Lost Bootloader

Apr 20, 2009

Previously was dual booting vista x86 and windows7 x64 off same hard drive.

I decided to replace vista x86 with vista x64, On boot up i have no longer got my bootloader as it just boots straight to vista x64.

If i use win7 disc and do bootrec /fixmbr will this retore bootloader or just default boot to win7?

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Grub (a Bootloader For Linux)

Sep 19, 2009

I installed linux ubuntu onto my new laptop which was originally rinning windows vista ultimat 64-bit, in order to dual boot them, I chose in the llinux install to install grub, a bootloader designed for linux. I decided I didn't want linux anymore and deleted it's partitions. This was stupid, I turned on my computer the next day and apparently the grub bootloader was dependant on files on the partition so, now it won't let me boot to just windows, and I can't just exit grub and get to the vista bootloader either; once grub opens, it says it's starting, then displays

Quote: ERROR 22 After that, I'm forced to shutdown. I've tried to use the startup repair feature in the vista os dvd, but it says nothing is wrong, since you can boot vista perfectly fine after you get past the grub bootloader, which I believe the startup check this feature performs begins after the grub thing comes up. I've tried doing things in bcdedit, but haven't found anything that has worked. I need a way to either uninstall the grub bootlaoder (yes, uninstall the bootloader, we can do this because the vista one is fully intact and would pop up after grub while I was still able to boot normally before I stupidly wiped the linux partitions) or I need a way to bypass the grub bootloader to get to the vista bootloader. Also, please no idiots telling me to change my BIOS boot device priority to boot from cd first, obviously I'm able to boot from my Vista os dvd in order to get to the recovery features, I want to boot from the hd not a cd.

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Remove Entry On Bootloader From Old Dual Boot...

Sep 21, 2009

My little problem is that I used to have a Vista/XP dual boot since I didn't need XP anymore I just deleted the partition and then extended the original Vista partition. The thing is, the entry for Windows XP on the bootloader is still there and I want to remove it because I want to sell this PC and the person most likely to buy it is not very computer savvy and he might get scared when he sees a black and white screen asking him if he wants to start Vista or XP and then press enter! I don't know how to do this on Windows, I have done it on Linux and it's very easy but obviously in Windows is completely different.

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Bootloader: Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupted

Dec 20, 2008

On my laptop I triple boot: Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit, Windows XP Professional 32-bit and Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit. Recently, I had problems booting WIndows XP so I wanted to fix it by using VistaBootPRO but I ended by losing both WIndows Vista & XP. Now, only Ubuntu works so I can still access Vista & XP drives. On VistaBootPRO I installed Legancy Bootloader over Windows Vista Bootloader then I was not able to boot Vista. I got this error message:

Code: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupted: <WIndows root>system32 toskrnl.exe Please re-install a copy of the above file.

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Lost Cd But Have Cd Key

Feb 17, 2010

i am using vista home edition and i lost my cd but i have cd key behind my laptop as everyone have that one. So i dont know in this situation how do i re-setup my vista or repair. Now the problems that i am facing.I am using the hidden adminstator account.It was good but i guess i was effected by some virus. I was using bit deffender antivirus with all the latest updates. Also i use to update my windows regularly.But now i cant update my vista or run any programs properly.At first problem that i faced which is when i click any program it comes with the choose promt i mean when a program does not have the extention like for example .exe like .zip etc dont have then a choose promt come so same thing happen in everything even songs videos programs that i need to choose from the promt again the same file even i go though the program files i need to choose. Also i lost my admin rights i dont know why that thing happen.

Then i clear my pc with advanced system care 3 pro and fixed 2424 registry problems. But the problem didnt stop yet.Now when i click any programs or anything a message comes with: this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the set associations control panel. But this when i click right mouse button and run as start it works Like open run as adminstator then start button and this is happening to every program No program is running in the time of start up. even not antivirus or any program i need to click start to run any program

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Lost Sound

Sep 20, 2009

I have a Sony VAIO laptop with Windows Vista Home premium and I have a problem with my sound.

When I unplug my computer from the back to move to another room I lose my sound and I have to restart my computer to get it back. Can anybody help me to stop this from happening or how to fix without restarting my computer.

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Feb 6, 2009

On my desktop, i recently found that there was an entry in my ALL PROGRAMS, that was "Programs". I thought i would not need it so shift deleted the "Programs" and now i cannot find anything under ALL PROGRAMS. :cry: There used to be alot of items like Windows Defender, Windows Updates, Fax and Scan, Mozilla Firefox, Yahoo Messenger, etc... Now its just blank. I tried system restore and recuva but nothing changed

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Lost Password !

Oct 18, 2009

My daughters forgotten her password on her laptop, i have tried all the usual methods to get in to it but to no avail, in both normal and safe mode, we don't have the XP disc as she bought the laptop from a friend, i have even thought about downloading ophcrack but it seems a bit long winded and a little confusing.

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Lost Volume Bar

Sep 6, 2008

All of a sudden I went to up the volume with the up volume button and the volume bar is gone. The sound increases but to what level I don't know visually. I tried updating driver and that came back with best driver is all ready installed.

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20.2 GB Lost On My C Drive

Dec 4, 2008

This is what I see on my C Drive with Vista Home Premium

1. 48.3 GB used space on Local Disk (C When I Click Local Disk C then Properties, Blue Red Pie (51,940,466,688 bytes)

2. 28.1 GB Size on Disk When I Open C & Select All, Then Click Properties (30,206,545,173 bytes)

3. That's a Difference of 20.2 GB & I Checked Show hidden files and folders & Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files.

4. 33.2 GB is the size of my Compressed Backup on my Acronis TrueImage11 C Drive Backup to an External HD, so I think the 48.3 GB is true. Where could the 20.2 GB be hiding?

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Lost Document?

Mar 23, 2008

Yesterday, I opened a document (Office Student 2007) from my e-mail account on the web (not Outlook)

I clicked "Save" repeatedly throughout the day and was never prompted to select "Save As" and when I X'd out, it did not say "Are you sure you want to close without saving?" so, I assumed all was well. However,when I went back to open it, it wasn't there. I searched all the folders, hidden folders, temp internet files, etc. but cannot find it!

I was clicking "Save" so it has to be saved somewhere, right?

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Lost Filenames

Dec 27, 2009

Hi there, the flienames are no longer being displayed when I view the contents of C: drive as icons. I am aware of how to hide/show filenames for any folder other than system ones using the ctrl key and 'View' menu, however this does not work with C: drive. Any ideas how I can get the filenames back with the icon views for this folder?

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Lost Folders

Mar 23, 2008

my windows mail has suddenly lost my folders & messages, it doesn't matter what I try I can't seem to get anything apart from a message popping up saying low memory or not enough disk space, & I only brought the laptop 3 days ago & only registered my email today I had 2 folders & 3 messages in my inbox.

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Lost The Recovery

Oct 11, 2009

i done partition for my pc unfortunatly i lost the recovery how can i get it back in my c.

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Lost D Partition

Apr 1, 2008

after installing PowerQuest Partition Magic 8 Demo on my notebook with Windows Vista Ultimate ITA SP1, I've lost the D: partition on my hard disk.In "Explore" I see only C:, and D: is missing.

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Lost Audio

Mar 23, 2008

I posted this question a while ago, but didnt get any response. here it is again ( I am kinda desperate now), before I take my copmuter to service, Id like to know if someone had a similar problem. Or a solution. Recently I installed Logitech caemra on my computer.After connecting it I lost audio. No sound in my speakers, not even in headphones. I uninstalled my camera, but it didnt help at all, there is no way I could get the sound back. There didn't seem to be any error with an installation. I dont think my audio driver was corrupted. Is it just a coincidence or did installation caused this problem. How can I get my sound back?

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Lost Documents

Jun 20, 2008

This is probably a waste of everyone's time - but is there any way to recover your documents from your hard drive if you installed (not upgraded) from XP to Vista? I've lost everything and I'm dying over here!

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Lost Sidebar

Apr 19, 2008

I've completely lost my sidebar -- if that's the right term -- you know, that thing with the gadgets. I don't even have that "+" or "-" thing at the top. Could I inadvertently have turned it off? If so, where is the switch?

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Dvd Drive Is Lost

Apr 11, 2008

I'm running vista ultimate 32 bit. last dayas i a dealing with a very strange issue... i turn on pc, everything works fine. Suddenly my dvd drive(nec)is lost from my computer icon and also, i cannot see it in device manager!!!making a restart is not solving the problem. The only way to see again the drive is to turn pc off, change sata port on drive and when i turn on again the pc it starts to install it again. Foe some hour dvd drive works and is recognized perfectly. but suddenly(without nothing to do!!!)just waiting and looking the pc, dvd drive is lost again and tha hard disk led stays continiously on! any other functions works fine...

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Lost Favourites From IE7

Jun 10, 2008

I have lost all my favourites from IE7 and it will not let me add any in. Also my homepage has changed..

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Lost TV Channels

Nov 11, 2009

I set about re-scanning but ended up with fewer channels. I scanned again and got even fewer channels. I started with 72; then it was 56; then it was 41; now it is 31. All channels were working yesterday. I got an update this morning around 09:00 GMT. Has this got something to do with what is happening to my system? Does anyone know? esterday evening (GMT) I received a further update and rescanned the TV channels. It went up to 56. It remained at 56 after rescanning this morning.

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Mail Lost

Apr 9, 2009

All mail in Inbox is gone, and seems to be lost in Windows Mail.

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SP1, Lost Sound

Jun 22, 2008

After installing SP1 my background and icons were distorted and I lost sound. I immediately uninstalled SP1 and things seemed to return to normal. Do I really need it?

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Lost Sidebar

Mar 30, 2008

Even though my account is Admin status I have lost Sidebar and jut get I need an Administrtaor to reinstall. Setting up a bogus account doesn't help either. And yes i have used the control panel icon to attempt reload nothing! Short of going to System Restore does anybody have a solution?

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Lost XP Serial Key

Mar 23, 2008

I have a retail version of Vista Home Premium Upgrade which I used to upgrade XP home edition OEM around 6 months ago. Tomorrow I`m upgrading my Processor and Motherboard and would like to do a fresh install of Vista if I can. The problem is I have lost my XP serial key (was stuck to the case as a sticker and was peeled off and chewed up by my 2 year some months ago). What options do I have to do a fresh install? Am i better off reinstalling Vista over the top of my old version? I would though really like to do a Format C: though and get a nice fresh install for my nice new system.

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Lost Games

Apr 7, 2009

Somehow I lost my games?? When I launch them I get an explorer folder?? I am using 64bit Vista.

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Lost Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have problem. If I get mail I see these mail in my inbox. But leater it is gone. Can not find these mail in any folder.

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Lost Recycle Bin

May 9, 2010

I lost my recycle bin on the desktop. How can I get it back.

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Lost Indexing Of Old HDD

Feb 6, 2009

How to recovering files (favorites, .pst, photos, My Docs) from an HDD array. Here is the background:- For some time, I have successfully operated a home-built system consisting of an Intel C2D E6600, Asus P5b Deluxe Mobo, and two WD 250 GB Caviars configured in RAID1 (amongst other components).- I recently installed two new WD 300 GB Velociraptors in RAID 0 configuration.I experienced no difficulties in setting up this second array - I attempted to ghost the old array to the new Raptor array using Norton Ghost.In doing this, I was unable to reassign the new drive to C using the Vista Disk Management utility, as one of the two arrays always was the boot drive.I tried to boot off an optical drive, but was also unsuccessful.So, I abandoned the ghosting strategy, and decided to make a clean install on the new raptor array.

I have been successful in completing the clean install in the new Raptor array.- However, I have been unsuccessful in locating my old files (favorites,.pst, photos, My Documents) on the old array.Could this be due to the loss of the indexing on the old drive, when I did the clean OS install on the new drive? What procedures can you recommend to recover the files on my old drive? If needed, is there a recovery software that you can recommend?

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Lost All Documents

Jun 20, 2008

I stupidly did not save my documents, emails and contacts prior to installing Vista OS. Instead of Upgrading, I installed the entire system!! Have I lost everything?! Is there any way any of my documents could be on the hard drive? I have tried doing that windows.old thing but when I type it into the "search", I get nothing.

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Everything Lost In Pictures

Feb 21, 2010

Something strange occured on my computer. Within last week everything in MyPictures folder (except link to Sample Pictures) lost somehow. I did not find any traces of my 3000+ photos in Recycle Bin, in neighbouring locations of Windows Explorer tree and even searches of lost (deleted) files with some freeware recovery soft. Could it be some of the recent updates, after what my computer was restarting automatically? Has anyone any clue, where to search or how to avoid such of surprises in the future? I had some backups on external devices, but not all...

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