Cant Reboot Using Start-shut Down Or Restart

Oct 6, 2009

If I go into start menu-all programs and click on one, nothing. If I click task manager, nothing and I cant reboot using start-shut down or restart. I have to manually close down the computer, i.e. unplug mains power, re-plug and re-start the box. Everything is then fine-for a while, but sure enough, it starts all over again, maybe 24 maybe 48hrs later. It's happened about three/four times in the last week. There's obviously some app either not working or having a fit of some kind.

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Cannot Restart Shut Down

Sep 29, 2008

My PC will not restart. Windows will shut down, screen goes blank (but still powered) then nothing... Power is still on, No HDD activity, just sits there all day long! You have to manually press the reset button on the case. Ive re-formatted with no luck. Even exiting bios does the same! I had a few problems yesterday when something went haywire and i lost registry keys to the point where windows would not load up in norma mode. no problems in safe mode though. So today i formatted and then i noticed this restart problem.

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Getting The Blue Screen Of Death And Whenever I Shut The Laptop Lid The Computer Decides To Restart Itself

Aug 27, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit. It is a Dell Laptop. I've been getting the Blue Screen of death and whenever I shut the laptop lid the computer decides to restart itself. I went into power settings and changed the "lid" settings to "do nothing". That did not work. The error report is this:........

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Can't Even Go To Start/ Restart

Apr 3, 2009

I have Windows Vista 64 bit and have been experiencing problems AGAIN. I have to actually pull the plug on the computer to restart it because a message keeps coming up saying I have another instance of Windows mail running in the back ground. I THOUGHT the problem was solved when we un-installed and re-installed Norton but it worked for about a week and now I have the same problem all over again. I can open the mail ONCE and the when I exit and try to go back in. it says " Another instance of Windows mail is running in the background. I can't even go to Start/ re start. I have to unplig everything. Has anyone else had this happen?

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Measure The ReBoot-Time (restart Time) For Our Systems

May 13, 2008

measure the ReBoot-Time (restart time) for our systems. You can see how to here: How to See What Your Boot Up Time is in Vista

Here's my ReBoot-Time:

Running Processes: 41
Started Services: 36
Automatic logon

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Cannot Start, Suddenly Shut Down

Jun 20, 2009

When i on my computer ( Dell Dimension E520 ) for three hours, suddenly shut down my computer, But a start button keep on flasher. I tries to on it back after shut down, but in vain, i believe sometime do with power supply. because after next day computer can start again.

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Starting The Virtual Machines From The Console Leads To An Immediate Reboot Of My Host Machine (I Can't Even See Any Boot Screen Of The Virtual Machine - It Is Like Clicking Start In The VPC Console -- > Reboot Of Host)

Jul 5, 2008

I have the following issue and hope that somebody can give me a hint about what might be going on! My system has two raid 1 arrays - one is running on XP Professional SP3 the other one is running on Vista x64 Ultimate SP1. When I start my virtual machines (either from the Virtual PC console or when double-clicking the *.vmc files) than everything is working fine on XP and the virtual machines are booting and running as expected. However, on Vista the following is happening (and I hope somebody has an idea):

1. Starting the Virtual machines from the console leads to an immediate reboot of my host machine (I can't even see any boot screen of the virtual machine - it is like clicking start in the VPC console -- > reboot of host).

Now I tried the following:.........

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Reboot Windows Will Not Start Properly

Dec 24, 2009

I have tried to install Sniper Elite on my Toshiba Qosmio with Vista Home premium running 64bit. It seems to install OK (and is supposedly Vista compatible) and as for many other games asks for a reboot when finished. When I click yes for the reboot Windows will not start properly and in fact automatically uninstalls Sniper Elite. I will try and run compatibility mode when I get home tonight but thought if it is installing OK.........

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No Shut Down Button In Start Menu

Mar 26, 2008

i dont have a shut down button in the start menu, the only option i have is to log off, or lock my computer, however in the other user accounts on my computer i do have a shut down button next to the lock button.

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Restart, Shutdown, Missing From Start Menu

Jun 21, 2008

my problem is that suddenly some of the entries disappeared from the menu that comes up in the start menu, I have googled to see it there is a solution and it was not, tried system restore, and I even replaced patched uxtheme (and other) file(s) to the originals. Ill attach my CBS.log from the sfc scan. Images of the problem below.

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Restart Windows Start: Black Scrren

Feb 17, 2010

i had a vista home premium, without any problem, for a while. yesterday my anti-virus detected a suspicious file located in c:UsersuserappdataLocalTemp and i allow it to delete mentioned file. after a restart windows start up couldn't be completely done and instead of log in screen, i faced with a black screen just with mouse enabled on it!! however windows boots in safe mode correctly. i have already tried start up repair but it didn't solve the problem!

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Restart" I Click Restart, It Boots Up And It STILL

Nov 8, 2009

Why, on Earth, that even my desktop computer which I've just recently re-installed windows XP is it annoying me with the yellow shield saying I need updates?! I just did it now and it said "done, now we need to restart" I click restart, it boots up and it STILL says I need to update! Could it be because, this computer ALSO has Microsoft Office 2003? If Office 2003 the problem, or is my luck just crap bad nowadays?

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Shut Window, "WINDOW Is Not Properly Shut Down"

Apr 3, 2008

About 40% of the time when I either choose HIBERNATE or the standard SHUT DOWN, the computer just keeps on running. Although it seems WINDOW has shut down, the "ON" light is still on and I can hear the fan running. When this happens I am left with no other option but to use the "emergency shut down" method - pressing the ON button for more than 4 seconds (ASUS laptop, using Vista Home Premium). Presumably this method would damage the computer in some ways in the long run?

I assume WINDOW is shut down because the next time when I turn on the computer it doesn't say the "WINDOW is not properly shut down". So can any kind souls please help me with this annoying problem of turning off the computer completely?

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Does't Reboot

Apr 14, 2008

so im not a computer expert and I just got my computer a few months ago. Recently I donloaded Skype 3.6, but i never knew it wasn't for Vista, so it messed my computer up. I deleted it, but now my right click dosnt work, only my touchpad and my computer it 100x slower. Someone told me i should just reboot my computer, but no matter what i try it dosnt reboot, any idea's on how to reboot??

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No Reboot After Updates

May 3, 2008

I have had this issue for many months, now. I loaded Vista x64 Home Premium to run in a dual-boot configuration with my XP Pro. I do critical work so I didn't trust going to Vista exclusively. I mainly wanted it to see if I could utilize all my RAM and speed up Photoshop processing. I have had it working three or four times, (except for tablet functionality) then when I must re-boot because of SP1 and other security updates or in one case, I installed Office 2007, it does nothing on restart; black screens and just sits there, totally unresponsive.

No blinking of the LED which shows drive activity. When re-booting, F8 isn't working (nothing happens). Regarding the previous instances, I gave up trying to get it to respond and went back to booting into XP, which always works fine. Then after a period (usually a month or more) I will try booting into Vista, on restart, and viola, it works again! WTF is going on?

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Sometimes Reboot From Sleep

Oct 16, 2008

Occasionally when I've been away from the computer for a short time and it goes into sleep mode (it`s set for 15 minutes), I can't bring up the display simply by hitting a key. I have to shut it down and restart. The boot button on the console will still be lit and I have to shut it down before I reboot. This probably happens about 30% of the time. The other 70% it comes back up with a key touch.

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System Not Reboot

Jun 21, 2008

I used to have Windows XP on this PC and I have recently replaced it with a clean install of Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit. Since then my computer will no longer reboot. When I click start > restart it will shut down like it should, then it will go to the POST screen and from there it goes black and nothing happens (where it would normally load windows). I have taken out my C: drive and put it in another PC and it worked perfectly. I have a C and D drive which are both 2 separate hard disks and always worked fine in XP. How can I fix this? They are both IDE. I have to now power off the PC and power it on again to restart.

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Shut Down

Apr 20, 2008

Recently after I go through the Shut Down procedures, I have been noting
that after the disappearance of the windows interface, the computer would
still be on and I would have to shut down by pressing the power switch for a
few seconds.

When I do not prerss this switch, windows restarts after about ten minutes;
after I receive a brief report (which I never manage to read in full)
informing me that a software may not have been properly installed or that I
need a windows update.

This problem appeared long after I installed all the software that I use,
and I have checked whether I'm fully updated (I am).

Is there a way in which I can ensure this problem does not occur when I go
through the normal shut down procedures?

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PC Shut Down Itself

Mar 23, 2008

Not sure if this is a hardware problem or a Vista problem. I am however leaning toward ahrdware because this can happen sometimes during post.

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Won't Shut Down

Sep 4, 2008

I mean, I've seen Windows take a long time to shut down, but mine just won't shut down. I'll go to start, click "Shut Down" and Windows will close everything running like usual and go to that screen where it says "Windows is shutting down." Well, last night, instead of just forcing a power-down, I decided to see if it would shut down or not if left alone for a while, so I left it at that screen, and went to bed. I woke up in the morning and Windows was still at that point, and the circle was still spinning, which means the system hadn't frozen. Also, the num lock button still worked. I'm guessing something has Windows going for a loop when closing down processes.

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Often Shut Down

May 6, 2008

I have a Vista edition. I use my laptop in a public room where there is WiFi connection, but my computer OFTEN SHUT DOWN...after it's written that I can restart with a normal way or in another for a problem with Data.....ect. I don't know if my problem is for the configuration of "AVG free edition"(anti virus), a software problem or for my laptop (Dell M1330)...By the way this problem started with the connection on internet.

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Will Not Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium. When I ask the comuter to shut down, the shut down screen with the spinning circle stays on maybe 20 minutes, then automatically restarts. My message seems lengthy, but I have tried to include as much info as I can right from the beginning. Once the computer restarts, then after logging in, a window appears with the message that "windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down. Search for solutions by clicking here..." An option is also on this same window for details. Here is a copy of the details givenroblem Event Name:BlueScreen , OS Version:6.0.6000., Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode:9f,BCP1:00000003,BCP2:85644B98,BCP3:B3DF81E8,BCP4:882535B8,S ,Version:6_0_6000, Service Pack:0_0, Product:768_1Files that help describe the problem:WindowsMinidumpMini021308-01.dmp, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER-77797-0.sysdata.xml, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER7953.tmp.version.txt

When I click on "find the solution", this is the message I get: Download and install the driver for Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter This problem was caused by Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter, which was created by Intel Corporation. A solution is available that will solve this problem. Technical Information Intel PRO/1000 Network Connectivity Network Adapter Driver for Microsoft Windows Vista* (32-bit) I have installed this driver successfully, but the computer still will not shut down and I continue to get the same message that I need to install this driver. I have the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool running once a month. I use TrendMicro Internet Security 2008. Under "network connections", I have both LAN local area connection Intel 82562V 10/100 network connection and Wireless network connection using compact wireless - G USB network adapter with speed booster.

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Start Computer Get Nothing No Icons Start Menu

May 11, 2008

when i start my computer i get nothing no icons start menu or anything but i do get a my documents window and from there i have to ctrl alt delete then go to file run and run explorer does anyone know how to make it to where i dont have to do all that stuff to run explorer basically does anyone know how to make it where when i start my computer it is normal with explorer running?

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Folder Deleted After Reboot

Nov 21, 2008

Some times after I reboot vista (ultimate 64bit), random folders in C drive are deleted.

I already lost 4 games and 2 apps (~40 GB).

I think it's happening only after restart and only on C drive, but it's really hard to watch all (4) drives.

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USB Ports Not Working Until Reboot

Oct 7, 2009

Every now and then I have a problem where Vista displays the message "USB device not recognized" when I plug my iPhone on the USB port. It happens with all the USB ports on the machine and rebooting the computer will fix the problem.

Does anyone has a suggestion as to what may cause the problem and how to fix it?
It there a service that I could try to restart instead of restarting the whole computer?

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Freeze And Auto-Reboot

Mar 23, 2008

My computer freezes and reboots when I surf the web. I use Firefox, Internet Explorer just doesn't cut it for me. My Windows is fully up to date. It also happens when I use Azureus.

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Unable To Reboot Machine

Apr 26, 2009

My laptop went to hibernate and when i pressed the power button to wake it up. The laptop seems to respnd fine, the LCD is blank(pitch black). I need to reboot my machine. Pressing power button again puts into sleep once more. I am unable to reboot my machine. Is there any other way to reboot my machine

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On Reboot Lose Some Presets

May 24, 2009

I have had Vista Home Edition for about half a year. About a month ago, I noticed that every time I rebooted the PC, I lost certain information. My prefered locations on Weather Underground and my site information on TV guide vanish. I have been cleaning my cookies for many months using CCleaner, but I have designated that the cookies for these two sites are not to be erased.

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Screen Freezes, Needs Reboot

Jan 4, 2009

I've had some trouble with my computer and I'm not sure if it's ram problems or graphics or anything. I've had the following problems: Vertical very thin pixel lines that show up random places nvlddmkm has stopped responding and recovered. And within the last 2 days it's done it 3 times, I'm having my screen go blank with random colors. Green, White, and then the last is black that goes away and comes back like the monitor is trying to reset itself. Always black tho. I have to restart in order to get it to reboot. So I'm thinking I have bad ram, my monitor is a Westinghouse 17" Flat panel I got in 2005. My graphics card (8800GT) is about 11 months old.

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On Reboot Desk Top Keeps Going Black

Jun 8, 2007

every time i reboot i lose my desk top it goes to a plain black back ground i can put a theme on ok but when i restart my computer it goes to a black screen.

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Deletes Folders On Reboot

May 29, 2009

Any folder starting with the letter a or a number will be deleted upon reboot. It also empties the recycle bin on reboot but I have resigned myself to live with this idiosyncrasy.

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