Startup Delay & 100% CPU Frequency

Jun 18, 2006

The first issue is that Vista hangs for about 1 minute just after it's prepared the desktop before it allowing avast! and msn to run in the system tray. Just after msn / avast are allowed to run the wireless network icon appears in the system tray. I should just clarify, when I say "hangs" the OS doesn't freeze, there's just a minute or so delay before avast and msn are allowed to run - very annoying! I've disabled the onboard wired lan because I thought that it was perhaps trying to obtain an ip by dhcp, but that made no difference. The other issue is that my Intel Pentium M 1.7Ghz processor seems to be stuck at 100% Maximum Frequency and does't scale back to 600Mhz like it did under XP.

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Delay At Startup

Oct 23, 2009

Although this isn't a major issue, I was wondering if there is an fix here. At startup, once past the BIOS screen and Windows Vista screen, it goes black with just the cursor showing for maybe 75-90 seconds. Then the desktop will appear. I am using Vista Ultimate 32 bit on a Dell D620.

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Startup Script Loading Registry Delay

Mar 23, 2008

I have a VBS startup script that works fine with Win 2000, XP, 2003 but will not function properly on Vista. The startup script's purpose is to load the registry hive of the Default User (Default for Vista) profile, make a change and unload the hive. If I manually run the VBS script on Vista it works fine, however when I run it as a startup script it fails. Specifically the startup script is failing at loading the default user profile hive.

Does anyone know what has changed in Windows Vista that prevents the loading of a registry hive durring a startup script? I have tried putting in a delay, however this didn't correct the issue. I am using reg.exe to load the hive.

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Delay In Startup - Black Screen & Mouse Pointer

Sep 28, 2009

My girlfriend has recently (August 09) purchased a Dell Inspiron 15 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium x64 edition pre-installed. Everything was absolutely fine for a week or so, but now whenever the computer starts up, it goes through the welcome screen etc in normal time, then the screen goes black with a mouse pointer (which one can move freely), for about 1 - 2 minutes. After these few minutes, the desktop loads perfectly fine. It would be okay, but it's a really new laptop and it's a little bit annoying. I've tried everything I can think of to sort it out, but I'm getting sick of it.

Here's a list of what I've tried: Had a play with services.msc (I'm not an idiot, I know what I'm doing). Had a play with the msconfig startup services to remove AVG watchdog. Tried to load 'last known good configuration'. Tried some bootup stuff. Installed some original Dell software which I had removed. There's still nothing and I'm starting to stress out. My girlfriend is at university now, and she's patient but it's not really fair on her to have to wait too long for her laptop to startup, because it's an amazing laptop!

Here are the specifications: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit Edition (Service Pack 1) Intel Pentium Dual Core CPU T4200 (2.0GHz) 4Gb DDR2 RAM ATi Mobility Radeon HD4570 (512mb Dedicated)

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CPU Maximum Frequency Always 100%

Jun 11, 2008

Why is the CPU Maximum Frequency is always 100%?

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Clock Syncronization With Internet - Change Update Frequency?

Apr 1, 2009

In the information on computer clock syncronization with an internet time server I read: "Your clock is typically updated once a week". Is there any way I can change this interval? My computer clock isn't too accurate so I should like to syncronize say at least daily instead of once a week.

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Delay When Shutting Down

Sep 7, 2009

I recently installed Vista Home Premium on my computer. I have no problem with start up but am experiencing a 3 to 5 minute delay when shutting down. Is there anyway to check in order to determine what is causing my shutdown to "hang"?

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30-Second Delay On Welcome Screen

Jul 17, 2008

I just loaded Vista Ultimate x64 on a new system (e7200, 4GB Ram, Gigabyte mobo, etc. - a fast system). It boots fine until after I enter my login password and the word "Welcome" appears. This lasts for exactly 30 seconds until the screen goes briefly black and the desktop (quickly) loads. This seems like a really long delay on the welcome screen. Is this normal Vista behavior?

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Computer Delay In Shutting Down

Aug 21, 2009

I have a Vista 64 system and everything works just fine, problem is when I shut down the computer Vista will shut down and the computer will keep running for 10 to 15 min before it shuts down. Running AMD 4000 cpu I know that none of the programs in the computer are running during this shut down. It's almost like something in Vista forgot to tell the hard ware to quit. One other thing, I can change the hard drive with to one with windows xp on it and this computer will shut down just like it is suppose to.

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How To Reset Delay Choosing Default

Aug 23, 2009

Have Vista 64 Home Premium on a Toshiba A505 S6960. Need to know how to reset the time delay -currently about 4 seconds- that Vista pauses before choosing default from menu choices. Sometimes can't get there with this built in mouse in that time period. Can't find any setting for it in the Mouse in Control Panel or in the Toshiba settings.

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Delay Accessing Toolbars Or Start

Jan 14, 2010

The system is a vista x64, Dell machine with Vista pre-installed. I had trouble and had to re-install the Vista from their supplied disk. The system appears to boot up and run normally, EXCEPT that most of the time when I move the cursor over the taskbar none of the items will highlight and cannot be accessed. This can take up to 10 seconds or so of waiting for them to activate. It happens about 75% of the time that I try to activate something fro the taskbar. This involves the entire taskbar including quickstart, start and any active programs. If I hit the "CTL-ALT-DLT" and cancel it becomes active immediately.

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Mysterious Delay Entering Logon Password

Mar 23, 2008

We're a 2 person office on a little network. My partner's Vista laptop just started to pause for about 20 secs after she types in her password and hits enter to logon... after a period of no use. What might cause this?

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Long Delay In Recognizing USB Mass Storage Device

Mar 23, 2008

I have a USB mass storage device, and it takes vista around 30 minutes to recognize the two partitions (one is a 64 MB FAT32 partition and the other is a 111 GB FAT32 partition). On my old slow computer, XP will recognize the drive partitions within seconds. Is there some setting I need to change in vista to get this to work correctly? This is a drive for a digital music player, and I've tried different drives, so I know the drive itself isn't the problem.

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Drawing With Graphic Tablet, Delay To Appear Line On Screen

Nov 26, 2007

I recently installed Vista ultimate x64 (previously i used xp sp2) because i upgraded to 4gb of ram and xp doesn't recognize more than 3gb of ram. I'm a digital artist and i heavily use graphic tablet (Genius MousePen 8x6) for drawing in Photoshop CS3. I found x64 drivers for the tablet and i installed them and everything appeared to be ok. But when i draw for example a simple line, there is a delay to appear the line on screen. I mean delay in miliseconds, but is very annoying and it makes difficult to draw. In XP this was not happens, the line appeared in real time. I noticed when i plug the tablet that there is an annoying window called "Tablet PC Input Panel", this could be the problem? If yes how do i disable it?

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How Can Access Center Delay Setting Change To Increase

Oct 24, 2008

im using the mouse hover activate feature in the ease of access center, i like it but the delay isnt long enough for me. Is there a registry setting i could change to increase it?

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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Long Delay When Displaying Icons In Start Menu Subfolders

Mar 21, 2009

The Start Menu is extremely long opening folders and sbfolders. The magnifying glass turns round and round. It can take over one minute; however, if closing the menu and coming back, I find the folder I tried to open already open; if I try to open one of its sufolders, the same happens again with the subfolder.

I've read the tutorial at Menu Show Delay Time, but that method doesn't solve my case.

I don't know if there is any coincidence, but when this problem appeared all programs started to stop responding from time to time, more often Firefox.

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A Long Pause / Delay While Creating A New Mail Or Select Addressees

Apr 21, 2008

I am encountering a long pause / delay while creating a new mail or selecting addressees. Does anyone having this problem?

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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Startup Failure, Startup Recovery

Apr 27, 2008

The last couple of days I had a few times a startup error. It said something like Windows couldn't start normally. Run Startup Recovery (Recommended) Start Windows Normally. I did the Startup Recovery and then it worked again but the next day or so the same thing, otherwise my system runs fine.

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Keyboard Properties (repeat Delay/repeat Rate)

Feb 21, 2009

Have been using Vista about 18 months and have never found a cure for this problem: when the computer goes to sleep, the settings for 'repeat delay' and 'repeat rate' are erased. Typing slows down to a crawl, and I have to reset them every time I wake up the computer (I've added a quick link to Keyboard Properties because I know I'll use it at least once a day). Why hasn't there been a fix for this? I know I'm not the only one complaining.

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Nov 5, 2009

I dl'd Mozilla Firefox a day ago, and everything dl'd correctly and completely. But, when I shut down the cpu, it wouldn't start up at all. I did every diagnostic i could let the cpu do, ran a system restore (went all the way back to 10/25/09 restore point). then, i got it to run in safe mode. played with start-up options, and got the desktop to come up in normal mode, but then got error msg 0x800106ba (windows defender won't load), this meant that none of my security stuff loaded either. i ran a chkdisc thing too, and it stopped when looking through file data (stopped at 16%). thus, i am running the cpu in safe mode with networking, and the cpu is running fine. i know this means that there is a file issue. but i am not sure how to find it.

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Msascul.exe? Startup?

Sep 19, 2009

i have begun to notice a particular startup item by the name of MSASCul.exe, now google has been confusing it with MSASCui.exe which turns out to be windows defender, so still somewhat confused i have obtained autoruns and tried a verification on msascul.exe only for autoruns to come back as not verified, googling so far the correct msascul.exe has brought little information up and would hopefully like some verification on if its a genuine executable or some little nasty i need to catch.

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Slow Startup

May 6, 2009

I purchased my system (Laptop, dual core HP Paviolion dv6700) and installed vista home premium in December 2008. In the beginning system's performance was good but now (within 6 months) it starts so slow. What may be the problem.

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Startup Repair

Oct 9, 2009

Hi, i am trying to use the startup repair function booting from my vista disc. I have set it in BIOS so that it boots from the cd/dvd drive first. I put the disc in and restart and when it comes up saying boot from cd/dvd press any key i do so. The problem is everytime i do that my pc just starts up normally and doesn't load the vista disc so i cannot get on the options and run startup repair.

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ENABLING Log On At Startup

Aug 20, 2009

I had my laptop out for repairs, and when I got it back they had enabled the auto log on at startup. I don't like this because that way anyone could get into my computer when they turn it on.

How do I DIS-able this? I've found plenty of sites that enables it, but I don't want it on. Undoing the checkmark in the place that does it on Vista doesn't seem to do the trick.

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Hangs During Startup

Oct 23, 2008

I have built up a new system...been running perfectly since August 2008.

2 nights ago I had just finished an update to itunes and some other apple software which required a restart. Upon restart, the system hung while booting.didn't get to the user account log-in froze with a blackscreen with the mouse cursor sitting there in the middle.

I have done the following things and observed the following behaviour:I have not added any hardware to the system Windows Update has doing automatic updates the systems boots and runs perfectly in safe mode with networking I have reverted to a couple of different restore points prior to installing the apple change I have disabled all non-Microsoft software from starting up via Windows change I can get the system to boot to where it displays the user accounts login screen. When I click on an account and enter the password it will hang at that point. Mouse continues to respond but no further response. Disk drive light goes solid but no sound of the disk operating If at the user account log in screen I select to shut the system down it will hang during shutdown checking the event logs shows a range of various fatal errors.I can provide more info on this at later posts if needed but the messages look quite similar to other posts given for a range of different behaviours so I am not sure which if any are relevant. Booting to the Vista CD and doing a repair found no errors. In short, my perfectly happy and functioning system has suddenly gone mental for no obvious reason.

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Defender Won't Run At Startup

May 5, 2008

I've just noticed that Defender isn't running, even though the Registry key(HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun) is there. The path specified by this key (%ProgramFiles%Windows DefenderMSASCui.exe -hide) is valid. I can copy and paste it into a Run box and the process appears in the Task Manager (and stays there until I reboot). If I view the System Startup page in Spybot S&D the key exists. I've actually changed '%ProgramFiles%' to 'C:Program Files' (without the quotes) to see if it makes a difference - it doesn't. If I view the Startups tab in The Ultimate Troubleshooter it
finds the key but shows File Not Found in the Launch Command field.I'm at a bit of a loss. I thought perhaps the permissions had got screwed up for either the Windows Defender folder or the executable itself, but if that were the case, should I be able to run the command manually? In any case, the permissions can't be edited. Everything's greyed out.I'm quite happy to run without Defender; I'd just rather be the one who
decides. I'm concerned that to all intents and purposes it's supposed to be running but isn't.

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Startup And Reliability

Apr 4, 2008

Does Vista take as long to startup as everyone. Is using it a satisfying experience or a frustrating one? Does it hang a lot? I need a new computer but am turned off by Vista reviews. I am considering a Mac. Should a take the plunge or not?

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Programs On Startup?

Nov 23, 2009

I was just wondering how I can manage what programs come up/don't come up when I start my computer.

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Freezes On Startup

May 28, 2007

Today I was starting up my Custom Vista computer bought of Ebay as usual. The progress bar when starting that goes from left to right froze after liker 3 seconds. I restarted my PC using the button located on the actual computer. Then it prompted me to go into Safe Mode or Normal Mode. I went into normal mode and the same thing happened. I tried to restore my computer to an earlier date, which restored successfully, but it still freezes. I am now in Safe Mode with Networking and dont know how to get to Full Mode without it freezing.

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