Vista Not Always Booting Up - Post Screen

Sep 14, 2008

I have the gigabyte eP45-DQ6 motherboard. When booting up, or rebooting, even before I get to the windows loading screen, I get a black screen. Almost like the monitor doesnt turn on but the computer sounds likes on. I reinstalled due to some other issues, but the same issue with loading happens. ITs sporadic. Sometimes it does it, others not. I updated to v11 of BIOS, and it still does it. Otherwise its very stable. Is there a setting in the motherboard? Is it vista related?

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Vista Not Booting, Black Screen

Nov 16, 2008

Vista not booting if the computer wasn't shut down right? It will boot till a black screen with only the mouse curser (mouse curser won't move though). I can get into safe mode and have always just did a system restore to an earlier time, but this time, even when sent back to the earliest point it still wont boot. I have Vista 32bit, have added no new programs, and am caught up with the upgrades (but added none recently enough for it to have caused it).

Does anyone know how I can repair the boot info without having to reinstall windows. I have already got ahold of the boot disk but that didnt fix anything. I guess it at least gets into windows but one of the first startup stuff is corrupt.

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Black Screen After POST

Nov 25, 2009

I can't tell you how many forums I've read to try and find an answer. My computer just will not start, the fans run, seems like it's starting to boot up, I get one POST beep then nothing. No BIOS, no activity on the screen at all, no flickering lights, no beeps, no anything. I am thinking this is a video card issue, I thought I read something that was similar to this. I remember reading about a chip for the on-board video that can me removed and re-installed that re-sets the on board video. Anyone heard of this?

Sure there are a lot of "Black Screen" type issues, but not like this. I noticed, prior to this problem happening about 2 weeks ago, there were a couple Microsoft updates within a few days. After DLing them, the computer seem to load slower and slower with each restart. Then the (true) Black Screen of Death arrived. Since then I have been at a complete loss. Tried all new Power Supply, new RAM, new Hard Drive....same issue. I reset the CLRTC jumper, took the battery out for hours, nothing seems to work.

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Greeted Message After POST Screen: GRUB

Jun 14, 2008

Whenever I start my PC, I get greeted with a message after the POST screen, in the standard DOS-type text, simply saying "GRUB" (or "GRUB GRUB"). From here, the PC becomes unresponsive, and I can only turn it off. I believe this is linked to the Grub Boot Loader I once had installed on my secondary hard drive which was installed in a different PC. However, it has only been rearing its head over the last couple of days.

I have tried the "bootrec" command from the Vista disc with the /fixmbr, /fixboot and /rebuildbcd commands. However, this has not provided me with a permanent fix. The /rebuildbcd and /scanos arguments return a message saying it found no compatible Vista installations. Vista will start with no problems, however, provided the Vista install disc is in the DVD drive. I don't need to "press any key to boot from the DVD", just having it in the drive is perfectly sufficient.

Just recently I've been having some troubles with my hard drive failing, which may or may not be related. (The first paragraph of the first post is probably the most relevant): Vista won't start. Note that I have also done a full system scan using NOD32, which found no problems. I am completely confused about this problem; I'm even more confused, though, about how the problem arose in the first place.

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Black Screen During Booting.

Sep 4, 2009

There are many problems regarding black screen on boot. I've researched and surfed for over 4 hours, that is not an exaggeration, but found no use. When the vista passes log-on screen then it is time ti display desktop on boot, there simply shows a black screen with mouse cursor at the center.

Task manager works, and it seems nothing is using huge system resource at that time. After few amount of time, the desktop finally appears. I never installed driver, but in case one of them got corrupted, I installed the same version again to try to resolve the problem. It was no use. It's a OEM version that came with my laptop and this laptop has no pirated software. Not a single one

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Black Screen When Booting

Dec 10, 2009

I have a problem with my Laptop when I restart the OS. It uses Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. The desktop is not appeared, it is fully blank of black, except 'My Documents' of windows explorer. I found this problem since I had a message from someone (via Yahoo Messenger) that share a link.. I didn't know whether it is a virus or not, but accidentally I opened the URL and extracted the file attached.. Unfortunately, when I restart the Operating System, I got a black screen with a Documents of window explorer..

I have tried the methods that has been posted in this forum with the topic search 'black screen of death', and another additional methods, except re-install OS; but there is no changes till now.. When I tried to create a new user account, it ran normally if using the new account; but when I got back to my infected account it still displayed black screen.. I'm afraid I could not re-install it, because it will need a hard configuration,..

Now, I really confuse what should I do to make it runs well? My temporary plan is to use another new account and run with it normally, but I wonder with my infected account, what happened with the infected account; Is there any possibility that the infected account will influence my new account or any related system programs? Is this the only available and safe way to run my OS well?

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Booting Blue Screen

Dec 29, 2009

one day my pc was doing a disk check after after the booting screen, then I suddenly stupidity press the restart button it boot then after the vista loading bar, it came with this of blue screen, A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to you computer. A process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been terminated. If this is the first time........If problem continues, disable.........Technical information:*** STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x00000003,0x860FD020,0x860FD16C,0x8268A430)

I tried restart several times but no work,i tap F8 and tried all 3 safe modes option, but it freeze or come out this similar bsod above, i tried last known good configuration (AVCND) and Directory services restore mode but same bsod or black screen freeze. Same as the debugging mode.My pc does not have a start up repair so i use my Toshiba laptop recovery disk, so here it goes, After boot screen, then Windows is loading files bar probably the disc then after the loading bar, I go to system recovery options, then it automatically searching for problems in startup rep Then a pop up that it says Start up repair cannot repair this computer automatically, in the problem details show up this,

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepairV2
Problem Signature 01: ExternalMedia
Problem Signature 02: 6.0.6001.18000.6.0.6001.18000
Problem Signature 03: 6
Problem Signature 04: 851981......

after the pop up, it tells me I had device attached recently, but there is no mic, speaker, usb thingys and network plug out before that!! Only mouse, keyboard, cd dvd drive, screen and remember this problem was when disck check cancel, see first paragraph of this post.

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Not Booting, Black Screen

Mar 25, 2009

Upon restarting my Laptop I get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the upper right corner of my screen. I can not get into safe mode, I tried Vista recovery tools (System restore, Startup repair (shows no problems). I do not have any external hardware plugged in and have not installed any new hardware. I am able to access my hard drive and back up small amounts of data through my backup software which is on disk.

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Booting Brings To The Recovery Screen

Jun 30, 2009

I moved in with a host family last week, and 5 minutes after getting the internet to work and beginning to Skype chat people (without video) my computer (Gateway laptop model MT3423 I think, Vista Premium, Dual Core AMD Turion, ~2 years old in good condition) froze and hasn't been the same since. Now, booting brings me to the recovery screen (of course - Normal Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, etc.), but no Safe Mode works - I can get to the login screen but after signing in the Welcome screen with the loading circle stays up indefinitely. Normal Mode works though, but it has major issues. After successfully signing in programs begin to load but it quickly slows down to a crawl, and takes about a minute to close the two program warning boxes that pop up (just the usual 'this program is unregistered' sort of thing). After this, Windows Calendar inexplicably loads, again painfully slow, and if the computer hasn't crashed by this point then it does shortly thereafter. And the crash varies - a few times it started with a "Server Busy - this action cannot be completed" error message but it usually says euphemistically "Microsoft Windows - this application is not responding."

I've tried several things but I haven't had any success. During this loading window, I've tried running msconfig and unchecking nonessential programs, but even after clicking Save Changes and Restart the changes are not saved, and it'll still proceed to crash and load the programs again next boot. I've tried loading the control panel, but it becomes unresponsive after I try to click anything in it. I tried opening accessories under the Start Menu and it bugged out, and instead of showing the folder icon it showed a searching icon and wouldn't open. The Command Prompt loaded but was too slow to execute anything. I also tried opening Task Manager, even through Ctrl+Alt+Delete, and after a few minutes it successfully loaded once but didn't show anything unusual and then crashed.

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Vista Updates Install Post Sp1

Apr 7, 2008

Have got 7 Vista updates to instal post SP1 Is there any reason why I shouldn't?

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Can Not Post Or Reply Or XP Group From Vista Notebook

Jul 2, 2008

I can not post or reply in this or XP group from my Vista Notebook. Is there any kind of setting I need to adjust. No problems posting from my XP Desktop.

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Blue Screen: Booting On Safe Mode/ Last Good Configuration Both Didn't Work

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to fix a laptop.. it is getting blue screen.. things i did

1. Replace ram
2. Tried booting on safe mode/ last good configuration both didn't work

When I put a windows cd for repair (windows XP Home) and boot from cd.. its goes on the window where I need to select 1.c:windows but when i select that.. it goes on blue screen again.. I removed the hard disk.. connect it externally and ran a chkdsk /r and chkdsk /f then put it back to the laptop still didnt work..

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Not Booting Using Vista

Jun 3, 2008

I've just started having boot problems with Vista. I've had no problems in the past, but earlier this evening it would restart itself while loading Vista (the green bar loading stage). I used the Startup Repair option from the Vista install disc, and the log shows it successfully repaired a corrupted system volume (exact wording may have been different). Now it boots as far as loading a black screen and the mouse cursor, but doesn't get to the Aurora (blue-Vista-Windows-logo-loading thing). I have tried subsequent Startup Repairs, CHKDSKs, Memory Diagnostic checks, all with no errors to report. Unfortunately, I disabled System Restore a while back... Something I now regret doing! At least I know what I'll be doing as soon as I get it running again! My system is an ASUS M2N-E motherboard, AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+, Corsair 2x1GB XMS2 RAM, Sapphire ATi Radeon 3850... And so on and so forth. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit as well.

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Vista Stooped Booting Up

Aug 8, 2009

My vista 32 stopped booting up. So I got the recovery disks out and started to do a recovery. First it asked if I wanted to back up, so I did. then it would not do the recovery. So I started it again. It did the backup and the recovery worked great the next time through. Now I want to get some the of the stuff back that I backed up.

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Windows Vista Home Not Booting

Mar 12, 2009

I was wondering if someone might be able to help me. Basically my fiancee's laptop won't boot up anymore. It was playing up and crashed so she held down the power button and then turned it back on. It asked her if she want to boot normally, in safe mode or use the repair environment. We booted normally and nothing happened, nothing loaded up so restarted again and used the RE, went through everything and it still won't boot.

It comes up with an error message referring to external hardware such as a camera or mp3 player, which she hasn't connected, all she has is a bluetooth dongle which has been working fine (she has removed this and done the repair thing again too to no avail). The only thing she has done is log online and updated itunes.

She's run the repair program again and when it prompts to restart it gets to the green bar, does nothing for a while and then goes back asking to run the repair program or boot normally.

Incedently, when she presses F8, there is no option to select safe mode, only the repair program or boot normally.

We don't really want to do a fresh install, and besides I don't think she was given all the discs when she bought it, although I need to double check. The command prompt can be accessed though.

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Reinstall: Vista Freezes On Booting

Dec 10, 2008

I am running Vista Home 32bit on an Acer T180. I recently upgraded the CPU from an Athlon Sempron to a Athlon 64 X2. Now when I boot the PC, Vista freezes as it boots. I can still boot into Safe Mode and also using a Live Linux DVD. Also, surprisingly, sometimes Vista will boot and will run fine and both cores of the CPU are recognised. I obviously need to solve this problem, but am unsure how to proceed.

After the PC freezes, I reset it and after a reboot am taken to a screen with the safe mode option that also advises using the Vista repair option. I have a DVD of Vista (not an OEM, but without SP1) but I have installed SP1 on the PC.......

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Vista Installation Began Booting Then Stopped

Oct 20, 2009

I have a Dell windows vista 32bit business ed laptop. the other morning, when I switched it on I noticed it began booting then stopped, looking at the plug I noticed it wasn't in all the way so I slammed it back in with my foot and continued to re-boot the laptop. It booted requesting to do a chkdsk scan, fair enough I thought, I let it continue and it crashed on repairing an index.

It rebooted a second time with an option to load a 'repair' option, loaded this and one of the options in the list were to 'repair the boot files'. jolly good.... 13 hours later, it was still proceeding, but the HD light was at a constant on-off slow flicker, which it had been for the past 12 hours. Resorting to the last option, I entered the vista disk and decided to try a repair from there, same issue as before, so Now i decided to format the drive and start again. The vista boot disk just said it couldn't format the drive, so i decided to install windows over the top!. It said it couldn't do that either! What options do I have now? The laptop is absolutely useless, does it sound like a FUBAR'd hard drive? if it does, I think a swift call to dell is in order, or can anyone think of any fixes?

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Booting On Different PC Computers No Label, Vista Does Not Boot

Mar 26, 2008

I install Vista Ultimate on one PC. It is an HP Pavilion a1700n. I remove the 40 GB IDE HD from the HP PC and put it into a Compaq EVO 510 PC. Result: Vista does not boot. I have researched the subject but still have not found a solution. The microsoft vista deployment step by step seems awfully complex.

Has anyone found a simple way to solve this problem? I have also tried the reverse (from compaq to HP PC): Same result! With XP I could boot into safe mode or just boot normally and XP would detect and install the new hardware it finds. Somtimes I would need to install XP from CD on the target PC to copy the boot.ini and hall.dll files to a usb flash drive. Then I would restore the image of XP on the target PC. I would boot into recovery console and copy the files form the flash drive to the target PC (boot.ini to C: and hal.dll to C:windowssystem32). Most times I could then boot the target PC normally or in safe mode.

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Vista & Windows 7 Dual Booting & Then Installed Xp Pro & Lost My Dual Boot

May 9, 2009

Had vista & windows 7 dual booting & then i installed xp pro & lost my dual boot. How can i get it back?

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Post SP1 Can't See My External

Apr 5, 2008

Since I installed SP1 for Vista HP 64x I can no longer access my external hard drive/media player.

When I connect it via USB I get a message saying I need USB to IDE drivers. Windows then offers to search the internet etc but cannot find any. As a result Vista cannot see the drive and I am prevented from accessing nearly 300GB of my photos, music and movies.

This is a personal disaster. My best photographic work is on that drive.

I have had the drive for about a year and it worked perfectly before SP1. It's sold by a firm called Envizage but I believe they are just importers.

I contacted them and they replied that no drivers are required for Vista.

I was not even aware there was an IDE drive in there but I believe it is a 400GB Samsung. Can't check now obviously.

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Can Post A Message

Feb 14, 2009

since I have had Windows Vista on my computer I can post a message somedays and not others. For some reason I have to press 'POST MESSAGE' several times before it will open the message session. I thought at 1st it may have been the forum itself but went in there today and used my laptoop with Windows XP and was able to leave a message staight away. Is there something I need to do to my computer to allow me into forums?

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Cannot Post Ngs Corrupted

Jan 23, 2010

do not appear on the NG in Windows Live Mail on my computer. It was OK previously. I have unsubscribed the NG and then subscribed again. But still the same problem. But I see the msgs in the Sent Items folder. Tried sending

but still the same thing. I do not see the post in the NG, but it is there in the Sent Items folder. In both above cases, the posts can be seen in Google Groups from whereI have no choice but to post from. MY NGs may be corrupted.

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Cant Boot To Post

Mar 23, 2008

just plugged in a usb exterior drive to do a new backup, then power light flashed a few times then PC rebooted but it freezes before the post beep.I have cleared the CMOS but no go are we talking motherboard do you think?

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Post Your Over-clocking Results

Jun 30, 2009

Post your over-clocking results if you have over-clocked your CPU with the model of it. I got my Intel Core 2 duo E8400 3.00Ghz to 3.85Ghz at stock cooling! (I cant Believe it too.)

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Irql_not_less_or_equal Pre & Post Hardware Fix

Aug 22, 2009

I am working with a Dell M1330 running Windows Home Premium 32bit. Recently I started to have monitor issues (where the screen would go wonky and unviewable) shortly thereafter the computer would crash and reboot and for awhile worked ok. I contacted Dell Support and had them do an initial diagnosis and they believed the problem to be related to a faulty video card and heat sink. They replaced them but my BSoD has not gone away.

Rather every time I boot the machine the system gets to the log-in screen and then hits a blue screen shortly thereafter. And I have contacted Dell a second time and their solution was to do a Factory Image Restore. This me, as I have plenty of software that I can't immediately replace. Currently I can only run in Safe Mode. I have attached, as I saw in other posts the contents of my latest minidump file.

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Multipost And Cross Post

Oct 13, 2009

post the same question more than once on the SAME newsgroup, it is called multipost, post the same question in Different newsgroups, it is crosspost. One should not multipost, but its OK to crosspost.

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Post: Get Clunk Sound And Nothing Happens

Apr 2, 2008

When using my Vista computer, I can log in to this site, my name shows up, but when I click New/ question like I just did for this post, I just get a clunk sound and nothing happens. How to Delete cookies and temp internet files.

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Ctr Alt Del After Post, Blank Partition

Mar 23, 2008

I was having fun with the partitions (I just found the partitioning system in Vista its very neat). Anyways I kinda made a new partition and installed a fresh copy of windows on it, planning to replace my old one. I booted up the new one played around a bit and got off, and booted up the old partition. This is where the problem starts I'm in the old partition and back playing around in the partition stuff again. This time trying to make the new partition bigger, well I shrink the old one but it won't let me expand the old one so there is a blank partition now sitting there. When I click the new one (with vista installed on it) I see make active partition so I click it, it says something like warning this may cause failure if there isn't an bootable sorce on here or something like that so I'm like yea sure. I reboot the computer the bios post then after that is says "ssing" "s ctr alt del".................

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Occasionally No POST Beep?

Mar 29, 2008

Running a SONY VAIO Pentium D with Ultimate SP1 and every now and then when I do a restart or a hard reboot the machine will sit there. All the drives run but no joy and no beep. Then I turn it off and it may start or it may not. This machine is getting near three years old and is on 18+ hours a day. Everything else is fine and there are no other issues with it. I am thinking it may be the mobo battery.

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How More Time Out Post Copied

Jun 5, 2008

I've noticed that most of the posts made in this forum end up on these sites... Why? Windows Vista Also, why did I find a copy of the post I made here on June 1st on this site?? How many more times are our posts copied??

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Post Update E Mails

Oct 4, 2009

im not getting any update e mails from this site for new posts to threads im subscribed to , i kinda rely on em to remmeber where ive been.............whats up with that then?? and before you ask about spam folders and junk e mail i know how to work it

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