Windows 7: Mail Drops Broadband Connection

Nov 10, 2009

Have a Dell Vostro laptop with Windows 7 Professional. I did download and install Windows Live Mail. I use Verizon Mobile Broadband (USB). Whenever I start to use Mail, my Broadband connection disconnects, after a short time? When I use the Internet Browser, I have no problems. Has anyone seen this before and are there any fixes?

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Bad Connection W/ Broadband PPPoE Connection

May 2, 2010

I have a strange problem. I have AOL broadband and I'd like to connect to the internet without using the infamous bloated AOL software. I know how to do that using Vistas' "set up connection or network" wizard and I can successfully log in using by username and password. The problem is the connection is very poor when I use this method. The speed tests show the correct speed and downloads are full speed but pages seemingly randomly do not load (for long stretches of several minutes). For example my home page does not load ("page cannot load" error), google does not load, some pages load but not fully with many errors.

This isnt a browser issue (I tried firefox, IE, chrome), this isn't a modem/router issue (I have a laptop that works fine with a permanently logged in router), it's not an AOL issue I can still log in fine with AOL software and then browse fine with firefox, it's not a hardware issue, and it's not a firewall issue (it's off). Therefore it must be an issue with the way windows connects to my modem when using the built in PPPoE broadband connection. I really have no idea what could be wrong. Maybe one of you do?

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Windows Mail: Email Drops Down

Sep 25, 2008

When creating new mail, replying to an emaill or opening an email windows mail drops it down to the task bar then I have to right click and maximize the task to continue. This just started happening for no apparent reason.

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Lost Broadband Connection

Aug 29, 2007

I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 OEM on a Q6600+4gb ram+Asus P5N-E SLI. My favourite browser is Firefox and I installed version and it runs fine. However I got prompted to upgrade to version and when I did I lost my broadband connection completely. I've tried it several times and the same thing happens every time. Obviously I have disabled the update prompt and am running version but I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if there is a way round it. I've tried to get onto mozillas forums but it keeps telling me I have typed in the fuzzy letter test thingy wrongly! Once again I've tried several times and been extra careful but they still won't let me register.

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Windows Mail Drops 1st 2 Letters Of Reply-To Address

Jan 2, 2010

About a month ago, Windows mail started dropping the 1st 2 letters of the reply-to email address for all of my Yahoo contacts I deleted the contacts from my list and reentered them it still does it. I can send a new email to these people just fine but cannot use the "reply to" feature.

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Internet Connection Drops Constantly

Mar 25, 2008

I'm experiencing frequent problems with my Internet Connection. My computer is connected to the Internet through a Motorola Surfboard modem from Charter Communications. My computer will randomly disconnect from the Internet around every hour. The modem still says that it is connected as will my computer if I go to the Network and Sharing Center. Even though the computer says that it is connected, no program can access the Internet. Anytime I open a Firefox it will usually say "Cannot Find Server" and Internet Explorer will just say that it cannot display the webpage. Sometimes I will get popups from Windows (I believe, though it could be FireFox) trying to connect to a broadband connection. It never works, though, and it asks for a password and username. I do not have one, though. I have not set up any sort of password for accessing any Internet connection on my computer. When I first upgraded computers all I had to do was plug in the cable modem and Vista automatically connected. It was perfect and I had no issues for quite a while. The connection dropped on day and Charter walked me through a process which reset my cable modem and got me back online. Ever since then I have been having this issue where my computer randomly loses it's connection. I was not able to get online for about an hour today. I did a System Restore to see if anyone had possibly done something, but the problem presisted. I came back later and now everything is running relatively fine!? It's like the computer has a mind of it's own.

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Broadband Internet Connection Router Capabilities

Jul 28, 2008

As I've been enjoying Vista a LOT, I was looking in the Vista Tweaks section on & found that MS Vista's new TCP IP stack has the ability to autotune broadband internet connections due to packet load and or router capabilities/defiencies (much like a "gamer" would be trying to do w/ proggies like TCP Optimizer) except that Vista can do this on the fly while you're surfing, playing MMOG's, etc. Speedguide noted that in Vista this is usually turned off by default but in Server 2008 this is turned on by default.

Now why would Redmond do that? I can understand why turning this on for server usage but I'm a big time online gamer & this ability caught my attention--do y'all know what it means to have a stable connection when you're in the middle of a big intense furball w/ a LOT of others trying to shoot you down? This kind of usage is very much like a server being pinged by LOTS of users trying to get their presentations, budgets, timesheets, projects, etc & IT checking the server as well because Joe can't get his presentation files to run off PowerPoint cause the server is too busy so they're in there checking for malicious "content" that may be using up needed resources....

So I went in & checked thru "elevated command prompt" & sure enough it was turned off. So I just went in & enabled it & set all up according to Speedguide's recommendations to see what Autotuning would do....All I can tell you is this:If you do a lot of online gaming you will WANT this on!Check it out at :: Broadband · Cable · DSL · VoIP · Security · Network Tools I posted this here as I couldn't find any references to this tidbit here in this forum. Now if you just only surf the 'net & online shopping & such I really wouldn't bother w/ this as Vista's TCP IP stack in default configuration is more than enough.Hence why I posted this in the Gaming section.

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ISP: Connection Drops, Is It Hardware Or Software Issue?

Jun 6, 2009

I have been having an intermittent range of internet connection problems with my computer running vista home premium over adsl. Initially my connection would drop out over night and in the early hours of the morning and if I browsed for too long /opened too many sites simultaneously my connection would cease to work. The internet would appear to be still connected in the MS icon in the tray (a globe showed over the two monitors). When I asked vista to check the connection/repair it told me that it was a connection with the ISP.

After a few frustrating weeks dealing with the ISP they admitted a fault and said they would fix it. My connection no longer drops out (I never lose the globe in the tray) but the problem where excessive www browsing stops the browser working. I have tried IE, Chrome, I have disabled my firewall, reset the network adapter, bought a new router, reset the old and new router but the problem persists.

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Sprint Mobile Broadband Connection: Can't Access This Forum

Feb 21, 2008

I have a new Dell and am using a Sprint Mobile Broadband connection and can't access this forum (using my Cox connection now.) It displays that "Internet Explorer Can't Display the Webpage." Do you think that is Sprint's fault or something in my Vista settings causing this. Probably Sprint as I CAN access it using Cox. But I want to make sure before I call them....

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Wireless Connection Drops When The Computer With The Router Is Turned On?

Oct 26, 2008

My friends computer uses a Netgear router and his computer runs on XP to which I try to connect for internet access. When his computer is turned OFF, I can access the internet no problem. However, when his computer is ON, I can not connect!!

-Vista 64 bit, service pack 1 and is completely up-to-date
-All hardware drivers are up todate with no hardware problems
-DLink has good reception with 1.20 driver (D-Link WMA 510)
-Router computer is XP, up-to-date drivers. Computer uses Netgear router

why my wireless connection drops when the computer with the Router is turned on?

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XP Machine Drops Network Connection To Machine

Feb 6, 2009

Computer 1 is my home desktop running Vista Premium SP1. It is on the 'workgroup' workgroup. Computer 2 is my work laptop (on docking station) running XP Pro SP2. It is on a domain called 'amer'. There is an HP LaserJet 2100 connected to the Vista machine. It is shared. This is a wired network with D-Link router. At first I thought it was a sharing issue when I could not print from the XP machine to the printer on the Vista machine. But then I realized it is a network issue because if I try to browse the Vista machine from the XP machine I get the 'no access, you may not have permission', etc. message. To make it work, I :

1. start the XP machine (assuming the Vista machine is already running)
2. wait about 15 minutes for the Vista machine to see that the XP machine is there.
3. Browse to and open the XP machine from the Vista machine
4. Go to the XP machine, open its workgroup (amer) and then open the XP machine
5. Wait a minute or so, then while still on the XP machine, navigate to
Vista machine's workgroup ('workgroup') and open the workgroup. If the Vista machine appears I am good to go. I don't need to browse it, it just needs to appear.........................

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Enterprise Drops From Windows AD Domain

Aug 21, 2008

I've got a production network that I'm test Windows Vista x64 Enterprise on. I'm at my witts end with this problem: I add the Vista PC to the Windows domain. The computer performs the tasks and then tells me it needs to reboot. Upon rebooting it immeadiately drops itself from Active Directory (Windows 2003 SP2 R2 based domain).

Oddly, the computer account in active directory is still there. The Vista client drops itself, but the server side thinks everything is fine. What the heck is causing this? There are no issues with IPv4 connectivity. (We don't use IPv6...) The server shows that the PC and the users are connecting to the domain securely, and without issues (pass security audits). The Vista Client (Enterprise x64) just drops itself from Active Directory.

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Windows Live Mail Can Not Connection

May 2, 2010

i am using windows live mail,i am getting this error message,i checked the web but in tools/accounts/properties,there is no check box for this server requires authentication? The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was ''. Subject 'Here are the photos that I want to share with you', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first', port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 530, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

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Internet Connection: Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

Everytime I log into Windows Mail (Vista-OS) my internet connection shuts off and then I have to connect again. What could be causing this problem and how to I fix it.

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Can't Get Windows Mail To Connect Through My Internet Connection

May 4, 2009

I have a few issues with Windows Mail (Vista) connections. If I'm already connected to the Internet through my ISP software Windows Mail will connect to my mail servers with no problem but if I'm not already connected it will not connect. Internet Explorer and many other programs (even several of my freeware programs) will connect to the Internet using my ISP connection when my PC is not already connected to the internet. I've tried but can't get Windows Mail to connect through my Internet connection.

I ended-up having to setup a Dial-up connection to connect Windows Mail when I'm not already connected to the Internet. It has to be set as the default connection to work but this causes other problems. For the most part it works fine but the Dial-up connection can't turn on my SpeedBand (Turbo mode) because that's embedded in my ISP software. Also, some programs use the Dial-up connection while others use the Internet connection(?)................

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Windows Mail - Connection To Server Failed...

Feb 12, 2010

I can't receive or send mail. I keep getting the following error messages every time I log onto Windows Mail: The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Windows Mail: Server Has Unexpectedly Terminated The Connection

Apr 23, 2008

I have had a succesful connection for over a year. Suddenly I can't send. I get the following message: Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.

Subject 'Read: Help Yourself Wholefoods 5x2 proof for Apr.22', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

There does not appear to be any problem with my server. I can go online and send from my providers site. There is no long period of inactivity and no apparent network problems. I have not been able to send from home for 3 days now.

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Windows Mail: Server Unexpectedly Terminated Connection

Sep 15, 2009

This problem started 3 days ago. I can recieve all emails, but can't send emails with attachments -pdf or pictures of any size, I can send plain/text emails. I have turned off firewall and stopped AV (avast). Have tried signing in authentication to outgoing mail server, have also tried changing from port 25 to 26. This is the error message with windows mail... Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes
for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.

Subject 'casino', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10053, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

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Send Emails Via Windows Mail: The Connection To The Server Has Failed

Jul 29, 2009

can't seem to send emails via Windows mail since I've changed service provider, below is the error message i receive: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Fw: Better Bathrooms Confirmation of Order', Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Squeeze A Little More O/C Out Of My RAM It Drops The 5.6 To 5.

Dec 18, 2007

With my new Rig I get 5.9 all the way, exept RAM. I'm only getting a 5.6... I've got Corsair's Dominator and it's FSB is 1066. My M/Board has so many O/C tweeks that it's got me lost. Never thought I'd have too much controll over my BIOS, Anyway, the nForce 680i M/B has SLI O/C in the BIOS and when I disable it and try to squeeze a little more O/C out of my RAM it drops the 5.6 to 5.3! I guess I should have purchased RAM with 1333 FSB, then maybe I'd get a 5.9... Oh, if it helps, my RAM Timmings: 5,5,5,15 2T 2.3V If I set the Voltage at 2.1 the rating goes down to 5.4 I'm at a loss and I don't know why I care

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Installing SP1 I Can't Establish A Broadband

Apr 11, 2008

Since installing SP1 I can't establish a broadband (DSL) connection after coming out of Sleep mode. Even if I log off and back on I still can't connect. I've tried disconnecting before going into sleep, but that hasn't worked. Diagnostics finds no problems and my power options are unchanged. I must either reboot or go into hibernation mode to get the connection back. There are no issues when I use hibernate. I've searched around and found no solutions,

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USB Broadband And WIFI Simultaneously

Nov 25, 2009

I have a Vista laptop which connects via wifi to my home network router and I can access all the PCs and Printers and internet no problem. I now have to do some work away from home and will purchase a USB Broadband modem which will give me mobile internet/email, but I will still want to move files and print when at home.

If I have my USB Modem and my Wifi enabled at the same time, can I access the Internet via the USB Modem, while accessing the PCs and Printers at home? How would my laptop know to access the Internet via the dongle modem and not through the router and modem on the home network?

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Display On Desktop Of Broadband Speeds.

Sep 27, 2009

If I'm not in the right group I apologise in advance.

Broadband speeds. I know it's easy to learn what the current speed at a
particular moment is by using one of the many people on the web providong
that service. What I cannot find and would find useful if I had it would be a
display - rather like the clock at the bottom RH corner, for instance. A
display that would show constantly what the speed is, or failing that, by
reacting to the cursor being on it.

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Internet Users Dislike Broadband Cap

Oct 3, 2008

Surprise! Internet Users Dislike Broadband CapWritten by Kevin Parrish - 2:20 AM - October 2, 2008. It’s no secret that internet service providers are considering Broadband caps to cut down costs. However many U.S. consumers dislike the idea and will gladly change carriers if their current BSP implements the restrictions.

ZoomIn Zeugma Systems’ recent survey conducted for the International Data Corporation (source), 81 percent of the 787 U.S. customers polled proclaimed their dislike for a Bandwidth cap and the additional charges for internet use beyond the limit. However, 83 percent had no idea what a gigabyte was or just how much bandwidth they actually consume. 51 percent of those polled added that they would actually switch service providers if broadband caps were set in place. Some even claimed to actually pay for additional premium services if necessary.

"These results are both an opportunity and a warning for BSPs," said Kevin Walsh, Zeugma Systems vice president of marketing. "The opportunity is that consumers are signaling a willingness to pay more for dedicated bandwidth over and above basic high speed internet for such services as premium internet video, VOIP, gaming, and corporate VPN access. The warning is a clear distaste for bandwidth caps. At a minimum, providers moving forward with bandwidth capping schemes may want to consider a more intelligent and flexible application of caps.”

Starting today, Comcast residential customers are now limited to 250 GB per month. The company claims that the new limit is more than enough for its customers, and will more than likely never surpass the limit. But considering the consumers who purchases games and movies online, this restriction may feel more like a punishment than means to save money on behalf of the BSP. Online Gamers may face the largest setback, especially those playing on Microsoft’s Xbox Live service or MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and EverQuest II. Read more at the Source: Surprise! Internet Users Dislike Broadband Cap - Tom's Hardware

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Linksys Broadband Router Intent

Dec 14, 2009

Im running Vitsa home premium 32bit on the desktop and XP on the Laptop. My Internet is constently droping, and even when its there it wont let me through to the site im trying to get to about 99% of the time.

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USB Modem: Random Drops From Internet

Feb 3, 2008

I recently installed Windows Vista ultimate. I have random drops from Internet, the only way to fix it is by rebooting the system. i tried disconecting the modem, restarting the modem, logging off from my user, nothing works. Only rebooting. I have a USB modem ( i know it´s not the best but this never ever happened on XP) and i´m using Vista ultimate. I don´t have any fancy network, just my pc conecting to internet threw the usb adsl modem. I tried pinging Google and it was successfully. But Firefox, neither IE worked

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Screen Resolution Drops To 1024x768

Mar 23, 2008

I am having ongoing resolution problems when I install my video card drivers. BEFORE I install them, my screen resolution is 1280x1024 which is what it should be. AFTER I install the nVidia drivers, the maximum allowd resolution drops to 1024x768. Note: I have an SLI configuration. Also, This is the maximum allowed resolution. It is too low for my monitor.

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Is Possible To Connect 2 System To The Internet Via A Broadband Cable

Mar 3, 2009

Is it possible to connect 2 laptops to the internet via a broadband cable wired connection. By this I mean, is there such a thing as a twin connection for the wired modem, that you could plug 2 computers into?

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Start GoW The Game Immediately Drops To The Taskbar

Mar 23, 2008

When I try to start GoW the game immediately drops to the taskbar! My mouse is frozen. I have a workaround but I would rather fix it right.

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Maximum Allowd Screen Resolution Drops

Mar 26, 2008

I am having ongoing resolution problems when I install my video card drivers. BEFORE I install them, my screen resolution is 1280x1024 which is what it should be. AFTER I install the nVidia drivers, the maximum allowd resolution drops to 1024x768. Note: I have an SLI configuration. Also, This is the maximum allowed resolution. It is too low for my monitor.

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Free Physical Memory Drops To Zero Right After Reset

Mar 7, 2009

I have 4 gigs of RAM and Vista Home Premium. My memory free goes from 4000 to 9 in about seven minutes flat. What is going on? Dropping to 0 is sorta nuts with 4 gigs of ram and only explorer running.

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