Greeted Message After POST Screen: GRUB

Jun 14, 2008

Whenever I start my PC, I get greeted with a message after the POST screen, in the standard DOS-type text, simply saying "GRUB" (or "GRUB GRUB"). From here, the PC becomes unresponsive, and I can only turn it off. I believe this is linked to the Grub Boot Loader I once had installed on my secondary hard drive which was installed in a different PC. However, it has only been rearing its head over the last couple of days.

I have tried the "bootrec" command from the Vista disc with the /fixmbr, /fixboot and /rebuildbcd commands. However, this has not provided me with a permanent fix. The /rebuildbcd and /scanos arguments return a message saying it found no compatible Vista installations. Vista will start with no problems, however, provided the Vista install disc is in the DVD drive. I don't need to "press any key to boot from the DVD", just having it in the drive is perfectly sufficient.

Just recently I've been having some troubles with my hard drive failing, which may or may not be related. (The first paragraph of the first post is probably the most relevant): Vista won't start. Note that I have also done a full system scan using NOD32, which found no problems. I am completely confused about this problem; I'm even more confused, though, about how the problem arose in the first place.

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Can Post A Message

Feb 14, 2009

since I have had Windows Vista on my computer I can post a message somedays and not others. For some reason I have to press 'POST MESSAGE' several times before it will open the message session. I thought at 1st it may have been the forum itself but went in there today and used my laptoop with Windows XP and was able to leave a message staight away. Is there something I need to do to my computer to allow me into forums?

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Asked To Sign In Again To Allow To Post Message

Aug 10, 2009

I am not able to post a thread on one of the websites that I have added as a trusted site on my computer. I sign in immediately after visiting the site. After that I am asked to sign in again to allow me to post a message. The same screen shows up repeatedly after I put in the same info I used when I started. It doesn't indicate that the password or the name is incorrect. The website was contacted for assistance. Their solution was to delete all temporary internet files which was done, but it didn't help. I am posting my question here because it is a problem with my computer, not their site. It does seem to be a bit strange that since I am signed in that I would have to sign in to post a message on the forum. A bit redundant.

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Window Mail Could Not Post Message

Mar 29, 2008

I have successfully logged on to However, when I try to post, I get the following error message. ...Windows Mail could not post your message. Subject 'Flash vs. Hard Disk', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 Posting Failed (Rejected by POST filter)', Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9

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Unable To Post Error Message In Windows Mail

Jun 1, 2008

I am unable to post the Error message here. Socket No, 11001 it's the same 0x800CC ..that we've been hearing about. No answers have made sense so far. My mail is a mess - old mesages are being re-sent, I occasionally get a message and occasionally can send one. Sporadic at best. My ISP does not provide support outside their own web page mail service.

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Black Screen After POST

Nov 25, 2009

I can't tell you how many forums I've read to try and find an answer. My computer just will not start, the fans run, seems like it's starting to boot up, I get one POST beep then nothing. No BIOS, no activity on the screen at all, no flickering lights, no beeps, no anything. I am thinking this is a video card issue, I thought I read something that was similar to this. I remember reading about a chip for the on-board video that can me removed and re-installed that re-sets the on board video. Anyone heard of this?

Sure there are a lot of "Black Screen" type issues, but not like this. I noticed, prior to this problem happening about 2 weeks ago, there were a couple Microsoft updates within a few days. After DLing them, the computer seem to load slower and slower with each restart. Then the (true) Black Screen of Death arrived. Since then I have been at a complete loss. Tried all new Power Supply, new RAM, new Hard Drive....same issue. I reset the CLRTC jumper, took the battery out for hours, nothing seems to work.

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Vista Not Always Booting Up - Post Screen

Sep 14, 2008

I have the gigabyte eP45-DQ6 motherboard. When booting up, or rebooting, even before I get to the windows loading screen, I get a black screen. Almost like the monitor doesnt turn on but the computer sounds likes on. I reinstalled due to some other issues, but the same issue with loading happens. ITs sporadic. Sometimes it does it, others not. I updated to v11 of BIOS, and it still does it. Otherwise its very stable. Is there a setting in the motherboard? Is it vista related?

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Uninstalling GRUB 1.5 Getting Error

Feb 27, 2010

All right, so I've gotten my self in one mighty big mess. I've been Dual-Booting Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit and Linux Ubuntu 9.04 for a while now. And just today I decided I didn't want Ubuntu any more. So I loaded up in to Vista and deleted the Ubuntu partition. I then extended the Vista partition to fill up the new 70 GB of unallocated space. After running a Defrag I restarted my computer, but it still tries to load GRUB 1.5. And every time it end up getting Error 22. I can no longer access Windows and I'm on these forums thanks to a Linux Live-CD. I need a way to get rid of GRUB for good....

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Grub (a Bootloader For Linux)

Sep 19, 2009

I installed linux ubuntu onto my new laptop which was originally rinning windows vista ultimat 64-bit, in order to dual boot them, I chose in the llinux install to install grub, a bootloader designed for linux. I decided I didn't want linux anymore and deleted it's partitions. This was stupid, I turned on my computer the next day and apparently the grub bootloader was dependant on files on the partition so, now it won't let me boot to just windows, and I can't just exit grub and get to the vista bootloader either; once grub opens, it says it's starting, then displays

Quote: ERROR 22 After that, I'm forced to shutdown. I've tried to use the startup repair feature in the vista os dvd, but it says nothing is wrong, since you can boot vista perfectly fine after you get past the grub bootloader, which I believe the startup check this feature performs begins after the grub thing comes up. I've tried doing things in bcdedit, but haven't found anything that has worked. I need a way to either uninstall the grub bootlaoder (yes, uninstall the bootloader, we can do this because the vista one is fully intact and would pop up after grub while I was still able to boot normally before I stupidly wiped the linux partitions) or I need a way to bypass the grub bootloader to get to the vista bootloader. Also, please no idiots telling me to change my BIOS boot device priority to boot from cd first, obviously I'm able to boot from my Vista os dvd in order to get to the recovery features, I want to boot from the hd not a cd.

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Sp2 Fails To Install: GRUB Boot Manager?

May 29, 2009

From what I gather, sp2 fails to install due to GRUB being my boot manager. If anyone has found a work around...besides ditching Vista...share it. Unplugging a drive isn't an option...I have 5 OS's on 2 drives managed by GRUB. I believe GRUB was written to the MBR.

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Restart: Get Blue Screen Message

Apr 18, 2009

I shut down my computer during a windows update and now every time I restart I get a blue screen message that lasts for about a second and then my computer restarts itself again. It does this every time. I'm operating in safe mode right now. I'm sorry if this sounds vague, I'm not very good with computer terms and stuff, but I'll give more details if I need to.

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Message The Screen Says Upgrade Checking Has Been Disabled

May 9, 2008

A month back I bought a Dell Latitude D630 with XP Pro installed. After seeing that Vista SP1 solved a bunch of problems with Vista I decided I want to go with Vista on my laptop. I bought the full version of Vista Business from the Windows Marketplace. Microsoft says (unless I misunderstood) that there is a valid upgrade path from XP Pro SP2 to Vista Business. I am starting the install from the disk and from within Windows. The Upgrade Advisor says I am ready to go. But...When I enter my key and move forward upgrading is grayed out and is unavailable. There is a message on the screen that says upgrade checking has been disabled.

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Instal SP1, Not Boot, Error Message On Black Screen

Dec 5, 2009

I am getting an error message on a black screen !!OxcOOOOO34!! 252/90268(program_files_windows_calendar_49985597510...)..................

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Is SuperAntispyware Legitimate Software: (Windows Vista) Seems To Have Blocked The Updates, Per An On-screen Message

Feb 8, 2009

Based upon a post in a newsgroup, I downloaded SuperAntispyware. When I tried to download its updates, my firewall (Windows Vista) seems to have blocked the updates, per an on-screen message. I am wondering if this is legitimate software, or if the firewall is trying to block a rogue program that might harm my PC.

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Randomly Blue Screen With The Message "MEMORY MANAGEMENT"

Jul 19, 2007

After loading a fresh copy of Vista Ultimate, every once in a while my system will randomly blue screen with the message "MEMORY MANAGEMENT" I have a 939 board, Athlon X2 4200, 1GB DDR RAM, and 2 hard drives (1-40gig and 1-120gig).do I need a firmware update for my board or something? Also It doesn't seem to happen as often when I put in my thumbdrive and turn on ReadyBoost.

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Virus Message : "Trojan Tryin To Enter" Turning Blue Screen

Mar 24, 2009

I have had a few problems with my laptop, i was casually checking my emails, and i got the "Blue screen of Death". Occasionally after when i would log on it would come up with a message from my virus scanner, saying : "Trojan tryin to enter", i would decline, but some how, eventually it must of got through. Now everytime i get to the screen to log in it straight away blue screens, occasionally it will let me into my user account but then blue screens a short while after.

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When Delete A Message Do Not Want To Open The Next Message In Inbox

Mar 23, 2008

When I delete a message, I do not want to open the next message in my inbox. I want to back to the inbox. Is this possible? It is is Outlook.

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Post SP1 Can't See My External

Apr 5, 2008

Since I installed SP1 for Vista HP 64x I can no longer access my external hard drive/media player.

When I connect it via USB I get a message saying I need USB to IDE drivers. Windows then offers to search the internet etc but cannot find any. As a result Vista cannot see the drive and I am prevented from accessing nearly 300GB of my photos, music and movies.

This is a personal disaster. My best photographic work is on that drive.

I have had the drive for about a year and it worked perfectly before SP1. It's sold by a firm called Envizage but I believe they are just importers.

I contacted them and they replied that no drivers are required for Vista.

I was not even aware there was an IDE drive in there but I believe it is a 400GB Samsung. Can't check now obviously.

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Cannot Post Ngs Corrupted

Jan 23, 2010

do not appear on the NG in Windows Live Mail on my computer. It was OK previously. I have unsubscribed the NG and then subscribed again. But still the same problem. But I see the msgs in the Sent Items folder. Tried sending

but still the same thing. I do not see the post in the NG, but it is there in the Sent Items folder. In both above cases, the posts can be seen in Google Groups from whereI have no choice but to post from. MY NGs may be corrupted.

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Cant Boot To Post

Mar 23, 2008

just plugged in a usb exterior drive to do a new backup, then power light flashed a few times then PC rebooted but it freezes before the post beep.I have cleared the CMOS but no go are we talking motherboard do you think?

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Post Your Over-clocking Results

Jun 30, 2009

Post your over-clocking results if you have over-clocked your CPU with the model of it. I got my Intel Core 2 duo E8400 3.00Ghz to 3.85Ghz at stock cooling! (I cant Believe it too.)

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Irql_not_less_or_equal Pre & Post Hardware Fix

Aug 22, 2009

I am working with a Dell M1330 running Windows Home Premium 32bit. Recently I started to have monitor issues (where the screen would go wonky and unviewable) shortly thereafter the computer would crash and reboot and for awhile worked ok. I contacted Dell Support and had them do an initial diagnosis and they believed the problem to be related to a faulty video card and heat sink. They replaced them but my BSoD has not gone away.

Rather every time I boot the machine the system gets to the log-in screen and then hits a blue screen shortly thereafter. And I have contacted Dell a second time and their solution was to do a Factory Image Restore. This me, as I have plenty of software that I can't immediately replace. Currently I can only run in Safe Mode. I have attached, as I saw in other posts the contents of my latest minidump file.

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Multipost And Cross Post

Oct 13, 2009

post the same question more than once on the SAME newsgroup, it is called multipost, post the same question in Different newsgroups, it is crosspost. One should not multipost, but its OK to crosspost.

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Post: Get Clunk Sound And Nothing Happens

Apr 2, 2008

When using my Vista computer, I can log in to this site, my name shows up, but when I click New/ question like I just did for this post, I just get a clunk sound and nothing happens. How to Delete cookies and temp internet files.

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Ctr Alt Del After Post, Blank Partition

Mar 23, 2008

I was having fun with the partitions (I just found the partitioning system in Vista its very neat). Anyways I kinda made a new partition and installed a fresh copy of windows on it, planning to replace my old one. I booted up the new one played around a bit and got off, and booted up the old partition. This is where the problem starts I'm in the old partition and back playing around in the partition stuff again. This time trying to make the new partition bigger, well I shrink the old one but it won't let me expand the old one so there is a blank partition now sitting there. When I click the new one (with vista installed on it) I see make active partition so I click it, it says something like warning this may cause failure if there isn't an bootable sorce on here or something like that so I'm like yea sure. I reboot the computer the bios post then after that is says "ssing" "s ctr alt del".................

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Occasionally No POST Beep?

Mar 29, 2008

Running a SONY VAIO Pentium D with Ultimate SP1 and every now and then when I do a restart or a hard reboot the machine will sit there. All the drives run but no joy and no beep. Then I turn it off and it may start or it may not. This machine is getting near three years old and is on 18+ hours a day. Everything else is fine and there are no other issues with it. I am thinking it may be the mobo battery.

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How More Time Out Post Copied

Jun 5, 2008

I've noticed that most of the posts made in this forum end up on these sites... Why? Windows Vista Also, why did I find a copy of the post I made here on June 1st on this site?? How many more times are our posts copied??

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Post Update E Mails

Oct 4, 2009

im not getting any update e mails from this site for new posts to threads im subscribed to , i kinda rely on em to remmeber where ive been.............whats up with that then?? and before you ask about spam folders and junk e mail i know how to work it

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Restoring Post Files After Crash

Jun 12, 2008

I had to re-install Vista after a system crash. I was able to access the restore drive via DOS and pull out the pst (Office 2003) files and copy them to a USB drive. I only had 1 pst file on my system but Vista backed it up to 7 different files. Now when I try to add these files to the restored system I get an error saying the file is not a a personal folders file. I used SCANPST on the largest backed up file and it recovered some of my email but when I try to use SCANPST on the other 6 backup files it says the files are
not personal folders files.

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Cannot Post To The Group With The Same Name, When It Is On

Mar 31, 2010

I cannot post to the group with the same name, when it is on

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Freezing Before It Really Starts Post Test

Nov 21, 2008

I have a relatives PC around my house with a funny problem that maybe you can give me your thoughts on what might cause this issue. First when its at his house sometimes when he turns it on it will sit practically at pre post test and do nothing. System is Asus M2N SLI Deluxe board, Nvidia 8600GT Video, 2Gb DDR2-800 ram, Card reader, floppy drive, 640Gb HDD,AMD x2 4200+, Antec 900 case and Thermaltake 620 watt PSU i think.

But when i bring it over to my place and fire it up it always works perfect? Any thoughts on why it always works at my house but randomly after using it for maybe months it always seem to do the same thing and look like basically its freezing before it really starts post test. Side note after sitting for a couple of days it looses its bios setting and yet its only 11 to almost 12 months old for the PC.

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