Restart Windows Start: Black Scrren

Feb 17, 2010

i had a vista home premium, without any problem, for a while. yesterday my anti-virus detected a suspicious file located in c:UsersuserappdataLocalTemp and i allow it to delete mentioned file. after a restart windows start up couldn't be completely done and instead of log in screen, i faced with a black screen just with mouse enabled on it!! however windows boots in safe mode correctly. i have already tried start up repair but it didn't solve the problem!

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Pc Restart Proceeds Black Windows Screen

Apr 28, 2009

I am doing a clean install of Vista 64 Ultimate SP1. At the partition screen I select load drivers (I obtained drivers directly from Gigabyte Support). Windows installs the ACHI10 drivers with no problem. I select ?Next? to begin the install. After ?Completing Installation? the PC restarts and proceeds to the black Windows screen with the green scroll bar. It scrolls two or three times and then hangs. I then go into Safe Mode where the computer hangs at crcdisk.sys. An error message then returns that says ?Windows cannot finish the installation?. My only remaining option is to try and repair from the CD. But when I select ?The repair option? the blue repair bar scrolls indefinitely. I actually let it scroll for over 24 hours?and it never stopped. Gigabyte tech support told me to remove all ram except 1 cartridge. I?ve tried that and did a clean install (deleted the partition and loaded the correct chipset drivers and the beginning of the install) yet the scroll bar still hangs.

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Restarting Randomly Go Black And Restart

Nov 14, 2009

I really hope this issue can be easily resolved. I built my rig about three months ago and for the last month the system has been restarting randomly. It will restart at idle, if I'm in a word doc, or on the web. It will seem to freeze for two seconds, then go black and restart.I have disabled the automatic restart to hopefully see a bsod error code, but even with the automatic restart disabled the system does not display a bsod error and still restarts.The minidump folder is empty and the event viewer simply states that an unexpected shut down occurred.My graphic card's avg. temp is 50c and the cpu 46c. I've ran SiSoftware Sandra stability test close to 48 hours with no errors or restarts, then the next day at idle...restart Bios and drivers are current...I am stumped!

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Restart Hangs On Black Screen

May 15, 2010

I am attempting to re-load my Vista Home Premium 64 bit and I am stuck, I have gone through most of the process until just after it copies all files, installs features and updates etc. It then restarts and it then hangs on a black screen with the message 'Please wait while windows sets up your computer'. But nothing happens no matter how long I leave it. There is no sign of activity.

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Can't Even Go To Start/ Restart

Apr 3, 2009

I have Windows Vista 64 bit and have been experiencing problems AGAIN. I have to actually pull the plug on the computer to restart it because a message keeps coming up saying I have another instance of Windows mail running in the back ground. I THOUGHT the problem was solved when we un-installed and re-installed Norton but it worked for about a week and now I have the same problem all over again. I can open the mail ONCE and the when I exit and try to go back in. it says " Another instance of Windows mail is running in the background. I can't even go to Start/ re start. I have to unplig everything. Has anyone else had this happen?

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Cant Reboot Using Start-shut Down Or Restart

Oct 6, 2009

If I go into start menu-all programs and click on one, nothing. If I click task manager, nothing and I cant reboot using start-shut down or restart. I have to manually close down the computer, i.e. unplug mains power, re-plug and re-start the box. Everything is then fine-for a while, but sure enough, it starts all over again, maybe 24 maybe 48hrs later. It's happened about three/four times in the last week. There's obviously some app either not working or having a fit of some kind.

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Restart, Shutdown, Missing From Start Menu

Jun 21, 2008

my problem is that suddenly some of the entries disappeared from the menu that comes up in the start menu, I have googled to see it there is a solution and it was not, tried system restore, and I even replaced patched uxtheme (and other) file(s) to the originals. Ill attach my CBS.log from the sfc scan. Images of the problem below.

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Black Screen At Start Up

Mar 24, 2009

Every time i try to start Vista it gets to the black screen with the progression bar and Microsoft Corportion under it and it doesnt go pass that point. I tryed to fix the startup wit the vista disk and it said fixing boot errors but it ran for over 24 hours and didnt do anythings.

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Black Screen On Start Up

Dec 20, 2009

i am running a acer am1201 and i have a problem with my gts 250 1 gb oc but i get the acer screen with the f10 and f2 but after that it goes to a black screen and sits there for like 45 secs and then it goes to logon on screen wich takes like 2 seconds after it starts to load again and pic shows up just wondering what i can do about this

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Start Up : Black Screen

May 2, 2009

I recently got a virus on my dell laptop so i decided to do a system restore to an earlier date, this fixed the problem. Then as an option a message popped up asking me if i wanted to install windows service pack so i clicked yes, so as the laptop was shutting down it was installing the service pack but unfortunatly in the process the laptop was switched off by mistake. Ever since i have tried to do a recovery and tried starting windows normally but either way it ends up with a black screen with the message.

!!0XC0190036!! 603/76439 (CAPILOCK.DAT) and it just stops and freezes at this point.

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Black Screen, 15 Mins To Start

Jan 1, 2010

When I start my computer, it would load fine until the loading green bar. After that screen, my computer would have a black screen for 15 or so minutes until the screen for the password shows up.

I've disabled nearly everything in startup in msconfig, did a restore to manufacture settings the day before to try and solve this, but it didn't help.

I have:

Dell XPS420

3.00 GB RAM

32-bit operating system

Number of processor cores 2.

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Buisness Start: Black Screen And Won't Load

Jun 19, 2008

I have vista buisness, and it won't load. I have to restart at least twice and restart it via safe mode. I am a real noob when it comes to this so please forgive this novice question. Does anyone have an idea whats wrong with it or a route i can take to attempt to find out whats wrong? It gives me a black screen and won't load for a while. I noticed after i posted someone on this forum had the same problem. Are there any updates to that problem?

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Wont Start, Stuck On A Black Screen

Mar 6, 2009

my laptop has been having some problems running, so i was in the process of repairing my compter when i ran into a problem. my laptop was set to hibernate (which i find out now is a stupid idea due to the problems) but anyways, now when i try to start it up my bios screen isnt the same (where i can select it to boot from a cd/dvd) those options arent there, and ive tried hitting the keys but nothing happens...

when it gets past the opening screen, it stays stuck on a black screen with a small cursor int he top left corner... and i have no idea how to get out of this or anything... it will stay on this screen untill i try and restart my comp by hitting the power button... and when i hit the power button it turns off right away, when my computer is on i have to hold it in... so is there anyway to hard start bios? or vista? or am i going to have to connect the hard drive to a diff computer and try and fix it that way?

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On Start Up :: Computer Freezes, Goes Black, And Tower Unit Beeps

Nov 14, 2009

On start up lately, the computer freezes, goes black, and tower unit beeps.

Unplug it and start up in safe mode, then back to normal start up OK.

First time, all Norton definanitions gone and Vista defender shut off. restored them,
all OK.

Tried to back up files and got i/o device error (Ox8007045D)...

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Restart" I Click Restart, It Boots Up And It STILL

Nov 8, 2009

Why, on Earth, that even my desktop computer which I've just recently re-installed windows XP is it annoying me with the yellow shield saying I need updates?! I just did it now and it said "done, now we need to restart" I click restart, it boots up and it STILL says I need to update! Could it be because, this computer ALSO has Microsoft Office 2003? If Office 2003 the problem, or is my luck just crap bad nowadays?

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Thumbnail Gone: Little Scrren Shoot On Thumbnail

May 25, 2007

just installed latest update to Vista Ultimate 64 and ever since i no longer have my AVI media thumbnails (little scrren shoot on thumbnail). I have tried to uninstall the updates and making sure that the Always show icon, never thumbnails option in Tools/Folder options/ View/ is not selected but still no luck.

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Windows Restart During Hibernation

Mar 23, 2008

Very often, my computer will restart during hibernation. Occasionally, after the restart it will give me an error message to the effect of "Windows had to shut down unexpectedly...". Very occasionally, it will tell me it was a hard drive error associated with hibernation.

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Cant Restart Windows, Nsl Files Missing

Nov 16, 2008

i just install a modified form of vista call nvidia revolution, after i change the language locate in my regional setting to chinese simplified and restart window, it come out that my window cant start and some file is missing or corrupt, the file is something call nsl file......i cant even start in safe mode and do the repair with vista recovery tool.

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Cannot Launch Windows Mail Unless I Restart Computer

Mar 23, 2008

When I click on my windows mail icon, it won't launch unless I restart my computer. Then it will launch and works fine but if I close the program, it won't launch again. I also get an error message that says the following: Outlook Express at 0x0359399d referenced memory at 0x0000006c. The memory could not be written. Click ok to terminate the program. At the top of the window this message appears in it says the following Outlook Express Foldersync Window Class: WinMail. exe-application error.

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working - Restart

Dec 23, 2008

I don't know if my Threadtitle fits the exact English message (doubt it) but that's my Problem. Since the start of my PC today my Windows Explorer stopped working, everytime i click on Computer or Control Panel. It always just restarts the Explorer and i got the same again. By searching the Error via Google i found 1000s of Topics about this Issue

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Folders And Subfolders ALL Opened Each Time I Restart Windows!

Mar 27, 2009

Each time I start Windows Mail again, ALL my (150 or so!) folders and subfolders are opened (unfolded)!!! This drives me crazy... Apparently, this does not happen when I close my folders, close Windows Mail and start it again, but only when the system is restarted (not set into sleeping state with Windows Mail staying open, but really restarted). I have even unchecked the option to automatically open the folders with unread messages, though I would like this one to work like in OE, but it did not suppress the problem. I cannot find another option to NOT develop the folders... 99% of my messages were imported from OE, if it may be a clue...

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Blue Screen Of Death Except Now It's White, Windows Could Not Restart

Apr 27, 2009

I bought an Asus G50-VT with Vista pre-installed. There was some sort of glitch while I was overnighting the download of a long file. Anyway I wound up at what I can only say was the blue screen of death except now it's white. It told me that Windows could not restart and I should insert my installation disk to repair a busted file which it also named. Looked and I had no installation disk, indeed I did not have any Windows disks at all included with the machine. I called Asus Tech Support. They told me that Microsoft no longer lets OEMs ship the windows disks. Although there were two disks called "recovery disks" the TS person said my only option was to hold down f9 to rebootr and WIPE THE DISK AND REINSTALL WINDOWS! So I lost all my data and have spent all morning recovering.

Was Asus right? You do not get install disks anymore even though a system message tells you to insert it? I only have a few days in which I could return this computer. Do other manufacturers like Sony or Hewlett Packard supply Windows Vista installtion disks with their machines? Or is Asus right? If it is just Asus that does not do this I feel I need to return this right away.

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Windows 7 System Restore Automaticly Deleted On Restart

Jul 30, 2009

everytime i restart the computer my system restore point that i made by my self is deleted and when i open system restore center i get a messege that no restore points were made and i made one my self further more i can see the file in systyem restore folder aproximatly 300mb but after restart he's not there what the problem could be?

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After Latest Auto Updates, Windows Wont Restart

Sep 30, 2008

the latest Vista updates were downloaded to my computer. I didn't restart my computer after the updates were downloaded. When I turned on my laptop this morning, the Startup Repair window comes up because windows failed to start. I've run the repair several times, and it's unable to repair. It lists the following

problem details:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepariV2
Problem Signature 01: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 02: 6.0.6000.163686.6.0.6001.1800
Problem Signature 03: 5
Problem Signature 04: 262148
Problem Signature 05: BadDriver
Problem Signature 06: BadDriver
Problem Signature 07: 0
Problem Signature 08: 3
Problem Signature 09: WrpRepair
Problem Signature 10: 10
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Local ID: 1033

So, I see that part (if not all) of the problem is bad drivers. Why is this so and how can I fix it? I have a Gateway M-Series laptop (about 10 months old).

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Unexpected Error: Restart Computer And Installation Of Windows

Apr 26, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 1521 laptop that this past week decided to do a Windows update and afterwards was running at 100% cpu and really slow. After everything I did and everything I knew to do I decided to clean the HD and re-install the OS. I partitioned the HD and tried to install Vista. It got all the way thru to the point it was "suppose" to reboot and ask for my name and comp info and just shut down. When I turned it back on a window popped up saying something to the effect of "windows restared unexpectedly or had an unexpected error please select ok to restart your computer and installation of Windows" so then I have to re-install all over again and it failed again and again. I ran the pre-boot system assessment and found out my HD crashed. I installed a new HD and ran the pre-boot assessment again and everything checks out but I'm still getting the box to pop up cause it keeps turning itself off at the same point as I mentioned above. I can't/ don't know how to get into DOS so I can check the motherboard but I'm getting ready to throw this thing up against the wall.

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Reverts Back To Windows Standard/Classic Theme After Restart

Apr 26, 2009

i'm kinda desperate atm. My laptop has this annoying habit of reverting back to windows standard/classic theme after almost every restart. I said almost as after 2/3 and sometimes even more, my aero theme correctly appeared. After another restart right after that, the problem occurs all over again. The search function in the start menu and windows explorer also 'failed to initialize' when in the said windows standard/classic mode.

I figured that this might have something to do with my user profile as I have the 'User Profile Service service failed the login. User profile cannot be loaded' problem once very recently but I've fixed it using the tutorial in this forum. The windows standard/classic theme problem had been on for quite a while back, before the user profile problem. Before all this happened, I've had this 'C:WindowsSystem32configsystemprofileDesktop refers to a location that is unavailable...' problem. I fixed that by copying all my files and folders in my C:Users[Username] folder to the location above and replacing all the files including desktop.ini. It is only after this that I've had the windows standard/classic theme problem.

I couldn't help but wonder if somehow my user profile has got something to do with it? Windows system restore could not fix this problem. By the way, I'm using a modified aero theme at the moment, using TuneUp Utilities 2009 on a Vista Home Premium 32bit Acer 5920G laptop.

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Windows Failed Restart Didn;t Catch Error Code

Jul 30, 2009

Vista 64 Home Premium. Woke to find my computer had rebooted itself during the night and Windows failed to restart. Didn't catch the error code, but the message said if Windows won't restart, insert startup disc and do a repair. That is what I ended up doing as Windows simply wouldn't start up. Anyway, repair worked but my desktop looks like from a week ago. The desktop icons for Thunderbird and a couple of other recently installed programs are no longer there. Their program folders, however, are still in the Program Files folder but with no .exe file. Is there a way to repair the programs so that they are in sync with my current windows install?

This is a new machine recently purchased from a popular online vendor. They installed Vista. I've only had it two weeks and have kept it in pristine condition and it has been working fine....until now. I think Vista tanked overnight during an update. I'm new to Vista, has this happened to others?

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Windows Crashed; Black Screen With Coursor: Cant Install New Windows

May 15, 2010

My Toshiba Labtop has crashed.I think a shared file was deleted. Labtop was operating under Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit.It happened right after uninstalling Java; because the dang updates kept popping up and it was getting annoying. Now whenever i start it, it comes to a black screen and a minute later a cursor pops up. Safe mode does not work.I have tried the recovery disk, but to no avail.I know im doing right because i purchased some Boots Disks off ebay and they come right up (PC wizard; Pc doctor).So i bought Windows Vista Ultimate and tried to install and i cant get to install thru boot.I ither need to know how to install windows thru boot, but id much rather just fix current windows.

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Insert Windows Installation Disc And Restart Your Computer, Choose Language Settings And Then Click Next

Apr 15, 2007

I am not sure what has happened but the following message appears when turning on my comp: Quote: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1) Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer
2) Choose your language settings and then click Next
3) Click 'Repair your Computer'.

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance. File: windowssystem32windload.exe. Status: 0xc000000e Info: the selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt. I have the disk but how do i boot from it? I am very worried i've broken my comp for good.

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Black Screen Before Loading Windows

Nov 30, 2008

I have a problem with Vista. When I start my computer, it displays a black screen for a couple of minutes before starting to load Vista. I don't really know what to say more, since I'm totally clueless with this one. What I've tried to do, is to update my drivers. I've also updated my BIOS. What should I try next?

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5.1 Sound: Windows See Use The Orange And Black Ones Too

Jun 14, 2006

get 5.1 sound with vista? I have a sound blaster live 5.1 installed, and I have sound, but only from the green jack. I need windows so see that I use the orange and black ones too. How do I do that?

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