the Home Premium edition over the Ultimate with the exact same VM settings? I hope it's not simply because I have Ultimate installed as the host.

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Sleeping Computer But Still With Network Connection

Nov 2, 2008

I'm sharing my PC internet connection to my Apple Mac Pro now i am starting to use the mac a lot more and was wondering if there was a way to put my PC to sleep but still have the connection alive for my mac pro to stay connected to the internet.

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Slow Startup, Network Connection

Dec 18, 2008

my startups have recently slowed down. I have disabled stuff from the startup selection, and still had no luck. I think the problem lies with the network connection. It seems to be taking a while before it connects to my router. not sure why this started happening usually used to be alot quicker.

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Network Connected But No Internet Connection

Jun 8, 2009

Vista has been working great for about 6 months, networking and everything, but just 2 days ago my internet connection dropped and never came back. I looked into it and I am now connected to an "Unidentified Network" with "Local Only" access. I have tried to fix it for 3 days now and have gotten no where. I've tried everything I've read, though I may have missed something, I have even reinstalled Vista 64x.

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Lost Network Connection After Installing SP1

Mar 23, 2008

I just installed Vista SP1 today & after installing I lost not only network connection but I dont even see my network card in the Divise Manager. I am at loss right now. I am running Vista Ultimate.

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Network Connection To The Server Failed

May 21, 2008

I'm connected to a public network at a hospital where my husband is, and I can't send emails. I get these messages: The connection to the server has failed.

Subject 'Re: Tennis', Account: 'gccn', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E AND Account: 'gccn', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR authorization not enabled', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

I know it has something to do with authentification or authorization and have tried lots of different settings, but I can't seem to fix it.

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Internet Connection Being Used For Network Activities

Mar 23, 2008

I notice a big slowdown in my Internet connection speed when I'm using my network connection. For example, while browsing the web I'm listening to some MP3s in iTunes that are stored on my external network hard drive. As soon as I close down iTunes and the music stops my Internet connection speeds up. How can I force the network connection to use just that and not my Internet connection? I'm running Vista Ultimate. I'm connection to a wireless Internet connection that is plugged into another computer.

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