Selecting Files And Change Setting

May 6, 2008

I recently upgraded from XP to Vista and for the most I really like the improvements. One thing that is annoying me is that if your folder view is details and you have your mouse set to select when you hover your cursor over a file it will select the file even if you hover over the size column or the type column etc. In XP it would only select if you hovered over the name of the file. Is there anyway to change this setting?

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Explorer - Selecting Files Using CTRL Key Are Not Next To Each Other

Apr 4, 2009

Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 with 4gb memory,When inside explorer, I can select continuous files by selecting the first file and pressing the Shift key plus last file. However when I try to select files using CTRL key plus files that are not next to each other, the highlighting comes off and I am unable to select files properly.Is this a known bug with Vista?

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Selecting Files Not Displaying Detail

May 6, 2008

I recently upgraded from XP to Vista and for the most I really like the improvements. One thing that is annoying me is that if your folder view is details and you have your mouse set to select when you hover your cursor over a file it will select the file even if you hover over the size column or the type column etc.
In XP it would only select if you hovered over the name of the file. Is there anyway to change this setting?

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Change The Setting IE 7

May 25, 2008

is there any way I change the settings in IE7, whenever it opens a new window, it is not maximized to the full screen size. I would ideally prefer all new windows to open as tabs in my current browser, and not as new pop up windows.

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Can Change Setting Of Desktop

Jun 24, 2008

can i change a setting on both my desktop (Ultimate) and laptop (Premium) so that either can "wake" the other? I know i can set the network card to "wake on LAN", but i tried that and i believe the machine (desktop) never went to sleep because the card was always active since i'm on a cable modem that's always on (memory is a little fuzzy on that, its been a while). Basically, i want to be able to access and wake either machine that may be "sleeping" without physically going to that location to wiggle the mouse, as it were.

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How To Reset Or Change The Setting

Mar 22, 2008

I don't know what I clicked, but my vista settings changed and I no longer have the little previews when I hover over the buttons on my bottom bar thingy, and my windows are no longer semi-transparent. Does anyone know what to reset or change to get these things back?

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Oversized Fonts, Change The Setting To 120 Dpi

Mar 23, 2008

The Fonts on my vista install seem to be larger than they should be. When I open dialog boxes the text extend past the edge of the window and gets cut off. The DPI is set to default but the setting also has a strike through it. (see image), also notice the text extending the form. If i change the setting to 120 dpi there is a noticeable difference. I've looked everywhere and can't find anything on this!

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Admin Account: How Change Setting?

May 4, 2010

I remember the solution involved creating an admin account to change a setting. I don't remember what I changed either. So that account sits there, unused, and I've decided to remove it. The problem is that I don't know how. In account management, for that account, there is no "delete the account" or "change account type" options. Does anyone know why this is?

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Change The Backup Time And Save This Setting?

Mar 23, 2008

I already have my backup settings configured, but wish to go in and change the backup time. How do I change the backup time and save this setting WITHOUT starting a new backup?

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Email Attachment Doesn't Setting Change

Mar 23, 2008

I receive a lot of e-mail from the same people and sometimes they come in as attachments when it's just a regular e-mail. It doesn't happen all the time. I sthere some setting I can change?

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How Can Access Center Delay Setting Change To Increase

Oct 24, 2008

im using the mouse hover activate feature in the ease of access center, i like it but the delay isnt long enough for me. Is there a registry setting i could change to increase it?

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Change Proxy Settings Or Try Resetting Local Connection Setting

Mar 23, 2008

i used advanced vista optimiser to give my laptop a good clean out as i do every week. but this time when i went to log on the diagnostic comes and says either change proxy settings or try resetting local connection setting. i tried resetting many a time which as done no good. web address bar states where its going but the diag box comes on in the mean time while this is all going on a new tab keeps on opening by its self and saying the same thing,this started to happen before i cleaned my l.p but it was just redirecting to a blank page.

that is why i did the clean.anyhow resetting the lan did not work so i reset the internet expolorer in the tools on the bar. which as worked but the same thing is still happening with the tab ,but now its redirecting to all the freebiee sites and it will not stop. i have spyware-adware-trojan software on my l.p and still no good it did pick up 3 infections which it sorted out, its driving me f*&^%*ng nuts:mad::mad:

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How To Change Default Setting Of Recent Items On The Start Menu

Nov 11, 2009

how to change the default setting of the Recent Items on the Start menu from alphabetical to date order in Vista Home Premium. I did it on my desktop a year ago- I seem to recall it was a Registry change- but on my laptop I'm stuck with the useless alphabetical order.

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Selecting OS Always Counts Down And Opens Default

May 31, 2008

Recently Dual booted Vista Prem 64bit and Ultimate 32 bit, when it comes to the sceen for selecting OS it always counts down and opens Default. You should be able to use Up/Down arrow keys, to select required OS, and Enter should activate instantly. Anyone any ideas to stop the countdown and transfer activation to keyboard keys.

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Change Click Behaviour Without Setting Up Umpteen User Profiles With 136 Sql Server Schemas

Jul 7, 2008

Is it just me or had vista consigned the art of the simple mouse-click to history. Why when i click on a folder does it always try to rename it ? If i wish to rename it i would right click like every othe microsoft OS ever created. Why when i click on a short cut from my desk top does nothing happen (no feedback that i have clicked) so i click again and get two (or more) application loading. Is there some where to change click behaviour without setting up umpteen user profiles with 136 sql server schemas? Most exaspereted - moving to linux - just need to convince my boss

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Vista Boots From The Cd It Goes To A Windows Is Setting Up Files,then Goes To A Black Screen Where There Is A Lilttle Green Bar Moving

Jul 4, 2008

Once vista boots from the cd it goes to a windows is setting up files,then goes to a black screen where there is a lilttle green bar moving. Now right after that it goes to a blueish screen where there is just the mouse cursor on the screen and just stays there? This is on all new hardware. Also this is a sata hard drive,

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Cannot Change Any Details Of Mp3 Files

Jul 11, 2008

I cannot change any details of all mp3 files such as the name of artist, album, genre and the title on the mp3 file itself. I mean when I right click on a mp3 file and go properties-->details, I cannot change anything here. When I open that file via Tag&Rename, I can see all details of that mp3 file. But on windows I cannot. One week ago there was no proplem. I used CCleaner to clean my registry and afterwards some problems arised.

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Mswmm Files: Change The File Extension To Like .WMV.

May 26, 2008

I have seen the replies about MSWMM files and understand that I have to change the file extension to something like .WMV. But how do I do this? I have tried various things but none seem to work. The tinyurl references published in other answers don't help, and the Microsoft reference is utterly useless. Why do I get an .MSWMM ext. anyway? SHouldn't Vista automatically supply a useable file extension, or is it something to do with a pre-installed program in my Sony Vaio laptop??? Grateful for advice.

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Change The Folder To Which Files Are Down Loaded To In Vista

May 8, 2010

How can I change the folder to which files are down loaded to in Vista?

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Restore Points: Not Change Configurations Or Files

Jun 12, 2009

I have been emailing back and forth with a microsoft support technician for the past few days, and they want to reinstall vista with a recovery disc and delete certain program files. They assure me it will not change any of my configurations or files, but I still want to be safe and create a full restore point. I'm not computer savvy at all, and from what I have been reading about restore points, it seems like it will only save your user settings and configuration, but not files.

Long question short, is there any way to create a system restore and save it to a (big) disc to where it saves EVERYTHING on my computer as it is right now? Like as in if something goes wrong I can bring it completely back to what it was before?

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Change ALL 2003.doc Files To 2007 .docx?

Nov 17, 2009

What is the easiest way to change all of my (thousands of) MS Office 97-2003 .doc files to .docx format? When I first bought my HP dv5t laptop a year ago, I also had an older desktop that didn't have Word 2007 on it --- it still had Word 2003, so in order to work back and forth, I saved everything in 97-2003, so I could do that. Now, I'm not using the older desktop anymore, and I can't think of any reason not to save in 2007 .docx format. So, is there some PAINLESS way to convert all of my older 97-2003 .doc files to docx files? I have many thousands of files, so I can't do it individually -- is there some way to do it globally?

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How Change Default Destination Folder For Saving Files?

Apr 9, 2008

In particular, when saving an email attachement, in this case a word file, the default location is the Documents folder. How could I change this in Vista so that whenever I do a Save As, it points to my, lets say, Temp folder instead?

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Change Default Destination Folder For Extracted .zip Files.

Sep 8, 2009

I download several .zip files a day, and when I extract them, the default destination folder is Documents. Is there any way to change the default to another folder? I am using Vista Home Edition.

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Mp3 Files Details: Cant Change Any Details Of All Mp3 Files Such As The Name Of Artist

Feb 23, 2008

I have a problem in my laptop vista ultimate 46 bit the problem is I cant change any details of all mp3 files such as the name of artist, album, genre and the title on the mp3 file itself. I tried lots of solutions such as download k-lite mega codec and divx and the problem still. Also on the details pane on the bottom of each folder. I am waiting for your solution cause I had this problem before twice and I formated the laptop but this time I want a real solution

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Change Vista's Visual Style With Hacked System Files

Mar 20, 2007

Changing the visual style of Windows is something that has become very popular over the years with Windows XP.  In Windows Vista, this is just starting to gain momentum with the release of a few cool hacked visual styles. These alternative visual styles are replacements for the default Aero glass style and offer slight tweaks on the design.  Over time there will be more and more higher quality visual styles released for Windows Vista. 

If you want to get started, you will need to download the hacked visual style skinning engine files from Rafael Rivera’s  site.  Rafael has both x86 and x64 versions available. These modified system files remove the requirement for visual style files to be digitally signed by Microsoft.  If you need help replacing the system files with the modified files, check out my article on working with system files in Windows Vista. 

UPDATE: There is now an automated utility that allows you to patch your visual style skinning engine files with just one click. Click here to check it out.

Make sure you replace all three hacked system files:...

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Chaning Setting Control Pannel, Power Setting : Registry Resets Not

Jun 22, 2008

It has happened occasionally, but with no predictability that I can see. I change settings in control pannel / power settings / balanced to 10 min for monitor and never for computer. I check the "advanced settings" to assure that they are the same. I use balanced because that seems to be the default in the registry. I do not see the actual settings in the registry. Every so often Vista resets the settings back to 20 min for the monitor. I have looked at but it speaks of "System Settings page" - I don't know what that is. In any case, my settings have no effect and I can't get the monitor to dependably go to standby after 10 minutes.

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When Started Moving/ Downloading Files I Had To Change My UAC (user Account Control) Settings Lower, Or Remove Them All Together

Aug 13, 2008

When I got started moving/ downloading files I had to change my UAC (user account control) settings lower, or remove them all together. Will this have an adverse effect to my lap top? Note: I don't have the site up yet.

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Setting Up SLI?

Jan 23, 2009

building my rig that I can't stop! So I have a second EVGA GTX 260 on order. Any hints or tips on get SLI up and running?

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Setting To Appear Like XP

Jun 17, 2008

I am looking for a registry tweak that will allow me to change the default Vista theme to the Windows Classic theme. I want do get the registry entry so I can apply this to multiple machines in my domain using a logon script. Please dont' tell me to go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization. I know to do that. Just need to know the key(s) I have to change to make it permanent for every user who logs on.

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Setting Up Outlook

Feb 1, 2010

when i purchased my laptop a few years back i did not know that i had outlook on my computer - how do i set this account up. i have tried by using the instructions but that's not working for me. would like for outlook to be my default email account.

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Graphics Or Setting

Nov 5, 2008

Ok well let's begin. My father n law has a HP machine with Vista on it. Ever since he purchased it he when viewing webpage's, the headers and stuff like words overlap each other and it is very hard to read. Now it is not on all webpage's but on most, and it is not the main text. For instance when you log onto EBAY, all the links on the left under Shop Your Favorite Categories are messed up. The clickable words are on top of each other yet spread out a little. Please help me out so we can get this resolved. I tried to adjust the display setting for a larger screen but that did not work. His screen settings are maxed out. I think 1440x900 @ 32 bit. I know this really does not make a whole lot of sense but it is hard to explain.

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