Grub (a Bootloader For Linux)

Sep 19, 2009

I installed linux ubuntu onto my new laptop which was originally rinning windows vista ultimat 64-bit, in order to dual boot them, I chose in the llinux install to install grub, a bootloader designed for linux. I decided I didn't want linux anymore and deleted it's partitions. This was stupid, I turned on my computer the next day and apparently the grub bootloader was dependant on files on the partition so, now it won't let me boot to just windows, and I can't just exit grub and get to the vista bootloader either; once grub opens, it says it's starting, then displays

Quote: ERROR 22 After that, I'm forced to shutdown. I've tried to use the startup repair feature in the vista os dvd, but it says nothing is wrong, since you can boot vista perfectly fine after you get past the grub bootloader, which I believe the startup check this feature performs begins after the grub thing comes up. I've tried doing things in bcdedit, but haven't found anything that has worked. I need a way to either uninstall the grub bootlaoder (yes, uninstall the bootloader, we can do this because the vista one is fully intact and would pop up after grub while I was still able to boot normally before I stupidly wiped the linux partitions) or I need a way to bypass the grub bootloader to get to the vista bootloader. Also, please no idiots telling me to change my BIOS boot device priority to boot from cd first, obviously I'm able to boot from my Vista os dvd in order to get to the recovery features, I want to boot from the hd not a cd.

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Linux Users Lose Again Why Windows Rulez And Linux Drools

Apr 28, 2009

You had better not be using Linux because they don't support Linux. "Most Linux users are serious computer users. We?re geeks, and geeks use a lot of internet. Wouldn?t it be wise of AT&T to just acknowledge us?" Linux users are an oddball bunch of less than 1 percent of the desktop populous.

"This is not the first time I?ve run into problems with AT&T pretending that the world consists entirely of Windows and Macintosh. Once I was helping someone else get a Linux system going with AT&T DSL, and they flat-out refused to give her the manual setup instructions for the connection if she couldn?t use the automated Windows or Mac installer. The tech told her? If you run Linux you should be able to figure it all out on your own. I won?t help you, and I won?t transfer you to anyone else.".............

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Lost Bootloader

Apr 20, 2009

Previously was dual booting vista x86 and windows7 x64 off same hard drive.

I decided to replace vista x86 with vista x64, On boot up i have no longer got my bootloader as it just boots straight to vista x64.

If i use win7 disc and do bootrec /fixmbr will this retore bootloader or just default boot to win7?

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Uninstalling GRUB 1.5 Getting Error

Feb 27, 2010

All right, so I've gotten my self in one mighty big mess. I've been Dual-Booting Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit and Linux Ubuntu 9.04 for a while now. And just today I decided I didn't want Ubuntu any more. So I loaded up in to Vista and deleted the Ubuntu partition. I then extended the Vista partition to fill up the new 70 GB of unallocated space. After running a Defrag I restarted my computer, but it still tries to load GRUB 1.5. And every time it end up getting Error 22. I can no longer access Windows and I'm on these forums thanks to a Linux Live-CD. I need a way to get rid of GRUB for good....

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Sp2 Fails To Install: GRUB Boot Manager?

May 29, 2009

From what I gather, sp2 fails to install due to GRUB being my boot manager. If anyone has found a work around...besides ditching Vista...share it. Unplugging a drive isn't an option...I have 5 OS's on 2 drives managed by GRUB. I believe GRUB was written to the MBR.

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Greeted Message After POST Screen: GRUB

Jun 14, 2008

Whenever I start my PC, I get greeted with a message after the POST screen, in the standard DOS-type text, simply saying "GRUB" (or "GRUB GRUB"). From here, the PC becomes unresponsive, and I can only turn it off. I believe this is linked to the Grub Boot Loader I once had installed on my secondary hard drive which was installed in a different PC. However, it has only been rearing its head over the last couple of days.

I have tried the "bootrec" command from the Vista disc with the /fixmbr, /fixboot and /rebuildbcd commands. However, this has not provided me with a permanent fix. The /rebuildbcd and /scanos arguments return a message saying it found no compatible Vista installations. Vista will start with no problems, however, provided the Vista install disc is in the DVD drive. I don't need to "press any key to boot from the DVD", just having it in the drive is perfectly sufficient.

Just recently I've been having some troubles with my hard drive failing, which may or may not be related. (The first paragraph of the first post is probably the most relevant): Vista won't start. Note that I have also done a full system scan using NOD32, which found no problems. I am completely confused about this problem; I'm even more confused, though, about how the problem arose in the first place.

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Remove Entry On Bootloader From Old Dual Boot...

Sep 21, 2009

My little problem is that I used to have a Vista/XP dual boot since I didn't need XP anymore I just deleted the partition and then extended the original Vista partition. The thing is, the entry for Windows XP on the bootloader is still there and I want to remove it because I want to sell this PC and the person most likely to buy it is not very computer savvy and he might get scared when he sees a black and white screen asking him if he wants to start Vista or XP and then press enter! I don't know how to do this on Windows, I have done it on Linux and it's very easy but obviously in Windows is completely different.

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Bootloader: Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupted

Dec 20, 2008

On my laptop I triple boot: Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit, Windows XP Professional 32-bit and Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit. Recently, I had problems booting WIndows XP so I wanted to fix it by using VistaBootPRO but I ended by losing both WIndows Vista & XP. Now, only Ubuntu works so I can still access Vista & XP drives. On VistaBootPRO I installed Legancy Bootloader over Windows Vista Bootloader then I was not able to boot Vista. I got this error message:

Code: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupted: <WIndows root>system32 toskrnl.exe Please re-install a copy of the above file.

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Is It Faster Than GNU/Linux

Feb 25, 2009

"Recent and controversial benchmarks for Windows 7 leave an important question unanswered: 'Is it faster than GNU/Linux?' Here, at last, is a benchmark that pits Ubuntu, Vista and Windows 7 against each other on the same modern hardware. From install time to GUI efficiency, Ubuntu beats Windows and is often twice as fast. Where Windows 7 is competitive, the difference is something the average user would not notice. The average GNU/Linux user is now getting better absolute performance from their computer as well as better value than the average Windows user."

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Protecting The Windows Using Linux

Feb 12, 2010

The internet connection is in Linux (Host OS).

I am just eager to know if i have Windows as a guest OS on Host OS(Linux), is it less possible for Windows to get infected by virus ?

If Windows crashes, is there a mechanism to recover it from Host OS(Linux) ?
Also, is there any mechanism to debug windows .

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Windows 7 Will Doom Linux

Oct 23, 2009 (the article said that it won't necessarily doom Linux but we all know that it will) Ubunbu is doomed.

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Linux KDE Applications To MS Windows

Jul 6, 2008

The KDE on Windows Project is aimed at native porting of the Linux KDE applications to MS Windows. Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista are supported. The KDE on Windows Project - Welcome to The KDE on Windows Project

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Relevent Usage, Using Linux

Sep 25, 2009

Post to alt.os.linux.ubuntu ... 1000
Post to ... 1037

Seemingly, people are using linux, that is, people whom can learn. Good for them. Thats one linux distro. I suggest Bleak Horizon as the next Windows version name.

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About Linux And Ubuntu Posters

Apr 10, 2008

Douche bag, is considered to be a pejorative term in Australia, the United States, Canada and New Zealand. The slang usage of the term dates back to the 1960s. The metaphor of identifying a person as a douche is intended to associate a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and malice. In Vista.General forums, Douche Bag is usually associated with, Alias, NoStop, oh great, and kevpan815 who always post negative crap about Vista and try to convert users to Ubuntu.

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Windows Install Os Linux

Oct 2, 2009

Version 10 and it still has all the same glitches, endless code and incompatabilities it had since the beginning. Wireless support totally sucks, audio support is a jolk, and usually you have to settle with haveing one of the two work depending on which distro you install. I tried Linux for a third time when I saw the new version 10 and it still sucks. I now have XP back on my Eee PC and everything works as it should with no code hhaving to be written, or config to suffer from The age old question: what can windows do that Linux can't? Aside from everything in general the main answer is WORK!

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Programs Only For Windows And Not For Linux?

Mar 18, 2009

Root kits
Be part of a net bot
Windows Genuine Disadvantage Notification Tool

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How To Backup Mbr Beforevtrying Linux

Nov 7, 2009

I want to try linux on my laptop, but I think I should probably backup the mbr before. My last attempt resulted in an unbootable laptop, complete vista reinstall plus all of my software and data 5hours+. The laptop (Compaq cq60) did not come withe a vista disc, only a partition that allows a restore to factory setup.

Ideally I'm looking for a freeware app that can hopefully create a bootable cd that would restore the mbr to pre-linux without grub installed. Any recommendations on a foolproof method. Google throws up lots of info that I either don't understand or I wouldn't feel confident with.

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Linux File Sharing!

Sep 23, 2008

I've got a file in my vista /public/video folder and everytime I try to copy it to my linux box it keeps asking for a password. i've turned off the password protection in Vista, so what do I do?

it turns out that Nautilus (a commonly used linux file manager) cannot access Vista shared folders, it's a bug. It has no trouble with accessing Xp shared folders. Also, copying files from Vista is SLOW, about half the speed of Xp and linux.

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According To CNet - Linux Greener

Jun 10, 2008

/Network World/ ran a series of independent tests and discovered that Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses 12 percent less power than Windows Server 2008. The greener operating system by a significant margin? Linux.

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Can Install Linux With Windows?

May 26, 2009

Im Useing Windows vista and i was wanting to know if i can install Linux with Windows? i heard u can Install Two Operating systems on your computer. but will it work with Linux though?

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Linux OS Removed Windows Xp

Apr 14, 2008

Can the linux operating system be removed and Windows XP be used instead?" Once again the users have spoken and they sure as hell don't want Linux. No wonder Linux sits at 0.6 percent of the desktop market and has for many years.

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Vista And Linux Advice

Sep 17, 2009

i am thinking of installing Linux on my pc but want to Keep vista as well. Does someone know exactly what i need to do or tell me which Linux looks/is best.

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Linux Usb Drive Acces Not Permitted

Sep 21, 2009

I have a usb drive that is from ubuntu (Linux) & would like to access it from vista but i get access not permitted. So tried to change the properties so everyone can access the files. See the current owner is Unix user 501. I tried to change with administration privileges but the unix files will not let me.

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Wipe HD Clean And Install Linux

Mar 3, 2009

I want to sell an old Dell Latitude laptop, running Windows 2000 Pro. I want to make sure all my personal information is wiped clean from the laptop before I sell it. I bought it at a used computer store and they did not include the installation disks. I went there today and they are not willing to install an OS on it unless I pay $50. So, what are the steps to format my drive clean as a whistle, and then install a basic free OS (using my computer computer to download)?

The store told me I can put Ibunto Linux on it. But if I wipe the disk clean first, maybe it won't recognize my CD-ROM (I have had trouble before with that drive and had to download a driver for my DVD player, etc).

Please tell me if you need more information. A CD holds 700 mb and the download I was looking at is 699 megs. I am guessing a DVD won't work in this situation?

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Move Your Business From Windows To Linux

Jul 7, 2008

If the cost of Windows is getting your small business down, consider
shifting to Linux.



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Microsoft Depends On Linux To Get The Work Done

Mar 7, 2009

The idiots in this newsgroup who keep claiming that linux is worthless,dont know much about technology. Its a known fact that Microsoft uses unix based servers for many of its services including hotmail, and when they tried to switch to windows severs it was a TOTAL FLOP! yet you have these computer illiterate microsoft fanboys claiming that vista is the best OS ever!.......

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Alias & Linux Ubuntu Do Not Work

Aug 14, 2009

What is the difference between Alias and Linux Ubuntu? Nothing! They both do not work!

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Install Ubuntu Linux, Virtual PC

May 22, 2008

My HP system was built with Vista in mind and has been working flawlessly for a year and a half. It runs better than XP and takes one awful beating from me and my system is on all the time with sleep engaged, waking up to perform tasks on it's own very reliably. I really do not know what people are bitching about! Just lucky I guess.

My question has to do with Virtual PC, I have tried 2004 and 2007 and have the same problem with both. In trying to install Ubuntu Linux there just not seem to be a way to get the display resolution correct. In VPC during the install VPC reports that the guest OS has selected a resolution too wide for the screen. I have tried all three resolution options in the VPC setup without sucess. XP installs in VPC perfectly. Linux and XP install perfectly in Virtual Box. Virtual Box has some issues with virtual disk size that I have been unable to resolve or I would just use Virtual Box from Sun systems. and Virtual Box runs much more quickly than VPC.

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Remote Desktop From Linux Console

Jun 18, 2008

I have a Vista host (V) running on a computer inside a firewalled network. I am outside the firewall and so cannot access the computer directly. However, I have access to a Linux host (L) which can access 'V'. Now I have an RDP server running on 'V' which accepts any RDP connection without a prompt. But an X server is not running on 'L' so that I cannot open an 'rdesktop' window. Is there a way to access 'V' from 'L' purely through the command line using the RDP server running
on 'V'?

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Windows Right The Linux Taskbar Can't Find

Jun 19, 2008

I remember reading an old post by Tiberius/Tibery-OS that showed a link to that virtual machine software where you ran Windows right under the Linux taskbar(s). I now can't find it using search. I looked up all his posts under both names, still nothing. Does anyone have a link?

Sorry, not interested in being flamed/trolled, as seems to be the policy on this NG. I will Plonk immediately."...I fail to understand why they feel the need to convince people who are happy with Vista that they are wrong. That is aside from the self-esteem issues they must have ;-)?

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HDD Last Sector Unreadable: Readable Under Linux

Feb 8, 2009

I use a 160 Gb Seagate Momentus 7200.2 SATA HDD (ST9160823AS) in my Asus F3Sa notebook and I have the following problem : For security reasons, the encryption software I want to use check if the last sector of my HDD is readable before installing. As it says there is a problem, I wanted to check by myself using the following command : dd if=[harddrive] of=[output file] bs=512 count=1 skip=[total guaranteed sectors - 1]

Under Vista (see dd for Windows on Wikipedia), it returns an empty file, meaning that the last sector is unreadable. Under Linux, the very same command returns data without any problem. The last sector is perfectly readable. Thinking to a driver problem, I wrote to Intel (ICH8M chip) and they replied "We understand your concern but the problem you described is directly related to the motherboard or hard drive manufacturer, not chipset software". Very strange as the problem does not exist under Linux with the same hardware.

I wrote to Asus and they told to me to ask Seagate... I asked Seagate and they explained to me the problem seems to be software/driver/OS related. So... Now I'm stuck and I can't install my encryption software. What can I do. Could it be a problem of Windows Vista ? I use the latest computer bios, updated Vista and latest Intel chipset driver. The HDD health has been checked with a dozen of Linux or Windows tools. It's in perfect condition.

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