How Can Access Center Delay Setting Change To Increase

Oct 24, 2008

im using the mouse hover activate feature in the ease of access center, i like it but the delay isnt long enough for me. Is there a registry setting i could change to increase it?

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Change The Setting IE 7

May 25, 2008

is there any way I change the settings in IE7, whenever it opens a new window, it is not maximized to the full screen size. I would ideally prefer all new windows to open as tabs in my current browser, and not as new pop up windows.

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Can Change Setting Of Desktop

Jun 24, 2008

can i change a setting on both my desktop (Ultimate) and laptop (Premium) so that either can "wake" the other? I know i can set the network card to "wake on LAN", but i tried that and i believe the machine (desktop) never went to sleep because the card was always active since i'm on a cable modem that's always on (memory is a little fuzzy on that, its been a while). Basically, i want to be able to access and wake either machine that may be "sleeping" without physically going to that location to wiggle the mouse, as it were.

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How To Reset Or Change The Setting

Mar 22, 2008

I don't know what I clicked, but my vista settings changed and I no longer have the little previews when I hover over the buttons on my bottom bar thingy, and my windows are no longer semi-transparent. Does anyone know what to reset or change to get these things back?

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Selecting Files And Change Setting

May 6, 2008

I recently upgraded from XP to Vista and for the most I really like the improvements. One thing that is annoying me is that if your folder view is details and you have your mouse set to select when you hover your cursor over a file it will select the file even if you hover over the size column or the type column etc. In XP it would only select if you hovered over the name of the file. Is there anyway to change this setting?

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Oversized Fonts, Change The Setting To 120 Dpi

Mar 23, 2008

The Fonts on my vista install seem to be larger than they should be. When I open dialog boxes the text extend past the edge of the window and gets cut off. The DPI is set to default but the setting also has a strike through it. (see image), also notice the text extending the form. If i change the setting to 120 dpi there is a noticeable difference. I've looked everywhere and can't find anything on this!

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Admin Account: How Change Setting?

May 4, 2010

I remember the solution involved creating an admin account to change a setting. I don't remember what I changed either. So that account sits there, unused, and I've decided to remove it. The problem is that I don't know how. In account management, for that account, there is no "delete the account" or "change account type" options. Does anyone know why this is?

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Change The Backup Time And Save This Setting?

Mar 23, 2008

I already have my backup settings configured, but wish to go in and change the backup time. How do I change the backup time and save this setting WITHOUT starting a new backup?

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Email Attachment Doesn't Setting Change

Mar 23, 2008

I receive a lot of e-mail from the same people and sometimes they come in as attachments when it's just a regular e-mail. It doesn't happen all the time. I sthere some setting I can change?

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Access The Network And Sharing Center

Mar 23, 2008

Just recently I turned on my laptop that runs Windows Vista Home premium and it won't identify the network. I haven't changed any of the settings on my laptop and it just started doing this. It will connect to my wireless network, but it says the Access is Local Only. There is a strong signal and everything and my roommate that has the exact same computer has no problem connecting and getting online.

Whenever I access the Network and Sharing Center and click on the red X to find out what the problem is, a window pops up and says "There might be a problem with one or more network adapters on this computer. It gives me 3 options for repair: Restart the DHCP client service. Plug a cable into the network adapter "Local Area Connection". Automatically get new IP settings for the network adapter "Wireless Network Connection" I have tried all three of these and none of them work.

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Change Proxy Settings Or Try Resetting Local Connection Setting

Mar 23, 2008

i used advanced vista optimiser to give my laptop a good clean out as i do every week. but this time when i went to log on the diagnostic comes and says either change proxy settings or try resetting local connection setting. i tried resetting many a time which as done no good. web address bar states where its going but the diag box comes on in the mean time while this is all going on a new tab keeps on opening by its self and saying the same thing,this started to happen before i cleaned my l.p but it was just redirecting to a blank page.

that is why i did the clean.anyhow resetting the lan did not work so i reset the internet expolorer in the tools on the bar. which as worked but the same thing is still happening with the tab ,but now its redirecting to all the freebiee sites and it will not stop. i have spyware-adware-trojan software on my l.p and still no good it did pick up 3 infections which it sorted out, its driving me f*&^%*ng nuts:mad::mad:

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How To Change Default Setting Of Recent Items On The Start Menu

Nov 11, 2009

how to change the default setting of the Recent Items on the Start menu from alphabetical to date order in Vista Home Premium. I did it on my desktop a year ago- I seem to recall it was a Registry change- but on my laptop I'm stuck with the useless alphabetical order.

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New User, Setting Up, Couldn't Access

Feb 8, 2009

I posted before but couldn't get a resolution to my situation. I'm setting up a new user for me on my girl friends laptop. She is on as the Administrator, I created a 'new User' for myself but software such as Blackbery desktop, Google Chrome and the dial-up for my Blackberry don't seem to be accesable, at least not readily> I did go to the Google chrome folder and made it "sharable" with my user account but after going to my account, still couldn't access it unless it went through permission by administrator. I'm confused as I assumed that if any new user accounts were set up that all software that was down loaded and install while in the Administrators user account (my girl friend) that they would be easily accessable in any new user accounts that we set up, right? wrong?

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Change Click Behaviour Without Setting Up Umpteen User Profiles With 136 Sql Server Schemas

Jul 7, 2008

Is it just me or had vista consigned the art of the simple mouse-click to history. Why when i click on a folder does it always try to rename it ? If i wish to rename it i would right click like every othe microsoft OS ever created. Why when i click on a short cut from my desk top does nothing happen (no feedback that i have clicked) so i click again and get two (or more) application loading. Is there some where to change click behaviour without setting up umpteen user profiles with 136 sql server schemas? Most exaspereted - moving to linux - just need to convince my boss

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Media Center: Only Has Access To Media Center

Aug 15, 2008

I was thinking about creating a user that only has access to the Media Center. First thing i did it, configure the media center to boot with windows!

Now I need to:

1- know how configure him to open in the "Only Media Mode".

2- do something to block everything, but some games and 3 sites! gmail, yahoo and

To make it clear, i want to configure a user that may only use the media center, some games and access does 3 sites and nothing else!

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No Access To Windows Mail, Change Server?

Jun 5, 2009

My Windows Mail was activated through my previous web host in Portugal, but I changed to a new web host on 1st June and I no longer have access to Windows Mail. I would like to still use it. I am using in Cape Verde. I have an alternate mail system with the new host but would prefer to use Windows Mail. What info do I need and from whom? I wish to reactivate the account and email address I was using up.

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Network And Sharing Center "Windows Cannot Access \Computer Name"?

May 18, 2008

I click on view full map in Network and Sharing center on Vista, and I can see all the XP computers (because I installed the LLTD fix) sometimes I can click on the computers, sometimes I can't. I don't know why that is. Next, clicking on "View computers and devices" only shows my Laptop and router. Sometimes the other computers show up too, usually after a few tries or refreshes. When the XP computers do show up, and I double click to try to view the shared folders, I get the following error:

"Windows cannot access \Computer Name. Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose. Error code: 0x80070005 Access is denied."

Clicking on diagnose says this: "Windows did not find any problems with this computer's network connection." My firewalls are set to allow computers on the network. I've even turned them off and just let Windows Firewall do it's thing. I really don't understand the spelling error. I think if that can be fixed,
the network would work just fine.

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Cannot Access Files: "Network And Sharing Center"

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 laptops running Vista Home Premium and a Desktop running XP Home -- all are using the same WORKGROUP workgroup. Laptop 1 can see the desktop and access files without issues. Laptop 1 can see laptop 2 in the "Network and Sharing Center", but cannot access any files on it. Laptop 2 cannot see the desktop at all, nor can I type the "\desktop" path to get to it. Laptop 2 can see Laptop 1 and access the files without issues.

Laptop 1 and Laptop 2 have all the same settings that I could think of. Network and File Sharing settings, workgroup definition, etc. In fact they are basically the same laptops. I have been trying to get this to work for days now. I have rebooted all machines at some point a few times.

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Setting Up Users "denied Access"

Oct 8, 2009

I have an Ultimate PC private networked to a Home Premium with "Password connected sharing turned off, all other shares are on, except Media. I can see each PC and their hard drives on both but when I try to connect I am told that the user account I am logged on as is denied access. Where do I go and how do I allow access to the user on the PC's?

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Delay When Shutting Down

Sep 7, 2009

I recently installed Vista Home Premium on my computer. I have no problem with start up but am experiencing a 3 to 5 minute delay when shutting down. Is there anyway to check in order to determine what is causing my shutdown to "hang"?

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30-Second Delay On Welcome Screen

Jul 17, 2008

I just loaded Vista Ultimate x64 on a new system (e7200, 4GB Ram, Gigabyte mobo, etc. - a fast system). It boots fine until after I enter my login password and the word "Welcome" appears. This lasts for exactly 30 seconds until the screen goes briefly black and the desktop (quickly) loads. This seems like a really long delay on the welcome screen. Is this normal Vista behavior?

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Delay At Startup

Oct 23, 2009

Although this isn't a major issue, I was wondering if there is an fix here. At startup, once past the BIOS screen and Windows Vista screen, it goes black with just the cursor showing for maybe 75-90 seconds. Then the desktop will appear. I am using Vista Ultimate 32 bit on a Dell D620.

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Startup Delay & 100% CPU Frequency

Jun 18, 2006

The first issue is that Vista hangs for about 1 minute just after it's prepared the desktop before it allowing avast! and msn to run in the system tray. Just after msn / avast are allowed to run the wireless network icon appears in the system tray. I should just clarify, when I say "hangs" the OS doesn't freeze, there's just a minute or so delay before avast and msn are allowed to run - very annoying! I've disabled the onboard wired lan because I thought that it was perhaps trying to obtain an ip by dhcp, but that made no difference. The other issue is that my Intel Pentium M 1.7Ghz processor seems to be stuck at 100% Maximum Frequency and does't scale back to 600Mhz like it did under XP.

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Computer Delay In Shutting Down

Aug 21, 2009

I have a Vista 64 system and everything works just fine, problem is when I shut down the computer Vista will shut down and the computer will keep running for 10 to 15 min before it shuts down. Running AMD 4000 cpu I know that none of the programs in the computer are running during this shut down. It's almost like something in Vista forgot to tell the hard ware to quit. One other thing, I can change the hard drive with to one with windows xp on it and this computer will shut down just like it is suppose to.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When Access "Network And Sharing Center" /"User Accounts"

Oct 17, 2008

The control panel opens fine. I can access all items in the control panel except "Network and sharing center" and the "User accounts" (I can't access this sections via the taskbar either). What happens when I open one of the two items is I get a popup saying the following; WINDOWS EXPLORER HAS STOPPED WORKING. I used to be able to access these items. And one day, I just coulodn't anymore... I'm using Vista Ultimate x64

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Chaning Setting Control Pannel, Power Setting : Registry Resets Not

Jun 22, 2008

It has happened occasionally, but with no predictability that I can see. I change settings in control pannel / power settings / balanced to 10 min for monitor and never for computer. I check the "advanced settings" to assure that they are the same. I use balanced because that seems to be the default in the registry. I do not see the actual settings in the registry. Every so often Vista resets the settings back to 20 min for the monitor. I have looked at but it speaks of "System Settings page" - I don't know what that is. In any case, my settings have no effect and I can't get the monitor to dependably go to standby after 10 minutes.

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How To Reset Delay Choosing Default

Aug 23, 2009

Have Vista 64 Home Premium on a Toshiba A505 S6960. Need to know how to reset the time delay -currently about 4 seconds- that Vista pauses before choosing default from menu choices. Sometimes can't get there with this built in mouse in that time period. Can't find any setting for it in the Mouse in Control Panel or in the Toshiba settings.

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Delay Accessing Toolbars Or Start

Jan 14, 2010

The system is a vista x64, Dell machine with Vista pre-installed. I had trouble and had to re-install the Vista from their supplied disk. The system appears to boot up and run normally, EXCEPT that most of the time when I move the cursor over the taskbar none of the items will highlight and cannot be accessed. This can take up to 10 seconds or so of waiting for them to activate. It happens about 75% of the time that I try to activate something fro the taskbar. This involves the entire taskbar including quickstart, start and any active programs. If I hit the "CTL-ALT-DLT" and cancel it becomes active immediately.

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Startup Script Loading Registry Delay

Mar 23, 2008

I have a VBS startup script that works fine with Win 2000, XP, 2003 but will not function properly on Vista. The startup script's purpose is to load the registry hive of the Default User (Default for Vista) profile, make a change and unload the hive. If I manually run the VBS script on Vista it works fine, however when I run it as a startup script it fails. Specifically the startup script is failing at loading the default user profile hive.

Does anyone know what has changed in Windows Vista that prevents the loading of a registry hive durring a startup script? I have tried putting in a delay, however this didn't correct the issue. I am using reg.exe to load the hive.

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Mysterious Delay Entering Logon Password

Mar 23, 2008

We're a 2 person office on a little network. My partner's Vista laptop just started to pause for about 20 secs after she types in her password and hits enter to logon... after a period of no use. What might cause this?

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Delay In Startup - Black Screen & Mouse Pointer

Sep 28, 2009

My girlfriend has recently (August 09) purchased a Dell Inspiron 15 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium x64 edition pre-installed. Everything was absolutely fine for a week or so, but now whenever the computer starts up, it goes through the welcome screen etc in normal time, then the screen goes black with a mouse pointer (which one can move freely), for about 1 - 2 minutes. After these few minutes, the desktop loads perfectly fine. It would be okay, but it's a really new laptop and it's a little bit annoying. I've tried everything I can think of to sort it out, but I'm getting sick of it.

Here's a list of what I've tried: Had a play with services.msc (I'm not an idiot, I know what I'm doing). Had a play with the msconfig startup services to remove AVG watchdog. Tried to load 'last known good configuration'. Tried some bootup stuff. Installed some original Dell software which I had removed. There's still nothing and I'm starting to stress out. My girlfriend is at university now, and she's patient but it's not really fair on her to have to wait too long for her laptop to startup, because it's an amazing laptop!

Here are the specifications: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit Edition (Service Pack 1) Intel Pentium Dual Core CPU T4200 (2.0GHz) 4Gb DDR2 RAM ATi Mobility Radeon HD4570 (512mb Dedicated)

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