Windows Vista Home Not Booting

Mar 12, 2009

I was wondering if someone might be able to help me. Basically my fiancee's laptop won't boot up anymore. It was playing up and crashed so she held down the power button and then turned it back on. It asked her if she want to boot normally, in safe mode or use the repair environment. We booted normally and nothing happened, nothing loaded up so restarted again and used the RE, went through everything and it still won't boot.

It comes up with an error message referring to external hardware such as a camera or mp3 player, which she hasn't connected, all she has is a bluetooth dongle which has been working fine (she has removed this and done the repair thing again too to no avail). The only thing she has done is log online and updated itunes.

She's run the repair program again and when it prompts to restart it gets to the green bar, does nothing for a while and then goes back asking to run the repair program or boot normally.

Incedently, when she presses F8, there is no option to select safe mode, only the repair program or boot normally.

We don't really want to do a fresh install, and besides I don't think she was given all the discs when she bought it, although I need to double check. The command prompt can be accessed though.

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Home Premium 32 Bit Is Not Booting HDD

May 8, 2009

last Sunday(may 3rd 2009) i updated my bios (unfortunately). problem is, vista (Home Premium 32 bit which i used when problem occurs) is not booting my HDD. after showing my bios screen black screen appears with blinking cursor. i removed and inserted bios jumper for recovery and also battery. but the problem didn't solved. fortunately windows xp is working without problem. now iam using XP professional. i dont know whats the problem.

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RAID 0 Setup On X64 Home Premium:computer's Hardware Not Support Booting To This Disk

Mar 26, 2008

I'm attempting to set up a new PC with RAID 0 using Vista x64 Home Edition Premium. However, I'm having no luck. (Hours of scouring various forums have yielded nothing as well.) I've set up 2 RAID 0 partitions across my 2 SATA drives using Intel's Matrix Storage Manager. (CTRL + I thing at boot). When I load up Vista for installation, it recognizes the partitions but refuses to let me install on them. I get an alert at the bottom of the screen saying that my "'s hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu."

I'm not completely clear on what this means, but after entering BIOS, I have my drive configuration set to configure SATA as RAID. Attempting to continue the installation yields something like "Windows cannot find a drive that is suitable for installation" (not verbatim, sorry.) I have downloaded all of Intel's drivers for my motherboard and have even hunted down the RAID driver for my HDDs. I put all of those files onto a USB drive, but Vista doesn't seem to recognize any of them.

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Vista & Windows 7 Dual Booting & Then Installed Xp Pro & Lost My Dual Boot

May 9, 2009

Had vista & windows 7 dual booting & then i installed xp pro & lost my dual boot. How can i get it back?

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Windows Vista Premium Home SP1 Windows Defender Doesn't Start Automatically

Jul 29, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Premium Home SP1. When I boot my computer, Windows Defender doesn't start automatically. It works fine if I start it manually. I have never run Windows OneCare, MSCONFIG shows it set to start, the Windows Defender service is set to automatic and Tools | Options has all the checkboxes checked.

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Installing Windows XP Without Removing Windows Vista Home Premier?

Jun 12, 2008

Just bought a new HP Pavilion DV2860 notebook. For a couple of days I have been using Vista and I didn't really like it. Many of the applications that I used to use in on Windows XP are not capiable with Windows Vista! I have got a Windows XP Professional 64-bit edition CD and was planning to install Windows XP on the notebook. Can I use 2 operating systems on the notebook? I don't want to delete Windows Vista but I want Windows XP.

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Firefox Start Up In Windows Vista Home Premium 64 Bit

Nov 23, 2009

Whenever I start Firefox on my Vista home premium 64 bit system, I always get a window asking me what I would like my home page and search engine to be. I check yahoo for my home page and my search engine, check "don't ask me again" and save. However when I start firefox again, it goes to the firefox welcome page and the same box pops up again. Anybody know what's going on? This is a recent phenomenon, and happens no matter which search engine or home page I select.

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Can I Use An Upgrade Edition Of Windows XP Pro From Vista Home Premium Or Do

Mar 26, 2008

Can I use an Upgrade edition of Windows XP Pro from Vista Home Premium or do. I have to buy full version?

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Expired Product Key Of Windows Vista Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I recently received a new computer with all new parts that had Windows XP Media Center Edition on it. I had my copy of the upgrade disc for Windows Vista Home Premium and wanted to upgrade. Well now Windows is telling me that my Product ID has expired and when I try to re-enter the ID it says it is not valid, even though it is a legitimate copy of Windows Vista. I did have this installed on another computer but then reverted back to XP for other reasons. Is there any way to get my system registered without buying another product key?

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How To Back The Date Up On Windows Vista Home Basic?

Jul 15, 2008

How do i back the date up on windows vista home basic?

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Not Booting Using Vista

Jun 3, 2008

I've just started having boot problems with Vista. I've had no problems in the past, but earlier this evening it would restart itself while loading Vista (the green bar loading stage). I used the Startup Repair option from the Vista install disc, and the log shows it successfully repaired a corrupted system volume (exact wording may have been different). Now it boots as far as loading a black screen and the mouse cursor, but doesn't get to the Aurora (blue-Vista-Windows-logo-loading thing). I have tried subsequent Startup Repairs, CHKDSKs, Memory Diagnostic checks, all with no errors to report. Unfortunately, I disabled System Restore a while back... Something I now regret doing! At least I know what I'll be doing as soon as I get it running again! My system is an ASUS M2N-E motherboard, AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+, Corsair 2x1GB XMS2 RAM, Sapphire ATi Radeon 3850... And so on and so forth. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit as well.

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Windows Vista Home Premium SP2: Remove System Sounds?

Jul 29, 2009

I just removed Ipswitch's WS_FTP 2007, but the system sounds associated with the program did not uninstall with it. How do I manually remove the system sounds in Control Panel? Windows Vista Home Premium SP2

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When I Rebooted Windows Vista ( Home Premium ) Crashed To Continue

Jul 29, 2009

I turned DEP off by reading the vistax64 forum. when i rebooted, a big problem raised. windows vista ( home premium ) crashed to continue. i selected safe mode and other F8 choices...but still problem is there. then I used Vista DVD to repair startup...problem not solved. I used system restore...but not worked.


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Purchase Windows Vista Home Basic Product Key On Line?

Mar 18, 2010

Is it possible to purchase a windows vista home basic product key on line? I'd like to validate an illegal installation (inherited). Couldn't see the facility on the MS web site. Or would I be better just to go to the store and buy the package (solely for the product key)

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Vista Stooped Booting Up

Aug 8, 2009

My vista 32 stopped booting up. So I got the recovery disks out and started to do a recovery. First it asked if I wanted to back up, so I did. then it would not do the recovery. So I started it again. It did the backup and the recovery worked great the next time through. Now I want to get some the of the stuff back that I backed up.

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Vista Not Always Booting Up - Post Screen

Sep 14, 2008

I have the gigabyte eP45-DQ6 motherboard. When booting up, or rebooting, even before I get to the windows loading screen, I get a black screen. Almost like the monitor doesnt turn on but the computer sounds likes on. I reinstalled due to some other issues, but the same issue with loading happens. ITs sporadic. Sometimes it does it, others not. I updated to v11 of BIOS, and it still does it. Otherwise its very stable. Is there a setting in the motherboard? Is it vista related?

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Vista Not Booting, Black Screen

Nov 16, 2008

Vista not booting if the computer wasn't shut down right? It will boot till a black screen with only the mouse curser (mouse curser won't move though). I can get into safe mode and have always just did a system restore to an earlier time, but this time, even when sent back to the earliest point it still wont boot. I have Vista 32bit, have added no new programs, and am caught up with the upgrades (but added none recently enough for it to have caused it).

Does anyone know how I can repair the boot info without having to reinstall windows. I have already got ahold of the boot disk but that didnt fix anything. I guess it at least gets into windows but one of the first startup stuff is corrupt.

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Reinstall: Vista Freezes On Booting

Dec 10, 2008

I am running Vista Home 32bit on an Acer T180. I recently upgraded the CPU from an Athlon Sempron to a Athlon 64 X2. Now when I boot the PC, Vista freezes as it boots. I can still boot into Safe Mode and also using a Live Linux DVD. Also, surprisingly, sometimes Vista will boot and will run fine and both cores of the CPU are recognised. I obviously need to solve this problem, but am unsure how to proceed.

After the PC freezes, I reset it and after a reboot am taken to a screen with the safe mode option that also advises using the Vista repair option. I have a DVD of Vista (not an OEM, but without SP1) but I have installed SP1 on the PC.......

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Error Message When Windows Mail (Vista 64 Home Premium SP1) Tries To Send E-mails

May 10, 2010

I'm getting the following error message when Windows Mail (Vista 64 Home Premium SP1) tries to send e-mails from my laptop: The connection to the server has failed. Subject ..., Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E. Downloading incoming mail is not a problem, and I obviously can post to newsgroups. Although this is a new problem, I turned off Norton's checking of outgoing mail - no change. Verizon had us change to Port 587 last year so that's not the issue either. WM does send e-mail from my desktop so apparently the problem is specific to the laptop.

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Vista Installation Began Booting Then Stopped

Oct 20, 2009

I have a Dell windows vista 32bit business ed laptop. the other morning, when I switched it on I noticed it began booting then stopped, looking at the plug I noticed it wasn't in all the way so I slammed it back in with my foot and continued to re-boot the laptop. It booted requesting to do a chkdsk scan, fair enough I thought, I let it continue and it crashed on repairing an index.

It rebooted a second time with an option to load a 'repair' option, loaded this and one of the options in the list were to 'repair the boot files'. jolly good.... 13 hours later, it was still proceeding, but the HD light was at a constant on-off slow flicker, which it had been for the past 12 hours. Resorting to the last option, I entered the vista disk and decided to try a repair from there, same issue as before, so Now i decided to format the drive and start again. The vista boot disk just said it couldn't format the drive, so i decided to install windows over the top!. It said it couldn't do that either! What options do I have now? The laptop is absolutely useless, does it sound like a FUBAR'd hard drive? if it does, I think a swift call to dell is in order, or can anyone think of any fixes?

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Booting On Different PC Computers No Label, Vista Does Not Boot

Mar 26, 2008

I install Vista Ultimate on one PC. It is an HP Pavilion a1700n. I remove the 40 GB IDE HD from the HP PC and put it into a Compaq EVO 510 PC. Result: Vista does not boot. I have researched the subject but still have not found a solution. The microsoft vista deployment step by step seems awfully complex.

Has anyone found a simple way to solve this problem? I have also tried the reverse (from compaq to HP PC): Same result! With XP I could boot into safe mode or just boot normally and XP would detect and install the new hardware it finds. Somtimes I would need to install XP from CD on the target PC to copy the boot.ini and hall.dll files to a usb flash drive. Then I would restore the image of XP on the target PC. I would boot into recovery console and copy the files form the flash drive to the target PC (boot.ini to C: and hal.dll to C:windowssystem32). Most times I could then boot the target PC normally or in safe mode.

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Booting Into Windows

Oct 23, 2008

I have a Gateway laptop that has (or had ) Windows Vista Home Premium x86 installed. It was a dual core Turion with 2GB RAM. Anyway, here is my problem(s):

When the computer first comes on, right after the Gateway screen it tells me:
System Config Data Read Error.
That is right when it turns on. The BIOS detects the hard drive just fine.

The second problem is:

It tells me that

Windows Failed to start. File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot config data.

I tried to do a system repair with the Vista CD. It took about 10 times for it to work. If I turned the computer off, there is a 50/50 chance it would do the same thing and not work. I was chatting with Gateway support yesterday and the tech told me that Windows could be messing with the BIOS. I find that strange because I thought onceWindows took over, the BIOS has nothing to do with how the computer operates.

Well, I tried doing a system repair and it does not detect the Windows install at all. I figured well, I'll do a clean install and get rid of all of the crap that Gateway puts on their computers. I did that. I was able to make a new partition and format the drive. Windows is able to see the drive, but it tells me that it does not meet the criteria for the install. It will not go any further then that.

Gateway is going to replace the hard drive and if that does not work, they are going to service the laptop because I've only had it for a few months now. It worked fine on Tuesday, on Wednesday it did not work at all. Even with the hard drive out, it still tells me System Config Data Read Error on the BIOS screen. Just wanted to see what everyone else thinks.

I'm leaning more towards a drive controller failure or BIOS problem. If that is the case, then the motherboard needs to be replaced,

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Windows Not Booting Up

Mar 8, 2009

i insalled vista ultimate and every time i go to restart the PC it will shout down but it won"t restart it stays on a black screen,i have to push the power button and turn it off and then press enter and it starts up.

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Windows Can't Booting

Apr 6, 2009

It's not just an ordinary not booting it doesnt show up anything after the bios i installed linux and i cant get windows vista to show up in the boot loader screen i can see all the contents of windows vista in linux and is there a way i could modify something in the vista drive to get it showing up again?

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Windows Not Starting/booting Sometimes?

May 9, 2009

Hello, I came accross your forum and decided to give it a try since I saw the helpful people posting in other threads. I've asked this question in many other forums but no one seems to know whats wrong. For a few days now my PC would start and get to a black screen with a blinking "_" in the upper left corner. I would turn it off then turn it on again and it would work. I figured I'd just clean the dust out of it and do a factory restore later on (which I did).

But since yesterday, I've had to do 4 or 5 restores to set it to factory condition. It gets to the point where I get to that screen and I wait 5 or 10 minutes, then the screens says "fail to boot disk, please insert disk" or something. so I place in the disk that my PC promted to make when i first got it (for restoring and repairing it and such) and then everything works again. but eventually with all the automatic updates i have to restart of course, and it starts up again fine, but
after about 2 or 3 restarts it fails again.........

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Booting Up Windows Failure

Mar 23, 2008

i dont have a windows disc (one was not supplied when pc purchased) and i had a few problems booting up windows, i managed to sort it but i am paranoid now incase it happens again as i don't have a boot disc so the above sounds perfect, but i don't have a clue where to start.

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Couldn't Upgrade Windows Vista Home Premium, Couldn't Connect To The Internet

May 5, 2009

I had windows XP pro and i bought windows vista home premium upgrade, when i went to install it it said that i couldn't upgrade it. So i followed directions on how to do a custom clean install, where you install vista without typing in the product key and without getting updates then you pick what OS you have and do the custom installation, then you install again (2nd time) and choose upgrade instead of custom and go through the process again.

The problem is after installing it the first time, I couldn't connect to the internet, so I couldn't install it a second time. I have an ASUS PQ5 PRo motherboard and when i start up there is this thing called express gate, in express gate I can use the internet but not when i enter Vista. When I put in the PQ5 Pro DVD vista says it can't open it. Also my XP PRO may have been 64bit, and now I am on Vista32 bit and the disck wont work.

I think the internet is a driver problem, if i go to the asus website on a diff computer and get the ASUS drivers put them on a USB and then open them on vista should this work? WHat drivers do I need? Just the LAN one? Also if the Asus DVD wouldnt start up will that mean that I wont be able to open the drivers on the flash drive too?

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Do I Own Windows On My Laptop 100%, Use The Vista Home Premium 32bit Key From The Laptop On One Of My Other Desktops

Nov 5, 2009

I bought an Laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. If I install a FULL version of Windows 7 on this Laptop, can I use the Vista Home Premium 32bit key from the laptop on one of my other desktops? If so, would I talk to Microsoft or the manufacturer to get a disk without all the manufacturer "Bonus" software?

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"The Windows Vista Home Premium Product Key You Typed Is Invalid For Activation"

Mar 23, 2008

*My laptop came with Vista Home Premium installed.* I downloaded a Flash-BIOS update as per advice of my HP Care Centre. After it was done installing my laptop shut off (as I was told it would do). When I turned it back on, I was prompted to enter a Product Activation Key. I entered the Windows Product Key as shown on the sticker on the base of the laptop. The message I received was "The Windows Vista Home Premium product key you typed is invalid for activation" For the record, YES, I am entering the code in properly.

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Uninstalling Windows Home To Down Grade To Windows Xp Home!!!

Jan 21, 2010

i have this problem where the computer i have a dell dimension 2520 is infested with a virus that i some how cant find with no matter the anti virus spyware or maliscious ware program i find. everytime i try to runthe windows xp boot disk in the beginning i get the whole checking raid controllers an what not runs the disk to the very end then it starts windows. after that i get a blue screen that says *** stop BLAH BLAH BLAH. an tells me to restart the computer. i have been at it for 3 -4 days trying to find a solution an somehow comeup empty handed everytime

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Check The Memory For Errors BEFORE I Load/install Windows Vista Home Premium X64 To Avoid Install Hang-ups

May 25, 2008

I would like to check the memory for errors BEFORE I load/install Windows Vista Home Premium x64 to avoid install hang-ups. Can you make an ISO CD of this program, load it in your CD/DVD drive and check your memory for errors? I recently updated the BIOS on the board (DP35DP) and it does show all of the 4GB of Kingston ValueRam PC800 1.8v (2x2gb) installed. I have good reason to believe that it's from a respectable manufacturer. Just want to make sure the memory is good before I load up the OS.

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